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Where is everyone?
I just realised there's one glaring thing we've complete neglected to discuss in this rp...the character's parents!

Hope everyone's collabs are coming along too
Gethin Rhys

Turning on his heel, Gethin needed to find the king, the man, the boss, Roddy Quinn. The Welshman was trying to wrap his head around his boss’s decision. Drayden had been the top guy for years and he held the respect of all the boys in the locker room. From a booking stand point it would’ve made sense for the strap to be put on someone like Caiden Winters or even Zachary Wake. They were established guys in the AWE Universe, the fans knew and cared for them. Gethin Rhys hadn’t been on the scene that long. Sure he was a huge name in Japan and when he was signed there was a fair bit of fanfare but even still, he had yet to truly make his mark in the AWE but there it was in black and white on the locker room wall; he was going to be the next AWE Champion.

The early contract negotiations came out of nowhere really. Gethin was having a great run in AJBW over in Tokyo. He was the top gaijin wrestler in the company with his violent style matches and refusal to cut a promo in Japanese (even though he is fluent) he had developed quite the cult following. His stripped down, back to basics prize fighter character had connected with the audience on a different level and his choice of an 80’s style synth song as his entrance theme compared to every other generic rock song was unique enough to make him stand out amongst the crowd. Gethin Rhys was the American Psycho…except you know, he was Welsh. He wasn’t sure exactly who facilitated the deal or whom recommended him but one evening Gethin got the call from Roddy Quinn to ask about maybe defecting to AWE. He had a good thing going in AJBW but the money and the notoriety was in the states; it was an offer he couldn’t really refuse.

As he wandered backstage, Gethin passed by Kevin with a courteous nod. The writer was heading towards the women’s locker room. Kevin had been key to tweaking the “Brutal Artist” character for an American audience. The rules over here were very different to the ones over there, it was a different style, a different demographic and it was difficult to adjust. Of course there was Roger the Sound Guy working on something, God that guy was creepy. CBL for sure. Making his way to where Roddy had settled his office for the night, there was a cue a mile long.


Hopefully, he’d be able to catch the big man soon. As time passed and wrestlers, stage crew et al had been in to the see the king, a slight tingle of nerves ran through the master of the headbutt’s body. He realised that he didn’t know exactly what he wanted to say to the man but before he could think of something, he was called in. Entering into Roddy Quinn’s office and seeing him sitting there was like watching the ruler on the Iron Throne about to kill Sean Bean or something, it was a weird feeling.


”Mr Quinn. Thanks for seeing me”

Yeah that's my bad. Coming up with a quick synopsis for 22 episodes was difficult. Maybe in Episode 6Beau tracks them down after a day of chasing the kids around town, everyone else gets sent home and Decky winds up at Beau's. Then later in the season he moves in,
<Snipped quote by Dirty Pretty Lies>

Season one would mean that Kait hasn't taken the party scene from Lanie yet so yeah, that could work. Plus if we could establish that they had a friendship until it was seriously fractured it would explain why they have such a severe disdain for eachother.

Liking this train of thought
@BrutalBx Thank you so much!!!

OMG WE SHOULD HAVE LANIE AND KAITLIN BE BFF'S IN THIS EPISODE. @Starwinter what do you say?! We could get them to take Maddy out for ice cream or something.

To be fair, this is season one, so a lot of of drama has not happened yet lol
Hi! Apologies on my lack of activity. Internet is down since the 4th, and the company says they'll send a technician to deal with the issue by the 9th at latest, though I know this company is famous for slacking. -_- To top things off I had wisdom teeth removal surgery on the 4th also, so I've been focusing on getting better.

What I can say is that I don't really see why Charlie would show up in Lanie's life, or why she would appear in the current throwback episode since her and Maddy wouldn't really be friends.

Well firstly, get better soon. Wisdom teeth are a bitch. Second, absolutely do not worry, you've let me know so we can work around you until everything is sorted. The current throwback is a comedy episode anyway, so if you can think of any funny Lanie side story, great, if you'd rather focus on the present day and actor stories, by all means do it. A character doesn't have to appear in every episode.

