Don't mind me, Just- ***Simp's over an emo hedgehog named Shadow The Hedgehog***
8 days ago
***Cutely noms on a cord***
9 days ago
Back in that sonic stage... My phone is overloaded with sonic games and it's decorated in a bunch of sonic pics... Also, I drew Shadow the hedgehog. LOVE HIMMM
"In the deepest darkest forest on earth lives horrific creatures.. Whispering your name if you walk by.." so they say.. Reading these stories in sleepovers to scare others... But little did they know.. They're real... and they are calling for you..
[Queen] -Forrest [Scarlet Macaw] [King] - Eclipse [A tall, Male, all black windigo with red eyes, wears a long black cloak that produces a black smoke trail]
[Queen's Helper]
[King's Helper]
[Healers] -Solarflare [A creature that looks like the sun but humanoid with deformities like glowing orange horns and a bright orange and yellow tail] -Seaweed [a kelpie. she has two forms: water (where her back half is more of a mermaid tail type thing made of seaweed. ; and land, where her back half is regular ig. ; she has a long mane and tail, made out of seaweed and such. She has mud along her hooves. her eyes are a faded gold color.] [Fighters]
Name: Gender: Appearance: Friends or foe of creatures: Mention:@3xpiredM1lk
Name: Gender: Appearance: What are they: Role: [example; protector, healer, fighter, etc.] Mention:@3xpiredM1lk
Name:Peachtree Nickname: Peach Age: 23 Moons Gender: She-cat Rank: Warrior Appearance:An orange Maine coon with green eyes Mentor/App: Rockypaw
Name: Rockypaw Nickname: Rocky Age: 14 Moons Gender:Tom Rank:Apprentice Appearance: A black cat with green eyes Mentor/App: Peachtree ___________________________________________
Lillyflower was a bit worried. "Okay so I don't have the exact herbs In my storage but I don't have some alternatives it doesn't smell or look effected so I'm just gonna place some marigold pulb on it well wash it first" *I picked at a nest so I could get mass in my jaws as I placed it in a small puddle.*
Riverclaw looked at Lillyflower, sighing. His eye was starting to itch again and he was fighting the urge to scratch it.