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I keep forgetting you were ever here
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@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
3 mos ago
Mahz has a desk?
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3 mos ago


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Varnan had called in sick ahead of his drive to Raven’s Rest, so he was entirely oblivious to the chaos that occurred at Freya’s bakery. He was expecting the day to take longer, in the form of him and Bill getting down to proper business about all the werewolves and vampires coming down the mountain. That didn’t work, so Varnan rode back to northern Cloverfield. He pulled into a parking lot outside a coffee shop at roughly 1pm in the afternoon. He’d done some sweeps around the edge of town for more apparitions as a precaution, and was planning to get back to that. In just a few minutes.

He swung off his motorcycle, swung out the kickstand and leaned against it. Varnan looked around, and confirmed that no one else was in the parking lot, so he reached for his watch and activated a spell. He ran his bike’s Parallel Code that he’d logged five minutes ago, and all the gas he’d used up in that small window conveniently reappeared.

He relived that five minutes that last five minutes, like a hallucination. And when it was finished, she was approaching him.

Quill had expected Varnan to want to meet at a location where he would be advantageous. She expected mistrust. So she went along with it. She made her way, carefully, approaching with her hands in full view. That meant little when it came to magic and all that, but still, she hoped it showed some faith.

”Hello Varnan. I assume Ms. Collins told you, but my name is Quill St. Sebastien. I am a private investigator working with a client who very much wishes to meet you. She asked me to make contact. She wanted to be here for it but I wanted to meet you first. I understand you have a particular set of skills that my client is very interested in utilizing. Hope it’s okay if we talk for a bit.”

She did tell him someone was after him. It couldn’t have been the Guild, they didn’t operate this way. He looked up at her, and Varnan didn’t strike her as an overt threat.

”...Yes. I was told someone had been looking for me regarding something,” he said. What, he didn’t know. ”What “skills” are you referring to, if I may?”

”From my understanding it is how you are able to keep an eye on things going on in this city. Not to put too fine a point on it but she mentioned threats to her holdings. Specifically she referred to them as monsters. Now, I am wise to the things going on around here so I know she isn’t talking about ‘Karens’ or other horrible people, but rather actual monsters. She brought you up as someone whose job it is to be aware of the threats and thought we should connect on how to go about removing said threats.”

“I understand I am not being super forthcoming. I am happy to share relevant information if this sounds…doable for you. My client does wish to be involved and they have the finances to be useful, at least somewhat.”

Monsters. Of course. ”Alright, then let’s talk. You have my attention.” It mattered that he knew she was at least somewhat paranormal. Enough to know what he’d been doing in the time he was here. ”What role do you have in this, as an investigator?” He could assume she wanted to know things about him. That was the polite way to ask about that.

Quill merely shrugged. ”I’m not really paid to ask questions. I’m more of a fixer so I fix problems. And this town has a habit of having problems that are monster-related or, at least, monster-adjacent. Plus I have my own skills.” She would not be elaborating, but she hoped he got the message. ”Plus I’m getting the sense a lot more is connected. After all, the bakery you worked at was attacked. You work there, I needed to go there. Lots of coincidences.”

Varnan’s head tilted upwards a bit. ”Attacked. The woman who owns that bakery- Was she hurt?” It couldn’t possibly have been a vampire, or a werewolf, could it? And he was there yesterday for closing time, it had to have been while he was in Raven’s Rest this morning.

Quill tilted her head to one side, as if trying to look at the man at a different angle. Did he not know? Wouldn’t Freya have told him if he was this supposed guardian who knew of threats to the town? ”Apart from one of the customers being killed, everyone else is all right, more or less. Ms. Collins was not present when I was there but she is aware of what happened. I helped clean up the mess afterwards as one of the other people, Loni if I remember right, needed to be brought to the hospital. There was some…thing. A mimic? A doppelganger? Something to that effect.”

Quill was still wrapping her mind around it. ”Be that as it may, I believe everyone is safe. I also believe I have given a lot more answers than I have received. So Varnan, care to share what you know?”

He crossed his arms and thought for a moment. It was always tricky discussing the paranormal with strangers. But this woman clearly was paranormal herself. To what extent, he was unsure.


”I fought something like that, already. Once. Out of respect for others involved, I won’t say where. But they are dangerous. It could ignore certain things it was subjected to. I haven’t noticed more than one yet, though.”

