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I keep forgetting you were ever here
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2 mos ago
@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
3 mos ago
Mahz has a desk?
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3 mos ago


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

In SPIRITUM 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Morden was silently like the grave during the walk on foot to the meeting place. The “Spooks” were subtle, but something he found strange was the fact that they were doing things in a particularly obvious way. Dunbarton was a sleepy city, and there was only so much justification for armed personnel around a building like this. On the surface, I could very well just be a police raid from a civilian’s standpoint. But then, the average civilian would’ve expected a truck or at least a cruiser to be here. There were none of these things outside the meeting place, it was as if a bunch of federal agents had just walked in. To his trained eye, Morden could see their weapons and their armor, but they weren’t really trying that hard to conceal those things, why hide them at all if they were going to be lazy about it?

He had to wonder what the angle of that was.

Inside, it was more what he’d expect. obvious force. And yet they were actively loading and checking weapons, not simply enjoying a relief period. They were actively preparing for something.

There is something unusual about this, He commented, wordlessly. Still, Morden followed them up the stairs to where “Dirk” waited.
The set-up to clown on this fuckin apparition is hilarious

the phantom deactivated it before, dw

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

oh naw i need it off-off for the craziness that will happen next

Whether the veil still works is entirely up to god (GN)


With Sully alive, and a fucking dragon fading into the background, that was two less major variables they had to worry about. There wasn't a lot the Aggros squad could do beyond push past the Magma Titan. Right now, it was the priority, so the squad took to focusing it. Hallow Blast, Ride the Lightning, all the good this the Adepts had for hitting hard technically worked. But the fallout meant that Amara's phantoms had to get back away, which wasn't an issue since they were carrying firearms.

If they didn't get that thing taken care of, this would spiral out of control quick. One of her phantoms stayed with the artifact squad through the blizzard, and helped them along. One of them focused mostly on Adora, who seemed to be in the worst state. A draw, huh. Sure.

While they ran, the Veil squad got down to Alex, Rien, a phantom and Jack. The storm was keeping them from suffering a rain of hellfire. Amara herself had an idea for how to do this, but that goth ass twink beat her to it.

"I know what to do. The Veil must be deactivated, but we'll return it back to the field immediately after," She heard him say through the phantom connection.

"We will shield you. Do what must be done."

Over in Jack's part of the island, darkness whirled around him and the ghostly fighter. A few bullets here and their picked off the zombies, as Jack prepared to banish the Eustis Veil to oblivion and back. He felt the entire world turning sideways as the vertigo and the nausea set in, blurring his vision and threatening to send him into a deep sleep. The portal was going to big, more than he usually created.

"Listen up! Hawthorne's got a plan, Veil's! Going down!" Amara announced over the radios. "Be ready to obliterate the shit out of that fucking titan!"


Interactions: Everyone
The Island

The Hallow Blast rocked the Magma Titan and put it flat on the ground. There was good news and bad news in that. The good news was that this thing had a limit to how much punishment it could take at once. The bad news was that they couldn't hit it with another one of those for at least another fifteen minutes. That was how long it took an Abjuration aura to burn out, and that wasn't factoring in how much time Aaron needed to recharge his Spirit Bomb. So they had to pick up some momentum.

"We can't use that again for now!" Stormy warned. "Drake! We can cast Barrier Storm to keep it knocked down! I'll-"

The sky over the island flickered back to normal. The storm of the Eustis Veil was off again.

And off in the distance, Stormy saw something black split into view, high in the air. And it was at that point that he watched a 40 foot tall stone fall, like a meteor, and pick up speed before crashing right into the skull of the Magma Titan. That was the Veil. Amara's phantom had disabled it, and Jack had banished it into the Void, letting it fall and fall and fall before bringing it back to Shimmer to land flat on the apparition's head.

"What in the god damn..."

The radios crackled to life, and it was Jack's voice.

"That... Should open a window for the rest of you..." He didn't sound like he was in good shape.

"The Veil is likely destroyed, use this time to rain... Hell down on that beast."

Well, damn. "It's stunned! Get him!" All of Stormy's barriers dropped, now that there was a window to breathe and reposition, and he hauled ass forward. "We're not done, yet!"
That's fine, I assumed it was just about to drop flat on him, but if it's getting thanosed that works even better
I have a post im about to throw out and it hinges heavily on if the dragon is just disintegrating or about to fuckin goomba stomp jack lmfao

Raven's Rest

This was not even remotely what Varnan was expecting to get into, tonight. But he was more than willing to deal with this regardless. Everyone was clearly ready to put this thing down and beat it into submission, him and these strangers whose town he'd come to. It really was a damn shame that Bill had been turned into this thing, or perhaps killed by it and then strung about like a puppet. Varnan raised his channeler and prepared to stop this thing where it stood.

"Two minutes? I have a plan. I'm going back in there. Don't rush yourselves, but don't waste time, either."

Varnan watched as the monster flung itself out. Ice and ash went flying. Varnan fired another Stasis Pulse at it. His body flickered for a second, and then Varnan jumped closer to the the broken window until he was only a few feet away from the imposter. And then, he clicked a button on the Timepiece, causing purple Lux to explode outwards in every direction.

A spherical field of distorted air, which pushed back against things that weren't Varnan himself. The Butterfly's Manse appeared, and he used it to try and box the creature into a corner. Varnan didn't attempt to fight it, but rather, he stood his ground. The apparition couldn't get past the edge, it couldn't push closer and try to kill Varnan once the freeze wore off, and if it tried, he'd now. Time quicky sped up inside to five times its normal pace, meaning everything outside appeared to be moving five times slower. Those two minutes for Elara and Bryn would be ten minutes for Varnan. But now, he was in a stalemate with the doppelganger. Once the Stasis Pulse wore off, "Bill" would be catapulted backwards into the shop, out of the Manse where its only options were to assail what was effectively a brick wall.

It couldn't get to him, he couldn't get to it, and it couldn't get to them.

All they had to do now was run the clock down. Though, the other two probably weren't going to feel amused when Manse shoved them away.
"We just got the advantage," Ryder announced. "I blew their lowest power system, and now they don't have access to most of their emergency systems. I'm working on breaking down what else they do have, but their cameras are telling me they're scrambling." Ryder did something the hadn't done yet, relaying the feed of Umbra's cameras over a screen in the cockpit. It showed them running around making sense of things like headless chickens. They were waving flashlights every which way, shouting by the looks of it. Though the screen was silent.

"They know I did this, or they expect that I did. Land this damn thing so we can get on with this, they're going to try meeting us if we take too long."

Inside Umbra's deeper levels, various systems that regulated the power were told to stop regulating it, which caused explosions. Wall conduits, fuses, transformers, relays- It all started frying and plunged the place deeper and deeper into pitch black nothing. Like a poison that started in the heart, and spread to the limbs. Elevators were the next to go, preventing anyone from leaving or accessing the ground floor, which Ryder and the X-Men were going to first.
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