Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Welcome to the mysterious and enigmatic realm of The Compendium, a tome shrouded in secrets and whispered legends. Within its weathered pages lie the tales of artifacts—objects of unimaginable power and significance that have shaped the very fabric of existence in the All-Verse. The Compendium is more than just a book; it is a doorway to a world where reality intertwines with the arcane, where the mundane meets the extraordinary.

As you leaf through its ancient parchment, you will journey through time and space, delving into these mystical relics' origins, histories, and fates. From the legendary All-Blade, whose very existence defies comprehension, to the fabled Starheart, a gem that holds the essence of a dying star, each artifact holds a story waiting to be unveiled.

But beware, dear reader, for the secrets contained within The Compendium are not for the faint of heart. As you delve deeper into its pages, you will encounter tales of triumph and tragedy, heroes and villains, gods and mortals. Yet, amidst the darkness, there is always a glimmer of hope, a beacon of light that illuminates the path forward.

So, gather close and heed the words within these hallowed pages, for The Compendium is more than just a book—it is a key to unlocking the mysteries of the All-Verse and the artifacts that shape its destiny.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 mos ago 8 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Manifestation of Destiny |

"Weapon forged from the dreams of countless souls, granting power beyond mortal comprehension."

| Its origins remain mysterious - no one knows why or how this magnificent blade existed. According to legend, the All-Blade manifests humanity's deepest desire to shape their destiny. |

| All-Powerful Weapon |

| The Pit |

| Throughout history, the All-Blade has been sought after by warlords, tyrants, kings, queens, and individuals who seek to make a difference in the All-Verse. However, its current owner, if any, is a mystery. |

| No. |
The All-Blade, a relic of unparalleled power, echoes throughout the All-Verse

This legendary weapon surpasses even the most potent Abstractions, its abilities rivaling even the might of the Ancients. The All-Blade’s wielder gains the power to manipulate the universe with a mere thought, bending and reshaping dimensions at will. The blade acts as a conduit, linking itself to its bearer’s soul and channeling its most profound desires to shape and create entire universes. A single slash from the All-Blade can dissolve the boundaries between worlds, merging them into one. The All-Blade’s power also extends to the emission of powerful energy forms. The wielder can launch beams, waves, or even balls capable of decimating foes or large areas, further emphasizing the blade's versatility in battle. These energy attacks carry the same universe-altering potency as the blade itself, able to destabilize matter and magic alike.

Among its many abilities, one of the most coveted is its capacity to open portals to any location within the All-Verse. With a mere gesture, the wielder can tear open doorways between dimensions, enabling instantaneous travel across realms, no matter how inaccessible. It is also one of the few artifacts capable of granting access to the Pit and the Void - two realms feared by even the most daring souls. Beyond this, the All-Blade's edge is so supernaturally sharp that it can slice through anything, from the densest matter to the intangible barriers that separate realities. Additionally, anything struck by the All-Blade experiences a delayed regeneration, making it much harder for the victim or object to reform itself for a time, whether physically or magically. No substance, magical or otherwise, can withstand its strike. The blade can obliterate entire worlds with a focused slash, casting them into the Pit. This destruction erases the very existence of a realm, a power so immense that only a wielder deeply attuned to the All-Verse can wield it without causing catastrophic consequences.

Merely grasping the All-Blade grants its wielder access to untold knowledge. They can peer into any dimension within the All-Verse, witnessing the birth and death of stars, wars, struggles, and the rise of new worlds. Yet, to unlock the blade’s full potential, the wielder must embark on a journey of self-discovery. They must open their mind to the All-Verse, learn to understand the interconnectedness of all life and confront the mysteries of their existence. This path requires them to face their deepest fears, desires, and doubts, discovering their true self before they can fully command the blade’s overwhelming power. Only those who can attune themselves to the subtle rhythms of the All-Verse can handle the God-like abilities the All-Blade bestows without being consumed by them.

As one of the most sought-after and powerful artifacts in the All-Verse, the All-Blade has been pursued by warlords, tyrants, kings, queens, and those who strive to make a lasting impact. However, it was last used to seal away the catastrophic entity known as The Rampage in the Pit, where it remains to this day. Even the most power-hungry and reckless individuals are unwilling to face the dangers of the Pit in their quest for the blade's unimaginable power.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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| The Symbol of Agony |

"A grim reminder of the agony that power inflicts upon the powerless."

| Punishment, known as the antithesis to the Tyrant Destroyer series of artifacts, was forged by a king consumed by his thirst for power and control. |

| Barbed Wire Spear of Tyranny |

| After its creation, Punishment was wielded by brutal individuals in the All-Verse. However, it was ultimately thrown into The Pit, believed to be inaccessible for further malicious use. |

| The king, only known as King Krule, who commissioned its creation, was the first wielder of Punishment. Subsequent wielders, driven by brutality and cruelty, used the spear to enforce their rule and inflict agony upon their enemies. |

| No. |
Known as the anthesis to the Tyrant Destroyer series of artifacts, as, in a way, it represents tyranny itself. It was wielded and created by a king who sought to forge a weapon capable of dishing out the worst agony to those who dared oppose him or defy his rule. The king's obsession with his power and control drove him to seek out Orange Adepts to craft the spear, infusing it with the agony of an empire. However, the first wielder of The Tyrant Destroyer V felled this king, but his legacy lived on with each person "punished" by the spear, and Punishment remains used by only the most brutal individuals in the All-Verse. Punishment's appearance emanates a chilling aura of oppression and fear to anyone who gazes upon it, a long-shafted spear coated with brutal barbed wire spikes with a razor-sharp point.

True to its name, those unfortunate enough to face the wrath of Punishment were subjected to unimaginable agony. Upon impact, Punishment creates a searing pain that radiates through every nerve and fiber of the victim's being. Each victim receives extraordinary pain as the Spear magically detects the worst pain (burning, aching, piercing, etc) to that victim and inflicts it on them. It only lasts for a few seconds. However, the pain is so intense that it will live with the victim for years. However, Punishment has a secondary effect on the victim that is hit by it: it creates barbed wire that dances across the victim's skin as it forces itself through the victim's flesh. The longer the Punishment is against the victim, the more barbed wire will appear, and it could potentially kill the victim. Punishment is also supernaturally durable and can survive some of the most potent Paranormal attacks.

