
Richard Baar
Alias & Nicknames:
Dick, Gloves
Place of Origin:
Texas, USA
Blood Status:
Muggle Born
Sexual Orientation:
Relationships Status:
11 Inches
Thunderbird Tail Feather
Ilvermorny, Wampus House
Dueling, Transfiguration (Self-targeted)
Experience as a Regulator:
2 Years
Born to muggle parents near the Northern borders of Texas in the USA, Richard lived a relatively normal life throughout childhood. His.... Incidents, with untamed magic were quite mundane compared to some stories- The occasional unexplained boom, a few times when he should have hit the ground quite a bit harder than he did, but nothing that couldn't be explained away as a "Happy accident". However, come his eleventh birthday, the simple farm upon which the Baar family lived was visited by quite an odd character- Leaving details aside, the basis of magic was explained to Richard and his parents, and he was accepted and taken to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
His time there was incredible- Things he'd only ever dreamed of happened around him every day. His favorite memory, to this day, remains to be hearing the roar of the Wampus during house selection, watching the carving come to life. His excitement for the magical world never really faded, for every summer he would go home and live, again, the simple, mundane life of his no-mag family. He helped around the farm, attended summer classes to take care of his 'regular' learning, as his parents put it, and in his later years took up boxing to keep in shape and have something to do. That translated to a rather interesting take on dueling and transfiguration for the young man- Often altering the properties of his own body during a duel. His favorite example is when he turned his skin to rubber, and -bounced- into his dueling partner.
This creative use of magic also had a tendency of getting him into trouble. With a stubborn, old-school farm-boy attitude and the habit of solving his personal problems with a (Sometimes literal) stone fist, he found himself in detention. A lot. Not to say he was a bad kid- He simply took issue with anybody questioning his behavior, and often felt he had to prove himself to the pureblood and halfblood students of the school, due to him not being raised up around magic as they were.
As far as he lets on, that was how his life has gone- Simple, regular, nothing too incredible. And, aside from the top-tier grades in transfiguration and defensive magic that had ORO looking at him in the first place, there's no real evidence otherwise. Though he does seem particularly.... Bitter, towards werewolves.
Claimed color-
Burnt orangePatronus- A Wampus!
Bogart- A pair of massive, yellow eyes- Pupils small as pinpoints.
Despite his incredible talents with transfiguration, Dick -never- managed to attain the status of animagus... A fact that irks him massively.
Always stuck in his ways, Dick has a habit of forgetting he has a wand in a fight- Instead just changing the makeup of his flesh and going in like the boxer he is, punching his way out. This is what earned him the nickname of 'Gloves' among the ORO.
He loves cats, and cats love him- It's pretty weird, like he's made of catnip or something.