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Well shit, Roddy is in trouble.
Post is finally up! Apologies for the mega late reply (college + death of an ex-classmate + WBC + unplanned IRL stuff), and hopefully it was worth the wait! <3

It was great. The venom was amazing
Sorry for the shitty post but at least this way we can get moving. I'll PM you guys the details of what you're going to find out and then decide what course of action we're going to take from there.

Very much appreciated, thank you.
@BrutalBx How do we handle the transition to Felix being the leader? We're just about ready to head off but I'm waiting to see what I should include in my post.

I've spoken to Jet and I think the best course of action for the sake of progression is to retcon slightly so that there's no official leader for the case, so that Felix can sort of guide everyone where they need to be thanks to the info I've pm'd over.


I have a post begun and was waiting for Florian’s response before posting though if needed I can go ahead and post

I’d love to run it by you first though because of setting and Adversary / Plot

Sure! Let's have a look!
@BrutalBx actually, it's fine. She and I didn't get in touch in time and it's mostly my fault for not letting her know about the PM you sent me earlier. All in all, she and I have some work to do, devising a scheme, plotting, conniving.
It's gonna be dope. It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be fuck-fuck bananas.

How's this going guys? Haven't heard from you in a few days. I can bring our two teams back together in my next post if it'll help you out.

I will say, these first cases have been a bit of a learning experience. Splitting everyone up between cases and teams does seem to have effected progress somewhat. Least we know for next time!
Post is up from me.

As of now @jetipster will be running the Candy Lady case!

"We need to get out of here. We need to get out of here now. This is not a drill."

Emory looked at the Kiwi witch and then his gaze switched to Nickie and the child, Vespa a look of sheer terror across her face. His grip on his wand tightened while is free fist tightened. ”We’re not going anywhere. We’re here to do a job and we’re going to do it” The world had a way of breaking people down and Emory unfortunately was one of its victims. A single mindedness had overcome him in the days that followed Daisy’s passing. The unthinkable acts committed by the Regulators had become second nature to him. His unhealthy solution of obliviating his own memories was not helping him become as human as he had hoped. He moved his look back over to Zara and was once again reminded of Daisy of a heart and humility, things he was lacking. Joining Nickie crouched down by the table, Emory looked at young Vespa. ”Listen honey, we’re here to fight some bad guys and we might need your help. You wanna help us fight the monsters?”

Vespa looked up at the man and the woman, taking Nickie’s outstretched hand. ”I’ll help, let’s do this”

”We need to get back to the Bunny and Florian, I have a theory on what we’re dealing with. If I’m right, this thing doesn’t end well”

Looking in every possible room he could think of, the butler could not find any of his guests. Where on Earth could they have gone? Not again, not all this again. Entering into a bathroom in a rushed panic, the elder statesmen of Winchester House slammed the door shut and sat down on the closed toilet lid. His withered face placed inside his open hands, he attempted to calm his breathing. They were probably all dead, just like the others. Why oh why do such things have to happen? Who was he to question but a loyal and humble servant?


Standing to attention, the butler looked to the mirror where a shrouded figure stood starting back. ”But why? Why must it be this way? You are close, so close, we can wait another cycle surely? Mistress?” Placing his wrinkled hand on the mirror, he frantically searched for what was once there but not anymore. ”No. No. No, nononono…NO!” He turned and tried open the door but he could not at first but when he finally did so, his ancient eyes became manic at the sight of a brick wall that sat before him. The way was shut. Dark water burst forth from the sink, bath and toilet and quickly began filling the tiny room. There were no windows, no other routes of escape. He bashed his hands violently against the wall, breaking his knuckles and forcing the blood to come forth from beneath his skin. Within minutes the water had reached his face and the butler struggled to maintain himself. Every breath he tried to take was replaced by the dreadful water filling his lungs. Finally he stopped, resigned to his fate. He allowed himself to sink deep into the black water, vision and life leaving him.


The door flew off of its hinges allowing the quartet to escape the séance room. Vespa held onto to Nickie’s hand tightly, scared but trying to be brave. The house had become dark, unusually so for the time of day it was supposed to be. It seemed like time ran differently in the house. Emory reached for the lightswitch but the power had gone. ”Lumos” with the flick, the tip of his wand would light up. ”Let’s get moving girls”

It's all kicking off at the Winchester House. Post coming in the next 24 from me!

In light of what's going on, I'll PM someone from the Candy Lady case and hand them the reigns while Shadow is dealing with her RL stuff. So if you're interested and feel like you have enough time to take over from her, PM me and I'll give you the details you need to get things moving.

Thank you O Mighty one I shall send a PM in a few

Oh mighty one? I can dig that name lol

@BrutalBx actually, it's fine. She and I didn't get in touch in time and it's mostly my fault for not letting her know about the PM you sent me earlier. All in all, she and I have some work to do, devising a scheme, plotting, conniving.
It's gonna be dope. It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be fuck-fuck bananas.

Can't wait to see what you two talented people come up with!


Sorry I've been out of it lately, been dealing with a lot and I hope to post soon.

It's ok, take as much time as you need. Got to get yourself right first. If needs be, I'll pass the reigns of the case on to someone else until you're feeling better :)

Don't worry about it, I know you'll post when you can
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