Punishment is a legendary tool whose mere sight denotes some of the most morally depraved individuals in the All-Verse. However, Punishment was thrown into The Pit, where it was believed that nobody could ever use Punishment for malice ever again.
Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Beacon of Compassion |

"The shine of its blade offers solace to the afflicted and hope to the oppressed."

| Crafted in response to the atrocities inflicted by the tyrant king's reign, |

| Healing Artifact |

| Forgiveness's whereabouts have been obscured by legend and myth. |

| Throughout history, Forgiveness has been wielded by noble and righteous individuals who champion the cause of justice and compassion. Its ownership often aligns with those who seek to heal the wounds inflicted by tyranny and bring solace to the suffering. |

| No. |
Forgiveness is considered the "sister artifact" to Punishment, symbolizing the duality of justice and mercy. It is a beacon of light and hope in a world of suffering and despair. In the wake of the tyrant king's reign of terror, Forgiveness emerged as a symbol of defiance against cruelty and a cornerstone of compassion. It was meant to counterbalance the pain caused by Punishment, the sister artifact, and to heal the wounds inflicted by the tyrant's reign. The blade is supernaturally durable and, unlike ordinary weapons, is prevented from causing harm - its touch brings relief and restoration.

The primary power of Forgiveness lies in its ability to heal. A single swing can ease pain, mend wounds, cure diseases, and lift curses. Those who come into contact with the blade feel an immediate sense of peace and comfort, and their physical wounds begin to heal. The blade's presence radiates a soothing aura that calms the minds and hearts of those nearby, reducing fear and anxiety.

In addition to its healing properties, Forgiveness can restore hope and resolve. Those who witness its light are filled with renewed purpose and determination. It has been said that entire armies have turned the tide of battle after seeing the blade's radiance, their spirits lifted by the promise of victory and justice.

Forgiveness can also create Sanctuaries. By striking the ground with its blade, the wielder can make a protected area where no harm can come to those within - no one can be injured within a three-meter radius. These Sanctuaries are imbued with the blade's healing properties, providing a haven where wounds heal faster, diseases are repelled, and spirits are uplifted. These Sanctuaries can only remain active for about fifteen minutes, and only one can be created at a time - afterward, there is an hour cooldown before another can be made.

However, the power of Forgiveness is not without its limits. The blade's healing properties require the wielder to have a pure heart and a strong will. Those with selfish or malicious intentions cannot wield their power effectively. Additionally, the blade's ability to create Sanctuaries is taxing on the wielder, requiring significant energy and concentration.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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| Arbiter of Stillness |

“Handle it with care, or don’t handle it at all."

| Made by an Apparition as part of a deal for protection |

| Tool of Lasting Impact |

| Its current location is unconfirmed, but it most likely resides in Glint at the moment. |

| Many people have used it over the years, too many to count. |

| No |
The Stasis Hammer is, as the name implies, a hammer with a five foot long shaft, made of solid, tarnished silver and wrapped with black fibers. It was created in a universe known as Glint, by an Apparition that made a deal with a mortal to grant power in exchange for protection. The paranormal who first wielded the Stasis Hammer is currently unknown, as the deal was made within the last century, and it has changed hands many times. The artifact has been moved from one world to the next by those who have made use of it, and some collectors suspect it is still in Glint at the moment. It contains the power of its creator, and anything inflicted on the world by whoever wields the Stasis Hammer becomes very difficult to undo, through mundane or magical means.

Breaking someone’s arm with the Stasis Hammer, for example, means that their bones will not heal in the slightest even after a year of recovery, and most magical healers would not be able to accomplish much. Similarly, if someone were to break down a door with the artifact, any attempts to repair that door or replace it would ultimately fail. The magic of the Stasis Hammer prevents these changes from occurring once the action has been taken, and the hammer itself cannot undo these changes. But this also means that one can use the Stasis Hammer in a constructive way. A person could hammer stones into the ground to create an unshakeable foundation, or sink nails that will never come loose.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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| Harbinger of Pyrrhic Fate |

"The truth hurts."

| Originally the channeler of a white Lux Adept, made into an artifact by a curse. |

| Scrying Artifact |

| Shimmer |

| Verona Nash |

| No |
Long ago, a white Lux Adept known only by the name of Katherine used a deck of cards as a medium for her spells. She specialized in augury, the art of seeing the future and telling fortunes. Katherine used her Lux to create an inner circle of trusted allies who protected each other while they pursued political interests. One member of this circle became so trusted by Katherine, that she believed they would never even consider crossing her. But this member used blue Lux, and laid a curse upon Katherine’s cards one day. This curse forever warped the deck’s capabilities, and one bad prophecy after another led to Katherine’s downfall. No one knows exactly what happened, but stories imply it was bad. The Doomsayer’s Deck answer questions about the future, specifically the questions about the bad things that will come to pass. The cards will not answer questions about winning the lottery, or what position someone gets promoted to. Rather, it warns that an individual will lose everything chasing a jackpot, or that they will lose their job to another person. The readings are consistently accurate, and if the user is clever, they are more reliable than most forms of fortune telling. But there is a catch, every possible future in which a tragedy can occur is inevitably made worse when it is divined by the deck. If someone was destined to burn their dinner while cooking, the cards could exaggerate the situation into a fire that burns their house down. To receive answers from the deck, one must draw three cards with a question in mind. The first card determines the context of the outcome, the second determines the medium through which it happens, and the third determines the aftermath. Each card has its own meaning, which must be interpreted and memorized by the user. Cards are divided into three suits, representing elements, animals and objects, but may be drawn in any combination depending on the reading.

Flame: Destruction, outbursts, blast radius, literal fire. This card symbolizes explosive downfall, which will only get worse unless stopped quickly.
Wave: Suffocation, unstoppable forces, loss of strength, literal water. This card symbolizes things that simply cannot be avoided, or things that are taken without hope of retrieval.
Stone: Insurmountable odds, immovable objects, overwhelming difficulty, literal rock. This card symbolizes things too great to be overcome, and things that are beyond one’s own power.
Gale: Absolute chaos, surprise, disorienting problems, literal wind. This card symbolizes confusion, and things that catch someone off guard.
Star: Revelation, sudden fear, Icarus complex, literal light. This card symbolizes a discovery that is more trouble than it’s worth, or a grave error.
Moon: Loss, silence, disconnection, literal darkness. This card symbolizes a void, or a removal of one thing from another.

