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I think I'll take a shot at making a character for the Faction of Brothers since it's underpopulated.
Name: Rain Colhann

Alias: Chemical Girl

Identity: Secret

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Team: Omega League

Insubstantial - She can become completely incorporeal passing through solid objects at will. She can stay in this state as long as she wishes or until forced out. She cannot effect the corporeal world while insubstantial and anything she is holding falls, except for any sort of clothing she is wearing. While insubstantial she is not effected by any corporeal damage like bullets, blades, energy and solid objects as they simply pass through her, but she is still affected by magic, Psionic powers, and sensory effects. She is by no means invisible in this form, she looks like a transparent "ghost" image of herself.
Fly - She can fly at a top speed of fifty miles per hour. She can fly in both corporeal and incorporeal forms.
Telekinesis - Chemical Girl can move objects with her mind. The weight limit for this power seems to max out at around four hundred pounds. She can use this power to move objects, launch objects with up to four hundred pounds of force behind it, pin down somthing or someone up to four hundred pounds. She can not manipulate objects with this power meaning she can't pick a lock, do the combination to a pad lock, flip book pages, spin a rubix cube, or tie a knot.
Mental Blast - She can use her telekinesis to form a blast of mental energy. This blast acts as a damaging attack as it can have up to four hundred pounds of force behind it. It can push or slide people/objects as well.

Weakness: She has no way too defend aginst magic, Psionic or psychic powers like mind control or Sensory effects like blinding flashes, sound deafening effects or things like vertigo. If hit with one of these types of powers or attacks she is at great risk of falling out of her insubstantial form.

Physical Description: Rain is a half Caucasian half japanese twenty five year old. She stands 5'6 and is skinny and fit. She has long straight black hair that falls to the center of her back. She has green eyes and is told that she is quite attractive. The picture of her costume shows some of her face.


Chemical Girl also wears a basic black eye mask kind of like Robin, the character from batman.

Items/Weapons: Cell phone when in regular clothing.

Personality: Rain is a smart young woman with an outgoing personally. She is very quick witted with an up beat energy about her. She is accepting of almost any thing and very open minded.

Origin: Rain was one of the babies that was abducted by the Mad Merman twenty five years ago. She along with sevral other babies where taken from the hospital after birth. The Merman needed test subjects for his super syrums and babies had the right body chemistry to accept the syrum. It was less of a chance that the syrum would be rejected. The Merman, with the babies lined up individually in glass pods starts to inject each one with a diffrent varient of the syrum. The first babie glows as bright as a light bulb and then dissapates into thin air. The second babie melts right there on the table. The third babie grows a pair of gills but seems fine otherwise. The Merman starts jotting down notes on a tablet after each result. The fourth babie was Rain, after her injection she becomes insubstantial but survives the dosage.
Before the evil and twisted Mad Merman can finish his experiment, the original Omegas bust the door down stoping his vile plans and saving the surviving babies. Rain is reunited with her parents and grows up as any normal kid would. It Wasent until she hit puberty that her powers start to re surface. She learns how to use her powers slowly over time and eventually decides to become a lone superhero.

Background history: Rain grew up like any normal kid would in the year 2065. She was raised in Japan where her father works and loved her life and the Japanese culture, her mothers culture. She learned how to speak japanese from her mother and grandparents and made many friends. She went through grade school and middle school equivalent in Japan. She started manifesting her powers around age twelve, she dident understand them at first and often cried alone as she was to afraid to tell anyone about it. When she was fifteen years old her father, who was gaining power in the Japanese technology industry was assassinated by a dangerous and powerful Yakuza guild. Her devastated mother whisks her away to America where she will be safe from the demons of her family past.
She started high school in Omega city the following school year and was quick to fit in with the rest of the kids due to her ability to speak English as well as japanese, thanks to her father.
After high school Rain took a year off from school and devoted her self to mastering her powers. Over time she becomes confident with her abilities and tests them out on petty crooks. After great success in doing so she knows she is ready to confront her fathers killers. She buys a plane ticket back to Japan and hunts down the Yakuza gang that destroyed her family. She sneeks into the huge yacht that serves as the gangs hideout and finds her way to the bosses room. Once inside she attempts to crush him with her mental blast, the energy slams into the crime lords sleeping body sending the woman in bed with him flying to the ground screaming. The crime lord struggling to grab the pistol next to his desk flaps and flails as he is being crushed. His yakuza henchmen hear the commotion and run into the room to save there boss. One of the men sets off a deafening charge that is very painful to the ears, like a shrieking dog whistle for humans. Rain throws her hands over her ears in pain shifting back into her regular form. The henchmen whom all have special ear plugs are unaffected and one of them manages to shoot Rain in the left side with his pistol. In an act of sheer unconscious survivability she phases through the yacht floor into the water below and Flys to the shore where she lays for an hour before she is found by a pedestrian and brought to the emergency room. Her plan had failed and she paid the price, being a hero is not somthing that is fun or exciting. It is dangerous and you might die. She found that out the hard way.
Rain recovers and is sent back to Omega city in America where her mother is relieved to see her daughter alive. Rain makes up a story about hanging out with the wrong crowd and being at the wrong place at the wrong time to tell her mother.
She resumes her life in America going to school for criminal investigation and becoming some what of an amateur detective. A few years later she witnesses a group of villains who was led by the Mad Merman strike a bank killing innocent people in the process. She couldn't stand seeing criminals do as they please and decides to become a hero for good. She researches the Mad Merman and discovers that she was one of the babies taken all thos years ago and injected with the chemical syrum. This revelation proves that she is actually not a mutant, but gives her the perfect name for herself. Chemical Girl.
I posted in the IC, I said Parlor Trick @Nevix saved her and brought her to the Omega league base to become a new Omega. I hope that's ok.
The wind gently blows through Rains black hair. She stands atop a tall building looking out over the city. She has been following leads on a criminal gang known as "the Dragons" for a while. She thinks that they have been using massive amounts of drug money to purchase an arsenal of weapons from an underground source. She knows that the gang has risen in power in the recent years, and she has been watching them. The leader of the gang known as "the Dragon" is very rarely seen and hides his criminal activity quite well. His gang of asian yakuza thugs are ruthless and getting out of control with a lack of respect for the OCPD. They work out of a large five star Chinese restaurant that is decorated with no expenses spared. Gold and red Chinese themed statues and hanging balls paired with a wonderful stone water fountain in the center. A peaceful place to smoke opium and plan your next big heist.
Rain had walked her rounds around the bad neighborhoods she had forced the small time dealers to tell her where the drugs where coming from. It always tied back to the Dragons.
Chemical Girl pulls the black eye mask over her eyes and leaps from the building top. Freefalling. As she falls the windows of the apartments zooming behind her start to slow as she turns insubstantial decreasing her velocity until she gently sets down in the ally way next the the building. She solidifies before struting across the rain soaked street approaching the two large bald bouncers guarding the front entrance to the extravagant Chinese restaurant. The black-suited bouncers immediately hold up their hand to stop the small framed thin woman in the tight purple spandex outfit from entering. Chemical girl stops in front of the two bouncers and says,