”So you have fought one before, which means it’ll likely come back. I do not know if that is the threat my client was speaking of or if it is just one of many in this godsforsaken city, but either way it seems you are skilled.”

“My client needs help, but I believe they could speak more as to what exactly they need. They would like to meet up to talk provided you are willing. She is like us in that I felt power stirring inside of her. Would you be willing to meet up? I’ll be there to help if things get dicey. If they do intend to backstab me I will not make it easy for them.”

”That will be fine.” He nodded. ”There are other things in Cloverfield besides them. Other things that I’ve tried to keep tabs on.”

”I believe they mentioned that. If you would not mind my curiosity, what other things are you tracking?” Nothing would surprise her here, but it would be nice to know what creatures are going bump in the night. Preparation is key.

”The kind that aren’t native to here. Most of them come down from the mountains, and conveniently find their way here.” There was always a chance that someone paranormal wasn’t exactly human themselves, so he wasn’t going to admit that they were vampires and werewolves. ”Apparitions, monsters.”

”Seems your ability to track falls in line with my client’s wishes to have some problems of their own taken care of. And it seems I’ll need to walk around with more defenses on my side. Shall I set up the meeting then or would you prefer to reach out to my client? Unsure what they would want but they sort of gave me carte blanche to handle this.”

”Feel free. And let me know when. Is there a way I can contact you?”

Quill gave off her phone number. ”There. And let me know if I can be of use to you in the future. Can never have too many allies to battle the creepy crawlies that threaten our good town.” Said with a hint of sarcasm, but the offer was genuine all the same.
Two days ago (because time is fake, fuck you), Cora basically flatlined and had neon blue light coming out of every vein in her body. One day ago, it was a struggle to even lift her arms, let alone drag herself out of a bed. Yesterday evening, she could hobble around and hold her hands steady enough to rub them together. She’d had a pretty significant amount of time to think about Metamorph, and what he was dealing with.

Cora thought he had something weird going on with his powers. Memory blanks that came when his powers got the better of him, not memory blanks when other people were at the wheel. Unfortunately, she couldn’t use a phone in her condition, and that was probably for the best since Cora was absolutely not going to read a wiki about psychology and then run in to back up Kila, or Ja, or whoever the third guy was.

Slowly, she walked through the cave and leaned slightly against a wall. Cora wasn’t willing to levitate right now, it’d probably rough her up more. She knocked on a door.

Black Canary opened the door, knowing Cora had scheduled a session with her.
“Come in Cora.” The Leaguer took her usual place behind the desk and gestured for the white haired teen to lay down on the turquoise chaise lounge.
”None of you ever sit there, probably because it’s a cliche. But in your condition Cora I have to insist you make yourself comfortable.”

Dinah would never discourage the Team to come and see her, but Cora was lucky to not still be in the infirmary. Red Tornado had discharged her, vitals were as stable as they were going to get. And being a robot that’s what he used as a measure to determine Cora’s condition. There was more going on underneath the surface.

”So what can I do for you today?”

Cora clambered around and fell backwards onto the chair thing that nobody actually sat on. Her legs burned. ”So… You know how brains work. You know better than anyone else what happens when something in someone’s head goes wrong, right? I’ve had a lot of time to think about stuff, and I’ve been wanting to help Metamorph with what he’s been going through.” It was easier to just refer to all three of them with one name.

”And it feels like everyone else is either too mad at someone else to think about him, or too pissed off at him.”

Black Canary uncrossed her hands and shot a quizzical look at Cora.
“So you’re telling me you’re not here for what’s wrong in your head as you put it. But you want to find out what’s going on with Metamorph…”

She had to give it to Cora. Even in her condition she wanted to be there for a team mate she hadn’t known for all that long, and on top of that had seen him do terrible things.

“What makes you want to help him?”

”He’s my friend, and he’s going through something pretty messed up. I’m asking you because you know this stuff better than me. I don’t really know who else to go to, and I’m definitely not going to just check the internet for something like that.” Was it really that unbelievable that someone would be on his side?

”Smart decision.’ Black Canary answered, more geared towards Cora’s decision not to use the internet, not necessarily coming to her. She deduced Cora wanted to know more about KJ’s condition. She had to be careful with the information she was going to share. KJ’s condition was a sensitive subject in the League, not everyone was on the same page. The last thing she wanted was to create more divide, especially in her own Team.

