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Ohhhhhhhh~ I like the sound of this~ But, yes! I shall do so!

Also, Isa's going to be freaked out by the caretaker or have EXTREME sympathy towards him.

More than likely it would be both! He is a very sympathetic character, lonely, craving companionship and love but bound to the rules of the house. He cares for the Regulators like his children but can do nothing but watch and advise them as best he can. An eloquent speaker of poetry and mysticism, trapped in the body of a pieced together man.
<Snipped quote by BlackPanther>

Oh! I should have probably looked over the character sheets before asking. Haha But ur guy tho...Wat a babe! LOL

@BrutalBx I just realized Felix already specializes in healing magic, and he's already been with them for 4 years. Kinda makes my character pretty much redundant and unneeded. Is it okay for me to change my magical specialty?

Sure if you want!
OK guys so, I just posted some info on the Caretaker in the character tab. Hope you all enjoy.

In other news, if you guys want to, start building your impression sheets to add to your CS and if you fancy, you can start discussing partners!


More monster than man, the creature we call the Caretaker was once a man. Who he was, we cannot say, as he was born of tragedy and horror untold even now. The only thing that is his own is his soul and even then, he is unsure if he truly has one. His name, his past, everything is but a question amongst his clouded memories. The Mysterium Dormum is his everything. His mind, body and soul, bound to the fate of this magical place. He serves it without question, without morality. It is his creator. Though over time, this poor creature has gained fantastical knowledge of which he can bestow upon his dear Regulators but it is all he can do. He cannot leave the confines of the house, he is tied to it until such a day comes that his service is over and the new Caretaker, takes his place.

I got bored and just made the CS. :3 Let me know if there was any room left. XD


I'm interesting in the rp design. Should I fill out a character sheet?

Yeah if your interested, make up a sheet and send it to me.

I got a little bored, so I made a preliminary "First Impression" sheet for Kieran. Hopefully this will help give you all an idea of what he is like on a more personal level.




I sincerely apologize for this but I must withdraw myself from the RP. I've been staring at a blank box for days without anything coming to me. It may just be my horribly short attention span or something else, but I cannot seem to write anything for this RP. I wish you all the best of luck. I may return someday, once I find my muse for this RP, but until then, I will be watching from the sidelines.

I assumed as much.

Thank you for your interest, it was a pleasure to write with you Polaris and hopefully we'll get to do it again in the future
Wondering if personality should be added into the character sheet? I feel like it's a big deal to have, especially when pairing people up.

I initially was going to put a personality section in there but my experience, there's too much exposition in a sheet which can dampen actual character progression, hence why most characteristics can be placed somewhere in the history and then expanded upon within the rp. That said if people want a personality section, by all means add it in if it makes you feel more comfortable.

I did mention in the intro post that once characters were all up, I would be adding a relationship sheet so that we could then all discuss how our characters perceive each other. Lest we forget, a lot of these guys have been together for a few years now.

Working on a character sheet! Lets see what I can muster up! LOL

Looking forward to it.
Is there still space for this? Dream RP - being HP universe but not having to be a school child!

And I see most 'subjects' are taken so shall I double up or is there a specific field you would still like covering?

We're still accepting and you can make your specialty whatever. If it's a double up that's fine, if you think of a unique one by all means have at it
Great stuff!
<Snipped quote by BrutalBx>

Hmm. Maybe his hometown is unknown and chooses not to reveal it and instead have an endless prank where he constantly says 'no' on the question "Are you from [insert country name here]?" or says 'I forgot' on the question "Where are you from?"

It's a dumb idea but it would add a bit of comedy to the story.

Interesting. A bit of comedy can always go a long way.

okay i did the thing
lemme know if anything needs to be tweaked ^.^

Accepted, though I will say that personally based on that CS, I think his speciality would make more sense to be Magizoology. Spell casting is a very broad subject and his love for animals seems like it would be a better fit
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