Avatar of Bonesaw McGraw


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@DracoLunaris Robotosist is approved, go ahead and move him to the Chars tab.

@Burning Kitty I like the character, the only thing is that since DOnna Troy is an established superhero already in the Teen Titans, Fury should have a different civilian name.

@mattmanganon I don't think James' mother ALSO sleeping with some Kryptonian God after getting abducted and taken into space is really necessary. I'd say you probably don't need the half-brother element and can cut that out of the backstory. For a nemesis, maybe something else connected to Egyptian myth or something based around the Shazam mythos since a lot of that also has to do with ancient Egypt.

@NecroKnight Yes they can be trained by any canon hero (or villain).
@NecroKnight Yes they can be children or relatives of existing heroes.

@Kaalee This is a continuity-lite RP, certain iconic moments in DCU history are of course never going to be changed, but we will apply continuity for our own storytelling benefit. Take what you like, leave what you don't. This is our own DC Universe.
@Ryteb Pymeroce Looks good, go ahead and move him over to the Characters tab. I really like that you incorporated an archnemesis into his origin story.

Lex Luthor, the world's greatest supervillain, has been found guilty of crimes against humanity. He is now serving a lifetime sentence at the Super Max prison facility on Stryker's Island. Luthor's estranged son, Alexander Luthor Jr., has taken over his father's company. The new President of LuthorCorp has vowed to use the company's resources in order to avenge the wrongdoings of his father, seeking redemption for the Luthor name. Alexander has rebranded LuthorCorp as a humanitarian aid organization, confornting numerous crises around the world.

In an unprecedented move, Superman, the hero responsible for Lex Luthor's arrest, has endorsed the reformed LuthorCorp on behalf of the Justice League. Alexander has now embarked on a new initiative, assembling his own team of superheroes to assist the Justice League in their global battle against the forces of evil...

In this RP we will be playing as a brand new superhero team in the DC Universe, Justice League Incorporated. The team will of course be sponsored by Alexander Luthor Jr. and LuthorCorp, and will consist of all-new, original characters. Feel free to play any kind of superhero you'd like, but try to ground their story within the DCU. For example, maybe your character grew up in Gotham City, maybe they're a Thanagarian, an Atlantean, maybe they draw their power from the Speed Force, you get the idea.

The character sheet template will be outlined below. Once you've completed your CS, post it here. I'll give it a quick look and then let you know to post it in the Characters tab once approved. Like I said in the interest check threat, we probably want a team of around 6 superheroes, so nobody gets lost in the shuffle. Feel free to explore whatever corner of the DC Universe you'd like when creating a character, we want to have a good mix of powers and origins on the team. I'll be RPing as Alexander Luthor Jr., the coordinator of the team, as well as some of the supervillains we come across. However, most of the action will be on the other heroes. I'll try to incorporate elements of each character's backstory in different story arcs, so everyone will get a chance to take center stage.

The casual and advanced tag both being there was kind of my way of saying it's a "high casual" roleplay I guess.

And given the degree of interest, I'll look at putting the OOC/IC thread together soon.

Lex Luthor, the world's greatest supervillain, has been found guilty of crimes against humanity. He is now serving a lifetime sentence at the Super Max prison facility on Stryker's Island. Luthor's estranged son, Alexander Luthor Jr., has taken over his father's company. The new President of LuthorCorp has vowed to use the company's resources in order to avenge the wrongdoings of his father, seeking redemption for the Luthor name. Alexander has rebranded LuthorCorp as a humanitarian aid organization, confornting numerous crises around the world.

In an unprecedented move, Superman, the hero responsible for Lex Luthor's arrest, has endorsed the reformed LuthorCorp on behalf of the Justice League. Alexander has now embarked on a new initiative, assembling his own team of superheroes to assist the Justice League in their global battle against the forces of evil...