”Metamorphs' condition is something unique. There are three separate personalities inhabiting the same body. That in itself makes helping him challenging. What one of them needs may not be what the others need and vice versa. The third personality is also a recent development. Other than what we’ve seen of him so far we have no data, so there isn’t much to go on.”

Black Canary shifted in her seat, crossing one leg over the other and leaned back.
”How do you feel about his position on the Team?”

”Which one?” She asked. ”Both Ja and Kila were here before me… Maybe Metamorph Number Three was too? I’m not sure. Ja was torn up over what happened, I don’t know if Kila remembers it. I think we’d all be in pretty bad shape if they never came back.”

She fidgeted with her hands to stop them from trembling. ”It’s not right to put them in a box somewhere and forget about them, and I’m glad that didn’t happen. But you can’t just throw someone under the bus because of this, can you? I mean, there’s no way they’re the first superheroes to ever lose control of themselves.”

Black Canary nodded.
”You’re right about that. Even when we do everything right, bad things still sometimes happen. There are some things we have the power to control, but the hardest thing to admit is, especially for people in our line of work, is that sometimes we’re powerless”

”Yeah… Maybe it’s just another case of that for him. Animals can get feral just as fast as they can run or jump or breathe underwater. I don’t know…” She turned her head and stared straight at Black Canary. ”I know you’re looking for him, but is there something the rest of us could maybe do? Or me? I want to do something to help him, but I can’t go fight someone like this, and I wouldn’t know where to find Deathstroke anyway. How do you help someone in his situation?”

”Unfortunately Cora for now there isn’t a lot you can do for KJ, other than to follow League orders. I know you’re worried about your friend. I am worried about him too.

Black Canary pulled up her notebook and wrote down a few bullet points to address later. She looked at Cora again, a sympathetic look on her usually stern face.
”What you can do is be there for the Team mates who are still here. I know Kassandra has had a rough time with his absence.

”I know there isn’t much I can do, yeah.” She’d been incapacitated for a day or two, after all. ”Still, they’re all going to be back here eventually. I don’t know, Metamorph’s part of the team. I don’t get it.”

She did have a point though. Kassy probably felt like shit right now. Cora made a mental note to talk to her.

”I don’t get how they can be so willing to turn their backs Ja or Kila for this, when they’ve probably all made worse mistakes.”

”Everyone on the Team has made mistakes, sometimes even endangering others. And they’re still on the Team. No one has asked for KJ to be removed from the Team. I think this is their way of trying to help him and protect themselves at the same time.”

Black Canary sighed softly.
”This might not be the best comparison but take what Daphne went through by being connected to the Green. She couldn’t participate in missions which may have indirectly put the Team at a disadvantage during missions, if her skills were needed. The difference with KJ is that she wasn’t a danger to the Team, she just wasn’t there.

‘They probably feel betrayed by him in some way.

She had a point, Cora had to admit. ”...Pei was pretty vocal about him being kept off of missions, though. She wasn’t really nice about it either- At least Viktor wasn’t an ass about it. Just… I dunno. This sucks.”

”Everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions and communication is key. Of course there is a textbook way on how to communicate your feelings properly, that’s not always easy when emotions are involved and they usually are. It’s important to not get stuck in the negative emotions that cause you to lash out. Pei being vocal about the situation doesn’t mean she hates KJ.

”Wasn’t exactly easy to tell. She was being awfully shitty about it the whole time.” It was really annoying, the way she snarked about how he could’ve hurt people. ”Honestly, it felt like she was just making fun of Metamorph or fun of us.”

Black Canary ticked off something in her notes and returned her attention to Cora.
”You’re always welcome to vent here Cora, but if this is something that will keep bothering you about Pei’s communication style you should talk it out with her.”

”Yeah. I know. I haven’t really been able to stand up, or even get out of bed until today, though. So… I’ll probably talk to her. Maybe. I hope I’m wrong and she just sucks at showing how she actually feels about it.” Cora shrugged.

Black Canary put down her notes and smiled sympathetically at Cora.
”You should take it easy for now Cora, you’ve been through a lot, mind and body both.”

Technically speaking, that was true. But that was absolutely not what Cora had in mind.

”Ehhh… If I sit still for too long, it’s going to be really hard to get back up. I’ve got stuff to do. Like seeing how the rest of my team’s been doing while I was fucked up in a hospital bed.”