Mare: Obsession, individualism, the one, narrow mindedness. This card symbolizes a hyperfixation, or a desire to do something one specific way.
Stag: Indignation, rage, pride, overbearance. This card symbolizes aggression, and protectiveness over something.
Dragon: Greed, immense power, tyranny, ambition. This card symbolizes sabotage, and putting one’s own well-being above that of everything else.
Moth: Trickery, betrayal, adherence, trust. This card symbolizes the following of some greater will, or being led on by something two-faced.
Tortoise: Exile, distance, exploration, aimlessness. This card symbolizes a journey being taken, or being unable to return to somewhere.
Mantis: Consequence, retribution, penance, vindication. This card symbolizes an eye for an eye, or failure caused by actions.

Blade: Faith, conviction, ideology, brotherhood. This card symbolizes morality, or standing up for something that you believe in.
Anchor: Stasis, burdens, confinement, neglect. The card symbolizes a lack of action, or a loss of agency.
Clock: Ontology, cause and effect, All-verse constants, entropy. This card symbolizes a greater design, and things that were always or never meant to be.
Glass: Harsh truths, inner conflict, warped perception, fragility. This card symbolizes things that one must be forced to see, or the twisting of something mundane.
Cairn: Mutiny, bloodshed, interpersonal struggle, war. This card symbolizes dissention in the ranks, or a wedge driven between friends.
Hammer: Invention, creativity, wit, forwardness. This card symbolizes a direct approach, or something being created.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Blood-Stained Justifier |

"The one good what your sinned blood’ll ever do, you old bastard."

| Created by fusing an orange Lux channeler with the Abstraction of a dismantled Apparition. |

| Weapon |

| Sonoran Desert, Shimmer |

| Wielded by Harlan Ross, its creator. |

| No |
During the days of cowboys and outlaws, there was a man who they called Ghost-Eyed Solomon. He was a wanted criminal, guilty on charges of murder and witchcraft, having slipped the noose even as it was tightened around his neck. The American Southwest didn’t have many paranormal beings at the time, and the PRA didn’t have a presence there, so most people assumed Solomon was just a lucky man. But he wasn’t a normal man at all, he was an Apparition that had abscised his own body after death. He lived to kill others, spilling blood to sustain himself for years until he was finally stopped by an orange Adept named Harlan Ross, who went on to civilize most of the Wild West’s magic scene in the years to come.

Ghost-Eyed Solomon’s abstraction was channeled into his "killer’s" pistol after his death. The Carmine Peacemaker is a single action revolver made from a blood red metal, polished to an almost mirror-like finish. When the wielder cocks the hammer back, the hammer pricks their skin and draws blood to form a bullet roughly equivalent to a .44 magnum round. Once fired, the bullets cause debilitating pain for the target, which cannot be dulled by mundane or magical means. The wounds caused by these bullets bleed far more than they should, and nothing will get better unless the bullets are removed by the target’s body. Even after a bullet from the Carmine Peacemaker has been removed, the target will still feel the pain as it slowly fades away with time.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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| The Boundless Lexicon |

"All that ever was, and all that will ever be, laid bare before us. Where would you like to go?"

| Created by dozens of paranormals, brought together across time and infinite distance. Those who built it are scattered across the All-Verse, many have been lost to history, and more have yet to be born. |

| All-Verse Navigation Device |

| Unknown |

| Hundreds, if not thousands have employed it across every era and rob from past to future, to travel the cosmos and chart the places unnamed by humanity. The greatest paranormal explorers to live since the All-Verse’s inception have relied on it to find their way. |

| No |
The Map of Theseus is the work of lifetimes. Entire rooms stacked wall-to-wall with cosmological data, chronomancers folding time itself into celestial origami to maintain business relations, orange, red and white Adepts painstakingly laying countless joint-castings into lattice structures of crystals to emit light in just the right sequences. Vast collections of bound Apparitions exploited for their Abstractions, all to boost the power of the makers, channelers burnt to ash from exertion. The Map of Theseus is as old as humanity itself, and has been constructed by people in the pursuit of perfection. Thousands of people have held this cube in their hands, and a thousand more have inevitably contributed to its capabilities. The original makers of this artifact cannot be identified, as they were united across different worlds and have faded away to history. But their work will never be truly over.

The Map of Theseus is a small cube adorned with glowing blue lines etched across its surface. Concealed within is a geometrically fathomless depth of data, spell work and craftsmanship designed to catalog the All-Verse. It is a paranormal supercomputer with many libraries worth of maps, charts, celestial coordinates and geographic lore waiting to be accessed. The Map of Theseus was named such for its inability to ever be complete, for just as the All-Verse is ever changing, so too will its archive never reach capacity. To use the Map of Theseus, a person only has to hold in their hand, and the cube will respond to their feelings of curiosity, their desire to explore and to know something. The artifact simply knows that a person is trying to use it, and will respond in kind. The Map of Theseus currently has data for 7,892 unique worlds in the All-Verse, each with its own index ready for the owner’s viewing pleasure.

Due to the sheer magnitude of the Map of Theseus' capabilities, and its specialized use as a tool for navigating something most people simply don't understand, it tends to attract a very particular brand of paranormals. Aimless explorers without a place in the simple world, knowledge hungry lunatics, artifact hunters with zealous ambition, and warlords looking to conquer entire realms.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Shard of Entropy |

"Reality calcified, time and space crystalized. Entropy made manifest. Don't lose it out there."

| Created by an Adept named Mortimer Zapata, as part of a transaction in exchange for a vast quantity of magical knowledge. |

| Protective Artifact |

| Shimmer |

| Jack Hawthorne |

| No |
When Jack Hawthorne first entered the Void, he was vulnerable to its influence like anyone else. The horrors of unreality fascinated him, but a fascination didn’t stop his mind from fraying at the seams. He was lucky to have only caught a glimpse of them, but Jack knew deep down that he would not be satisfied without deeper answers for long. He drifted through the Void’s shallows, learning what he could before he could no longer safely study anything new. It frustrated him, not being able to venture further. So he returned to Shimmer, and sought answers back in familiar territory. Scouring through books, secluded libraries and the paranormal scenes of the country, Jack’s pursuit eventually led him to the doorstep of a man who called himself Mortimer Zapata. In exchange for a written copy of all the knowledge Jack had acquired in his life, as well as Jack’s discretion, Mortimer worked his magic to create a special object to accommodate Jack’s incursions into the Void.

