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Omfg that'd be great, but if she had to go to rehab would she have even been there for prom? At my school, prom was only for seniors and their dates

Maybe Edenridge has a prom for every year? Prom would be an awesome flashback episode...

See, I'm also half tempted to do a full list of previous series episodes that we can from...Brutal, behave yourself.
OK then, I have a plan for the Candy Lady case. Once we wrap up Winchester, which will be soon, I'll put it into effect.

I wanna post I wanna post I wanna post

Do it! Post woman, give in to your desire!

I was hoping Florian's post might be next but he could still be having access issues so I'll post tomorrow

I can't wait for us to get the chance to show how our characters relax

I plan on a Raid of the clubs in the Muggle section of London; drinks dancing and maybe a limo

I would pay to see this
What you guys are witnessing is the fight that got Roddy suspended up until the day of the shooting.
Ok, two votes in, six to go lol
@BrutalBx LOL Lanie will be so pissed about the whole 'See you later'. 😂

Also, how interesting would it be that Izabella and Jude ended up in a firery adventure of their own? 😏

EDIT: Can't reply until the week is over. Have a very important test this Friday

The possibilities!

And no problem!

Emory steadied his breath as he prepared to lead his team deep into the unknown of Winchester House. Time was non-existent within these walls. It had felt like they had been in there for days. He held onto Zara’s hand, whom in turn was clutching onto little Vespa. ”Lumos” With a flick of his wrist his wand was illuminated once again and he slowly began to walk into the lost hallway. It was dark and dirty, cobwebs and dust filling the air almost like fog during a damp fall night. This corridor had not seen the light of day in over a century and it was deathly apparent as its wallpaper sagged and the high wooden beams crumbled. He knew what he had to do but even still Emory felt like he was entering this place without a plan, that in itself was an alien concept to him. He never went anywhere without planning ahead, that was just his nature.

Pushing open the final door, the group entered a single room, adorned only by a single, circular table and the rotted skeleton that sat by it. The last resting place of Sarah Winchester. She must’ve had a servant use a dummy or maybe even another corpse to fool those when she died. The walls of the room were littered in occult markings, candles burned down to their cores, crushed clover floating atop a bowl of blood; magic having preserved it do this very day a hundred years on. Blood magic was the worst of the worst and it seemed that one Sarah Winchester was well versed during her days amongst the living.

”She’s going to know we’re here pretty soon, we need to get ready and we need to do it fast” Emory kneeled down to Vespa’s level and looked the little girl in the eye. The fear spread across her face could not be hidden by anything at this point.
”It’s nearly over sweetie, you just have to be brave for a little bit longer ok?” He got to his feet and cracked his neck. No soul would leave this house unscathed after tonight. ”Zara, keep her calm. Keep her head clear and when it’s time, do as I tell you. Bunny, Florian, we need a Devil’s Trap and we need one made sharpish. We haven’t got a lot of time. Nickie, me and you are going to have to contain this thing until they’re ready”

As the team began getting ready, the faint sound of rumbling began to echo throughout the silent halls. She was coming, they had to weaken her as best they could to prepare for what was to come. Raising his wand and aiming it at the table and corpse, Emory spoke clearly and precisely. ”Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester, I name thee. Come forth from the darkness and seek your justice. INCENDIO!” A jet of flame burst forth from the Welshman’s wand and tore through the room and ignited the body, forcing the hulking shroud that was once a woman to appear before them. The burning of a corpse often helped in spiritual cases but it was by no means a solution as tv would have you believe.

”Captarent funiculus ignis” Using his wand like a whip, he conjured a rope of flame which he use to ensnare the Sluagh’s arm. It wouldn’t hold long, they needed the trap to be ready soon as fire began to engulf the room.

By the way with my next post, we will be entering the final stages of the Winchester case, so @RumikoOhara@BrutalBx@Xilaw@Lauder prepare yourselves for the end! PM's with info you'll need for the showdown will be sent shortly.

As the for Candy Lady case, it does seem to have hit a bit of a wall due to RL, which is perfectly understandable and can't be helped. With that in mind, I'm going to throw it to you guys; @Zahir@Angel Eyes@jetipster@BlackPanther@Heretic@Sarcelle Renard@Shadow007, you guys can carry on with the case as you see fit for as long as it takes or I can jump in, close the case in a sort of wrap up post and your group can return to the Domum to await the next case. Majority vote will decide where we go.

