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Skyline Galea, Sopor
Galea Maejor Resort
Executive Conference Room
Rear Left Standing Zone

The hall in which he stood was filled to its brim with wretch’s, scum and villains; a lower class of people. Tye allowed his red, cybernetic eye to scan the room in quick fashion, something he was not a fan of doing with his implants only really being there out of necessity rather than by choice. The large group before him were armed to the teeth, most with some sort of sword or gun. Callahan dropped his gaze to his bandage wrapped fists and a smile curled upon his normally stoic face. He cracked his knuckles in satisfaction, they may have fancy things but nothing was more personal than a fist to the jaw. Nothing more testing of a man’s true nature. Tye had not formally dressed up for the occasion; as his usual attire was generally smart casual anyway, a nice white shirt, usually stained with blood, a black button down vest and pants. His eyes flickered to the stage as his new employer began to speak.

Callahan was under know delusions as to what he had been contracted to do, it was something that he had been paid to do for most of his life; he was going to be paid to hurt someone, that’s just what he did. Still, regardless of the fact, this new employer did seem impassioned, more so than most. He must be desperate to reach his goal for him to assemble such a cabal of dark characters as his own personal work force. The man was bloodthirsty, a feeling Tye could spot from a mile away. It was a feeling he himself was born with on Mars. It was feeling that probably most of the other savages in the room with them all knew so well.

With the session concluded, people, if you could actually call them that, began to file out of the room, no doubt to get drunk or get into a fight. Silently, Tye wondered if any of those men and women would finally be the ones to test him, he doubted it somehow. To hazard a guess, most of them would be dead from infighting within the first month of the insurgency. Even though most were leaving, Callahan remained. He knew that their employers words could easily sway the men but it would be his quiet actions in the presence of others that would show the Brutal Artist just what his new boss was about and just what exactly he had planned.
Tye “The Brutal Artist” Callahan

Tye “The Brutal Artist” Callahan

A basic CS based on what you posted, I'll flesh it out a bit more soon
Very interesting
Time With Roxy

Are you ready for a mixture of sci-fi, history, romance, comedy and time travel? Well carry on young wanderer and join us on this journey

There is a single day in annals of time that all men and women dread; their ten-year high school reunion. On that day, all the old faces return to town, old flames, old bullies, that guy who used to pick his nose and eat what he found, yeah you remember him? He owns Microsoft now.

Unfortunately for some, that day has now arrived in nowheresville, Philadelphia. The night of the reunion, a group come together and talk of old memories and the past and it isn’t as bad as they thought it would be. Until they come across a memory they wished they didn’t have; the disappearance of Tess Adamson ten years prior. Tess was an A-Student, smart, beautiful and everyone loved her. She was to be the valedictorian of their class. A few nights before graduation, Tess was dared to venture to an old mansion just outside of town where a once world renowned scientist, Dr Quint lived and steal one of his inventions. She never came back. Police investigated the house and though a body was never found, Dr Quint was arrested and convicted of murder.

This topic of conversation was not an easy one for this group to discuss. Maybe it was a feeling of guilt they all shared or maybe it was one too many beers but the entirety of the class decided to honour their lost friend and head up to the mansion to pay their respects.
The mansion had been left abandoned and untouched since the arrest, rooms filled with dust and cobwebs, windows broken and graffiti sprayed on the outside walls from years of vandalism. As the class split up into smaller groups, once such crew find themselves in the attack and inside a hidden room where they find Dr Quint’s final invention; a time machine…

In Summary:
The basic premise of the story is a group of people who have returned to their home town for their school reunion, decide to investigate an old house after a friend disappeared there years earlier. The uncover a machine which then sends them hurdling through time and space. What follows is a series of adventures in both the past and the future as they try find their way home, solve the mystery of their friends vanishing and come up against some of histories most interesting characters.

As all this goes on, our characters must deal with each other, not all of these people were friends in high school, they were in different circles and now that they are thrown into close quarters together, what will happen?! Once all character sheets have been posted, we will sort out prior relationships before the IC starts. They must also deal with the realisation of what they have left behind. Maybe some of them had children who are now alone and parentless? Did they have very big responsibilities which they can now no longer fulfil because they are trapped somewhere in time?

The story itself will be almost episodic, with our intrepid travellers heading (unwillingly) into another time, solving a problem there and then moving on. I’ve been toying with the idea that our heroes could also serve as inspirations for famous literary characters (or maybe they even become them).

In this universe, science is not the only thing that exists, as our travellers will find out, magic and evil lurk everywhere, hidden from those who don’t know where to look.

At the start of the adventure our travellers are a group of twenty somethings that are home for their ten-year high school reunion. Some are successful, some are not. Some might have children; others might have a serious illness. The point of this is to show the real changes that can occur in a person after high school, not the fantasy ones where they’re all rich and famous like we see in the movies. Keep that in mind when developing your character.

To avoid certain tropes, be aware that our characters should not have all been in the same friendship group in high school but as said earlier, we’ll delve deeper into relationships before the IC starts.

As stated above, as our characters travel through time and go on wild adventures, they will discover that many things that they thought didn’t exist, do I,e magic and the supernatural, extreme science and the like. Imagine if you will, our characters are in the far future and one of the group is offered the chance to receive an implant that would enhance brain function, would they take it? Or if one friend’s bad temper and a rogue scientist’s formula created the real Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? The possibilities are endless.

The Time Machine:

The Time Machine is not a machine per say but a sentient being living inside a system that Dr Quint created. Upon entering the chamber, the “time machine” loaded itself into the traveller’s smart phones as an app called “Roxy”. When activated, Roxy uses a female voice and acts not to dissimilar to SIRI. Roxy tracks the traveller’s movements through time, advises them where and when they are and has a built in index of historical moments which the travellers can use to identify people and situations.

The actual science of the time machine is unknown to the travellers.
When a countdown begins on the “Roxy Clock” all of the active travellers must access the app within the allotted time. If the app is not accessed within the countdown, then whomever did not open it, will be left behind when the next temporal shift occurs. Once the clock reaches zero, those whom have activated it must be within a six-foot radius of each other, as a sphere of energy generates from the phones and encloses the travellers within it as the world around them shifts. Those not in the sphere will be left behind.

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