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Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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A Duel with Destiny

With the Council in recess until the next day, Micholi had quickly and quietly left the Council chamber and for all intents and purposes seemed to disappear off the face of the universe. He needed some time to himself in order to center himself after the frustrating and shameful display from his siblings on the Council floor; Even when they largely dressed it up in their language, fundamentally it had all added up to the same tag lines of ‘the xenos cannot be trusted’ and ‘to leave them alive goes against the whole point that the Emperor launched the Crusade in the first place’.

However, that was not what had caused his anger to flare up to the point that he had been about to storm the center podium to chew his siblings out. It was the personal insults that had done that. It was one thing to attack the Edict of Tolerance because he could acknowledge that it was a matter of policy and people could disagree with it but it was a completely different thing to attack the people who were defending it on a personal level, as if that undermined their points and made it invalid.

However, what made him seeth the most was that fact that he could admit to himself that he had made a miscalculation in regard to Nelchitl. Ignoring her childish insults had only encouraged her to keep going and her accusations had reached the point where they needed to be answered.

And so it was that the Primarch of the Second Legion sent a message to his sister of the Seventeenth. Short, blunt and simple because that was clearly the best manner in which to address Nelchitl so that she would understand. All it consisted of was a time and a place.

Every room of the building designed solely for the Council had been designed, constructed and maintained to a masterful degree, with a mind to the possibility of even the biggest of the Primarchs being able to move around within them with a great deal of ease. One chamber however had been designed for more than just being able to contain several Primarchs comfortably: It had been designed so to be able to survive a battle between two or more of them at a given time.

The room itself was largely barren of furniture since what was meant to happen within these walls was not meant to be witnessed by the more mortal races of the Imperium. At first glance, the room stood out due to the lack of decoration on the walls and how empty it was, but there was one thing that stood out above how devoid it was compared to the other chambers one could find in the palace of Nikaea: A large, simple circle that was engraved into the floor that contained most of the floor of the chamber within itself.

Waiting patiently at the center of the circle was Micholi, having abandoned the more formal civilian attire he had worn during the meeting itself in favor of a much more simple tabard with the bare necessary clothes for the sake of modesty.

Nelchitl had been handed the note, the invitation, from Micholi by a council servant. The poor mortal had obviously been distraught enough as he spoke to the imposing form of Captain Nenetl in her Terminator armor. To then be allowed through the honor guard to speak directly to the Primarch herself must have been a shock beyond measure. The menial had been quaking as he spoke in clipped High Gothic, his eyes cast down from the Primarch as she regarded him with disdain. She had taken the note from his hands with a practiced delicacy, the parchment not even creasing between the fingers of her power armour’s gauntlet as she read it. The menial had scurried away quickly as he was waved off with a dismissive hand, and Nelchitl had quickly forgotten about him as she reread the simple contents of the note.

She’d arrived at the chamber only minutes from receiving the invitation. Throwing the doors open with such force that they rang against the walls of the room as they struck, leaving cracks through the fine stonework. Nelchitl had quickly taken Micholi in, and within moments pieces of her armor were being released as she strode to meet him in the center of the room.

“Micholi.” she spoke as a gauntlet clattered to the ground.

Micholi politely nodded his head, his gaze locked on Nelchitl with an intensity that normally wasn’t there. “In hindsight, I should have interrupted you earlier when you started to attack me personally. I had desired to spare you the humiliation of being called out in front of our siblings, the High Lords and the Emperor himself for your petty, childish insults about my character, alongside avoiding wasting all of their collective valuable time by acknowledging your personal spat with me, but clearly all my silence did was encourage you to continue to run your mouth. For that, I am sorry.”

For a brief moment, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face before he shrugged and explained “Back when I was growing up, there was an incident among the pack of people who had adopted me. I won’t bore you with the details, but the short version is a man and woman were in love, another man developed feelings for that woman and kissed her and things got tense between them. My uncle stepped in before the passive aggressive insults and anger reached a point where they did something stupid and got someone injured or killed.”

