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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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There was a moment where Droka's eyes blinked in surprise at her offer to dance. While it was true that back in Tushina there were those who asked him to attend events or take part in something, usually there was an undercurrent of obligation and tradition behind such requests that actually refusing them without losing face or having it used against him unless something truly horrible was in progress.

The chance to actually politely decline was a novel idea... but one that he wouldn't indulge at this time. Taking a step away from the wall, he politely reached out to take her hand somewhat gently. A small smile appeared on his face as he explained "Considering that this gathering was organized in part so that I could meet yourself and your sisters, I feel like it would be the height of rudeness if I refused to spend any time with you. Besides, you were the first to come and speak with me so... I am at your disposal. What would you care to do Jinayah?"


Tag me if that happens.
Are you still accepting people?@Bartimaeus
@Mistress Dizzy I believe I'm waiting for you. Not sure about anyone else.

@Mistress Dizzy

Droka had noticed the woman that was approaching him rather easily. To be fair it wasn't like she had been going to any actual length to try and hide her interest or her approach. He didn't ignore her either, but it wasn't until she had curtsied that he offered her his full attention and a respectful bow in return.

"Good evening to you as well. You are correct in that I am rather late to the festivities." He answered easily enough in her native tongue of Apura; His mother had insisted that he learned it in respect for her culture, even if it was only used at home or when speaking to humans travelers from her homeland. "Unfortunately there was a rather unavoidable change of plans on our part. You see my elder half brother was meant to be in attendance instead, but in his vainglorious pride he decided to get himself killed in a duel just as the carriage was packed. Had to delay the trip by several hours so that I could properly pay my respects to him before coming." For someone talking about the sudden, untimely death of a sibling Droka didn't seem that broken up by it. In fact he seemed to be rather relaxed.

"Then again he dedicated his whole life to be an inconvenience to everyone around him, it seems only fitting that his death do the same. Prince Droka of Tushina." He introduced himself easily enough, offering another small bow as he did so before requesting "And who's company might I be enjoying?"
Sorry for the delay in posting. Been somewhat busy all of a sudden in RL.

Glad to be here. Droka has now entered the stage. I confess that I am borrowing some Ottoman ideas for Tushina.
Prince Droka Yew was a late arrival to the festivities. It couldn't be avoided. The sudden death of Prince Droke had demanded that he had needed to spend some time to pay his respects to his deceased kin, even if the funeral would take time to organize and the affairs of state demanded that he wasn't in the kingdom to attend in person. It was likely for the best really; The nobility of Tushina might have long adapted to the often fast changing and dangerous nature of politics, but when the tide shifted in a major way some of the fish tended to be caught out of the water and it was likely for the best that the chance for them to do something... impulsive was limited.

The later arrival meant that the half elven prince had arrived during... what appeared to be some kind of dancing section of the festivities. Droka had decided to don the military attire of his people to reflect the fact that the Yew family was, in essence as well as practice, military leaders. Selecting a formal white, silken officer shirt that was emboldened by its silver embroidery, it contrasted well with both his pale skin and the black pants he had decided to don to match it. On his hip hung his royal yatagan, the sheath clearly designed with prestige in mind but the weapon itself functional and well crafted to serve in combat if required. While some might have questioned the prince of Tushina being armed at a civilian event, the weapon was apart of the uniform and to neglect it would have been akin to walking in with his shirt off and his chest bare.

While others danced and feasted, Droka seemed to find a place against one of the walls in order to gaze over the room without having to worry about covering his back.

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