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Sam is pretty much a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, adorned in a leather jacket with perfect hair. He likes his own company a lot of the time but he does wish to surround himself with friends. Sam is fiercely intelligent but does not apply himself to things he doesn’t care about…like math, fuck math. Cookery and cars however, now that is a different story. So when someone has a question, Sami usually has an answer.
He is the type of guy who likes to just hang back and let the world turn, only really stepping in when someone needs a helping hand this generally leads to Sami getting himself involved in other people’s business because he just wants everyone to get along. If his ancient Cubano wisdom doesn’t work, he is prone to solving problems with his fists, something his long suffering mother despises and despite his lovely and generally polite demeanour, most people know not to cross Sami Alejandro in fear of a slap to the face.
Sam tries not to hide himself from other people but he tends to struggle to open up to anyone, instead focusing his energies on helping others rather than helping himself. He feels he is tough enough to carry the weight of the world himself and not share the burden which gives him a world weariness almost beyond his years. Sam is the type of cat who will watch two people from afar and be wise enough to know that they are destined to love each other, even though he craves someone to love himself as he is a bit of a romantic at heart which is obvious to anyone who's ever heard one of his songs. Sam has a tendency to be blunt when dishing out his advice and it is not afraid to get confrontational when trying to help someone.
► noteworthy appearance traits
Awesome hair. Various tattoos. Usually a few fresh cuts as bruises
► favorite item
Meteorite Ring
► current dilemma
Sami’s recent run in with Johnny Law has put his future in jeopardy and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if college doesn’t work out
► warning
Sami is not “triggered” by much but the mere mention of his old man makes his blood boil
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃► quirks
- Tapping his fingers rhythmically
- Mumbling in Spanish when frustrated
- Playing a song on his phone that matches every situation
► hobbies
- Cooking
- Surfing
- Black Magic
- Hiking
- Playstation
► dreams
To survive any way he can and live to his next birthday, that’s his day to day. Overall, maybe start his own food spot? He hasn’t really figured it out yet.
► fears
Sam fears above all else losing control. In his eyes, losing your mind is losing yourself. if you can’t be you, what’s the point of it all?
► likes/dislikes
✔ Energy Drinks (Possible Addict)
✔ Defying Expectations
✖ Social Media
✖ Cigarettes
✖ Carrots
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Cuban Yoda
► family
- Hector “Havana” Alejandro - Father - Owner of Havana Motor Emporium and overall psychopath. Has ties to some criminal enterprises.
- Carla Alejandro - Mother - she works at a local hospital as a administrator
► brief history
How the Alejandro family made its way from the Cuba to Santa Monica is anyone’s guess. It’s something they don’t talk about. All that is known is that Carla Alejandro turned up in LA with a baby about eighteen years ago and just never left. Her husband didn’t join them for six years. A few nice locals helped out Carla and her child by giving her work and shelter until she could afford her own place. Seeing his mother toil to keep a roof over their heads helped instil in Sami are drive to work as hard as he could to help. Whilst other kids were out playing games, Sam was working the paper-route or cutting grass and cleaning gutters; anything for that extra dollar to see them get to the next day. This hadn’t stopped him however from making a few close friends. When his father came back into the picture with cash in his pocket and an idea in his head, everything changed.
None of his classmates ever looked at him any different than they should’ve, as far as they were concerned Sam was just like them and for the most part he was. However; he was the kid from the wrong side of the tracks and he was a Latino, my how the stereotypes mounted for young Sami and it left a bitter taste in his mouth and a chip on his shoulder. He did not let this deter him however and for the most part he grew up a pretty well rounded and well-adjusted young man that most people tended to like. The major issue for Sami was letting people in. There was and still is a seemingly impenetrable wall around the young man. Many have sat and just watched him drift in and out of his own world, wondering what thoughts were racing behind his eyes. You have a problem? Sami would be the first one to help you out. Sami has a problem? No he doesn’t, he’s fine, don’t worry about him. He can handle it. It is somewhat worrying and only adds to the mystery of Sami Alejandro.
Sami never really was one for trouble. He buckled down and earned great grades, showing off quite a high IQ in spite of his somewhat stunted upbringing. He even found time to tutor for a while (and still does occasionally). He adores surfing, fixing cars and most importantly cooking. When not hanging with his crew, Sam can be found in the kitchen coming up with new recipes, not all of which work but he tries. He is also interested in black magic though not for what you think; he enjoys the history of it all and focuses more on being one with nature rather than worshipping the devil.
Often, Sami has the tendency to disappear. One evening he will just pack a bag and head up a mountain or to the beach and stay there for days just to clear his head. His mother has come to terms with this but it doesn’t stop her worrying. His father doesn’t really care that much.
When Sami was sixteen, his father gifted him with a red mustang which became his prized possession...at least until a week before graduation when he totalled the thing to with a small amount of alcohol in his system. Needless to say, dear old dad was pissed and couldn’t wait to tear Sami a new one. Sam responded in kind by head butting his father and crashing on a friend's couch for the next week. The night of graduation, he broke into his father's car lot, stole the best RV of a bad bunch of shitheaps and began rounding up his crew for an adventure.
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Pastries (Food of the Gods)