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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Our House, in the middle of the....

Takes place Turn 5

Having taken a brief nap after the creation of their new moon, Aethel now had a new priority; Making the place comfortable to call home. A matter that required a degree of thought... through made somewhat easier with the very early decision to leave the part of the moon that would always be facing the planet below untouched. After all, they didn't want anything that might interfere with the light that it cast; They had spent time making sure that the display when the light of their moon mingled with the red glow of the other one was captivating, beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Because art needed to be able to be viewed in a number of different, equally valid ways.

It also appeared that someone had been inspired by their work of art in order to create a heavenly body of their own... through in their case they hadn't created a proper moon. More just grabbed a big rock and did things to it so that it could produce life or something. Honestly seemed like a bit of a rushed job and it wasn't likely to draw too much attention below, but maybe they would visit it at some point. Might be quint.

At any rate, they had a whole dark side of their moon to do things with!

It didn't take long to do.

After all, this was a realm designed for Aethel by Aethel. A place only for them that they could fall back to when they wanted to have a rest or take a break from dealing with affairs on the planet below. However as beautiful and relaxing as it was, the equine felt the need to add something a little... chaotic to the mix. After all, apathy was a tragedy and boredom was a crime and they needed something about the place to give it that little bit of randomness.

The end result of this was the creation of the a fey looking fruit with pale white skin. It had no seeds and only grew on trees that could grow and survive in an environment that was heavily infused with dream energy. Such trees were dotted around Aethel's domain at random, but it was the flavor that was the biggest twist of the fruit. Namely, they (or anyone for that matter) would know what any individual fruit was going to taste like until they had bitten into it.

The fruit itself was infused with the essence of dreams. For every dream that developed within the Sea of Dreams, its essence would seep into a single fruit. This process didn't effect the dreamer or the dream itself, but it did mean that every fruit was one of a kind. Of course, not all dreams were created equal. By the nature of such things, some of the fruit would contain the unforgettable, life changing flavors of a grand dream... or haunting nightmare. Most would be more middling and average, ranging from delicious to unpleasant and bad tasting. Some were simply so foul and toxic that consuming one would possibly be fatal if a mortal tried it; And it was impossible to tell which fruit was which until after teeth had broken the skin.

Sure, Aethel didn't have a risk of death if they ate one of the really bad ones, but they would still need to experience the flavor. One could quickly grow tired of 'perfection' if one didn't also experience mediocrity and the bad in order to remind one why the good was Good after all.


Who can make a Sunrise?

Takes place Turn 4

In a time long, long forgotten by all but a small handful of entities that endured, in the former Celestial Palace in which the current incarnation of the world rotated, the deities of a former cycle were born under the gaze of the Imprisoned Monarch who claimed to be ruler of all.

The Palace itself had seemingly been abandoned. The last of the Monarch's children to maintain a presence there before calling forth other deities to the world below once again, Anath Homura, had descended to the world with her own goals in mind. A domain that had been locked up and left vacant.

Of course, it would surprise all owners of the Celestial Palace in its history that there was a metaphorical broken window. There always had been.

In a long forgotten part of the overgrown and dead Palace gardens, a circle of mushrooms and flowers sat undisturbed by the death and neglect around them. They fact that they seemed untouched and perfectly alive and well while everything else around it seemed to have slowly died and rotted over time merely added to the feyness of it. This place was once the ground on which one of the first of the Monarch's children, Aethel, had come into being in ages long past.

And with a subtle gust of wind, stood there again.

The rest of the old fey ring circle network was no more; One of many sacrifices that needed to be taken in order to survive the fall of the old order but they had never cut this one off. Ever since the Monarch had insulted Aethel and some of his siblings during those early moments of their cycle they had known that at some point, there would be an uprising. Numbers of his kin would turn on their father in name alone and the Monarch, once the rebellion reached the point where he couldn't defeat it in the open, would withdraw and seal himself up in his palace behind all of his defenses. At which point Aethel had planned to gather up his rebelling kin and take them through their teleportation network of fey circles to reach the origin circle within the Palace itself, bypassing most of the Monarch's defenses.

Of course, history took a turn when the Monarch was overthrown without the need for major conflict and the circle never needed to be activated, so Aethel had simply left it be. Until now. Now, at long last, they had answered their sister's call and returned home.

For a time the equine deity trotted through the ruins of the past so that they might take a seat and observe the new world that had risen in the wake of the old one. It was an interesting development to be sure... through it seemed smaller in scale then it had been under the Monarch's reign. Also the singular moon in the sky appeared to be on fire, which was a completely new development to be sure. In silence they sat there, staring and thinking...