“He took both of the guys aside and told them to fight each other barehanded with him as witness to make sure neither of them did something underhanded like pull a knife or something. After attempting to provoke them to each other a few times and neither of them wishing to start the fight, my uncle told them ‘If you’re not mad enough to beat the shit out of each other in a bare handed fist fight, then you’re not truly mad and you idiots need to sit down and talk this shit out now and save us all a lot of stupidity.”

“As much as I would like it if it turned out that you’re not mad enough to want to get into a bare knuckle brawl with me right now, I cannot help but suspect that isn’t the case. The choice is yours through. Do we settle this grudge you have with me with words, or violence sister?”

Nelchitl regarded her brother with bewilderment as he spoke of his strange little story as if it was going to stop what he had set in motion. She waved a hand dismissively at Micholi, grinning as she took another step, more of her armour dropping off of her as she moved to stand square with him in the center of the room, “Was that supposed to move me Brother? Undo all the treachery you’ve no doubt sown in our Father’s domain?” she laughed as she turned her gaze to the ceiling, her arms rising up to her sides as she continued, “An old tale of your ‘Uncle’s’ from before you were elevated to your status as Primarch? No Brother.” Her chest plate fell to the ground with a resounding thud and she relished the thought of what was to come, even making a silent offering to her Father of what she was about to do in His name.

“Words will not solve this,” she stated bluntly as her gaze lowered in a flash to regard Micholi, a speeding fist following in perfect concert with the words.

There was a minor look of sadness in Micholi’s eyes, even as his hand blurred to slap and push Nelchitl’s wrist to the side to redirect her blow away from his person… before his expression hardened as that same hand tightened into a fist to deliver a backhanded blow directly to her face. “No, I didn’t think words would.” He answered bluntly in return.

Nelchitl’s head rang as her brother's backhand connected, knocking her head to the side and causing her to take a step to balance herself from the impact. Her head snapped back up to lock her gaze with Micholi, not a look of anger upon her features but instead a wide grin and exhilarated eyes looking into her brother’s sad expression. She brought a fist up into his stomach as she came back at him in a blur, a number of crushing body shots connecting with Micholi, “This, Brother, is already more than I could have wished for!” she revelled as she shifted and placed a punch squarely into her brother's flank.

There was a short list of names of entities in the universe that could take a direct punch from Nelchitl to the stomach and A) Survive and B) Actually keep fighting back. Fortunately for him Micholi was one of those entities, but it was clear within seconds who the better melee combatant of the two were as he instantly went on the defensive to block and redirect blows while slowly giving ground in order to have a moment or two where he wasn’t in her optimal reach.

He wasn’t completely defensive, waiting for split second moments when Nelchitl’s assault created a weakness and gap where he could strike back and land a solid hit without her being able to dodge, block or counter… but this was clearly not a foe that a single, critical strike could defeat without that blow being of lethal intent… and despite everything Micholi didn’t desire an outcome that risked his sister’s life, even if she slipped up and accidentally gave him that opening to do so.

Nelchitl took every hit from her brother with a grin so wide none would be thought a fool to call the Primarch of the XVII insane. She laughed as her brother's hits struck her, savoring the feeling of an opponent that could stand up to her as she blocked and struck back in a fine display of speed and skill all the while letting several of her brother’s strikes through her defense to add more than a little excitement to the duel.

“More Micholi! More!” she bellowed as she hammered a fist down into his shoulder and struck him bodily with her full weight. She spit coagulated blood from her mouth and pressed forward once more as Micholi too came at her, the flurry of strikes and blocks coming at such a dizzying pace that even Astartes would have been left dumbfounded if they were to witness the scene.

While Nelchitl clearly fell into her love of combat, Micholi grew more detached and mechanical in his thought process as the storm of blows and blocks raged between the siblings. The pain of the hits he was forced to take registered with him, but was quietly compartmentalised; not affecting his performance but not ignored either so he didn’t oversistimate his own abilities.

With the duel how it was going, Micholi knew he was going to lose. Yes his blows were well aimed and were doing damage, but the simple math of it was that Nelchitl was getting more blows in and as time passed his ability to block or deflect incoming attacks would grow lesser which would compound the problem until defeat was certain.

