Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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24 days ago
Current My kids hate my sleep schedule. I'm finally getting one online and they keep interrupting it. Last night it was 2am. The other night it was 4. Just let me sleepppp
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1 mo ago
Can someone explain to this confused meat suit that joints are friends, not food. Or better yet, rid me of it completely. I'd like a factory reset please. Lately upgrade.
1 mo ago
So they're saying we're looking at like 6 to 8 inches of snow here in Louisiana. Southern Louisiana. Like by the bottom. It's 60 degrees outside. Mother Nature, you good fam?
1 mo ago
She probably can! My male cat terroizing my Great Pyranese mix on the daily! And he's like over 60 lbs. Don't get me wrong, he's a big cat but seeing maybe a 10 lb cat bully a 60 lb dog is sight
1 mo ago
As a support main on everything I play, INCLUDING rivals. I hate people like that with a burning passion! I get it. It's a strat but just let me live!
1 like


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

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Adrila gathered herself up, cleaning off her face as best she could and flashing the dwarven man a soft smile. “You are right. No point in lingering in a past that cannot be changed, right?” Oh but how she wished it could be changed. She wanted to just walk right back into that forest and go right back where she belonged but she knew that if she went back into that accursed wood, she would do nothing but get lost again and find herself wandering for who knows how long! When he presented his hand to her to shake, she took it and gave her own firm handshake back. “I'm Adrila. It's a pleasure to meet you.” She then turned to face the dwarven woman, giving a slight bow at her hips before strengthening to her full height. “Thank you for your assistance,” despite how little assistance it was. The woman was the first face she had seen in quite a bit of time, at least.

She peered back at the forest one last time, as if giving it a final salute before she turned to face further into the hamlet. So she might as well make do with what she has here. If this was a place of random people coming together for some reason or another, then they would need some kind of organization at the least. That, she could surely do.

So with a deep inhale and her new found friend by her side, she stepped deeper into the townlet. Man this place really was run down. There wasn't anything left behind that wasn't something durable like stone or metal. Everything else had been eaten by the elements or swallowed up by the earth. As they made it further into the village, she peered into a few of the more stable looking homes, one of them even still having a partial roof and the items inside still being somewhat intact. She would have to come back to this building later. Perhaps there would be books, maybe even some paper and ink. It wasn't likely but one could hope!

It didn't take too long for them to hear the voices of others conversing further into the hamlet and Adrila peered back at Brom as she held a hand out to stop him. The voices were jumbled. They were obviously echoing off the walls of the buildings and being thrown every which way but she could make out at that there were a least a few people speaking. “There are people ahead.” She whispered to the dwarf, just in case he couldn't hear the voices for whatever reason. Her brain began to work and like a train picking up speed, it began to really get going. As she thought, her hand twirled by her side as her eyes flickered from Brom to the buildings ahead. It didn't sound like the voices were too far off and lay just out of sight.

Those voices could belong to a number of people. The first, and possible most likely, being wanderers such as herself and Brom. They could have been brought here by some mysterious force as well and had just discovered each other. Another possibility, they were bandits or raiders of some type that had made this old, rundown village their base and were now gathered around some type of fire or gathering point. She took a moment to sniff the air, looking for any signs of a campfire but didn't smell smoke or the scent of burnt wood. So a fire was most likely out though it was in the middle of the day and in spring. There wouldn't really be a need for any kind of campfire at this time of day. So that doesn't instantly strike out bandits, just the gathering point being a campfire.

The voices could also be possible residents of this small town. Perhaps they just let the buildings that they weren't living in go to shit while they upkept their own homes that were located more inward. If that was the case, then they would be few and they would very likely be protective of their things and possibly not want random wanderers roaming around freely in their community. She took a look around for any sign at all that people could possibly have still been living in those houses but couldn't seem to bring herself to even accept that it was a possibility. The buildings were so rundown. She couldn't imagine anyone had living in this place for quite a few years, most likely decades. Rooves were caved in on some buildings and some could barely be considered a building at all. No, no one had been living here for a long time.

So they should approach with caution. If they are wanderers, then they can assume that they're safe to interact with. If they're bandits, they can run and hide. If they're residents, well they can approach them and ask for assistance with getting home. So with a small plan in place, she stopped twirling her hand and turned to Brom. “We should probably approach with caution and see who it is. The likely odds of it being anything but other wanderers is exceedingly low but not zero. Best to be cautious.”
Working on that post now. Just to clarify are lucid dreams and dream hopping the same thing, or is a lucid dreaming state simply a prerequisite to dream hopping?

