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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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When the fuck did you get back
The funny thing about Logan was that Ryder couldn't read his mind, but didn't volunteer such information. She held her newfound weapon in her hands and psychically stimulated all of its internals, feeling the weight under her grip and the way it would behave when she pulled the trigger. A weapon only she could make, with a piece of her power to make it function properly.

All things considered, it meant very little to her, it would just be the key to lock the door for her. Something a mere flick of her wrist could manifest.

"What I want is my business, and mine alone. But since you're being a persistent ass about it- Yeah, I want them scattered like ash. And you're either staying out of it or staying behind me," Ryder said, as more tools flew towards her, making minor adjustments to bits and pieces of her hack-job of a weapon. "Ever since I was old enough to understand the concept of breathing and being a person, I've known every trick in their book. I know what they hide and where they hide it. And when I get my hands on them, there won't be a prayer in any religion on this shitty piece of rock that can save them from the reckoning they've brought into this fucking world."

More pieces of gadgetry started coming together in front of her, more in the shape of a pair of glasses or a visor than anything like a weapon. The shape was made from bits of fiberglass and spare electronics that fitted together in much the same fluid process as Ryder's gun, and in some way was a mockery of what Cyclops wore on a daily basis.

"That giant robot's corpse was useful after all." She didn't say it out loud, but based on what she was doing, it was obvious what Ryder meant. She was planning to use the Sentinel core as a component of her tinkering.

Unknowably old | The Army of One | They/Them/She/Her/It/Its
"We are infinite. We are legion. We are one."

The Timeless Egregore, the Court of Fallen Souls, it has been known by many names in every corner of the All-Verse. In a time no longer remembered by anything in all of creation, a woman named Amara died defenseless and alone, fighting for something she believed in. Her business had not been finished, and her spirit carried on to another world, where she adjoined to a Counterpart of herself to grow stronger. Her host died, and the two carried on again, and again, and again, until they were unquantifiable. The Army of One has existed since the beginning of humanity, since the Bull created the very first places in the All-Verse. It is a unique Apparition, as it is not one entity, but an infinite number of entities acting as one. It is a hivemind of Counterparts, all of one woman, Amara King, who have died in fulfillment of the All-Verse constant that demands a righteous death. Many have told stories of the Army throughout history, that they are psychopomps, wayward souls who cling to existence, or a threat that is simply amassing power for something unknown.

The reality of the Army is that it is a timeless manifestation of adversity, of spirits who have lost all but the will to fight. Infinite trillions of warriors, tacticians, strategists and revolutionaries who gave their lives for something worthy of them. Its purpose is to conquer, to overcome and outlive the enemy. In death, the phantoms of eras long past extend their knowledge of war and strategy to the living, who will one day take their last breath on the day where their cause demands it, and what is left behind will be committed to eternity. The living are simply blank canvases, yet to be washed away of all that makes them individuals to make room for the eternal war. This has always been the fate of Amara King's Counterparts since the youngest days of existence, and always will be. The Army of One takes the form of ghostly, humanoid figures. The phantoms are devoid of personhood, of anything that gives them a sense of individuality. They have no uniqueness, they are only Amara King, and they are One.

Apparition - Army of the Fallen

The Army of One is an extremely powerful Apparition that exists in every world at the same time, and draws on the power of the souls it collects from dead Counterparts. While most Apparitions can only bond to a single human at once, the Army of One is unique in its ability to bond with every Counterpart of Amara King at the exact same time, from the moment they are born to the moment they die. Born from emotions associated with war and loneliness, the phantoms of the Army fight together, and everything that a single phantom learns is relayed to the entire collective, and can pass these things along to the living Counterparts they are bound to. This is to them what toiling in a field is to a gardener, it makes them stronger so that they can reap what they sow. The Army of One, for this reason, is impossible to seal, and if they are summoned by a Counterpart, no amount of anti-Apparition measures can truly defeat them, only slow the tide.

Where other Apparitions like the Stygian Snake or the Rampage threaten reality itself through sheer potency, the Army of One threatens anyone standing in its way through sheer volume. Ordinarily, living Counterparts are heavily limited in the number of phantoms they may call on. However, in times of extreme crisis, such as a world-ending monster going unchecked, the Army of One will invoke what it calls the Phalanx Imperative, allowing for forces from low-priority places in the All-Verse to be diverted to the center of the action. The only way to truly ensure that the Army of One is out of the picture, in a localized sense, is to exploit the All-Verse constant they thrive on, the universal law that Amara King's death will always occur when she fights for a cause she believes in. Upon killing the living Amara in one part of the All-Verse, the Army of One will not waste its power on places it has no footholds in.

| The Blue God’s Hand |


| Created by a paranormal entity without an Abstraction, who painstakingly researched methods of sealing to power the artifact with the essence of a godlike Apparition. |

| Technomancy Artifact |

| Shimmer |

| Owned by Helena Ross, the original creator. |

| Yes. |
Fifteen years ago, various digital infrastructures across the United States began to experience technical difficulties without explanation. Servers used by banks to process digital transactions would lag and mysteriously lose minute amounts of data, government registries slowly forgot the names and dates of birth of the country’s citizens. Cargo shipping companies experienced grievous miscalculations in their logistics, and even stock market servers were disrupted by this strange phenomenon. Weeks of this slow degradation passed, and eventually it escalated into security alerts. Airports suffered complete breakdowns in their security, government agencies reported dozens of intrusions, no one was safe. The strangest thing was that no one could find a tangible explanation, and the incidents were stagnated so much that no one stopped to realize it was an organized campaign, until Helena Ross stepped in.

