Avatar of Burthstone
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4797 (1.17 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Burthstone 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Wow I couldn't be bothered to do anything this past weekend holy damn.
8 yrs ago
Me: "I can't afford a Nintendo Switch" Also me: "Yes I would like two of every DLC for every game I own please."
8 yrs ago
I've somehow only watched an hour of youtube in two hours of watching youtube. Man being sick sucks.
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8 yrs ago
Hey, I made my own avatar this time!
8 yrs ago
Finally got my financial aid for college!


Name: Burthstone || Zzyriphian

Age: 21

Schooling: 2-Year Degree

Occupation: I wish

Country: United States of America

First Language: English (USA)

Other Languages: Welsh (Introductory)

Preferred Units of Measure: Metric/SI (Imperial accepted)

Most Recent Posts

I would find it agreeable to impress upon you that I retain an irrefutable fancy to the possibility of the resurrection of this RP.
Hey I'm still here just been having a real hard time motivating to do anything. I'll get the next piece of that collab up soon.

Hey @Leslie Hall! How's it been?
Oh, and hi @Burthstone, haven't seen you on here for awhile. Same thing for you too, @Noodles

Uh hi.

Yeah, I don't really have anything useful to post in the IC (Also lacking motivation for that) so I've just been quietly stalking this.

But me and noodles are still working on a collab so this isn't completely abandoned by us.

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Keeping silent before he ruins everything || Mood: Relaxed
Interacting with: Sinead Argent @Orpheus, Druuk @duskshine749, Regulus @Mae

Michael didn't mind that Regulus never answered his question, though he realized he might've slipped up when he saw Sinead curtsy, as he hadn't bowed. But it seemed this slip-up had gone unnoticed as Regulus turned his attention to the woman, seeming to agree with Michael's personal opinion that she was easy to look at. With King Regulus distracted, Michael finally took his turn to examine their surroundings. It was certainly beautiful and dramatic- though that just made Michael feel even more wary. He had no idea how much of this wasn't just a show put on for them, and in his experience the more beautiful something was, the faster it'd kill you. Looking back at Regulus, he crossed his arms and let Sinead lead the conversation. As flustered as she acted, she still clearly had a better head for this than he.

It was still much to his surprise, however, when Regulus grabbed his head and pressed his thumb to the center of Michael's forehead. He didn't dare stop the monarch, out of fear it would be perceived as a serious slight, but as soon as Regulus had let go he was rubbing the spot his thumb had been pressed gently. What was that all about? He wondered, but kept the question to himself, letting the situation unfold without further input from him.
Group Five: Michael, Druuk, Sinéad

(A dispatch from Mae)
Outside the Train

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Going to meet Regulus -> Awed by Regulus|| Mood: Excited -> Awed -> Slightly Surprised
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Sinead @Orpheus, and Regulus @Mae

Michael was pretty sure, unlike Druuk seemed to be, that nothing bad would happen to them. But even if it did, they probably wouldn't survive a fall from way up here. "I'm Michael, nice to meet you Druuk," he added. Regardless of the fact his life could very well be hanging from a string, Michael was excited about meeting Regulus, that he was sure of. The starthings seemed excited and happy about them, and that felt like it was all the assurance he really needed. 'Most Probably' didn't even seem like a problem, and when Sinead mentioned it he just looked at her and offered a jovial, "Most Probaably is the best odds I've had in a while." When Sinead patted his hand, it took Michael a full ten seconds to realize that she wished for him to let go of her hand, which he did so quickly, muttering a nervous apology. He then turned to the door.

"I'm sure they're better than human nobility, since he's not having to deal with heirs and nobles so much, I don't think so anyway," Michael said as he stepped through to go and meet Regulus. An action immediately followed by him being unable to decide if he should fall to his knees and grovel or just fall to his knees.

"Oh my, what have we here?" the royal-looking man's warm, soft voice was both reassuring and gentle. It was not as deep as one might expect, and it carried the tone of a caring father; rather than that of a commanding king. He stepped down and quickly crossed the gap between him and Michael, his long golden hair glistening, his simple spired silver crown glowing with it's own unearthly light.

"Regulus! Regulus!"
"Look what we found!"
"Look! Look!"
"Can we keep them?"
"Yes let's keep them!"
"They're so much fun!!"

Regulus sighed with amusement and shook his head. "Darlings, you know this is not our way. We do not take earthly ones from their homes, it is cruel to them," Michael could see him clearer now, even though he glowed and faded as if moving too quickly. A silver star sparkled in each in of his golden eyes as he looked Michael up and down, as if inspecting him.

"Ah, this one is quite special, is he not?" He admired as the starlings cried out in unison:

"Why can't we keep them!"

"He is our favourite!"
"Let them stay forever!"
"Stay and play!"

Michael wanted to speak up, to at least say there was more unspecial about him than special, but he couldn't find the words. Regulus watched the starthings dance about between him and Farmer, his expression still one of affection, despite the stern undertone his voice then took. "Darlings, you know you are forbidden from entering the earthly homes by yourselves. It is a dangerous place. These rules exist for a reason, and you have broken them, have you not?" For the first time, the Starlings hovered in the air- without darting around. Their extremities drooped with the realization they'd been caught doing something naughty.

