“It's been a WEEK!” Death rattled the bars of the cage violently, the whole cage rocking with the force of his shaking. “Do you have any idea what it's like?! Hundreds of thousands of voices calling out to you, begging for you to free them from their torment!” He shook the cage again, roaring out in anger and frustration. “Let me go!” The runic markings began to burn along his forearms and skin as he called on his magic, attempting to dissolve the very bars he was holding onto. The agony coursed up his arms and began to creep up his chest. He roared out in rage and pain as he released the bars, them being no more damaged than when he initially grabbed them.
The magician was sitting in a chair next to the stairs, scrolling through news articles on his phone and reading out any special ones that caught his interest. “Oh a man was decapitated in a freak accident. Doctors aren't sure how he's still alive and are trying to figure out the next best step. Oh look at this one! A man on death row finally given the injection, survived. Huh, wonder how that is? God's intervention some claim.” Death roared out and shook the cage once more before dropping down on the floor in a heap, slamming the back of his head into the bars behind him.
“This could all end, Death. All you have to do is tell me how to become immortal. That's it. It's as simple as that. What is a single immortal man in this world with billions of people, huh? How badly can I shift the balance, huh? You give that to me and I let you go and you can get back to reaping souls. Hell, I bet the world would be in balance the moment I set you free. All you gotta do, is give me the secret to immortality.”
“I can't,” Death roared out through gritted teeth, locking his eyes on the magician across the way. “You think you'll be the only who wants to be immortal? The only one who's tried this stupid stunt? Every new year I have to go and release my reapers from some stupid spell that a magician, who is just as stupid as the next, casts. They think my reapers know. That they can just snap their fingers and oh, they're immortal now. No. It's not that simple and there's a price to pay with your immortality. There has to always be balance in the world, you sniveling fool! Nothing in your realm is immortal and there's a reason for that, idiot. You won't get immortality from me so you might as well just let me go now before something truly bad happens.”
There has to always be balance in the world. Balance. Balance is necessary for this world to even function correctly and it's not unheard of for a god to notice the unbalance and decide they will do something about it. The only problem is that other gods do not control the realm of Death, they would simply be conquering it and inserting there influence into it. Who knows what would happen if, say, the god of time were to take control. He can view things far in the future that no one else can and deem someone in need of killing even before they had a chance to do anything that may shift the balance of the world. Souls, who were not ready to be reaped and who's clock was not done ticking, suddenly being taken. A balance may be acquired but one highly shifted in the direction and motivation of the god of time's impression of what balance is. It could be disastrous.
“You want out, you know what you need to do.” The man said as he stood up from the chair and slid his phone into his jacket pocket. “Till then, you're just going to stay right where you are.” He folded the chair up and leaned it against the wall before he began to make his way up the stairs, once more turning the light off and leaving Death in the dark. It remained that way for, what felt like an eternity to Death but had only been a few hours when the lights in the basement came back on and the magician walked down into the basement with that familiar girl in tow. Death watched the two walk down the stairs, his eyes locked on the girl as they came down.
So she came back. Was it for more ingredients like before or was she here to see Death. He leaned back against the far side of the cage and crossed his arms in front of his chest, his mouth forming a solemn line. “So, starting to figure out the stuff I said was true, eh?” He shifted his eyes to the magician was he walked into the back room, leaving them alone in that area, before he turned his eyes back on the girl. “Look, you need to find a way to get me out of here.” He scrambled to the front of the cage and grabbed a hold of the bars. “What do I need to do to prove to you that I'm the real thing? Magic? I can't do that. This body won't let me.” Just to prove a point, he summoned some of his magic and the runic symbols burned along his forearms for a moment before he stopped, the burned symbols slowly fading then healing completely. “I can give you some of my magic, perhaps. But it needs to be quick.” He reached through the bars, his hand extended as if to shake. He looked down at his hand than to the room where the magician had walked off into. He looked back at the woman before giving his hand a small shake, trying to coax her to grab a hold.