The Black Star is a non-Abstraction granting artifact created by Orange Lux. It is a small amulet made of polished black jade, rose gold, and African blackwood. Whoever wears it is rendered entirely immune to the harmful effects of the Void, allowing the mind to heal the worst of its damage. The Black Star’s protection even diminishes the effects of what Jack calls “Void Exposure,” or the mental erosion caused by the denizens of the Void. The artifact wards them off, acting as a deterrent so long as the user does not actively aggress or agitate the horrors. Anyone can benefit from the Black Star regardless of their Abstraction, but the artifact requires a brief period to “calibrate” itself to the unique emotional field of every person that wears it for the first time. This means that a person can wear the Black Star and still be ruined by exposure to the Void if they are not aware of its nuances.

Hidden 5 mos ago 21 days ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Blade to Vanquish Evil Apparitions |

"The Apparition Killer is more than a weapon; it is a beacon of hope against the darkness that no Apparition can withstand."

| The Apparition Killer was forged in ancient Japan by the esteemed Hatanaka family, a lineage of Orange Lux users. It was created at the behest of Reiner Stiller, a warrior seeking a means to combat the powerful Apparition known as Specter Malgathar, which had been terrorizing Europe. Reiner traveled to the Hatanaka family, presenting them with his sword, and they transformed it into the legendary Apparition Killer. |

| Apparition-Killing Weapon. |

| After Reiner's death, the Apparition Killer changed hands over the centuries, eventually finding its way into a different universe. It resurfaced in St. Portwell, which weakened the Stygian Snake and enabled the Sycamore Tree Coven to seal it away. The blade remained with Ashley Stone until her death and is currently missing. |

| Reiner Stiller: The original warrior who commissioned the weapon to defeat Specter Malgathar.
Sycamore Tree Coven: Utilized the blade to weaken the Stygian Snake.
Ashley Stone: The last known wielder before its disappearance. |

| No. |
As its name implies, the Apparition Killer possesses formidable magical properties designed specifically to wound and weaken Apparitions. While it primarily manifests as a sword, it is known to adapt its form according to the wielder’s fighting style and personality, transforming into a spear, axe, hammer, or any other weapon they prefer. Upon striking an Apparition, the blade ignites with a searing energy that bypasses all defenses, inflicting wounds that burn away their magical essence and weaken their Abstractions. For lesser Apparitions, a single slash can be fatal; however, more formidable Apparitions - like the Stygian Snake - may require multiple strikes to be brought low. It's important to note, however, that while the Apparition Killer can incapacitate these beings temporarily, it cannot permanently kill them; they will always respawn after destruction.

The Apparition Killer is infused with a powerful enchantment that resonates with the wielder’s determination and moral integrity. When drawn with noble intent, the blade amplifies the user’s Emotional-Field and aligns itself with the specific Abstraction of the Apparitions they face. This connection allows the wielder to resist the powers of the Apparitions, allowing them to endure and counteract attacks. Each strike from the Apparition Killer weakens the Apparition’s Emotional-Field, making them more vulnerable to outside magical influences.

Yet, the Apparition Killer transcends mere destruction; it possesses an inherent intelligence and moral awareness that set it apart from conventional weapons. The blade perceives the wielder’s heart and intentions, granting its full might only to those who champion a just cause. If someone with evil or selfish intentions attempts to wield it, they will find the weapon unmanageable, its magic rendering it too heavy to lift.

One of the critical features of the Apparition Killer is its interaction with Apparitions and their manifestations. The blade sears them on contact, making it impossible for them to touch it without suffering burns. Notably, it can phase through the physical forms of Adjoined or Abscised, directly harming the Apparition residing within. Conversely, it does not affect Agents, as their Apparitions are already sealed, rendering the blade harmless to them.

Despite several replicas modeled after the original Apparition Killer, these inferior copies lack the true potency and capabilities of the original blade......................................................................................................................
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Legacy of Hope. |

"A sword that cuts through darkness and shields against despair."

| The Aberration Killer was born from the same legendary craftsmanship as its sister weapon, the Apparition Killer. Forged by the Hatanaka Family, a lineage of skilled Orange Lux users in ancient Japan, The Aberration Killer (Known as Murakumo in Japan) was created to combat a different threat. During the Shogunate Era of Japan, a massive war between humanity and the Onis spawned from hell. This war threatened to consume Japan and the entire world, as the Oni tide seemed unbeatable. Until a warrior named Hatanaka Takashi. |

| Aberration-Bane Weapon |

| The Aberration Killer’s current whereabouts are unknown. After Takashi’s heroic battle with the Oni Emperor Daisuke, the weapon passed through many hands, each wielder facing their trials against the Aberrations. It was last in the possession of Takashi's descendent, Goro Hatanaka, who fell into The Pit... |

| Hatanaka Takashi: The original creator and first wielder who used it to defeat the Oni Emperor Daisuke.
James Blackmore: A knight who wielded it to save his kingdom from The Maw.
Adanna Okafor: An African sorceress who used its power to defend her tribe from the Abominable that terrorized it.
Hatanaka Goro: The modern-day successor to Takashi, who recovered the blade from an Adept crime family in New York. However, Goro fell into The Pit and has not been seen since... |

| No |
Known as the legendary blade, Murakumo, in Japan.