But it wasn't long before they started giggling to themselves again, and they zipped behind Michael's head, hiding.

Regulus chuckled quietly. "So, dear one, I must thank you for keeping our babes unharmed and entertained. An action of such goodwill should be rewarded. I am Regulus, may I ask your name?"

It was here that Michael finally regained his tongue. "Y-yeah, of course! M-My name is Michael, your, uh, highness?" The former farmer stumbled over his words as it occurred to him that he'd never stood before anyone who had status higher than the aid to a noblewoman (that he knew of). To put it lightly, he didn't know the etiquette. "A-and it was... uh, wait, those little stars are babies?" He asked, getting off track.

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Holding Sinead Down (In a family-friendly way) -> About to start a Flying Lesson || Mood: Happy
Interacting with: Sinead @Orpheus, Druuk @duskshine749

Michael smiled as he watched Sinead flail around a little wildly, and grabbed hold of her hand firmly as she floated by. Gently, he pulled her towards the floor of the carriage, grabbing her waist as politely as he could think to when she was close enough to shift how body so she was properly perpendicular to the floor. Michael seemed to be fairly adept at keeping himself firmly on the ground, providing an effective anchor for the floating woman. "No idea when we're gonna get where we're going, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I'm pretty sure it works just by thinking about what direction you want to go. It's... Honestly it really is a strange sensation. Though, why don't we head back outside where we won't bump our heads?" he'd suggest, already gently guiding Sinead to the outside of the train-where there would be less stuff to run into-when Druuk came over to them.

"Hey, seems you've also joined the flying club." Michael observed in response to Druuk's 'hi,' his smile seemingly unaffected by the other man's scowl. He would look at Sinead, for whom he was still acting as an anchor if she needed it. "I was just heading back outside where there is a lot less... Metal to run into, are you coming with?" He offered a friendly smile as he prepared to step back out onto the balcony between the two train cars, Sinead's hand in his own. Sinead, having been in in both compartments now, might remember that there was only one flying train car attached to the one she had been in, and no additional one beyond Druuk's.

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Looking Down --> Talking to Starthings --> Talking to Sinead|| Mood: Suspicious --> Curious --> Mix of Excited and Anxious
Interacting with: Starthings @Mae, Sinead @Orpheus, and Druuk @Duskshine749

"We've stolen you!"
"You belong to us now!"

Michael didn't like the word "stolen." So many things this side of the gate tried to 'steal' things from you that the word practically meant 'you're going to regret everything.' There were things that stole souls, stole hearts, stole bodies, stole... Children. It was especially bad for humans, who generally lacked the supernatural powers to prevent any of it. Michael looked down to shift himself over to one of the small balconies between the two train cars, so as to not worry the woman he had just met, and saw the world beyond The Gate for what it really was. It was an... Interesting patchwork to say the least. Nothingness in some places, everything in others. He noticed one green forest with a black line that pointed straight at- The star flitting over to Sinead distracted him, and he watched it fly over and around her shoulders. Michael smirked and looked back down at the landscape, but couldn't find what he had been looking at again. The lapse in concentration was also enough for him to realize that he should be asking questions, not just going along with this.

Clearing his throat, Michael finally managed to speak to the stars around his head. "So, if you're stealing us, where are you stealing us too?" He asked, hoping the question would be considered innocuous. The very last thing Michael wanted was to anger the starthings.

"To the sky!
To our home!
Safe now, yes!
Watch the world now, yes!
Shine like us now!
Becomes stars like us now!
Meet Regulus and join the heavens!"

Regulus? Was the first thing that Michael thought. The way they said it, they were definitely the starthings leader, but something that is these things leader would have to be pretty powerful. "Hey, uh, if it's okay for me to ask, what is Regulus?" The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could think about them.

"The King of the Stars!
He will love to see you!
He shines the brightest!"

That hadn't been quite what Michael had been hoping for for an answer, but it quietly made him more excited. Maybe, just maybe... For a moment his imagination got away from him, and he reigned it back in, and turned to Sinead to distract himself. "Uh, sorry for ignoring you for a second. I'm Michael by the way," he offered his hand to her, or took her still-outstretched one if she kept it out. "Oh, and for the little star... Thing about your shoulders? Just think 'up.'"
<Snipped quote by Burthstone>

And here I was feeling bad because I'm working with a (pair of) characters with no complete CS. I'm working at it, but its slow going.

I mean, all twenty of them HAVE Cs's, but half of them aren't posted b/c I never got around to it and the other half b/c their CS's are set in the fuuuuutuuuurrrreee

Admittedly though, I hate Mithera's CS and need to go in and make it way way way nicer.
I think we should [@Mention] the questionable people and ask.

And by 'we' I mean 'one of the GMs'

Edit: Also I need to put like a metric ton of chars I have in the CS tab. I have twenty but only 5 with CS posts.
<Snipped quote by Zarkun>

Maybe we need to pray to the role player guild gods?

I like how you say 'Gods' but there is only one god of RPG: The great Lord Mahz
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