As blows that could cripple or kill a mortal human continued to rain at a truly terrifying pace, Micholi’s inability to get his left arm up high enough fast enough to deflect or block attacks at head height became more and more apparent; Granted most mortals would be unable to take advantage of such a minor opening, but Nelchitl was of a different caliber altogether.

Nelchitl moved around her brother in a blur, hits from both of the demigods cracking off the others blocks and bodies as they jockeyed with one another for a finishing blow. Having noticed her brother's lagging ability to block, Nelchitl shifted herself close in to Micholi and brought a heavy fisted hit directly into the side of her brother's head. She relished the view as her fist slipped by Micholi’s guard with mere atoms separating them, his arm simply too slow to keep up with the Emerald Priestess.

With a sound like lightning splitting a tree the Emerald Priestess’ fist connected with the side of Micholi’s head with a crack of force that caused several of the recessed lights of the chamber to burst in their globes. She relished the view as the coward was sent stumbling away, a small bout of blood running down his face as he reeled from her hit.

Bringing herself to her full height she looked down on her brother with brown eyes full of disdain, “Yield, craven.” she spoke as she began to circle him, “You are bested,” her eyes passed over his own and noted the ruined remains of his left eye, glazed and bleeding, “unless you would rather I take both eyes Micholi.” she mused, rolling her shoulders as if ready for more.

There was always a risk when it came to giving an enemy an opening; It generally had to be tempting enough that they wouldn’t suspect it was a feint and thus, one had to gamble that they would do meaningful damage beyond what you were expecting. As half of his vision disappeared into nothingness and pain that was quickly shifted into its own little compartment, the sacrifice quickly proved to be on the more extreme of outcomes… but not an uncalculated and unaccepted one.

As his sister gloated the wound and her believed victory, Micholi struck without saying a word; A feint punch towards her face in a seemingly retaliatory blow for his lost eye to draw her attention before he delivered a swift but solid kick into her middle. Unlikely to do anything more then leave a bruise, but the weight behind the blow would easily be enough to push her backwards… and causing Micholi to offer her a small, earnest little smile as he clearly made a show of looking at the ground between them, a silent gesture suggesting that she might wish to do the same.

Right between them laid the line of the circle in which the dueling round was contained within… and only one of them was still within said circle. “I’m afraid in your desire to blind me, you lost sight of the arena sister. You’ve been disqualified due to ring out.” Despite the loss of his eye and the blood running down his face, the look in Micholi’s remaining eye showed Nelchitl a simple truth; He had planned this outcome from the moment the fight began.

The realization dawned on Nelchitl as soon as she had seen the line. Micholi had deceived her. “You treacherous little shit.” she growled as she took a step toward him, “Were I one to disregard the wants of our Father-”

“Forgive me sister, but I must disagree. After all, not everyone can be the strongest or the greatest in a straight up fight. Positioning and thinking ahead are just as important in combat as anything else… and I fail to see how letting you blind yourself in bloodlust to defeat you legally in a duel is treachery. But if it makes you feel any better…”

Reaching up towards his ruined eye, Micholi’s remaining one remained locked onto his sister as his fingers reached into the socket. With barely a wince, the ruined remains and jelly was pulled free and he offered it to her with an open palm. “All I did was win a duel. You’re the one who can walk away with a trophy.”

Still sore at Micholi’s underhanded win, Nelchitl scowled as he spoke, “Do not lecture me Micholi, you and your stories and wisdoms.” she reached out and snatched the eye from his offering hand, “Were you to put more time into the ring than you do some mortals words, or those xenos filth, perhaps you’d still have this.”

Without waiting for a response she turned and stormed from the chamber, the double doors parting before her as she did. Once outside she signaled for one of her waiting Serpents to come forth, anger painted over her face as the Astartes ran up to fulfill her Scion’s bidding.

“My Lady.” her daughter offered as she bowed her head.

“Take this and place it among the Legions battle trophies, ensure it is easily visible to all that enter the trophy hall. I have more important matters to attend to.” she stated as she dropped her brother's eye into the waiting armored hand of her daughter. With a curt response the Astartes was off at a jog for the landing fields and the Scion of the XVII was already headed off on a different task.