Roddy Callahan - 2017

The war of the words between Elaine and Kaitlin had left Roddy at a loss for words, not unusual for a man who on average speaks about two hundred a day compared to every other living who speaks in the hundreds of thousands. Any outsider looking in could easily see the distain between the two women, in fact he was pretty sure he saw smoke coming out of his wife’s ears at one point. In hindsight he realised that the photo of Ingrid had the opposite effect than he desired and he would probably pay for his transgression later. It was fine, Roddy had developed a thick skin and could take it, not that he ever wanted to use his Luke Cage like ability however. Being with Lanie over the past few years, he had learned how to share the emotions that caused him great pain as well as great joy. She had saved him from himself and he would be forever grateful for that. It was just the day, just this horrible day that was transporting them all back to their sixteen year old selves. Problem was, their sixteen year old selves barely even spoke.

Before Rod could say (or not say) any more, Kaitlin interjected with a hurried goodbye. A safe play on her part. ”Oh yeah” He offered up a half smile and almost raised a hand to wave goodbye but decided against it. ”See you around, Kait” He breathed out a sigh from his nose and then turned his attention to his wife whom stood beside him with a ten year old rage burning in her big blue eyes. ”Damn it, Lanie. Let’s go get the kid. We’ll take my car, I’ll come back and get yours later”

Rod didn’t need to make any more trouble right now. In spite of the drama brewing between the two women, there was something else on the young firefighters mind. He was currently standing mere steps away from where Charlie Decker put a bullet him in his back. The pain was always there, every morning when he woke up and every night he went to sleep it was always there. Standing where he was, it felt like his back was becoming heavier by the second, as if like Atlas he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. His chest was becoming tighter and his breathing laboured. He didn’t want Lanie to know, it wasn’t something she needed to worry about. He offered a wave to Mr Beau who was off talking to other kids before heading out into the fresh air of the car park.

The drive to his parents house was a short one; the elder Callahan’s lived maybe ten minutes away from the school. They had bought that house the first year they were married and had never left, raising both of their boys within its walls. Trish Palmers family lived several doors down as did Kait’s parents. As they pulled into the drive, Rod’s eyes narrowed and looked at the porch where someone stood, holding his child in their arms. He turned to Lanie and then back to the porch. The man was tall, built like a brick shithouse with wavy brown hair not too dissimilar to Roddy but with a clean cut face and a very expensive suit.


”Hey, little brother”

Roddy Callahan – 2006

Rod noticeably rolled his eyes at the approach of Decky and Lanie. He had hoped the school break would ease some of the tension and the big blow out that the girls had in the snow would have cooled things somewhat but judging by the looks on their faces, this was but a pipe dream. He could feel Kait’s nails digging into his arm, holding onto him for dear life as she herself did not know what to expect. He just had to roll with it, there really wasn’t any other choice.

Of course Kaitlin decided to make it into a big scene, making sure everyone around them could hear the argument that was about to happen. Rod was doing everything to keep his composure around Decky. As soon as he had heard about the knife back at sundance, he wanted to do nothing more than tear the kids head off but he knew he couldn’t, it would only cause more problems, plus from what he knew of Decky, the boy probably wouldn’t have used the knife, it was just a kneejerk reaction to scare Kait off. She was at as much fault as anyone but she was his friend and Rod had to value all the loyalty.

”Look Callahan looks like he’s about to cry. What a fucking faggot” The jeering of Derek, whom had come to watch the show infuriated Roddy.

He pulled away from Kaitlin and turned on his heel. ”I fucking told you O’Leary” With no other word, Rod headbutted Derek right between the eyes, opening up a cut above the football stars right eyebrow. Closing his fist, the amateur boxer threw a massive punch which hit Derek in the side of his face. The ringing in Roddy’s ears was getting louder with every second as all thought left his mind, with only rage remaining. Why could nothing ever go right for him? What did he do wrong? Fuck everything. With every thought succeeded by another blow to Derek’s face, Rod had become a tool of violence. Picking a bloodied Derek up, he threw him into the lockers and placed a knee into his gut. ”Where are all your friends, Derek?” Nothing good ever stays with me. Absolutely nothing!”

Jude Aspers

Jude leaned back in the car, looking over to the lovely Isabella Wellington beside him. They had spent all day filming together, the set eerily quiet as it often was when these two were doing a scene. The intensity and the chemistry was palpable, their competitiveness sat in the air like a thick fog. It was like their hadn’t even been a ten year gap. He allowed his voice to slip back from the thick Boston twang he used for Roddy and into his normal dulcet English tone.

"Well Miss Oscar Winner, you certainly haven’t lost a step”


I’ve been picturing Bunny and Zara turned loose on the Wizarding world of London

Bunny Loves Muggle things as much as she does Wizarding things and mingling with Muggles in Malls, Shop Streets and Clubs. Bunny is a shop-a-holic when she's not tinkering in her off time.

She dresses very Muggle which makes her stand out in Hogsmead and Diagon Alley

Literally now I'm just imagining the wizarding version of a buddy cop movie starring Bunny and Zara....i don't hate it.
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