Johnny Corpse
"Gettin' way too old for this shit, man."
![]() ___________________________________ P R O F I L E Age 73 Sex Male Height 5'7" Weight 168lbs Race Mutant Origin Bounty Hunter Transportation N/A Starting Location Sully’s Rest Color Code 00ff00 ___________________________________ I N V E N T O R Y - Compass - Hand radio - Small notebook full of radio tower frequencies - Map of Sevara - Satchel (Rations, knife, tent kit, and other small things) ____________________________________ E Q U I P M E N T -CG29: A single-action, magnetic rifle built to quietly accelerate a metal slug to absurd speed, strong enough to punch through two square inches of reinforced steel from 100 meters away. -Hazer-12: An old laser pistol that hasn't been in production for a few decades. It has adjustable settings, and can put out enough heat to slowly cook dead meat or enough to burn open a human's stomach. Johnny mostly keeps it for sentimental value. - Leather armor, fitted with plenty of pockets for ammo or rations, and designed for coverage from the sun. - Trusty knife. (If inapplicable leave blank or mark as NA.) ____________________________________ A T T R I B U T E S Points: 12 (These points are meant to be distributed among the six attributes below. This is to be removed from the CS after points have been distributed. Do not forget to show your work next to each ability regarding points added and subtracted by modifiers.) (Each category is capped at four points however can still be boosted by choice modifiers.) Strength: 1 Fitness: -1 [1 + Old Bones] Dexterity: 2 Perception: 3 Intellect: 1 Endurance: 8 [4 + Mutant Freak] | ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION They call him Johnny Corpse for a reason. Johnny is a mutant, the sort that doesn't get many chances to blend in with the crowd. His skin is a pallid shade of green that makes him look perpetually infected with some sort of skin condition. Some shades of bloody red blend in around his joints, and if it was just that, nobody would clock him as a mutant. But if you look closely, you can see a very easily-spotted gouge in his left arm that he jammed bits of metal into a few decades ago, which might look like cybernetics to some people. Some punk took a glowing-hot piece of iron and swung it at him, trying to maim and kill Johnny, but it only pissed him off. At the ripe old age of 73, Johnny doesn't look as old as he really is, but he sure sounds like it. Anyone who hears him speak gets treated to the sound of sand in a blender. And then there's his face, with one glazed-over eye, an eyepatch and scars from shit someone might never believe. ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY It is well and truly a mystery as to where exactly the mutant known as Johnny Corpse came from. He’s nobody special in terms of his deeds out in the wasteland, barring the fact that he’s on record for bringing in over three hundred bounties, he didn’t carve out a place in the reaches past Sevara, and he damn sure didn’t come up from money like some people. Rather, Johnny Corpse first started making appearances fifty years ago when he, allegedly, was just a man of his 30s. Anyone who makes a point to track intelligent mutants and their actions could tell you that he always had a mind for making money and bringing a sense of frontier justice down on someone’s head. From Sully’s Rest to Ardhelm, Havenwood to the other end of Lake Tankar, the old mutant’s made his way up and down the sands more times than most can count. He’s packed bodies cold and warm and made a bloody killing chasing bounties that no sane individual cares for. Once, he tracked down a man who was more cybernetics than meat, and shot the man seventeen times in the skull before he finally died in an explosion of fire and blood, killing three “innocent” bystanders in the process, before he left Strider territory. Johnny has mostly kept his head down in most other areas. He’s lucky enough to have never been shot dead by the Northwood Blackwatch, and “settlers” that have come and gone never could kill him either, on the rare occasion they jumped him. Johnny’s life has mostly been one of hard living and shooting the socially acceptable targets, for the better part of five decades. Whenever he rolls through the more civilized areas, people usually know him ahead of time and can at least be assured he’s not there to shoot them, and his record as an effective bounty hunter is no doubt the only thing that allows him to walk into such places at all. Recently, Johnny paid off some Striders to let him hitch a ride to the outskirts of Sully’s Rest, where he spent the last two days taking it easy. ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY Johnny is the poster boy of jaded, disgruntled bastards who don't let the world tell them what to do. Everywhere he goes, people give him funny looks and keep the safety on their guns off. And his brusque, blunt attitude definitely doesn't help, but they usually let him go when they see the body he's packing. It's a tough world, one that'll chew you up and spit you right out if you don't bite back, and Johnny Corpse didn't earn his nickname by falling over without getting back up. More often than not, he gets himself out of sticky situations in civilized areas by telling someone to just fuck off and behave themselves, since he usually has a gun at the ready before they do. Still, Johnny isn't that hard to get along with, if you're not a bitch about it. Sit down, act your age and shoot the shoot about the weather or whatever's going on in Havenwood the last few weeks and he'll probably tolerate your presence for the day. Johnny's seen a lot of people come and go over the years, being one who isn't inclined to sit down and stay still, so his patience is usually a lot less than most. ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK Money, life and freedom. The only things someone who lives life by the gun in their hand truly needs. ____________________________________________________________________________ MODIFIERS Mutant Freak - Johnny occasionally jokes that shooting him in the head with a shotgun at point blank range is only going to scratch the shotgun. +4 to Endurance. Old Bones - Johnny is older than a lot of people who travel on a regular basis, and he's starting to slow down. -2 to Fitness. |