Sami Alejandro
Location: His home - The road - The Diner Interacting with: His mother - Group Chat

“What are your plans today mijo?” Carla stood off to the side as she watched her son load up his prized red Mustang with some bags.
”Well I didn’t have any before. Maybe chill with Sierra but I just got a text and looks like some of the boys are heading up the slopes, so I thought I might tag along” Sami closed the trunk and turned and leaned against it, folding his arms as he did so.
”Is there anything I can do for you mami before I head off?”
He was such a good boy, always offering to help. Brushing a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, Ms Alejandro smiled to her son. “No no, you go have fun with your friends. Just do me one favour? Don’t punch anyone, Samuel. OK?”
”I’ll try not too. I love you” Sam offered his mother a smile before he climbed into his car. He wasn’t one for social media, in fact he hated it. If it was up to Sami he wouldn’t even have facebook but it was a requirement nowadays. Pulling up the class group chat, Dominican Yoda posted a quick message:
”Heading over to CR’s place now, any brothers and sisters that want to ride shoot me a message”
Placing his phone back into the beat up leather jacket that always adorned his stocky shoulders, Sami set off towards the home of one Christopher Robin. Safety was a priority for Sami so if indeed anyone did message him for a ride, he would pull over to read it. For a sixteen year old boy in a small town, Sam had the brain of a forty year old sometimes; it was part of his charm. Westworth was a beautiful place if you liked the edge of nowhere aesthetic. Not a lot happened there but that wasn’t a great issue. The youth of the Denver town seemed to get in enough trouble which was more than enough to make up for the lack of things to do. Life would certainly be interesting this winter break with the Candies that currently occupied the homes of CR and his Mrs Lorlei. Hollywood meets Westworth? Sami would be happy to sit back and watch the show.
The Dominican boy had been awake for a couple of hours, even though the rest of his small world was still drifting in dream world. Sleep for Sami was a rarity, he maybe got 3 to 4 hours a night, generally broken too. Sleeping right through the night is something he hadn’t done in years. He wasn’t exactly sure of the cause. Sierra and others have tried to force him to the doctors or to take medication, both of which he refuses to do. If there was anything in this world that Sami hated, it was Doctors, la Brujo’s in his mind. He understood they were there to help but they were not for him. It was a crippling fear that had possessed him since he was a child.
CR’s place was literally on the other side of town, so although the drive wasn’t long in a town as small as Westworth, he fully expected a few detours to take place. Some people just couldn’t resist a ride in the Mustang. Sami’s dark eyes were drawn to his hands on the steering wheel, specifically, his bruised knuckles. The skin was flaking off in some places and certain finger movements were making a somewhat satisfying cracking noise. His mother wasn’t kidding when she asked him not to punch anyone. It was a problem and he knew it. Sami the problem solver had a habit of solving said problems with his fists. It was why his knuckles were in the state they were in and why was pretty sure he had a few bruised ribs as well.
He stopped at the world famous Westworth Diner, hopping out of the car he hurried inside. The man needed his caffeine. Sami Alejandro without either a coffee or an energy drink was like seeing Colorado without snow. He quickly jumped up to the till and smiled
”Usual black coffee to go please, gracias hermana”