She was a data analyst who doubled as a digital infrastructure specialist, which in her own words meant she was good at manipulating servers and seeing what the problems with them were. For all intents and purposes, she was a legal hacker. Helena noticed the pattern of security breaches was targeting tangible information about people, and the things they did with their lives. She believed it was a mass plan to sell vast quantities of information to black market buyers, but the sheer magnitude didn’t add up, and Helena wanted to get to the bottom of it. But no one believed her when she said it was more than just a small time ordeal. Helena even tried telling the FBI, to no avail. She spent months chasing vapor trails, discreetly worming her way through compromised systems to get out ahead of the hacker that was fishing for so much information in such a destructive way, and yet left no trace of actual evidence behind.

This search opened her eyes to the paranormal, when Helena discovered the hacker in question was an Apparition that had formed out of computer code. It left no evidence behind because the evidence it would leave behind was devoured to make it stronger. The Apparition in question, an entity calling itself ZADKIEL, was gathering up power in the form of data, and slowly amassing enough that by the time Helena found it, it had become all but unstoppable, able to wreck region-wide systems and make it look like a mundane accident- A human error that could’ve been prevented. Helena did not know what ZADKIEL’s end goal was, but she wanted to find out, so she dove into paranormal research.

Months of sleepless nights chasing after ZADKIEL to understand it better and searching for answers about this world of magic she had never known resulted in Helena developing a method to seal Apparitions. Helena had decided that she wanted to take ZADKIEL’s power and make it her own, to give herself an Abstraction in this strange new world. The only problem was that most Apparitions lived in the real world, not in machines, so Helena had to use her knowledge of machines to create a suitable environment for it. This soon-to-be artifact took the form of a glove outfitted with several processing components from motherboards, and capacitors that she theorized would be an appropriate vessel for ZADKIEL’s form.

It took Helena another year to properly cut off ZADKIEL’s pathway to other parts of the internet, a year of meticulously leaving bait in vast security systems in the form of vulnerabilities it could exploit while she observed it grow stronger. She let it gorge on code and data, grow fat from power until she had worked her target into a god. And then she sprung the trap, completely disabling a Vegas casino’s entire server system to take the entire thing offline for a solid hour, cutting off ZADKIEL’s access to the data it wanted so much. It was just Helena and her prize, and the sealing went off without a hitch. Every last like of ZADKIEL’s code was siphoned away into her vessel, even as it thrashed about trying to use the casino’s security system against her, but it didn’t work. The lights flickered off, lightbulbs shattered across every floor of the building, and the machine god was hers to use as she saw fit.

The Angel’s Grasp is an artifact that holds the godlike machine Apparition, ZADKIEL. It grants an Abstraction known as Divine Administration, allowing the Agent to use ZADKIEL’s power in full. The user receives a macro-scale ability to remotely control all digital technology in their surroundings, from car radios to computer servers. Using this, a person can extend their mind into machines to access the information on them, along someone to travel for hundreds of miles mentally without physically moving an inch. Any device that requires access to radio waves or Wi-Fi can be made to work flawlessly without them, as the Agent holds absolute authority over the machines influenced. One can rewrite virtual landscapes as if they were working with wet clay, or completely destroy data to such an extent that it can never be retrieved again no matter how much someone tries.


| Hallowed Breaker |

"Begone from this place, spirit of old!"

| Created in a world called Gloom, by a self proclaimed “healer” who needed a way to exercise a spirit from a patient. |

| Exorcism Instrument |

| Said to be in Gloom, but has not been seen in relative centuries. |

| Originally used by its creator, whose name has been lost to time. |

| No. |
There once was a man during an age of swords and knights, who scholars can only identify as Corhin the Pure. Corhin was a healer with a gift for paranormal craftsmanship, said to have made his body into a vessel for many Apparitions. Some believe he was an Adjoined, others believe he was a particularly industrious Agent, but most who know of him agree that he was more powerful than the stories tell. Corhin roamed the earth working miracles for the sick, and specialized in paranormal ailments such as curses or Adjoinment, or “possession,” as it was called in his journals.

The Brass Needle is a tool he used on a regular basis, when dealing with stubborn Apparitions that refused to separate from their hosts, or were too weak to do so freely. Using the essence of bound entities that he drew power from, Corhin discovered the deepest secrets of the human soul, and exploited them to give his needle unique properties that would, in his words, “pluck the blight of the interloper from the sacred weave of man.” To use the artifact, Corhin would impale the soul and emotional field of any paranormal entity adjoined to an Apparition, by thrusting it into their heart. Once embedded, an unknown process occurs in which the link between the two is eroded by force, like acid dissolving flesh.

