I have returned! Gonna stat a flashback episode in the next day or so. Get ready!
I'll be getting home tomorrow morning, so I'll have a post up late afternoon/early evening tomorrow.
I apologize for my absence and lack of activity! Especially since I know it's my fault we've gotten stuck. :( I have a very important test this Friday, hence why I haven't been able to finish my part of the collab and why that post hasn't been up by now. There was also the fact that it took long because of Brutal's and my opposite time zones that made it a challenge to write it up. I expect to finish my end and have the post ready to go by the end of the weekend. Apologies to all again!
PS: Definitely still 100% committed and into this RP. It's suuuuuper promising, and I need more Lanie x Decky drama and Lanie x Roddy vanilla moments!
I'm thinking of maybe doing a post for an Original Edenridge episode to break up this deadspot we've seem to fallen into, but I don't really wanna clutter up the IC...
Just checking in to tell you I'm still here!
@BrutalBx Yay! I'll be available to collab more this week, so hopefully we can finish! Though I think our time zones are getting in the way a lot. XD
Everyone, especially @BrutalBx, I apologize for being so slow recently. It's not that I've disappeared I'm just not very communicative. I apologize for that as well. The main reason I've been so quiet is because the musical I'm in is happening this week and the next. Over the past two weeks my schedule has gotten tighter. Longer rehearsal times and tech stuff. Yesterday alone everyone was at the theater from 3:00 PM to 12:30 something AM. Everyone was tired, delirious, and pissed. Also, tax season has picked up speed and since my mom owns her own CPA I help out there. So, I usually only have 30 minutes to an hour to myself each day when you add in sleep and school to the mix. I will say though that once the plays actually start I should have more time to do stuff because no more rehearsals. But I digress. I don't like not being able to post. I want to be a playwright so I despise putting out post that look like they belong in a book on examples on how not to write. (^All of this junk)
Once the musical is done with though I will have tons more time to write. So, please forgive me for now? I will still read what is posted here but probably won't post for my characters unless someone interacts with them.