In this RP we will be playing as a brand new superhero team in the DC Universe, Justice League Incorporated. The team will of course be sponsored by Alexander Luthor Jr. and LuthorCorp, and will consist of all-new, original characters. Feel free to play any kind of superhero you'd like, but try to ground their story within the DCU. For example, maybe your character grew up in Gotham City, maybe they're a Thanagarian, an Atlantean, maybe they draw their power from the Speed Force, you get the idea. Obviously I'll be gauging interest here first before setting up the official OOC, but that's the general premise of the RP. Ideally, a group of 5-7 players would be perfect. Too many characters and some heroes will end up lost in the shuffle.
Sexton P.S. Love

Getting a drink of water wasn't bad advice. I mean, what else could could Sexton used to wash down his pills?


He could use booze.

Unfortunately, alcohol was no longer allowed in the building. Something to do with "changing times", "professionalism," and "the health and wellness policy." It all sounded like a bunch of nonsense to Sexton, and as far as he was concerned if he wasn't booked on the show there wasn't really a problem. It was yet another example of the wrestling business becoming overly sanitized. Reaching into his fanny pack he pulled out a small mickey of vodka, and emptied it's contents into a plastic water bottle. The stench was pretty strong, but it was nothing compared to the foul odour of sweat and vomit seemingly emanating from every one of his pores.

After rehydrating himself, Sexton grabed a seat near one of the TV monitors backstage to watch some of tonight's matches. Sexton glanced around the locker room at his colleagues, thinking to himself that many of these so-called "wrestlers" looked more like actors on the CW Network. They had probably never been in a real fight in their lives. Sexton somewhat resented the direction that the wrestling business was heading. It seemed as though wrestlers were more concerned with performing flashy stunts and "sports entertainment exhibitions" as opposed to convincing fans that they were in a real, heated fight.

Another art that had truly been lost in the modern era was the art of the promo. Most wrestlers had their interviews overly scripted and were therefore unable to really develop their own characters or showcase their own personalities. The larger-than-life personas that once popularized wrestlng in 80s and 90s had disappeared and been replaced by generic names and canned promo lines. It was becoming harder and harder for fans to emotionally invest in professional wrestling.


Sexton got up and made his way past the hair and makeup area to find Ian Hamiltion, who wrestled for AWE as "Owen Sparks," rehearsing some of his lines for a spot promo he had been asked to shoot. Ian was a good kid, with a lot of raw talent and athleticism. Sure, he was greener than goose shit, and he looked like he was still in high school, but at least he was in good ring shape. Another wrestler, Zachary Wake, had become a mentor of sorts to Ian and had been helping him develop his moveset. But Sexton knew that unless Ian could connect with the fans on the microphone it wouldn't do him much good.

Sexton approached the young up-and-comer and slapped him on the back.

"Sparky baby," said Sexton, taking Ian by surprise. "I saw a couple of your matches from down in Greensboro daddeh, and you had the people in the palm of your hand."

It was true, Owen Sparks had come close to stealing the show at a couple of live events during the last loop of towns.

"Darlin' I know you're trying to make a name for yourself out there, but my God just promise me you'll be careful coming off that top rope. It's gotta mean somethin' daddeh, don't be killin' yourself out there just for the sake of it. Always remember darlin', a good match is like a good fuck. It's all about the foreplay. You gotta tease the fans a litte out there, and build to the big climax. That's how you make 'em SCREAM your name."

In all honestly, Sexton stop caring about having a good fuck some time ago, but he still prided himself on his work in the ring.

Sexton glanced down at the piece of paper in Ian's hands, with his promo lines written on it.

"And I know you don't want to step on too many toes, but nobody knows who Owen Sparks is better than you darlin'. When you get in that promo booth, don't be afraid to be spontaneous. That's your chance to tell the world who you are. Taking risks is how you make it in this business daddeh."
Since we're just about done with this week's show, it would be nice to get a run down of the next episode here in the OOC section. Just so we can start thinking about our matches and promos.
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