Once he had sat down, Jude quickly scanned the menu and of course in his usual fashion ordered a massive dish of pasta. The man’s stomach was a bottomless pit, always had been ever since he was a child. Often on the set of the original Edenridge if Jude wasn’t rehearsing his scenes, you would find him in catering. He glanced over at Izabella, admiring the effort she had put into her evening wear before looking up at a new face that joined them; Michael Dunn, yet another old face returning to the team. ”Michael, good to see you” He turned his attention to Brinlee whom sat next to him, slowly but surely devolving back into her high school self, this much was obvious to the Englishman. ”Brin you can relax, everyone here is in the same boat. None of us know what the others are thinking, we just have to roll with it” He offered her a genuine smile before grabbing a bread roll. ”I don’t even care there’s no butter, I’m eating this” He chuckled before taking a bite; he did this partly because he was hungry and partly to try and help Brinlee but mostly it was because he was hungry.

When she thought the table surely couldn't hold any more people, Emilia, Tiny and Michael suddenly showed. She nodded in greeting to them all. Brin hadn't been close to any of the three in particular, but they were all very nice in passing to her when they were younger. At least, they seemed to be. She was horribly awkward as a teenager- constantly paranoid and thinking everyone was judging her. The two traits were definitely ones she tried like hell to grow out of. Thankfully, the introduction of makeup and fashion made her think of herself as somewhat presentable to a crowd. Not to mention the fact that she finally grew into her facial features. With a clearing of her throat, she turned to Jude as he addressed her once more. Her cheeks flushed a bit when he so obviously read her mind. Brinlee let out a small laugh at the man and shrugged her shoulders. "Old habits die hard, I guess. It's like a time warp, being here. Thinking I grew and matured so much, and nobody really gets to see it since I automatically revert back to the group nerd." She grinned and grabbed a roll as well. "At least I grew into my nose!"

"It's like anything else, it'll take a little while but soon people will see you for you and not for the character. We're not kids anymore" Jude offered her a light smile as he spoke. Brinlee hadn't been a part of the main cast initially until late in the first season when one of the female actors had to leave the show. The producers decided then and there that she should be promoted to a regular and with her promotion an element of comedy was added to the already dramatic show. The first season episode "Lord of the Ridge" which was essentially a Maddy centric episode had become somewhat of a fan favourite over the course of the shows history. It's light hearted content and realistic portrayal of nerdy youth is much beloved in the fandom. "Hopefully we'll get some decent scenes together this season, I know people would love that"

She nodded along in agreement before biting into the roll. What he had said made a lot of sense- though her character in the show was very much like her younger self. When she had glanced at the script for their revival season, she had noticed that Maddy was still dealing with her PTSD over the shooting. It made the woman even more of a recluse. She was terrified of the school and even seeing her old school mates sometimes brought her memories back. Brin was interested to see how they would get the woman to interact around the school, and how she had developed with some of her former classmates. Since her character had stayed in Edenridge, it would only make sense for her to have an occasional interaction with someone from the past. After she finished the bite of bread in her mouth, she shrugged her shoulders. "Would make sense for Maddy and Roddy to have some scenes together. They have her as the editor for the local paper- surely she would run in with the locals."

Season 1. Episode 11: Lord of the Ridge

"Where do you want this computer Maddy?" Roddy asked as he pulled the large box into the office. School had already let out for the day but Rod was staying behind to help Maddy set up the new computer system. He didn't really know much about the intricacies of a computer but he was doing anything and everything at the moment to keep himself distracted. Maddy on the other hand, he knew that she was always here after to school, the girl basically lived in the small office they were now sitting in. Sometimes he walked by that door on his way to class and wonder what was going on in here. The girl kept to herself, blended in with the crowd and managed to avoid the general bullying that Roddy received on a daily basis. In a way, he envied her invisibility.

"Huh?"Maddy peered up from under her desk, shoving the bridge of her glasses back against her nose. Her hair was disheveled from having to search under everything for her favored USB stick. She blinked slightly as she took in the boy- it took another moment for her to even remember what he was carrying. Once realization hit, her eyes widened and she gave a big grin full of braces. "Is that my new Intel?!" Scrambling to her feet and nearly missing hitting her head on the desk, she straightened her pencil skirt before hurrying over to him. Her eyes ran over the box and she draped her hands along it in awe. "Hey there, my precious..." Took her yet another moment to realize who was carrying the box. A bright red tinge flushed across her cheeks before taking a step away from him, her head nodding towards her empty desk. "You uh, can uh, um. My desk. My desk is good."

