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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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In my defense, I saw your girl was half human and the other heir was half elf... and I may have missed that you hadn't decided what your girl's other half was. So elf seemed like the way to go.
Even as his siblings went about their business, preparing for the ball or doing what few duties that had been thrown their way to keep them busy and out of trouble, Nos had largely treated the day just like any other. He had risen at a reasonable hour, gotten dressed, had a fine if simple breakfast and then proceeded to the office of the Steward to get started with his work for the day.

He hadn't started off as his father's Steward. Such a position could easily be offered to one of his father's vessels in order to placate them and keep them loyal to the Crown, so Nos had needed to prove above and beyond doubt that his talents at finance and overseeing matters of construction were so great as to offset the political benefits of granting the office to someone outside of the family. It had taken over a decade to do, but as he ascended the small staircase built into the chair on which he sat as he walked and dealt with those under him there was a sense of pride in that he had been successful.

As far as business days went it was somewhat hectic. The Eclipse Ball was a rather expensive affair as His Majesty was not sparing any expense for the occasion. But while His Majesty might have been happy to empty his coffers to cement the event as a legendary one, there always had to be someone keeping tabs on what the money was being spent on, where it was going and who it needed to go too. Thankfully he did have a number of trained scribes to assist him with the book keeping of royal affairs, but as the Steward all matters made their way to him in one form or another sooner or later for his final review and approval.

There were also the normal stream of those requesting royal coin, debtors being called in, tax payers who had refused to pay what they were owed and thus needed to have guards drag them out of whatever estate they were hold up in and take them to the dungeons to be tortured until they got the message and paid up what was owed. A brutal practice to be sure, but Nos found that one only needed to rake one or two idiots across the coals ever few years or so to make sure that the rest got the message. The work of a tax collector was never ending.

Normally he would have stayed on long into the night in order to make sure that everything was in order. However, considering what was at stake for himself personally he left the remaining work in the capable hands of his staff before he retired to go clean himself up and dress. A lack of hair and the ease in cleaning and polishing scale into a pleasant sheen made the cleaning part of affairs rather simple, through dressing required a little more time and thought.

In the end, as his claws clinked against the floor while he walked towards some of his taller siblings (shoes were simply not something he was comfortable wearing, considering the nature of his clawed feet), Nos lifted his chin to look up at them proudly while he wore an orange tunic that matched wonderfully with his dark green scales. "Sisters." He offered in a rather neutral tone.

He did offer Victor a small nod of acknowledgement.

Nos [Last Name to be added later]


Half Kobold, Half Elf.



Reason for being here:

To claim the title of heir. Failing that, swaying enough key figures of the Kingdom to his side so that even if his father doesn't pick him, he'll end up on the throne after the civil war.


Nos' mother was a green scaled Kobold and that trait has been passed on to her son. Draconic in appearance and smaller then most of his siblings, Nos' half elven side shows in that he is taller then most Kobolds with a grace to his movements that is almost completely unseen in what many consider to be a 'vermin' species. His deep green scales are also somewhat... softer to the touch then scales should be and the dragon like sharpness is softer around the edges then to be expected.
I will produce a character for this shortly.
I love the idea of this Rp, but considering that I just keep running out of time to work on the character sheet, I'm taking that as a sign that I don't have the time to properly give this RP the attention it deserves.
Sorry. Was delayed by other things. Will continue character creation tomorrow.

Will finish tomorrow after work. Please give me an idea if the powers are acceptable or not.
Is it too late to show interest or have we hit that player limit?
While personally Jim enjoyed the roaring power of the heavy chain cleaver as it tore apart flesh, muscle and just about anything else that got in the way of the blades, the boning sword had its own charms and benefits. Sure it required a bit more work on the part of the wielder in order to make proper use of it, but in encouraged a finesse in action instead of the brutal style that the cleaver seemed to demand. Of course, the fact that the boning sword was a great deal easier to maintain without the involvement of third parties to get parts, 'misplace' from the equipment roster in the first place or alert the hub block that someone was being dismembered with an almighty roar when all you want is a quick and easy meal on the way home.

It also preserved more of the body, since a quick clean slice with the boning sword encouraged one to aim for somewhere vital on the opening strike rather then mincing the body as one turns it into a corpse. Sometimes the Patrician of Butchery desired a more bloody, messy kill as an offering in and of itself, but this time wasn't such a case.

All things considered it hadn't been as satisfying a kill as either Jim or the Patrician had desired. The hive scum in question had tried to mug him as he had traveled through the darkened hallway leading to his small living space and discovered far to late who was actually in danger. It was clear from the manner she talked, the way that she twitched and the state of her teeth that she was a hopeless addict of one or more dangerous substances who had still been riding her latest fix before she had tried her ill fated life of crime. This was... problematic. While it was possible to cleanse the meat of such impurities, between the location of the kill and the resources he had access to, properly preparing the dying chemhead's meat for consumption (either for pleasure or ritual purposes) wasn't possible. Better she end up becoming corpse starch.

Just as he had been about to continue along his way, the Patrician spoke up. Call it a request, commandment or order but what it wanted was clear; For the dying woman's guts to be spilled as she tried to breath through a windpipe that had been gashed open. Kicking aside the poorly kept, blood soaked pistol that she had dared to try and use against him, all it took was a twitch of a wrist and the cloth and flesh that was holding in her insides gave way. Blood, gore, organs and other substances spilled out onto the dirty metal floor... and both Jim and the Patrician were captivated by the sight of them.

At first Jim didn't really understand why the sight was so enchanting... but soon the Patrician started to show him the meaning of what he was seeing. The message in the offal for the both of them. An invitation of sorts for the Patrician and his Butcher. This meeting would require some traveling to get too... as well as having to cash in whatever goodwill he had built up so that he could disappear from work for a time and still expect a job when he returned; Thankfully he had actually gotten ahead of the quota which would make that process a bit easier.

With an annoyed sigh, Jim turned away from the waste of flesh and continued his journey to his small, cramped box in order to lay down and get some rest before he answered the call from persons unknown, but the Patrician was interested and thus it was worth investigating.
@Richard Horthy

I could... but sadly one of the other Rp's I'm apart of has just kicked off again and I've suddenly found that I don't have the time for another.
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