Then without warning of word turned and started violently ripping out chunks of the palace's walls and gardens.

At first this just appeared to be random chaotic destruction, but as more and more material was added to the pile it quickly became clear that Aethel was... making something. Compressing the dirt, dead plants, the stones and other godly materials of Celestial Palace from back in its prime into a massive sphere. There was even some of the original Mana that they had personally weaved into the palace back at the beginning. The discovery of some lingering traces of their former aspect caused them to pause for what seemed like a lifetime of nostalgic remembrance. That part of their being was gone, but the knowledge that some of it would still be infused with their new home brought a warm feeling to their torso.

In time, their work became so big that they needed to move it out of the space that the Palace occupied, continuing the construction in the space between the Palace and the planet below that was once used by the front gate to bend space and time and bridge the connection between the two before the portal system was developed. So it was that with care and abusing systems created long ago and long abandoned that were never intended to be used for such a purpose that the world would suddenly have a second moon in its orbit; A silvery orb that offered a bright, beautiful light that would contest the dark red glow of its counterpart.

Of course, Aethel couldn't pass up the chance to let the two compliment each other. They had taken the time to make sure that as the two moons orbited the planet below, one would wax while the other would wane. Red and silver light would shine on different parts of the world at a given time, contesting with each other at the point when they met in the middle in what could only be described as art carefully cultivated with light and celestial spheres. It would inspire stories, dreams, artists mythologies itself for generations to come!

Of course, this was only step one. As Aethel gazed upon the surface of their new domain, it was void of anywhere comfortable for them to rest and call home. Beautiful to gaze at from afar and the view itself was rather breathtaking as well (a pun considering the lack of air. That would need to be fixed in time as well) but rather devoid of anything to do once one was actually on the surface. With a small trot, Aethel started to search for the future site of their efforts.

Sorry for not being actively lately. Been... well, a combination of distracted and under the weather. I'll try and get a post up in the next day or so.
(The Character of Tau has been removed in favor of reviving Aethel)
@Marmalised Junk

It happens. Don't worry.
@Vampiretwilight@Marmalised Junk@Minvix

Truth be told, Kindness was a rare thing for Nos to be on the receiving end of. Part of that was simply the nature of their family; While Nos was far from the eldest of their father's children, there was something of a generational gap when it came to some of his younger siblings. Despite them being taller then him, Nos had about a decade or so on Beatrix and Elizabeth and the older generation of his half siblings were... rather more jaded and cut throat then his younger siblings. Victor was much more aware of the kind of people Nos had to grow up dealing with... and they both shared traits that made them easier targets to be bullied or undermined; Victor because he was an adopted cousin and Nos because he was half kobold.

Shame he was already starting to drink, but people dealt with stress in different ways.

Still, since it appeared that the concern from his younger half sister was genuine, he could reward her for it by being a bit less... pointed in her direction. "I am very much aware of its important, sister. Do not worry about me. As dear Beatrix has said... may the best of us win."

If Elizabeth wanted to personally greet every guest as they arrived, she was more then welcomed to do so. He already had a mental list of people that he needed to have conversations with in order to sway them into supporting him. Not all counties were created equal after all and thus some Earls and Dukes were simply more powerful and important then others. That isn't to say that someone could be made Monarch without the support of some of these people but... Nos doubted that it would be a very long reign if they disagreed with the King's decision.

Of course, before he could excuse himself in order to start doing so, Elizabeth pointed out Lady Emmaline Nightingale. Despite his little sister's dislike of Lady Nightingale, Nos offered her a small smile and a nod before he softly answered to Elizabeth "I'm sure she is. I'm not against the idea, but right now I've got people to mingle with and if a more suitable pairing can be found I would be remiss not to seize it. Take care."
Is Wolflight an important county to the Kingdom?@Vampiretwilight

"It's Elizabath, correct?" Nos answered with a mock seriousness. If she was going to jab at his 'lateness' he was going to make fun of just how forgettable she was among the tides of their father's half human children. "I do confess it has been rather hectic in the treasury as of late. Clearly this party is more important then making sure that our kingdom's people can be fed or the troops get paid. But since I have already ensured that those two situations and a dozen others do not come to pass for the next few days at least, I have allowed myself the leisure that is the company of my peers..." There was a brief moment, before he added with a small smirk "...And yours too, I guess."

Considering that Bea hadn't said anything to insult or annoy him yet, he was happy to keep that tend going. Victor however actually got a small smile. By all rights he should have disliked his cousin... and in fairness he did, but Victor tended to be much less entitled or rude then his standard half sibling and the dislike stemmed fully from the fact that he was a contender for the throne rather then anything personal. "How are you holding up Victor?"

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