Avatar of booksmusicanime
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 7589 (1.89 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. booksmusicanime 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current i'm here, creating angst for others.
5 yrs ago
Still around. Always around.
6 yrs ago
If anyone needs me just send me a PM or something and I'll get you a more reliable way to contact me.
7 yrs ago
I love that I've wasted almost 5 years of my life on this website.
7 yrs ago
Saw a recent status. Those people who have messed up in past RPs, especially if it's been a recent RP likely haven't changed. If it's been a bit then maybe they have.
1 like


Heyo, if you ended up here then let me introduce myself! I'm Books (I also go by Musi or Mel). I've been here for a while and still occasionally return to lurk and see what's up. I've graduated with my bachelor's degree! So sorry if you've known me for years, I am firmly cementing the fact we are old now.
If you wanna see more of me in a more active capacity I stream on twitch as MelodyMusica!

Most Recent Posts

Welcome to Undertale RP! Yea world's most creative name XD. Anyways I am the ever lovely Books. This roleplay was fully developed with the help of a majority of the people in this RP. So since there's not much to say I'll just go to the rules, because rules are fun!

1. NO GODMODDING OR POWERPLAYING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders and powerplayers on my RPS.
2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal
3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice.
4. Please do not ask to join if this RP is full. You will not be accepted.
5. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that.
6. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome.
7. Please do not argue with me if someone took the character you wanted to be.
8. Only two OC Humans will be allowed for population control. This is a first come, first serve deal. Human OCs now only allowed for plot arc reasons. No longer accepting human OCs.
9. KEEP IT PG-14 PEOPLE!! If it's over that then fade it to black people. Some cussing is allowed but no going overboard!
10. Books' word is law! Anything I say goes and plots and such are controlled by me unless someone has my permission.
11. Please be literate. Meaning use correct grammar, punctuation, etc. Spelling is kinda meh. No one is a perfect speller...especially me....
12. When making a reply to someone please tag them in your post so they see the post. Some people may forget to check the RP so doing that reminds them.
13. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time.

Now here's the form for the two OC humans!
6/6 NOT ACCEPTING HUMAN OCS! This can be leniant depending on situations.

Character List:
Sans and Papyrus - @Simple Unicycle
Frisk - @thanatosDefiant
Grillby and Monster Kid - @AcetheKidd
Flowey, Mana, and Kaia - @booksmusicanime
Alphys - @fourtimesnine
Undyne - @Lilygold
Nastablook - @Cheshire Cat
Walter and Alyona - @Skepic
Mettaton and Kim - @RainbowFactory
Asgore, Toriel, and Chara - @Vesuvius00
Aryla - @DigitalDemon
??? - @CallMeChaotix
Awesome! Welcome to the group! You've got Alphys!
@Simple Unicycle
Okay and yea I just don't think I'd be a good Papyrus. I can't roleplay optimistic characters XD.

Also I just wanted to ask about that because yea Mana and Just are two very interesting characters. I mean VERY interesting.

Gonna work on the OOC now!
Yea if you wanted to. I think I'm only going to allow two human OCs though

Awesome! Who would you like to RP?

Here's the sort of list of who's who.

Sans and Papyrus - Simple
Toriel and Asgore - Spooky
Frisk - Thanatos
Gaster - Saare
Grillby and Monster Kid - Ace
Flowey and Human OC 1 - Books
Alphys - ???
Undyne - ???

I'm thinking of if you wish to play a main character that you're limited to two on them.

@Spooky Tanuki@thanatosDefiant@Saarebas@Simple Unicycle
Now I gotta ask. What would be better? A twenty year old painter? Or a blind, mute eight year old?

Okay so hopefully tonight when I get home (why is it always late for me getting home the past few weeks) I will get the RP up.
The thought of just trying to get the true end makes me cry.
Mecca's eyes brightened at the sight of food. She quickly sat up and took a sip of her favorite drink, Unsweetened Tea. She gave a small grin as she set the goblet down. She pushed her hair back from her face before grabbing her fork and started to eat. She didn't really care where the food came from as long as it was edible, nor was she too bothered by magic training after this.
Yea that was my idea for Flowey to be left in a pot, besides that's how he's depicted in almost all Post-Pacifist comics.
@Dinh AaronMk

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