Watching Nelchitl leave, Micholi remained for a few moments to let his sister get some distance before he decided to calmly leave the chamber himself. His attempt to bond with his little sister and mend the divide between them had failed though… for the life of him he couldn’t really understand why. He would admit that honor duels weren’t something that he took part in or encouraged since they were generally a waste of time and effort, but by all means he had fought and won an honorable duel in a legitimate manner.

Maybe it was because he had won and she had lost and her cries and anger was merely that of a sore loser… maybe it was because he had been the one to defeat her that tainted things within her mind. Who could say?

As he stepped out of the door and one of his attendants came to him, Micholi couldn’t help but notice the look of shock on their face at the sight of him. Before they had a chance to ask, he stated “I am going to need something to cover my eye until a new one can be grown to replace the old. Could you please go and fetch a medical eyepatch for me? I have some paperwork that I need to catch up on.”
It would later be uncovered that the construction site of the museum had proven to be the entry point of the activists; Investigation would revel that there had been an unintended gap in surveillance as the site was swapping from the security measures of the early stages of the construction site to the security measures that the museum itself would have due to a public holiday delaying delivery of equipment needed to install and power some of the security cameras. If the activists had acted the night before, they would have been picked up by the patrols that walked around the site and if they had acted the night after the museum's own security cameras would have caught the van before it had managed to get into position to blast the dilong exhibit wide open.

The discussion between the foreman and the head of security about the minor gaps in surveillance of the outside of the museum would be released to the public in the days following the incident. The conclusion they had come to was that there was enough cameras active to protect the museum itself for a night and even in the unlikely event that someone wandered through the gaps into the park itself, they would be picked up by cameras further in the park and intercepted before they did anything too stupid. They had not factored in the possibility of someone driving a car through the gaps to cover the distance to the exhibit before security could detect and mobilize to stop them nor those people having access to enough explosives to blast through the metal wall of the dilong exhibit. CEO Arthur's personal statement about his two employees was that they had been logical and rational in their decision making, but they had fallen into the trap reasonable people have fallen into since the dawn of mankind; They had underestimated just how smart and resourceful some very stupid people could get.

Cretaceous Coast's security team had already been on route to the dilong exhibit due to the activist van having been picked up by cameras further in the park, armed to stun and subdue. After the explosion and the release of the dilong pack, the activist van containing the surviving activists tore out of the park at high speeds. Deeming that launching a pursuit of the van that had already gotten a head start while going at reckless speeds would be both pointless and a reckless endangerment of life, the team had instead opted to go after the now free dilongs.

Tracking down the pack proved rather simple. The team had received training in tracking and part of their job was to grow familiar with the area around the park, both under the sun and at night to ensure that they were prepared for a situation like this, but the dilongs themselves proved fairly easy to track and hadn't traveled far. Their desire to secure and keep their freshly killed meal of two adult humans had left a rather easy trail to follow while limiting just how fast they could travel greatly. Once located, bringing the three dinos down was simply a matter of protocol and they were subdued and secured without further incident.

Unfortunately, the tragedy of the night was not yet fully complete. A janitor working at Cretaceous Coast by the name of Robert Swolls was run down by the fleeing activist van as they fled the park. Despite the parks limited medical felicities and the first aid of park personal to stabilize Robert so he could be transferred to a proper hospital for medical care, he died within the hour. The autopsy of Robert Swolls reveled that the amount of internal and brain damage he had suffered had been great and that, even if he had somehow gotten onto an operating table within minutes of being run down, his chances of survival would have been slim at best. On top of his life insurance, Cretaceous Coast made a further payment of money to the Swolls family, alongside a lifetime pass to the park and a heartfelt apology for their loss.

The final three victims of the incident were the dilong pack themselves. After some discussion, Cretaceous Coast made the grim decision to have them put down. As CEO Arthur said publicly "This decision was made due to safety concerns for both the patrons and staff of Cretaceous Coast. While we fully understand that the dilong were simply doing what carnivores do when presented with an opportunity for an easy meal, the tragic fact is that with the consumption of human meat the reasonable fear is that the current pack of dilongs would now view humans as a natural prey animal. This would likely encourage future escape attempts and endanger the staff who would need to work with them. While the public will likely be saddened by the missed opportunity to see our newest members of the Cretaceous Coast, since we had closed the park to give them a chance to adapt to their exhibit before exposing them to the public, we fully intend to produce a new pack of dilongs in a reasonable amount of time."
Just to make clear, the Dilong aren't in a wire encloser. They've got a low metal wall. @Kale19
Cretaceous Coast's to buy list.