First on her list was Daphne.

Jack could not help but grin like he’d just stolen something from the richest place on the planet. His daughter clearly knew how to use her magic in the more clever ways than he was thinking of. Annika truly did take after him.

”Good.” It was a simple trick, but one that had weight to it. ”By the time those sirens arrive, we’ll be-“ Jack was cut short by Salem falling through the ground, and reappearing overhead. He swung both of his fists down on Jack’s head in an attempt to knock him down. But Jack, unfortunately, was quicker than that.

He slipped forward, turned around and shoved his boot into Salem’s back, causing him to tumble down face-first. Serena turned her hands into claws to try and break the manacles. It didn’t quite work.

”Enough of this. Annika, we should leave.”

He stepped around and planted a hand on Annika’s shoulder. Darkness swallowed them both up, and for a brief moment, they were back in the Everdark, slipping through like it was just an exit on a highway. And then they were on the other end of the block where Salem and Serena had found them.

Right on the steps of the library.

Mourningdove Lane

”What the fuck is this place?”

Mason stood in the lawn of the mansion, staring at all the windows and noting how many people were inside. He’d received a letter somehow, conveniently found on a nightstand when mom was out, outlining the fact that magic existed. Come here at midnight. It didn’t sound like the safest thing in the world, but the last week had been rough. Between his keys vanishing three days ago, and the fact that he’d lost count of how many times he had accidentally soaked himself trying to drink something in a cup that suddenly didn’t exist, this so-called “magic” was getting on his nerves.

And the longer Mason thought about it, the more it sounded like there was a bit of truth to it. Did he just get blessed with some weird superpower to delete things from the universe? It was he broken somehow? He really didn’t know, but if this weird house and the people inside it had something to offer him that could fix this? Then fuck it, he’d walk right into a fancy house at midnight.

Mason wasn’t exactly dressed for a rich neighborhood. He threw on some faded jeans and an old jacket, plus a tank top underneath. Compared to some of the houses on this street, he looked like someone’s drug dealer that laced all the products with nicotine to keep them coming back for more. Granted, nobody was even out here at an hour like this. Not that he’d be any less shady-looking, here in a fancy neighborhood at this hour looking like God’s gift to the crackheads. He stared down at the letter again while walking forward, to make sure he had the right address.

Mason, I hope this letter finds you well enough, before you accidentally destroy it.

One does not create without destruction. And for the past week, you’ve found yourself quite acquainted with the latter half of that fact. You have the potential to wield magic, the likes of which has not been seen in centuries. You’ve taken your first steps in working to control it, and I can help you prosper in that.

Come to 13 Mourningdove Lane. Midnight.

~The Archivist

He really, really didn’t like that someone was stalking him. Mason had tried to keep this under wraps as best he could, making sure not to touch things around other people and making sure he didn’t lose track of what he was doing. Someone was going to have some explaining to do. He walked up to the door, grabbed the doorknob without knocking, and the doorknob flickered out of existence.

Mason stared down at where it was for a second.

"...Yeah, I'm not paying fo-" The door swung open, without him touching it.

Yeah, that was weird.

This was going to be a long night.

"Anybody home?" He asked, walking in.
Johnny didn’t even get his damn food, and there were gunshots ringing out.

”God fuckin’- Aaaalright, kids…” That couldn’t have actually been Striders, he’d just rode in with them. What, did they drop him off and circle around? Wait for him to be in the thick of things and fucking shoot him along with everyone else? What the hell kind of fucking plan is that? ”Damn well better not be no fuckin’ Striders,” Johnny groaned. He grabbed his chips and swung his leg away from the stool he sat on. ”Can’t no man eat in peace like this.” He just wanted a quiet day. An hour at most to take a break but no. Same shit, different day.

Johnny unslung his rifle from his shoulder and clicked the safety off.

”Keep yer heads down, unless you got a gun and know how to use it. Sons’a bitches…” From the sounds of it, there were a lot of them outside, slowly closing in like a predator around Sully’s rest. Which meant standing behind walls was the safest bet, so Johnny opened a window at an empty seat and used the table to steady his rifle. He loaded in a metal slug and took aim for the closed gate, daring those raiders to come through it.

”Can’t get a damn minute to eat these days. Can’t have shit,” he mumbled. ”Come on, fuckers. Open up.”

Extra Stuff: 🎵Ghost Towns🎵



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