Roddy's lips curled up into a smirk as he watched the girl basically fall in love with a computer "I can see someone watched Lord of the Rings last Christmas" He said as he took the box over to Maddy's desk and began to unbox it. Fellowship of the Ring had come out several months before and obviously it was a massive success. Roddy wasn't a fantasy guy really but he did enjoy the movie. "Have to admit, Sean Bean really knows how to do a death scene. Boromir was badass" He didn't know if his attempts at conversation with the girl was futile but anything was worth a try. As he began to empty the box, Rod noticed a book sitting off to the side, open on its index, he could see it had been checked out several weeks ago and was due to be returned today. "Hey Mads? You realise that book needs to be at the library in like fifty seven minutes right? Or you're gonna get a fine"

The flush on her cheeks deepened as Roddy called her out on her movie reference. How embarrassing did she really have to be in front of this guy? In front of anyone, really? Blowing out a breath, she followed him over to her desk and watched as he started to unveil her new baby. His words finally caught her ears and she raised a brow in interest. "Wait...You watched it? You don't- well, I guess it's an action movie to some...Not saying you don't like fantasy! It's just that I like fantasy. The story is so riveting- have you read the books? Of course you haven't read the books, who am I kidding-" Maddy stopped mid rambling before her eyes widened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant-" The girl took a breath and looked away. This was why she stayed invisible. At the mention of her book, she scoffed and shook her head. "I always have my books turned in on time. It can't possibly-" Glancing over at the book, her eyes widened with panic and she snatched it off the desk. "Oh, cheese and crackers! I have to go!"

"Maddy?...Take a breath, dial it back ok?" Rod was no fool, he knew outside of forced assignments and tutoring sessions that the girl had very little contact with any of her contemporaries and as much as he sometime envied that, he did feel a sense of pity and a lingering feeling of sadness. It was part of the reason he offered to help out at the paper in the first place. "The library is on the Southside, Mads. I'm not letting you go there alone at this time of night. No chance. I'm coming with you. South Eden is like Mordor"

Shaking her head quickly, she ran around the office in search of her jacket, keys, book bag...Why did she have to be such a mess? She finally grabbed her bag and jacket, but where were those keys?! Maddy searched under several piles of paper and books on every desk before finding them. "Aha! Keys!" Her attention returned back to Roddy and she blinked at him. "Wow. You really did watch the movie. Impressive." Shaking off the thought, she slipped the library book into her bag. "And uh, you don't have to go with me...I'm a big girl. Well, big enough. I mean, I got my car keys and I only just got my license but I swear I'm fine. You uh, you can go home. Catch up with your....peeps?"


And introducing:

Location: Hallway > Kevin’s Office
Collab with: @Universorum

Kevin Harrison was on a mission to find a particular member of the roster… which was always kind of hard, honestly. For a bunch of people who were supposed to be unmistakable on camera, and stand out in a crowd… they did a damn good job of disappearing backstage. Eventually, he realized his target, Suzy Mackintosh, Diana Valentine, whatever you wanted to call her, was probably hiding out in the once place he would never look: Women's Locker Room.

Heading over there, Kevin banged on the door without a single fuck to give “HEY. Diana! You in there? You know you’re never gonna get booked if you hide from the writer, girl!”

Snapping out of her creative daze, Diana looked up from her notepad and directly that the trembling locker room door. "Just a second!" She responded. Jumping to her feet, Diana pulled the latest in Gethin Rhys merchandise, a simple black T with a family crest on the breast, over her sports bra and straightened herself out. She glanced at all the over women who were looking at her and she simply shook off their glares. She walked over to the door and quickly squeezed out of the small space she made opening it up a crack. She couldn’t let Kevin see the other girls inside, so her exit had to be less than graceful.

"Kevin, you know I never hide from anyone...except maybe Roger the sound guy. He’s a little bit creepy. I digress. Anyway, what’s up?"

Kevin shook his head, but ultimately he agreed. Roger from sound was kind of creepy, and Kevin was a dude. He couldn’t imagine how it felt as a girl. “I got something for you, it’s in my office, come check it out.” He explained, gesturing for her to follow and walking off toward his office. “I know you want to be on-screen a lot, but most of our guys can carry their own promo work, y’know? So, they don’t really need a manager. Fortunately for you, I think I’ve found the solution to that problem! I know, I’m sure you’re trembling with excitement. Well, don’t be. I found a guy in developmental, that’s kind of... well, he basically stumbles and stutters a lot on the mic, but man, can he work a match. So, you’re gonna take him, build him up, and teach him how to use the mic. I know you’re a good promo, so I’m trusting you to go above and beyond with this one. Work on it after hours, riding from show to show, whenever you get a chance. Roddy is high on this dude, so you gotta help me out.”

