Avatar of booksmusicanime
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7589 (1.89 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. booksmusicanime 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current i'm here, creating angst for others.
5 yrs ago
Still around. Always around.
6 yrs ago
If anyone needs me just send me a PM or something and I'll get you a more reliable way to contact me.
7 yrs ago
I love that I've wasted almost 5 years of my life on this website.
7 yrs ago
Saw a recent status. Those people who have messed up in past RPs, especially if it's been a recent RP likely haven't changed. If it's been a bit then maybe they have.
1 like


Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.
If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!

Most Recent Posts

Go ahead!
"Can I join aswell?" Crystal asked, walking over towards the group.

//I got no idea what to do with Ris right now.\\

Wy jumped up and down nodding her head. "YES! The more sugar the better they are!" She said with a wide grin, her blue pony tail swished around. "I know a really good icing recipe and it's easy to make too!" She said running to grab a cookbook from the rack of cookbooks.
Reaver rolled her eyes. Why not instead of this they actually talk to people? Mortals are so stupid, now I see why boss despises them so much. She though, glaring at the ground. She continued listening.
Ris who I have in the RP cause I brought back Cilia first and then realized I can't have Cilia without having Ris.
Tis fine, I'm just waiting on Yami so I can reply to both you and Yami in one post.
Mecca darted up-right, pain shooting through her sore limbs. She went to feel for her lighter, wanting to take comfort in these strange surrondings only to find herself in a dress. "I hate dresses." She grumbled as she stood on her shaky legs and made her way towards the door where Bristle was at, grumbling things to herself.
I'm not going to be rebooting this RP anytime soon nor do I give anyone permission to Reboot this RP.

In all honesty I'm not starting or rebooting any RPs until my computer is fixed and that's looking to be possibly after Christmas.
No I'm waiting for Yami just so I can make a post to reply to both.
Yay! That means I can get a break from making arcs again! Cause we know how well my arcs have gone in the past.

Also if you think about it we have the original group from the original RP back together.

/Also Crystal may make a return\
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