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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Damn. I wish you luck going forward then.
Is it too late to join or are there still openings?

I've edited both the appearance and history. Hopefully this is better suited.

I will admit, the idea I was going for was that Droka's 'human form' defaults into a humanoid dragon form because on some deep, central level there is a part of him that refuses to pretend to be human, therefore the closest it can get is something that would be closer to 'dragonkin' in other settings.

That being said, if you're not happy with that I can easily just have his 'ascended' form be an illusion.

As for the Masque, I feel like the reason that he's managed to escape being hunted down by them is because he hasn't broken the letter of the law; My understanding is that it is taboo to revel that magical creatures can take on a human form, but Droka has created his cult on the principle that humans can become magical creatures. It is also by its nature pro dragon... and I feel like if results towards 'ascension' can be established and proven, the rich and powerful would flock to it in droves. After all, it promises and promotes power and long life while being somewhat light when it comes to morality or values such as 'generosity' or 'charity'.

I will develop a character for this shortly. Through I suspect that the Council isn't going to like them or what they've been doing the last few decades.
@Mistress Dizzy

Once a girl starts talking about the finer points of rapiers, while an assumption is not assured to be correct an educated guess can be made.
@Mistress Dizzy

It was an interesting thing, watching the contrast between the shock and horror that was on her face as he told her of a sample of the political realities of Tushina to the spark and joy that came into her eyes as she spoke about her homeland. He privately made a mental note that she was somewhat obsessive about weaponry and that if she was to be his bride, it would be a good idea to do some study on the subject.

As she faltered, he couldn't help but feel the need to try and comfort her a little. "Don't be too harsh on him. If it was up to him I suspect he would have let you follow your heart when the time came, but alas he sits on the throne of Apura. It is the nature of thrones that while you may use one to impose your will on others, the throne imposes its will on you in turn."
@Mistress Dizzy

It appeared that letting the Princess have a say in what they did was the right option. Droka couldn't help but chuckle softly as he answered "For what it's worth, it's likely for the best. Because between you and me, I don't really know that many dances."

The question about his home country and why it might hurt him to talk about confused him for a moment... before he remembered mentioning the death of his half brother earlier. Perking up as understanding reached him, he chuckled again before explaining "Oh, you're not familiar with how Tushina... okay. I won't go into the full, in-depth details of the history of Tushina inheritance laws because it's so tangled up with religion and politics that I would literally need to give you the full history of Tushina in order to give everything the context it needs to make sense." The look on his face suggested that he was completely serious about that as well, but he took a quick breath as he slipped into teacher mode.

"The short, relevant briefing of it is that when it comes to inheritance, lands and titles are equally divided among the sons of the deceased... with it being split among the daughters only if there are no sons. Now this is all well and good for most people, but when it comes to the ruling family of Tushina it becomes something of a problem because historically it's a fairly fast way to kick start a civil war over succession. So the general practice is that the current ruler will go through their current selection of valid heirs and select one to be the heir of the throne. This decision can be changed with time and circumstance and isn't locked in... until either the ruler believes the end is coming or they suddenly die. Either way, standard procedure is for all valid pretenders and any male offspring they might have are to be executed as swiftly as possible to prevent the possibility of a succession crisis."

Despite the fact that most people would have been horrified by just hearing about such a brutal practice, let alone be one of the people who has to live with the possibility of being caught out by it, Droka seemed completely at ease. "Even without that hanging over our heads, my half brother was a complete ass and we didn't get along all that well. The fact that he's dead and I'm here to marry either yourself or one of your sisters more or less locks me in as the heir of Tushina so... if it looks like I'm strangely joyous about the death of my half brother and the possibility of an arranged marriage, it is because for the first time in my life the shadow of the executioner is not hanging over me."

"I would love to hear more about you and your kingdom through." He added, deciding to try and lighten the mood just a little.
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