Hatanaka Takashi created the Aberration Killer during the heated Oni Wars, where he and several other Adept-Bloodlines participated. The Hatanakas, however, took all the fame for ending the Oni Wars with a duel with the Oni leader, Daisuke, whom he cut down with the Aberration Killer. The Aberration Killer was used to turn the tide against the Onis and the other yokai for Japan. Afterward, the Aberration Killer was kept in the Hatanaka Compound and revered by the family, and it was only wielded by those deemed worthy of them.

However, the Aberration Killer was stolen from the Hatanaka family and changed hands repeatedly, sometimes ending up on the other side of the planet. One famous wielder was James Blackmore, an English Knight who used the blade to defeat the mighty dragon known as The Maw. Another was Adanna Okafor, a girl who found the Aberration Killer and used it to defend it from Abominable experiments that were sicced on her village. Many of Takashi's descendants, the Hatanakas, ventured out to recover the sword but had no success. However, one of them, Goro, fought his way through an Italian Mafia of Adepts in New York and recovered it - after besting them, he fell into The Pit.

Like its sister weapon, the Aberration Killer adapts its form to suit its wielder's fighting style and needs. It may take the shape of a sword, spear, axe, or any other weapon (By default, the Aberration Killer takes the shape of a katana). This physical and magical transformation aligns with the wielder's soul to maximize their effectiveness against Aberrations.

Upon striking an Aberration, the Aberration Killer inflicts wounds that defy healing, and these wounds will take three times as long to heal as normal. Even with magic, this effect trumps it and requires far more effort and energy to heal. The Aberration Killer will also weaken an Aberration's abstraction, as with each strike, they will lose a portion of their power until they are next to powerless. Much like the Apparition Killer, the Aberration Killer ignores any natural defenses and durabilities of Aberrations and can cut them as if they were paper mache.

The Aberration Killer is imbued with a unique enchantment that resonates with the wielder's determination and moral resolve. When wielded with righteous intent, the blade amplifies the user's Emotional-Field and attunes it to the Aberration's Abstraction. This allows the wielder to resist the specific Abstractions of the Aberrations they are facing, allowing them to power through any of the Aberration's attacks. Also, a strike from the Aberration Killer can weaken an Aberration's Emotional-Field, making them more vulnerable to external magic. Merely touching the blade will sap the Aberration's strength, making it near-impossible for Aberrations to use it.

The Aberration Killer is not merely a tool of destruction; it possesses a subtle intelligence and moral sentience that sets it apart from ordinary weapons. The blade senses the wielder's heart and intent, only granting its full power to those who fight with a true and just purpose. Those with malevolent or selfish intent cannot wield it, as The Aberration Killer’s magic will make the blade thousands of pounds, impossible to pick up. This ensures that the weapon remains a force for good, protecting its legacy and purpose.

While the Aberration Killer can cleave through Aberrations like nothing, it cannot be used on anything else. If used to slash through a human or Apparition, the blade will harmlessly phase through them.
Hidden 5 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Ornaments of Elemental Mastery |

"Within The Elemental Bangles lies the promise of mastery over the primordial forces."

| Forged by a team of Adepts and entrusted to the Accordance. |

| Golden Elemental Bangles |

| Unknown. The last to have the Bangles were the Accordance; however, after their destruction, they were lost to the All-Verse. It's believed that some of the surviving Peacekeepers possess them but nothing can be confirmed. |

| The Accordance: A revered organization dedicated to maintaining order across the All-Verse, the Accordance entrusted the Elemental Bangles to their most skilled operatives.

Various Peacekeepers: Operatives of the Accordance who bore the Elemental Bangles in service to their cause, each wielding the power of a different element to uphold the organization's mission across the multiverse. |

| Yes |
The Elemental Bangles, crafted in an age when the harmony of the All-Verse was paramount, each bangle possesses a distinct power corresponding to one of the four elements: fire, earth, water, and air. These artifacts were revered by the Accordance, who recognized their potential to maintain the delicate balance between order and chaos within the All-Verse. The Bangles bore witness to countless pivotal moments in the All-Verse's history, from saving Brilliance from the Apparition Necron to fighting back the League of Luminesence for the battle of Radiance to defeating the Apparition Morningstar. The Elemental Bangles became instruments of creation and destruction in the hands of the Accordance's Peacekeepers.

Yet, despite their formidable power, the Elemental Bangles' true potential is veiled behind layers of mysteries. Each bangle possessed a dormant abstraction, a power waiting to be unlocked by a worthy wielder. Only those who demonstrated unwavering resolve and attunement to the elements could access the bangles' full potential. Being semi-sentient artifacts, the Elemental Bangles craft symbiotic bonds with their chosen wielders, their vague consciousness intertwined with the fabric of the All-Verse. Moreover, the Elemental Bangles possessed a unique ability when worn together. While each bangle can be used separately to wield its respective element, when worn together by one person, they bestowed upon them the ability to command all four elements simultaneously.

Despite the Accordance's fall and the dispersal of the Elemental Bangles across the All-Verse, their legacy lives on as a beacon of justice and power. Whether lost in the depths of the Pit, added to a Collection, or used to fight the good fight, the Elemental Bangles patiently wait for a new generation of heroes, destined to rise and wield their elemental might once more.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Seed of Nature |

"The wisdom of nature and the power to shape it."

| Created by the ancient Adepts who were the first to be deemed worthy enough to enter the Grove, a magical location that only lets in those worthy. These Adepts formed a cult known as the Verdent Circle out of different magical materials within The Grove and imbued it with their knowledge and the ancient knowledge that the Grove wielded. |

| Empowerment Artifact |

| It's located in St. Portwell, in the possession of the Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals. |

| The Verdant Circle: The mysterious cult that created it, not much is known about them.
The Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals: One of the tools in their arsenal. |

| No. |
The Garden Stone is a beautiful necklace featuring a glass pendant with a miniature tree inside. The tree appears alive, with tiny leaves that change color depending on the season and sway like a gentle breeze. When worn by an Adept, the Garden Stone’s power activates, granting them nature-based spells corresponding to their Lux.

The Garden Stone grants Adepts plant/flora/nature-based spells tailored to their specific Lux. These spells vary depending on the nature of the wielder’s Lux, offering a diverse range of abilities. The Stone is not abstraction-granting but instead amplifies the natural connection between the Adept and the elemental forces of nature.