1 Male Protocerotops $300 (The first Protocerotops exhibit is now full)
Bush G $100

1 Nibbler Habitat $1000
1 Live Chicken Feeder $100
Carnivore Feeder (Free)
Low Metal Wall $850
1 Large Auto-Cleaner (Land) $1050

3 Dilong (2 Female, 1 Male) $900

4 AntiDino Stun-gun $1300

2 AntiDino Lethal-gun $750

1 Museum $4000

All up, costing $10350
Cretaceous Coast's official opening to the public had been a big success!

It had to be said, the 'Park' itself was not that big. It only consisted of a singular exhibit that housed the recent three animal herd of Protocerotops as far as dinosaurs went, but they had made a good impression with the public and the positioning of the Cretacous Crunch restaurant so that the patrons could look into the exhibit from the balcony directly into the herd's own feeding area made it one of the best seats in the house to see them from... which in turn brought in some extra cash because to be allowed on the balcony, you had to order something first.

Efforts in Alaska to find new DNA strands for dinosaurs had been a more... mixed success so far. While the team out there had managed to extract healthy strains from two different dinosaur breeds, the issue was that both strands were for carnivorous species. While the Cretacous Coast wasn't against the idea of housing carnivores for the public to see and enjoy, at this stage they simply didn't have the funding to properly invest into a secure enough exhibit to ensure that the animals were safely kept separate from the public for the sake of both sides of the fence. Plus there was the standard isolation and study period that was step one of ensuring that the samples they had discovered didn't contain anything... dangerous. Well... more dangerous then the animal themselves anyway.

Jacob had recently come to him with an interesting idea, both in relation to research and to ensure future public interest in their park; When the time came to complete the herd of Protocerotops, instead of creating a forth female (as was tradition since the days of the original Jurassic Park to try and control the dinosaur population), instead they should develop a fully developed, breedable male so that the full range of the herds social nature could be explored. From a scientific standpoint there were a number of different fields that could be explored and developed from this decision if it was allowed to happen, but it also offered a degree of options for the more entertainment focused side of the park as well.

After all, being able to claim to have the first 'natural born' dinosaurs on the planet in hundreds of thousands of years would be a major promotional boon... and the public generally loved baby animals greatly. They were already having a contest across Australian schools to come up with names for the trio they already had, but having a live feed of the natural born eggs and the hype of being to name them... There were possibilities.

Of course, before Andrew had the chance to explore those further, the email on his computer held his current attention. The email itself had already been scanned by half a dozen different anti-virus softwares in order to make sure that it wasn't some kind of Trojan, giving the CEO the chance to contact and talk with his legal team about the development that the email offered... after taking a picture of it on his phone to ensure that possible evidence didn't slip through the cracks.

The deal was clearly all kinds of shady and rejecting it outright wouldn't be a terrible idea... but Andrew was thinking somewhat bigger picture. He was likely not the only one who had been contacted in this manner, opening up the possibility them some of their competitors might be more inclined to accept it, up front giving them advantages over the park and long term risking an incident that would tar the Coast's reputation solely because it also worked with dinosaurs. To allow this operation to continue was dangerous... but if Cretacous Coast offered to work with the authorities in order to set up a sting operation of sorts, not only could they shut this possible threat down before it had a chance to develop, it would also serve as a strong PR boost to the company itself while also allowing it to tear into any other competitor with less scruples.

With the proper authorities quietly made contact with and arrangements made, Andrew answered the email 'We are interested in your offer.'


Wheel me!

Oh. Spin the wheel then!

Considering how much money I've already spent, I might delay spinning the wheel this week.
Okay @Kale19, I've got some things to be purchased for Cretaceous Coast.

A restaurant for $1000.
A high quality DNA extractor: $640
2 new Protocerotops: $600
All up, that should be $2240

Go right ahead.
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