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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Location: The Celestial Palace.
Interacting with: Monarch of All (@Lauder) and Ruina @Squad 404)

Turning their head slightly to gaze upon the new arrival, Aethel seemed to light up at the sight of one of their siblings. Springing up from their sitting position in order to ponk around Ruina while checking her out like an over excited baby lamb discovering something new. Finally remembering words were a thing after the first bouncing circle, Aethel finally came to a stop in front of her as their front hooves moved up to cover their mouth as a squeal escaped them before the gushing began. "Oh. My. Me! You look amazing! The perfect blend of soft and delicate beauty combined with animistic savagery!... as well as some tasteful sex appeal in just how tight your outfit appears to be! It even matches your hair and eyes! You're going to be so popular! Everything we create is going to want to get to know you!"

Remembering where they were and whom was present, Aethel glanced back at the Monarch with a degree of bashfulness before forcing themselves to calm down with a polite clearing of their throat and a deep, deep breath. "I mean... My name is Aethel. It is an absolute pleasure to meet you... sister?" Glancing back at the Monarch of All as if to confirm if they were using the right kind of relationship to describe a fellow deity, regardless of the outcome they would turn back and offer a polite bow of the head. "I am Aethel. And this-" There was a grand sweeping gesture of two of their legs and a countless number of tentacles towards the world that they were observing "-is going to be our stage of Galbar! Granted its not much to look at right now since all that is currently there is water, but some of our kin have big additions already planned and I'm looking forward to seeing them."

"In fact, I have some ideas of my own but.." Pausing for a moment, Aethel turned back to the Monarch fully before politely requesting "Father, in order to speed up my additions to Galbar during this early development, might I make use of some of the Mana of the Palace? It is not vitally important since I can make due without it, but it would considerably speed up the development of Galbar's own sources of Mana by introducing a supply of it from the start."

In a quite overgrown glade lost somewhere in the various gardens of the Palace, an impossible wind started to blow through. As the leaves rustled softly a joyous, source-less laughter echoed through the branches of the trees while rebounding off of... well, everything it could; The plants, the soil... even the air itself joined in the chorus of thundering laughter, both delightful and sinister in nature as it grew to a fever pitch.

As a violent light burst forth from the center of the glade, the chorus of laughter condensed down into a singular voice. Even as the blinding light started to fade, the localized world of the isolated glade continued to glow even without a source of light to provide it... but the original light had left some things behind in its wake.

The easier to overlook addition was that of the flowers. Around the center of the glade, what had once been a mixture of greens and browns had transformed into a perfect circle of flowers, the coloration of them all at once blended, competed and co-operated together at the same time to create a display that was captivatingly beautiful to behold, even if only a small handful of entities that would ever exist would even have the senses to truly comprehend what they were witnessing.

In the middle of the circle of flowers, sat Aethel. Their hind legs were spread out to the sides while the middle and front pair rested comfortably upon the ground as the equine shaped deity let their laughter trickle off. For a moment they simply enjoyed the colors and the quiet of their birth place... before with a content sigh they rose to all six of their feet, the grass and branches that had been caught in their tail and mane being removed by a combination of an expert shake of said newly created tail and the various tendrils and tentacles along Aethel's sides combing the hair in order to locate and remove the intruders that had gotten tangled up in it.

The trot to the exit of the Palace Grounds that lead to the world of Galbar did not take long to reach. Offering the Monarch of All a respectful bow that required the bending of their front legs fully, Aethel rose as he turned to look at the world in question... before sighing as they took a seat. "If it is all the same to you Father, I think I might wait until it stops raining. I just got my hair just the way I like it and I would rather not ruin it so soon." Turning their head to look at their creator, Aethel offered a soft, affectionate smile as they added "Besides, it would be nice to spend some time with you before I go."

Just to try and call it so someone else doesn't steal the idea... I'm thinking of making a deity of magic.
I want in. I'll start work on a god of something after getting some sleep. I know I've joined and left Divinus games before, but I've never been able to get in on the ground floor to help shape the world from the start before either.
I do kind of love how Droka clearly has a very different set of priorities then other dragons.
Near Whistle Hill

All things considered, it had been a rather lovely evening flight for Droka. While his efforts to secure the future of dragon kind in Nihn were absolutely vital and worthy of any sacrifice, discarding his masks to be himself and take to the sky was a pleasure that he hadn't been able to embrace for a few years now. It was a small, personal thing but... often the small things were what made fighting for the big things worthwhile.

The fact that he had been flying back into his homeland on Virtue Day was a happy coincidence; A quirk of the cosmic dice falling into place. Like flying or being in his true form, Virtue Day had been one of those small pleasures that had to be forgone for the greater picture... but he hadn't seen any harm in partaking of the festivities while the opportunity had presented itself.

Unfortunately, those plans had quickly gone out the window when it became clear that Whistle Hill village was on fire and actively being attacked! That sort of thing tended to ruin the festive spirit. In Droka's case, it replaced what was going to be good cheer and fellowship with his fellow dragon with an intense, so cold that it burned murderous rage.

Having landed a short distance away in order to scout out the situation on foot, Droka made the decision not to change into his human form. He was stronger in his dragon form in both magic and physical power and he fully intended to take advantage of both shortly. After all, the Masque was only breached if humans saw a magical creature turn into a human... and the Masque couldn't be broken if there were no witnesses to tell the tale.

However, charging into a fight (even with his natural advantages, plus the element of surprise) somewhat blindly was not something that the black dragon was going to do. A better idea presented itself to him.

Hidden among the shadows of the woods surrounding the lit up Whistle Hill, Droka concentrated as he started to draw upon the shadows of the night in order to sculpt an illusion of a young, red dragon in the smoke filling sky on the opposite side of the village. It was modeled on no one he personally knew, but was based more on the stories that humans had told themselves about dragons over the years; Covered in spikes, massive fangs and claws and a look in its eye of a murderous predator that had found both prey and a challenge to its territory and was intent to dedicate all the rage that its basic, animal like brain could muster to rip and tear both to shreds.

Once his distraction was ready, it began its performance as it started to swoop down towards the burning village, letting out a massive roar that filled the air as a quick, secondary illusion was thrown towards the Nihn raiders that one of their number. The exact person was unclear, but the human mind tended to fill in the gaps by itself... and the important information the voice was conveying was rather pressing and demanded imitate attention. "DRAGON INCOMING!"

Said 'dragon', as it entered the light of the village proper, turned its head to strafe some of the buildings with a burst of flame before it turned its head to start its approach of the marauders proper (a keen observer might have noticed that the buildings in question had been on fire to begin with and, after having been beset with dragon flame, didn't seem any more on fire then they were before. However, such an observer would have to completely miss the very loud, angry dragon that was flying straight at them).

Landing on the ground with a heavy thump and a quick illusion to make it seem like the ground had shaken briefly, the red 'dragon' roared its beastly, primal challenge at the Nihn marauders from no more then ten meters away from them.
So is this happen or... no? Because I'm still around with Droka.
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