The Italian boy had been toward the street-side of the alley's entrance, falling behind as Ian moved further into the alley, while the vampire child negotiated using a smart phone app with the disembodied spirit of someone who had died before cellular telephones had been invented. Or, attempting to do so anyway.
The youth looked up from his phone when he'd heard Elizabeth's voice, the almost perpetual look of worry briefly dispelled by a small smile and sense of relief before the boy had looked back down at the device while Ian and Elizabeth exchanged a few words.
Enzo was engrossed in an exchange of his own, through one that was talking across the Veil. Speaking in low tones, the one-sided conversation with the ghost was none the less choreographed by the expressive gestures the Italian used when speaking.
"Good Evening, Gentlemen. Anything we can help you with?"The change in tone caught Enzo's attention, sending goosebumps up his skin as the hair stood up on his neck. The boy's brown eyes were large as he looked up anxiously to realize that there was a group of men with bottles and chains that were advancing through the alleyway toward them.
Ian had positioned himself to confront them.
...wait, Ian was Brujah. Was he losing his temper?
Did Brujah have any manipulation Disciplines? Should he have paid more attention to Clan studies? Probably, but right now Enzo was imagining the scene unfolding in a violent way, which would put a spotlight on them and only further complicate the search for Ludwig.
So what was he going to do about it?
Wait, was Enzo going to do something about it? What was he going to do? He was just a height-challenged math nerd!
"Che cazzo..." the boy uttered softly, as his legs seemed to now be carrying him toward Ian with some perverse will of their own. Internally, the boy could feel his own Beast pulling at him to flee.
"Ehi," the boy called out, the Italian equivalent to
hey, hoping to draw eyes on him. Honestly, he didn't care about getting the attention of all of the Kine. Just the one who seemed to be leading the pack.
Brown eyes flashed as the normally mousey boy craned his head back to look the Kine in the eye.
"Leave." The boy's normally quiet, subdued voice was atypically firm and astonishingly commanding. A glimpse of the Giovanni that Enzo tried not to be. Manipulative. Controlling.
The normally life-like child had stopped any pretense of breathing, instead frozen in place trying to project an air of confidence while being terrified and waiting in the moments between seconds that felt as though they were hours-long.
Waiting to see if the man would walk away.
Waiting to see if the others would follow suit.