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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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*Deleted by order of the Inquisition.*

From the balcony of...his new Palace, Dagon looked out over the realm he had claimed. He stood alone, his arms crossed behind his back. Blackened feathers ruffled slightly in the wind, the only noise that the figure made.

Despite his lack of motion, to say that he was inactive would be a lie. Throughout the realm, the wheels that ran a nation were adapting to the change in leadership and he was...greasing the wheels somewhat. Nothing major or as perverse as what had happened with Cardinal Tong, but simply stroking the odd thought in the right direction. Humans by their nature had something that some would call a flaw, but Dagon himself knew was a feature: A natural tendency to bend the knee to authority. All he was doing was making sure that those in the halls of power across the realm found the idea of kneeling to their new ruler to be easier to swallow then it might otherwise have been, nothing more.

Of course, there were those that would refuse to even entertain the thought of submitting to him. Those in positions of actual power who's rebellion against the new order of things would pose an actual problem to things running smoothly were having other ideas implanted. Those that were currently not guilty of any crimes against humanity but simply didn't wish to serve in the new government were having thoughts of peaceful resignation eased into their minds; Dagon fully intended to accept those resignations and allow them to go off and live their lives as they saw fit. After all promoting the image of a fair and just leader above blind, petty vengeance seemed like a good idea.

Those who were going to be more problematic... such as those who might rebel or sabotage documentation and thus cause instability for the new government... well, that was where the daemons came in. Weak, wretched and petty things even among their own kind... but useful if kept on a tight leash. The slaves of Desire were given simple instructions and a crushing web of restrictions before being sent out, but their goal was always the same: Influence those Dagon pointed out to them and drive them to self destruction.

The method of self destruction was generally left up to the slave of Desire in question. Driving their emotions out of control to the point they ended up dying, causing their addictions and vices to spiral out of control to the point of having a terminal end, driving them insane to the point they took their own lives or slipped up and had an 'accident'... Dagon honestly didn't care what was done, as long as the manner of their death or departure didn't cause collateral in a way that would cause their replacement issues.

There would be plans for the future, but before the abandoned garden of Terra and Humanity that had been left to become overgrown and infested could be restored to its proper glory, weeds and pests needed to be removed.
With their first and so far only guest having departed, Aethel found themself tucking away their new cloak and considering what to do in a more long term direction. Normally they were a creature of chaos and impulse, but unlike the original Galbar under the Monarch (and that was a sentence that evidence had called into question back then) Aethel hadn't appeared at the beginning. They weren't late by any means, but their starting point had been set after most of the heavy lifting had been done this time around.

This had its positives and negatives of course, but the biggest issue was that it meant that they were trying to make an impact as a divine being on a world that already had something of a glut of the damn things. Creating a moon almost certainly made an impression of course, but apart from Ashy none of the beings divine or otherwise down on the planet below had the slightest idea who they were. So clearly something else needed to be done in order to get everyone's attention. Something to truly make an impact...

Aethel's gaze turned to look at the smaller orbital rock that had come into existence shortly before they created the Dreamers Moon for an uncomfortably long time... before filing that one away for the time being. The situation wasn't that extreme just yet, but it was always good to have other plans ready to go at a moments notice if the status quo needed to suddenly change.

However, before Aethel could focus to heavily on their plans for Galbar, they felt something deep within their being tremble. A single beat of a heart that was both theirs and at the same time, wasn't. A heart that they had created with the intention of it one day becoming a deity in its own right, but in order to survive they had consumed it in order to aid them in abandoning Mana in exchange for Dreams.

One beat became two. Then three. And with each thunderous echo the Heart of Nightmares made itself heard. During the long slumber it had been dormant, much like Aethel themself had been... but at long last it was time for the true transformation to begin. Now seemed like as good a time as any, as Aethel sat themself down in the heart of their domain as the only entity on their personal moon. This was honestly as safe a place as they were going to get.

In fairness they could have easily fully combined the Heart of Nightmares with their being without really having to change anything about themselves, but it was honestly time for a change. The form Aethel currently wore had been the one they had been born with, but since Mana was no longer the core of their being a new look to go with the new aspects felt right to them. They closed their eyes and focused.

Time passed in complete silence. At first it didn't seem like anything was happening at all, but then many of the tendrils on Aethel's body started to recede, pulling back and disappearing under the flesh as if they had never been there to begin with. As each tendril disappeared, Aethel's body seemed to grow bigger as more mass was added to it. A few tendrils would remain because the new Aethel intended to keep the hooves and the tendrils were honestly useful for things, but they would be reshaped slightly because their primary duty now was to touch and pick up things rather then just sway in the tides of magic as they once did.

Once all but the remaining tendrils were gone and it seemed that Aethel had reached a critical mass of sorts, their body started to violently spasm. Every muscle over Aethel's equine body tightened as hard as it could, before relaxing again for just a moment before it all tightened once more and continued to repeat in a pattern that was slowly building up in speed. Had there been witnesses, the process would have looked horrifying and painful, but Aethel's features remained the picture of silent serenity.

Suddenly seams tore open all over Aethel's body. Instead of blood and organs as one might expect, instead what came out was a horrible dark red fiery glow that bathed the moon with such a dark light that it made the moon itself darker with the kind of shadows that animals avoided in rightful fear that stepping into one would be the last thing they did. The silence was broken by the thunderous, unceasing beat of a heart that didn't exist in the real world, but who's unending beat was such that it was only once someone pointed it out that they realized that it was always there, thumping under the skin of reality itself.

The opened seams closed, leaving little evidence that they had been there at all as the dark light that had poured out of them disappeared and allowed the moon to brighten again while the hammering of the Heart faded back into the background of reality once more. Then transformation was not finished through.

Across the front of Aethel's body, the fur of their coat started to change into something more fluffy and soft while two pairs of moth like wings that seemed to share the color changing nature of their mane and tail sprouted from their back and draped over their body like a regal cape. Aethel remained still for some time more as things settled down and the transformation finalized... but at last they opened their eyes once more and looked themselves over.

No longer in use.

I will be rejoining of course.
Nos had a few things going for him off the bat as far as securing the succession was concerned. Unlike a number of his siblings, he was actually in a proper position of power as the Kingdom's Steward. A vital pillar of the throne in that his job was to make sure that the King (or Queen) could ensure the loyalty of the other pillars by being able to buy it.

And so he enjoyed a rather pleasant conversation with those appointed by his majesty to the highest positions of law enforcement in the land. They were natural allies after all; Without those that enforced the kings laws, the population would try to avoid paying their taxes and without the tax collector collecting that wealth and ensuring it reached those enforcers they would be forced to farm or tend to the land in order to provide for themselves and their families. Problems with one of them caused problems for the other and as such it was always a good idea to keep an eye out for the others well being.

Of course, it by itself wouldn't be enough to just have their father declare them the heir. Tradition couldn't exactly be debunked so easily after all... but Nos knew that his father wasn't foolish enough to risk the future of the kingdom to mere chance. He got to select the challenges after all...

Through that did rise the question of where his Majesty currently was.

Sorry for the delay. Working on it now.
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