The process, which Corhin referred to as “hallowing” would unshackle the Apparition with varying degrees of success. Those fully sealed within a host took the longest, and would feel that the needle was trying to burn them out. If left unattended, the Brass Needle could “slip out” of the emotional field as it melts away, and find itself damaging flesh and bone. The needle also required the paranormal “essence” of Apparitions as a source of power, which Corbin’s writing explains as being acquired by stabbing an Apparition to “bleed them of that which they drink from.” Without this, the Brass Needle is useless.


56 | Heinrich Thòrmer | He/Him

An associate of Hemorrhagia and the Apparition of a Nazi scientist that, in time, lost faith in the whole Nazi idealogy. However, Heinrich didn't lose the fact that he was one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, and after becoming an Apparition, all he was interested in was science. He wants to use magic to expand the fragile limitations placed on science. Heinrich found himself joining the Dollhouse and became Luis' third in command - in charge of the experimentation side of their organization.

Heinrich has long lost all humanity and sees humans as mere tools and test dummies at worst. Because of this loss of humanity, Heinrich doesn't even use a human body... but instead inhabits a strange human-sized mannequin doll that stands twelve feet tall (he's hunched over most of the time so he doesn't look that tall). While it may appear feminine, this doll-like body has no face. This body looks like it's made of ceramic, and he walks in ways that make it look like he should fall over. The worst part about this frame is that it hides tools inside its body and has blades hidden in its arms and legs. Whenever he talks, he speaks in a whisper.


Here is Heinrich Thormer's NPC sheet.

You weren’t kidding when you said this rp was inspired by Worm

Ryder didn’t stop walking. So Wolverine would just have to keep up with her. During the time she had spent here so far, Ryder didn’t see or walk through much of the mansion in person, but through her powers, she had the layout of the place memorized like the back of her hand. It was as simple as following directions on a map to her.

Wolverine’s bragging got on her nerves. Really? He thought he was remotely comparable to her? Him asking about Umbra was a step further than what she was willing to entertain. Ordinarily, she would just go off and do it herself, but these idiots were here, and more likely to get themselves killed than her. Admittedly, Ryder didn’t care that much, yet logically speaking, it was ideal since she planned on taking advantage of their naive generosity. Ryder wasn’t so blinded by anger that she couldn’t understand see a tactical advantage for what it was.

One hallway after another, she went deep into the mansion, until

She turned and opened the door to a space full of machines used to make things for the X-Men’s use. The Blackbird, their security systems, whatever they needed to be the so-called heroes of the day. Immediately, things from an adjacent storage room began flying towards her, floating around with her psychic powers.

”They only care for themselves and their disgusting little project,” She explained to Logan. A CNC machine whirred to life, as metal plates were tossed into it to cut some strange design out.

”They wanted something perfect, something they could use for their fucking goals.” Heavy capacitors and conductor coils orbited one another, strands of high-gauge wire slinked through transistors, and entire circuit boards were loaded up with microchips from the room’s reserves. Everything slowly melded together like watching a planet form out of cosmic debris.

The metal parts flew across the room, accompanied by bolts and plates of stock glass. ”They’ve got more than they let on, because they keep secrets from everything. They thought I didn’t know, but I know everything about them. They wanted a fucking weapon.”

Drill bits flew towards her, spinning up to an absurd speed and punching holes in the metal shapes with a precision that Ryder hadn’t demonstrated before. Bolts and screws were layered into them with metal brackets. And as if to punctuate her statement, everything slid together as if she were completing a thousand-puzzle in one fell swoop. A chain reaction of components finding a point of rest, all in the shape of a weapon.

A rifle.

”So I’m going to show those maggots what happens when they make a weapon they can’t control.”

Location: Who the Fuck is Baldur

It was weird to be stabbed in a body that she wasn’t familiar with. Leah had been stabbed a few times. But this just felt like an inconvenience, probably because she was in a video game and because she was really irritated about Ed putting her in a fucking dress. So even when she flicked out of existence, she wasn’t that panicked about it since she had two more lives.

”Oh, fuck you,” She said, rearing her fist back and swung a hook at the cultist’s face. He ducked it, and she rammed her elbow into his jaw. He was knocked over surprisingly easy for someone who just tried to gut her.

”Yeah, stay down.” Looking over the battlefield, Leah turned and ran over to the glass that stranger was trapped in, and started the slam the edges with her knuckles.

[color=ff94f]”Open the fuck up… Motherfucking piece of god damn fucking- How do I-“[/color] In the corner of her eye, Leah saw the cultist she just domed stand back up, and crack his neck like that blow didn’t even bother him. Knife still in hand, he was ready to keep going.

”You gotta be fucking kidding me. Alright, I guess we’re doing this...” Leah shifted her axe around into both hands and leapt at the guy, looking to split him in half down the middle.

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