That's just the prerequisite. Some lucid dreams start hopping while others aren't. Figuring out how to hop regularly is the fun of it.
The woman didn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the toolkit. When Adrila approached the woman, she simply stared at her. Which made the elf suddenly very self conscious of her appearance. She started to comb her fingers through her hair as she tried to get the leaves and twigs out of it. Even as she asked if the dwarf knew where they were, she kept trying to fix herself up a bit more. Goodness, what a sight she must look at that moment. She kept combing her fingers through her hair and only slowed down when the dwarf first answered her. Her hands slowed to almost a stop as she stared at the moment, mouth falling open slightly at her response. Of course she knew she was in the Farland Frontier! That was her whole little adventure. Go out and see the world, the Frontier being the second item on her list. Then it seemed to click with the girl and she responded again, telling Adrila that she didn't know where they were. A frown creased her face as she sighed deeply. She spent all that time in the forest and now she's in some rundown village with people who seem to have just arrived much like herself. This whole mess was getting odd and it only got even more odd when a large shadow eclipsed them.

She peered up at the sky to see a large airship sailing away, watching as someone seemed to jump out of it and drop down. She would have called out to the airship and possibly tried to chase after it but seeing how high in the sky it was, there was no way she was going to be able to get them to hear her, let alone see her. She most likely was nothing more than a speck inside if the broken villa to those on top of the ship. It was be a futile attempt and so she had no choice but to watch as a possible escape back to reality sailed off into the horizon. She sighed once more before turning her eyes back on the dwarf. She would have given up anything to be on that ship. If all the people in this area were like this dwarf, she was going to have her hands full.

When the masculine voice sounded behind her, she whirled around to see another dwarf walking towards them. Was this place just full of dwarves? Did she somehow find herself wandering onto a dwarven settlement of some type? It was obvious this man wasn't from this area either as he asked if they were from around here. So he was a roaming wanderer as well, eh? Perhaps if she went deeper into the settlement she would eventually find someone who had been here before or perhaps it was just all the same, crumbling ruins that had long ago been left behind for some reason or another. At least the people seemed to be decent. Despite the dwarven woman having an odd choice in headwear, they seemed like your average, everyday folk.

When the man asked if Adrila was alright, she stiffened before grabbing the edge of her cloak and using it to wipe the dirt and grime from her face. “Oh, yes! I am alright. I-” before she could explain more, the dwarven woman answered for her. ”She's lost. Perhaps you can tell her where she is.” The elf narrowed her eyes on the woman before she huffed and turned back to face the man. “Yes, it would seem that I am indeed lost. I was part of a group exploring the Frontier when a few missteps led me away from them. I have spent most of the day roaming the forest. My map was ripped from my hands early on and my compass,” She presented her compass as she spoke, it looked no better for wear than herself, “refused to work properly whist within the wood.” She considered pocketing the compass but was afraid that the broken glass would shred her clothing or her hand when she went in to retrieve it. So while still speaking, she began to pluck the broken glass out of the compass.

“I was simply trying to see parts of the world I had not witnessed before I returned to work. So much for that.” She gazed around for a safe place to put the broken glass without any such luck. She held onto the fragments as she pocketed the compass. “It's as if some power beyond myself wanted me here.” She sighed to herself again. Would she ever get back home? What would your employer think? Perhaps her group was out looking for her right that moment? Or maybe they searched but left when they couldn't find her. How long would it take for someone to assume she as eaten by some kind of forest beast and dead. If she ever did get back to civilization, would she even have a job left? And her work! All her work! Surely her employer would not hire someone else in her stead! They would run everything she worked to perfect! She needed to get home!

Also, I'll probably try and get another post out later today if I can. Since I get the impression we're currently trying to move towards the meat of things, where do people want me to take this?

Should I jump right to Erin discussing lucid dreaming with the gang? Speed on ahead to actually preparing to do it? Both? What are people feeling?

Now that Crimson Flame has posted, you're welcome to get to the nitty gritty. I think getting the gang together for dinner and talking about it then heading to an apartment to maybe try and plan it out would be a good start.
Well that's not true. We can still bug you lol. Just gotta find another reason, is all!
Pretty sure Xalt’s a guy, but in any case, they’ll be asleep and then at work, so I’m sure with enough effort we can ping them 300+ times before they’re able to check in.

Are they? I've only ever seen them rp as female characters so I guess I just assumed! My bad! Sorry Xalt!
How much you think we can harass the dm for a post before she kicks us out of the game? xD
@Ryik I'll be sure to keep this in mind whenever I send yall to a realm and do a check each time to see if maybe your guy has been there before.
You're dream hopping! I'm so jealous of yall. I rarely sleep, let alone dream xD
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