When the Garden Stone is taken off, the Adept immediately loses access to these spells. However, if an Adept uses the spells granted by the Garden Stone extensively, they will become a permanent part of the Adept's spellbook. The Garden Stone is semi-sentient, possessing a subtle awareness of its surroundings. It chooses its wielders based on their affinity for nature and their intentions. Those who seek to use the Stone for selfish or destructive purposes find its power elusive and unresponsive. Conversely, those with a deep respect for nature and a desire to protect and nurture it are granted its full array of abilities.

Despite its versatility and power, the Garden Stone does not affect Aberrations and Apparitions.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Power of Three |

"The Trinity Ring binds three women in an unbreakable bond, granting them the power of goddesses when united.."

| The Trinity Rings were crafted by the Amazons of the ancient island of Themyscira. Intended to protect their homeland from external threats, these rings were imbued with unity and strength. |

| Rings of Empowerment |

| Two of the Trinity Rings were previously owned by Sloane Faris but were stolen from her. Adora Phoenix-Prescott possesses one of the Trinity Rings, but the location of the other two is a mystery. |

| Guardians of Themyscira: Several different trios of warriors over the generations that defended Themyscira from external threats.
"The Trinity": The nickname for the trio of Adora Phoenix-Prescott, Clementine, and Vannessa Washington in the Old Coven.
Adora Phoenix-Prescott: The current wielder of the sole known Trinity Ring. |

| Yes. |
The Trinity Rings are a set of three powerful artifacts, each symbolizing a crucial aspect of unity and strength. Crafted by the skilled artisans of Themyscira, these rings were designed to forge a paranormal bond between three of the Amazons, granting them extraordinary abilities when they are near each other.

When worn by three individuals simultaneously, the Trinity Rings unleash their full potential, granting their wearers unparalleled physical prowess. They can fly at incredible speeds, exhibit superhuman strength, and withstand even the most powerful paranormal attacks. Though it's possible to go against their intended purpose and have one person put on all three rings, there will be side effects, and this sole wearer can only access a fragment of their true potential.

Originally intended to protect the island of Themyscira from external threats, the Trinity Rings were entrusted to the guardianship of the Amazons. However, they were eventually stolen from the island and scattered across the All-Verse, and much like many Artifacts, they have changed hands more times than they can count.

Throughout history, champions and guardians have sought the Trinity Rings to harness their power for noble causes. These individuals have used the rings to defend the innocent, uphold justice, and stand against tyranny. At the same time, they have been used to oppress, slaughter, and rule.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Legacy of Alchemy |

"Capable of crafting the elixir of dreams."

| It's unknown who or what created the Alchemist Ring. Its origins trace back to ancient civilizations, where it was revered as a symbol of wisdom. |

| Ring of Alchemy |

| The Alchemist Ring is currently in the possession of Greta, having been passed down from her grandmother. It remains on her finger. |

| Greta's Grandmother A skilled alchemist who wielded the ring to protect her community until her death. She knew of the danger that it possessed, and she told her granddaughter to hide the ring on her deathbed. Her dying was ignored. |

| Yes |
The Alchemist Ring bears a legacy woven with the threads of countless adventures and quests across the annals of history. It's unknown who or what crafted the Alchemist Ring. However, it has an incredibly rich history dating to different ages. Throughout its journey, the Alchemist Ring has passed through the hands of remarkable individuals, each leaving its mark upon them. Greta's grandmother, a revered alchemist of her time, wielded the ring with a steady hand and a keen mind, using its power to safeguard her community from Paranormal threats from her youth to her death.

Despite its potential for good, the Alchemist Ring is not without its dangers. Its power to create potions is a double-edged sword, capable of saving lives or wreaking havoc. For every healing elixer the Ring has brewed, it has helped many create monsters. It serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between creation and destruction.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

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| The Waters of Life |

"Thirst no more, hunger no more, and suffer no more. A limitless boon in the hands of the worthy."

| Unknown, but the Chalice and artistic interpretations of it have made many appearances throughout folklore and mythology throughout the past few millenniums. Perhaps willed into existence by centuries upon centuries of wishes from the thirsty, the hungry, and the sick. |

| Neverending Goblet |

| St. Portwell |

| Sloane Faris: Kept the Chalice in her vault for safekeeping for Sully McPherson.
Sully McPherson: The founder and current owner of the Chalice since it resurfaced from the Pit. Mainly uses it for beer. |

| Yes |
The Chalice is an artifact that has been around since ancient times, held by kings, messiahs, and so-called god and known by many other names. It somehow became lost, spurring many seekers of its powers to quest for it but never find it. Eventually, the Chalice became little more than a myth, believed to be little more than a flowery metaphor written down by a poet of yore and misinterpreted by the simple masses of days gone by. In reality, the Chalice somehow ended up being discovered by a jock in Oregon.

The Chalice is a large, empty silver goblet that is covered with runic symbols; the inside is stained a brownish red. The Chalice is a normal cup unless it is held by the Cupbearer, who is the only person able to activate its magical properties. A small blood offering is required to become the Cupbearer—about 3 drops in the goblet—and they are able to use the Chalice until another person performs the ritual. The Chalice cannot be damaged by normal means or by the contents summoned by the Cupbearer.

The Cupbearer can fill the Chalice with an endless supply of whatever liquid they want. This can range from mundane uses, like creating water or wine to drink, to dangerous, like calling forth lava or acid and splashing it upon a foe. The most notable liquid the Chalice can produce is an elixir, a magical concoction that can heal recent wounds and restore energy if drank. It’s worth noting that the Chalice is “self-cleaning” in the sense that creating another liquid obliterates whatever of the previous liquid was left in the cup. This also happens when the Cupbearer stops touching the Chalice. Therefore, the Cupbearer cannot accidentally poison others or unintentionally cause chemical reactions.

