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"Once that is done, we need to figure out where Spectrier or Glastrier are."
"Well, what shall we do now?" Liam asked the group.
"Yeah, I don't think there would be a problem in that," Liam agreed. Brandon accepted this compromise. Liam handed over the Master Ball with Regidrago.
Brandon declined the offer, He felt it wouldn't be right since he didn't catch them.
Brandon made a comment on this temple held regis, much like he anticipated, and was glad to have gotten to see them. Though he did on some level wish he could have caught them.
Liam knew that they still had more to tend to up here in the Crown Tundra. but they were waiting for a signal to show when to go.
Through careful coordination, all the lights needed were lit up. There was a rumble as two beams emerged, from the statue, each of them color coordinated to one half of the structure. Then each beam turned into a Pokemon that Liam had never seen before.

"Regidrago, the Dragon Orb Pokemon. A Dragon Type. Regidrago's body is composed of crystallized dragon energy. Regidrago is said to have the powers of every dragon Pokémon. If yet to be confirmed academic theories are true: Regidrago's arms are made from the head of an ancient dragon Pokemon.

Regieleki, the Electron Pokemon. An Electric type. This Pokémon is a single organ that generates enough electrical energy to power an entire region. It’s said that removing the rings on Regieleki’s body will unleash the Pokémon’s latent power.

"Interesting," Liam says looking at them. He chucks a Master Ball at Regidrago.

"Regidrago has been registered to your Pokedex."
Liam counted down for he and Shiranui to in unison step on the first spot for each of their patterns. If Liam's theory was correct, then they would both be lit up.
Liam took his position. He stopped to think about it. "Hey, Shiranui I have an idea: we need to step on the spots that coroidnate with our respective end, but lets try stepping on them at the same time"
Brandon saw there was a series of round panels on the floor. He found that when stepped on they lit up, but some when lit up caused others to turn back off. Brandon did some experiments with them before coming up with a theory. He asked the heroes if he could get some help from them. He thought that they might have to get spots lit up in accordance to those two series of dots.
Brandon leads the heroes to the split ruins. He talked about how between the apparent age and the design of the ruins, He thinks it might be related to the regis. He Let them out of their Pokeballs. They all face the ruins and began almost communicating with it. With a rumble, the doors began to open.
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