Avatar of Briza


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current It adds a welcoming touch to the bedroom (for you and your roommate) whenever you enter or leave from/to the common area.
3 mos ago
What I like to do is start off w/ flattening one of the brown paper bags & make a doormat for the psyche ward bedroom. I color & tape it to the ground by the room exit/entrance.
3 mos ago
Items Needed: Crayons, Blank Paper, Brown Paper Bag, and Tape (Special Note: Ask the Charge Nurse politely for x-number of pre-torn tape pieces)
1 like
3 mos ago
Check Out Briza's New Pinterest Board! Decorating Your Psyche Ward Room 101
1 like


gin a body catch a body
comin thro' the rye,
gin a body catch a body,
need a body cry?


Most Recent Posts

@Calle, I am working on an entry and (still) brainstorming ideas, which means it might not be finished. With that said, maybe an incomplete entry will be submitted just for the sake of entering.
@BrokenPromise, it was really fun! And, not to be cliche even if I am pretty cliche in which (maybe) it cannot be helped: Thank you for hosting these contests!
____ a 𝒾 l b e _ c u 𝒾 n n ____

i t i s n o t t h e t h i e f w h o i s h a n g e d

H u m a n 2 6 M a l e 1 . 8 2 8 8

deceitful hollow covert ornery

B i o g r a p h y

He is a baker's son, who was caught stealing at a young age. His reputation was unable to be shaken from his name, and for such a reason, his nature began molding around the unmerciful side of humanity. If there was no mercy for him, then why should he be anything different? If treachery was able to grant him what he wanted, save the pettiness of honor, why shall he suffer and toil for something he shall never obtain?

b u t t h e o n e w h o w a s c a u g h t s t e a l i n g

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