Finally Diana thought; she was going to get her chance. She had wanted nothing more than an opportunity since she was a little girl watching The Ghost Ryder beat people up on a weekly basis. “You know I appreciate this, Kevin. Really I do. I’m just glad you’re not giving me a complete greenhorn to work with. As long as the guy can work like you say, I’ll be able to get him over no problem." Kevin had been watching her back for a while now. He had helped her whilst she was in developmental herself and even pulled a few strings to get her touring with the main roster, even if she wasn’t being used. "I’m up for this challenge, boss!" Diana brushed her hair back into a ponytail and smiled. "So what am I working with exactly, Kev? Does the kid have any kind of gimmick or any kind of jumping off point I can play with or what?"

“Well, he’s very large. And he likes to throw people around, here just look for yourself,” Kevin said, pushing open his office door and revealing Dylan standing there, holding in his hand a bag of Doritos, which looked like it was for children, but was actually family size. The huge man slowly tossed another handful of chips into his mouth, before waving to Kevin and Diana. “Diana, meet Dylan Weaver.”

“Hi. The mountain of a man offered, still chewing his chips.

“Good God." Diana stood aback as she looked at the mass of humanity that stood before her. "Where in the blue hell did they find you? Asgard?” Fuck." Diana took a step forward towards the hulking behemoth and smiled to regain her composure. "Hi Dylan, my name’s Suzy but on any other day I go by Diana. It’s nice to meet you. Looks like I’m gonna make you a star." The flame haired manager’s sweet smile soon shifted to a cocky smirk as she looked over her new charge. She turned her attention back to Kevin and put her soft hand on his shoulder. "I owe you for this one, Kev. Take your pick of a diva and I’ll put in a word for you." She chuckled as the little girl inside her began to scream with excitement.

“This is a big motherfucker, right? It’s insane. You should see him work, he just tosses people around like they’re garbage bags. Uh, hold off on that word in with the girls, my fiance would probably end my life.” Kevin joked, as Dylan nodded to himself and beamed at Diana. “He’s also young too, I think he just turned like 23 a few months back, so you’ve got plenty of time to mould him. Enjoy.”

“I’m really excited. I don’t know why it happens, but as soon as I’m in the ring with a mic in my hand, doesn’t matter if it’s twenty people, or twenty thousand people, I get stage fright and sound like a dumbass… so having someone else talk for me will be really good.” Dylan admitted, shrugging his massive shoulders.

“The plan is to debut him in two, maybe three weeks. Maybe even after the tournament ends, we don’t want to pull too much attention off of that… So, you have time. He’s going to be a monster, running through most people. Possibly local workers until we get to a point that we want him to tear through our normal undercard. So you have sometime to really build a character with him.”

"He’ll be ready in two but you’re the boss, hoss" Diana grinned confidently. She had to be confident, she just had to be. There was no room for error on this one. This was her opportunity to fulfil her dream and she wasn’t going to let it slip through her fingers. "We’ll start right away then. Dylan, I ride the bus with Wade and some others. Jump in with us after the show and we’ll get you started" She once again looked over her new client and was amazed at his sheer size and now his youth. "God boy, what on Earth do they feed you? Cows and big rigs? My God" Now she was wondering just how hard it would be to actually squeeze Dylan into a seat on the AWE Express. "My mind is permeating with idea’s already"

A bus? Hey, it couldn’t be more uncomfortable than the rental car that Kevin had picked him up from the airport in. “Well, the height is just natural, but the muscles come from a diet with a lot, and I mean a lot of chicken breast. And a lot of lifting, my max bench right now is 500, all time anyway. It might slip a bit since I’m gonna be traveling around a lot more now, but that’s okay. As long as I can still toss people around, I’ll be fine.”

"I wouldn’t worry. There’s a couple of guys and girls here on the main roster who are very strict about their diets and gym time, myself included. I’ll introduce you to them and once you’re acquainted they’ll probably induct you into the body club." Diana stifled a laugh with her hand. "Anyway, should we get going. Lots to talk about and do. First and foremost I think that we should go watch some of the live promo’s being cut."

I'm still recovering >.<

Certainly does, get well soon!
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