How much liquid appears is dependent on the wishes of the Cupbearer. Typically, one cupful is what is summoned on each use, but they could continue to call forth more liquid as long as they remain in contact with the Chalice.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

The Shah's.Voice

| A conqueror's trinket |

"Whatever it was, it might as well be scrap now."

| The Voice's specific origins remain unknown, muddled by time and the gap between worlds. It is, by some measure, centuries old, and was forged under the watchful eye of scholars from another world where Indo-Persian and Mesoamerican cultures became the dominant economic and political force. While the details of this world have been lost to time, some have speculated that it was either depopulated in a global conflict that rampantly escalated before diplomacy could apply the brakes, or went into hiding after being devastated by a powerful apparition. |

| Channeler |

| Unknown. It was last confirmed in the hands of Das Sonnenrad, prior to the organisation's destruction. Since then, nothing concrete. A rumour suggests it may have been stolen among other artifacts in the power vacuum left by Kaiser Draeger's death, and several cases of enthralled men have been cited across the Pacific Northwest, tied to various acts of violence and organised crime. |

| Das Sonnenrad: For a few years, the ring remained in Das Sonnerad's hands, although they had little joy in getting it to work. Kaiser Draeger himself was unimpressed with the ring and vocally expressed his dissatisfaction in the cost of its acquisition. |

| Yes |
An unremarkable iron band with angular patterns wrought into its unpolished surface. Das Sonnenrad came to its possession at a not-insignificant cost in an expedition to acquire artifacts from a cache of explorers hailing from a world where Indo-Persian and Mesoamerican cultures had been the dominant force in contemporary politics. From various excerpts, the ring holds the power to enthrall the minds of men, living or dead, provided the ringbearer understands how to wield it.

As stories tell, Kaiser Draeger was livid to learn that, at the cost of several agents and the cache's destruction, his organisation had acquired a "lump of mongrel scrap iron" and discarded the ring to the care of a subordinate after initial attempts at its use proved ineffective. Later, after Das Sonnenrad's destruction, rumours abounded that a former member had stolen it along with several other artifacts and had figured out some of the ring's functions.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Yaoi Blade |

"It will show the colour of your deepest desire..."

| Created by a powerful Orange Adept, as the culmination of all her desires |

| Rainbow Sword |

| Irropoi went mysteriously missing after its creator’s granddaughter was found dead, having inherited the sword. |

| Samantha White: The original creator of Irropoi, an American weeb back when anime was incredibly difficult to get a hold of. She used the sword to bring out her deepest desires, and passed it down to her children. |

| No |
Iroppoi is a sword that was created by a rather… quirky Orange Adept many many years ago. It was her masterpiece and the culmination of all her desires. Unfortunately for all those who had the misfortune to witness it, the creator’s desires were to witness men and women alike in love. Yes, the creator was a massive weeaboo who was heavily into Yaoi and Yuri. This blade was her ‘masterpiece’, one that would help her bring BL and GL to the real world! Iroppoi is, of course, so much more than that - but that was the original goal when it came to be. Sadly, this desire does mean it’s abilities come with some unfortunate side effects. Iroppoi is a katana with a rainbow blade and white detailing along the top and at the hilt.

When inactive, Iroppoi is an ever shifting rainbow katana. However when in use, it will change to a specific solid colour, each with a different magical effect. It can only be one colour at once, and it is difficult to change this colour mid battle. This change seems to be random to those who don’t know how it works, as it won’t follow what the user tells it yo do. Instead it will generally reflect its users deepest desire at that moment. They may feel they need an ice cold blade, but deep down at that moment they want passionate love, so it’ll turn red instead of blue. It can only be one colour at a time. For the person who made it, it was near permanently pink. This is what gained it the moniker “the Fujoshi Blade.”

The Many Colours Of Love
Orchid Red ⫻ When burning red, Iroppoi heats up to unnaturally high temperatures. This is enough to melt steel, and burn anyone the blade touches. Along with this as a side effect, anyone who feels its radiating heat (without needing to touch the blade) begins to feel intense, uncontrollable lust.

Hydrangea Blue ⫻ When blue, Iroppoi is coated with a thick layer of ice. This will freeze everything it touches, and if it's stabbed into the ground it will create a line of icicles up to five metres away that shatter upon contact. As a side effect, anyone hit by the blade or the icicles who’s straight will suddenly feel very sorry that they’re straight.

Marigold Yellow ⫻ Turning a sunny yellow, Iroppoi will drain the water out of anything it slices. The more it slices, or the longer it is held against something, the more water it will drain. It could leave people, especially blinds, an empty husk of themselves. It has the odd side effect of increasing hand sizes when used on people.

Carnation Green ⫻ When an acidic green, the Iroppoi is coated in a layer of poison. When this enters the bloodstream it will cause various symptoms: intense fever, pain and sexual hallucinations. These sexual hallucinations are very specific: either the poisoned person will hallucinate about a specific person of the same gender, or watching a gay couple as if they’re an outsider. Generally this poison isn’t deadly, unless applied multiple times. It can be used on the sword wielder.

Daisy Orange ⫻ Turning a bright orange, Iroppoi can be used to send out a powerful, focused wind slash about ten metres. This will hit one target and damage them. It also has the unfortunate side effect of blasting the surrounding area with an air blast that doesn’t damage anything except shirts, which it rips off.

Iris Purple ⫻ Glowing a soft purple, Iroppoi shows things that couldn’t be seen previously and allows the wielder to see through things they otherwise couldn’t see through. It shows those magically hidden, such as by invisibility, and shows all sentient beings within ten metres through a vague purple “aura”. It also acts as a UV light.

Vervain Pink ⫻ Turning a bright pink, Iroppoi can be used to send out a long range, pink energy slash. This can go out up to ten metres and is about three metres wide (able to hit multiple targets, but not going through them). Anything hit by it will immediately want to makeout with something else nearby. Nobody is safe from this - blind, adept, aberration or apparition.

Lily White ⫻ A bright white, Iroppoi cleanses all of the side effects of the other colours and the poison of green. This will reverse extra large hands and ripped shirts, remove sexual hallucinations, and reduce lust. It won’t necessarily take back the gay thoughts.

Rose Rainbow ⫻ Only when used by the purest, gayest of hearts will Iroppoi be able to turning into a shimmering rainbow when active at will. This bolsters all allies that can see its light. It frees them of their worries to make them more confident, removes their exhaustion, makes them feel like anything is possible along with strengthening their magic. It also makes them feel more gay.

