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OK gang, first post is up. Basically its just a set up for us all to get together for a bit of a debrief before we split for the cases.

I've updated the first OOC post to include the case info, as well as the teams for each case so make sure you check that out to see where your headed. Also make sure you update your impressions to include Zara too!

Let the magic begin!

“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures”

The drop of blood from the Caretakers inhuman amber eyes fell onto the table, the words he spoke aloud as he read from Shakespeare now lost to him as his mind was no longer his own. The old book, Julius Caesar fell to the floor in a thunderous bump which awoke Emory Corrigan from his slumber. He turned to look at the porcelain white naked body that lay next to him. She had not stirred yet and he did not intend to wake her. Isa needed her sleep. Slipping out of bed, he pulled himself into the pair of jeans he had left on the floor and a t-shirt before picking up his wand and heading out into the Dormum to find the source of the sound. If this was Bunny messing around with her inventions he swore he was going to Fiendfyre the whole fucking thing down. Making his way into the main common room, Corrigan was greeted by the sight of the Caretaker, covered in blood.


Jumping to action, the Welsh wizard hurried over to the Caretaker and placed his hands beneath the large man’s shoulders. “Come on, Caretaker. We need to get to the map. Don’t fight it, just let it happen and it’ll be over before you know it. I’m sorry I know it hurts”

Sound could not escape the Caretakers breathless lungs, his body shutting down from the pain that coursed through his veins like fire through a corridor. Once the pain reached his heart, that would be the end. With every second, his control waned. He could feel the strength of Master Corrigan carrying him towards the centre of the room. What happened next was always the same. His vision became blurred and he slipped into nothingness.

With a last ditch effort, Emory finally got the Caretaker to the other table and sat him on the chair. It was an old oak chair, the table top replaced with an enchanted map of the world. The blood from the Caretakers eyes dropped upon the map, which zoomed itself forward to America, then California and finally the city of San Jose. “…Winchester….” The unearthly voice whispered. The map reverted to world view as a few more drops hit the page, moving again to America but this time to a tiny town in Texas called Blue “…Candy Lady….” Reaching for his wand, Emory fired a simple light from its tip, a beacon to alert the other ORO members. They had work to do.

Vision returned to the Caretaker, his body quivering from the pain. What had just occurred was scrying. It was an awfully dark piece of magic. Salty tears began to flow down the scarred visage of the lonely creature, mixing with the blood that had already escaped, the sting in his eye dreadful to the last. He could feel master Emory wiping his face with a hankerschief, truly beneath his broken exterior he was a kind man. “Thank you, sir” As his vision cleared, the Caretaker could see more of his dearest Regulators filling the room. Embarrassment and shame took hold, he got to his feet and bowed his head. “Excuse me” He hurried off down one of the many dark passages of the Mysterium Dormum.

Emory looked at the gathering Regulators with the exhausted look that he had perfected. ”Alright ramblers, let’s get rambling. We got two hits”
@RumikoOhara and I are interested in the Winchester house case.

BTW, how is this planned to go? Are there going to be some GM posts where you reveal certain clues etc. or do we all randomly make up a story? Also, having 3 teams on one case, is everyone leading the same investigation or separately?

There will be GM posts to reveal clues and move things along and there will also PM's sent to individuals to give them tasks and or info that their character will need. The teams can stay together or spread out as much as they like and develop the story how they want but the frame of the story, the beginning and end, will be controlled by the GM
@BrutalBx Actually I claimed Teal Blue while Teal blue is a grayish bluish colour. Our new companion here picked Teal. Teal is more of a greenish turquoise.

There two different colours they just have 'Teal' in the name.

My bad! Sorry!

Be excited everyone, I am working on the intro post!
Okay, here's my character:

Accepted and as of now she will be the final recruit into the ORO! Only note I have for the CS that somebody already claimed Teal, so maybe change that but other than that, you're good to go!

It got deleted so I'm about to recreate it. Before I do, is Legilimency okay to have as a specialty?

That is a great one yeah
Now that partners are sorted, we now have the difficult part; teams for the cases. As you know, we're going to run two different cases simultaneously, that way everybody is doing something. I will be running one, Shadow will be running the other. We have six partnerships, so it'll be three teams on each case. How we split them is up to you guys, we can once again just do a vote (which you must discuss with your partner first) or I could just do an in-game delegation when we get to that point. To help you along the way, here is the two cases.

CASE 1 - WINCHESTER HOUSE - After her husband's death from tuberculosis in 1881, Sarah Winchester inherited more than $20.5 million. She also received nearly fifty percent ownership of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, giving her a tremendous amount of wealth. Driven by an unknown force, Sarah began to build a house of peculiar architecture, doors that lead into walls, stairs that went nowhere and windows where they have no business being. The story was that this woman was haunted by the ghosts of those killed by Winchester rifles and the house was build in such a strange way to appease or trap them. Curious and unusual deaths have plagued those that have owned the house for decades. As madness befalls a new generation of Winchesters, ORO are called in to finally put a stop to the evil that dwells within the Winchester House.

CASE 2 - THE CANDY LADY - Somewhere in a small nowhere town, there's been a string of child deaths. All the children were taken from their beds. The children's bodies are usually found a week later, twisted by god only knows what, ritualistic markings on and around their corpses. The only clue local law enforcement has is the strange candy left on the victims window ledges, this candy is unusual as they cannot find a source. Just where exactly do Chocolate frogs and Every flavour beans come from? ORO are called to investigate this magical threat and end the killings before the Candy Lady strikes again.

So discuss guys, choose which case your team wants to pursue!
And amongst all this rabble you have the Caretaker....taking care of things...

Emory and Isadora (It’s Complicated)

Nichole and Richard (Team America)

Felix, Athos and Tariq (Pink Elephant Squad)

Arthur and Sebastian (Old Guard and the Rookie)

Kieran and Natalia (The Wolf and the Porcupine)

Velvet and Florian (Light and Dark)
Hasnt done impressions yet. Is putting it off. Slowly backs away

For those whom have paired up do they stay paired up or
Gonna scrap all that?

Anyone who is paired up will stay paired up, this is just for those who haven't gotten it sorted yet
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