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Emory allowed his face to curl into a rare grin as Velvet began her tangent about the history of the Winchester House. He had no doubt that her brilliant mind had absorbed everything from the blueprints of the place to what colour was used in the walls of every bathroom. Bunny was talented like that. Her mind was a perfect weapon…when it wasn’t off inventing magical toilet cleaners or cauldron splitters. In her rant about the house, the bewitching inventor made mention of a séance room and a particular Rosicrucian theme throughout the house. It seemed that spirits would be very prominent in this case.

Ghosts were always interesting. He remembered when he was a boy, not long after he first began attending Hogwarts, he was told the story behind Slytherin’s house ghost; the Bloody Baron. As a young man he fell in love with Helena Ravenclaw, but she did not love him. He was sent by Rowena Ravenclaw to find Helena in Albania, but Helena refused to return with him and so he killed her in a rage. When he realised what he had done, the Baron stabbed himself with the same knife and died. He continued to haunt Hogwarts, covered in his beloveds blood. Every ghost had a story and whom they were in life wasn’t always a way to see how they would be in death.

This was the reason why the Welshman hoped that he would never have to cross paths with the spirit of his wife. Of course he would want nothing more than to see her again but death changes a person. In his experience, spirits can sometimes take the most negative aspect of a personality and exasperate it ten fold. Seeing his Daisy become a monster was something he had to avoid at all costs.

”Right then. When we get to the house, we’ll join the tour and when we get chance, we’ll split up. Zara, Nickie, we’ll aim for the séance room. Florian, Bunny, you guys take this” Emory handed the eastern European dark arts master a sheet of paper. ”That’s all the info on the last victim. Find the room where he died and see if you can pull anything residual from there. Let’s get going” As he finished his speech, the Charm aficionado watched as the Domum apparated into thin air, obviously on it’s way back to Lundy to recharge.

A short time later, the group had found its way to the Winchester Mystery House:

From the outside, the house was gorgeous if not a little strange in its architecture just as Bunny had explained. Most definitely the building would not look out of place in the wizarding world. Maybe that was by design. The truth of what was going on behind those walls was unknown at this point but not for long, the Regulators would find out what was going on. Emory leaned forward and pressed the doorbell. He placed his arm around Zara’s shoulders as the door opened and they were greeted by an old face. ”Can I help you?”

”Hey bud. I’m Brad, this is my girl Holly. We’re from the University? We called up about a tour a few days ago. We brought some friends too. Is that ok?” Emory’s faux American accent was flawless. He had spent several years perfecting this particular talent. It was almost as difficult as his O.W.L.S….almost. Brad Ludwig was an undergrad at UCLA, The Caretaker had cleverly managed to cause a slight change in his plans to allow Emory to adopt his identity for this case. ”Of course, sir. You and your…crew will not be alone on the tour. You will be joining the Barr family. If that is to your liking?” Emory turned to the others and smiled. ”Yeah we’re good wit that Jeeves”

Following the butler into a separate room, the Regulators came upon the Barr family. A man, a woman and a child, a little girl. ”Talk amongst yourselves. The tour will begin shortly”

OKAY. So. My power died for two damn days. I am way the fuck behind. Probably won't be able to catch up any time soon- So, at least for the time being, I fear I'm gonna have to step back from this one. ^^; I may jump back in once the next arc arrives, but for now, missing two days left me with a heap of catchup in a few other RPs and RL stuff. Sorry, all. ;~;

That's a shame Vilhelm. We could try and catch you up, not too much has happened despite the amount of posts but if you feel like taking a step back is for the best then that's what's best. Hopefully you'll be able to jump back in come the next set of cases.

I'll be trying to work up a post in the next 24 if I can but I've got a busy weekend. Either way, there will definitely be something up on Sunday at the latest.
Expect something from me this weekend
@Angel EyesAmazing as always! Thank you so much.
Great posts everyone!



Huge nerd.

Indeed. I believe you've cracked it Holmes.
OK guys


So current plan, wrap up your in house stuff and then catch up to my GM post.

California team, you're all good. Texas team, your GM is now Shadow. That said, if at any point Shadow can't post and it leaves you guys stuck, I'll take over and PM one of you the details needed to keep things moving. Sound good?

Feeling a unique thud beneath his feet, Emory look out of a nearby window and the unfamiliar site of a rough terrain of the Lone Star State. He had visited Texas only once before, he and Daisy had taken time off to go to a convention in Austin, she was a huge nerd. He had enjoyed it, good food, cheap beer, not a bad place at all. Yet this was not Austin, this was Blue. All he knew about it was that it was small and it was the site of a horrendous killing spree. Still, that was not his cross to bare today, today that was Isadora and her teams job. He’s fate lay elsewhere, somewhere a little warmer and with a very different vibe.

Somehow, Emory had become a leader amongst the Regulators, not that he wanted to be. He guessed that it just came with the fact that he is one of the longest surviving members. Making his way to the meeting room where the teams were now gathered, the usually stoic Emory said his final piece. ”We’re working on very little information here, for both cases. Stay vigilant, trust each other. Muggles aren’t always forthcoming, especially in small towns like this. Say your goodbyes and when you step out of that door, you’ll be in Blue. Die well guys”

The Caretaker entered the room with a box of coins, offering one to each Regulator. ”Enchanted as per the usual instructions. These port keys will bring you back here if things get…unpleasant”

Leaning against a wall, the Charms master watched as the team of Isadora, Felix, Athos, Tariq, Kieran, Natalia, Arthur and Sebastian left the Mysterium Domum and walked into the unknown. Would this be the last time that he saw them? He didn’t know but it was highly possible and very probable. In any other job, Emory probably would’ve given them all a different and significant goodbye…but not here, not as a Regulator. As best he could, he tried to keep all of them on equal footing. Even the likes of Felix and Tariq whom he has known since his school days, they were no different to Sebastian and Athos whom he’d only known a few months. In spite of they sexual relationship, Isa was nothing special. If she died on this case, he would mourn and then he would move on, that’s just how it had to be. Survival of the fittest.

With the Texas team gone, the Domum began to move again. It would be only minutes before it reached its destination of California. ”Right, our plan starts at the house. We’ll go in as tourists and go from there. Zara, you’re with me on this one. You’re better with people than I am and we might need your legilimency talents to get into places people don’t want us to” Emory liked Zara, she was someone whose company he enjoyed in more ways than one. In a lot of ways she reminded him of Daisy and that stung a lot. She was beautiful, no doubt and with a kind soul. Some days he did sit and ponder how so many good folk wound up in a job like this.

In another bump, the Domum hit the California coast and the old oak door swung open to the San Jose sunshine. The Welshman placed a hand on the Caretakers shoulder and lead his team, consisting of Zara, Bunny, Florian, Richard and Nickie out of the house. ”Right then Bunny” Emory turned to the inventor and smiled. ”I know you’ve already researched the shit out of this place, so give me some details to work with”

I just have Bunny in the sitting room waiting for the house to arrive in California

I'm currently working on the post to drop the teams off, should be done very soon. Once that's up, the cases will have officially begun.
@BlackPanther@Sailorsadie@jetipster That was a fun little read! Great work everyone!
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