(Note: the katana was named Iroppoi by its crafter, a non Japanese weeb who believed it meant colourful. It, in fact, means sexy)

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| Hallowed Breaker |

"Begone from this place, spirit of old!"

| Created in a world called Gloom, by a self proclaimed “healer” who needed a way to exercise a spirit from a patient. |

| Exorcism Instrument |

| Said to be in Gloom, but has not been seen in relative centuries. |

| Originally used by its creator, whose name has been lost to time. |

| No. |
There once was a man during an age of swords and knights, who scholars can only identify as Corhin the Pure. Corhin was a healer with a gift for paranormal craftsmanship, said to have made his body into a vessel for many Apparitions. Some believe he was an Adjoined, others believe he was a particularly industrious Agent, but most who know of him agree that he was more powerful than the stories tell. Corhin roamed the earth working miracles for the sick, and specialized in paranormal ailments such as curses or Adjoinment, or “possession,” as it was called in his journals.

The Brass Needle is a tool he used on a regular basis, when dealing with stubborn Apparitions that refused to separate from their hosts, or were too weak to do so freely. Using the essence of bound entities that he drew power from, Corhin discovered the deepest secrets of the human soul, and exploited them to give his needle unique properties that would, in his words, “pluck the blight of the interloper from the sacred weave of man.” To use the artifact, Corhin would impale the soul and emotional field of any paranormal entity adjoined to an Apparition, by thrusting it into their heart. Once embedded, an unknown process occurs in which the link between the two is eroded by force, like acid dissolving flesh.

The process, which Corhin referred to as “hallowing” would unshackle the Apparition with varying degrees of success. Those fully sealed within a host took the longest, and would feel that the needle was trying to burn them out. If left unattended, the Brass Needle could “slip out” of the emotional field as it melts away, and find itself damaging flesh and bone. The needle also required the paranormal “essence” of Apparitions as a source of power, which Corbin’s writing explains as being acquired by stabbing an Apparition to “bleed them of that which they drink from.” Without this, the Brass Needle is useless.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


| The Blue God’s Hand |


| Created by a paranormal entity without an Abstraction, who painstakingly researched methods of sealing to power the artifact with the essence of a godlike Apparition. |

| Technomancy Artifact |

| Shimmer |

| Owned by Helena Ross, the original creator. |

| Yes. |
Fifteen years ago, various digital infrastructures across the United States began to experience technical difficulties without explanation. Servers used by banks to process digital transactions would lag and mysteriously lose minute amounts of data, government registries slowly forgot the names and dates of birth of the country’s citizens. Cargo shipping companies experienced grievous miscalculations in their logistics, and even stock market servers were disrupted by this strange phenomenon. Weeks of this slow degradation passed, and eventually it escalated into security alerts. Airports suffered complete breakdowns in their security, government agencies reported dozens of intrusions, no one was safe. The strangest thing was that no one could find a tangible explanation, and the incidents were stagnated so much that no one stopped to realize it was an organized campaign, until Helena Ross stepped in.

She was a data analyst who doubled as a digital infrastructure specialist, which in her own words meant she was good at manipulating servers and seeing what the problems with them were. For all intents and purposes, she was a legal hacker. Helena noticed the pattern of security breaches was targeting tangible information about people, and the things they did with their lives. She believed it was a mass plan to sell vast quantities of information to black market buyers, but the sheer magnitude didn’t add up, and Helena wanted to get to the bottom of it. But no one believed her when she said it was more than just a small time ordeal. Helena even tried telling the FBI, to no avail. She spent months chasing vapor trails, discreetly worming her way through compromised systems to get out ahead of the hacker that was fishing for so much information in such a destructive way, and yet left no trace of actual evidence behind.

This search opened her eyes to the paranormal, when Helena discovered the hacker in question was an Apparition that had formed out of computer code. It left no evidence behind because the evidence it would leave behind was devoured to make it stronger. The Apparition in question, an entity calling itself ZADKIEL, was gathering up power in the form of data, and slowly amassing enough that by the time Helena found it, it had become all but unstoppable, able to wreck region-wide systems and make it look like a mundane accident- A human error that could’ve been prevented. Helena did not know what ZADKIEL’s end goal was, but she wanted to find out, so she dove into paranormal research.

Months of sleepless nights chasing after ZADKIEL to understand it better and searching for answers about this world of magic she had never known resulted in Helena developing a method to seal Apparitions. Helena had decided that she wanted to take ZADKIEL’s power and make it her own, to give herself an Abstraction in this strange new world. The only problem was that most Apparitions lived in the real world, not in machines, so Helena had to use her knowledge of machines to create a suitable environment for it. This soon-to-be artifact took the form of a glove outfitted with several processing components from motherboards, and capacitors that she theorized would be an appropriate vessel for ZADKIEL’s form.

It took Helena another year to properly cut off ZADKIEL’s pathway to other parts of the internet, a year of meticulously leaving bait in vast security systems in the form of vulnerabilities it could exploit while she observed it grow stronger. She let it gorge on code and data, grow fat from power until she had worked her target into a god. And then she sprung the trap, completely disabling a Vegas casino’s entire server system to take the entire thing offline for a solid hour, cutting off ZADKIEL’s access to the data it wanted so much. It was just Helena and her prize, and the sealing went off without a hitch. Every last like of ZADKIEL’s code was siphoned away into her vessel, even as it thrashed about trying to use the casino’s security system against her, but it didn’t work. The lights flickered off, lightbulbs shattered across every floor of the building, and the machine god was hers to use as she saw fit.

The Angel’s Grasp is an artifact that holds the godlike machine Apparition, ZADKIEL. It grants an Abstraction known as Divine Administration, allowing the Agent to use ZADKIEL’s power in full. The user receives a macro-scale ability to remotely control all digital technology in their surroundings, from car radios to computer servers. Using this, a person can extend their mind into machines to access the information on them, along someone to travel for hundreds of miles mentally without physically moving an inch. Any device that requires access to radio waves or Wi-Fi can be made to work flawlessly without them, as the Agent holds absolute authority over the machines influenced. One can rewrite virtual landscapes as if they were working with wet clay, or completely destroy data to such an extent that it can never be retrieved again no matter how much someone tries.

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