"Can't a girl get some good Chinese food in this city"

The bouncers protest her entrance "I'm sorry, do you have an invitation?"

Chemical Girl uses her mental blast to slam both of them into the big ornate wooden door. The impact bursts them through and onto the floor inside the restaurant causing many customers to jump and gasp. Immediately the bus boys dressed in black shiny shoes and slacks with a white shirt and black bow tie jump out to defend there organization. Some pull switch blades from their pockets some remove mop handles revealing perfect bo staffs. All at once the bus boys attack Chemical Girl causing the customers to flee in fear, chairs tumbling as they chaotically scurry away. The assult is impressive, obviously they have been trained in some sort of martial art she thinks as they spin the staffs at her, others stabbing at her from behind. She had gone insubstantial well before the attack hit and Wasent sure if they had figured it out yet. She mentally blasts in a circle around herself causing all the assailants to be pushed back simultaneously. As they all fall backwards she telekineticly picks up ten chairs and shoots them at sevral of the attackers. A loud gun shot rings through out the room as some of the waiters arrive fireing pistols. A few bullets whiz through her hitting the wall and window behind her. Glass shatters as more waiters fire there guns. Chemical Girl blasts a wave towards them knocking some back, a few dropping there gun.

A loud voice sounds out over the restaurant.


As the Dragon himself walks out from the back room and into the battle zone. The Japanese man tattooed head to toe with dragon art and dreseed in a red and gold silk robe embroidered with Chinese dragons stops a few feet away from the main dinning room that is now a total mess and says,
"How dare you come into my restaurant and cause havoc, drive customers away and destroy my property."

Chemical Girl has been looking for this criminal for a long while and this was her opportunity to put him behind bars for good.
"Property obtained using drug money I'm afraid" she says to the cold looking man.

The Dragon motions for his henchman to leave. Once alone the Dragon removes his robe to reveal a ripped and cut body of a martial arts master. He pulls the nunchucks from his belt and throws them on the ground he pulls the switch blade from his pocket and tosses it on the ground as well.
"None of these weapons will work on you, I know you have been watching me, I know your powers. Do you think that I am a fool? Do you think that I would not notice such an amateur? Did you even know that I too have a power? Though mine came from a magic source a long long time ago."

The Dragon slowly starts to transform. First his skin cracks and starts to glow bright yellow. Then he starts to grow horns and a red tail. He grows and grows until he is towing over Rain. He transforms into a dragon snarling with sharp teeth. The huge red dragon bursts out of the restaurant and into the rainy street outside, Chemical Girl backing up the whole way. The Dragon swipes its huge clawed hand at Rain but it passes right through her. She returns with a strong mental blast that noticeably pushes the dragon back a few inches. Chemical Girl let's off blast after blast slowly pushing the beast back. The Dragon inhales a deep breath and then let's out a massive blast of magic dragons fire. The blast engulfs Rain and she solidifies into human form falling to the ground with a "thud"
A second blast of fire and Chemical Girl could barely keep incorporeal during the torrent. The Dragon comes in for the killing blow. The last thing Rain remembers is a well dressed magician with a cane appearing and attacking the Dragon. Nothing but blackness after that. Then I woke up here in the Omega league base.
@Stern Algorithm
That would work really well actually!

Chemical girl will take the captain position only if no one wants it.
In Hi 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Name: Rain Colhann

Alias: Chemical Girl

Identity: Secret

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Team: Omega League

Insubstantial - She can become completely incorporeal passing through solid objects at will. She can stay in this state as long as she wishes or until forced out. She cannot effect the corporeal world while insubstantial and anything she is holding falls, except for any sort of clothing she is wearing. While insubstantial she is not effected by any corporeal damage like bullets, blades, energy and solid objects as they simply pass through her, but she is still affected by magic, Psionic powers, and sensory effects. She is by no means invisible in this form, she looks like a transparent "ghost" image of herself.
Fly - She can fly at a top speed of fifty miles per hour. She can fly in both corporeal and incorporeal forms.
Telekinesis - Chemical Girl can move objects with her mind. The weight limit for this power seems to max out at around four hundred pounds. She can use this power to move objects, launch objects with up to four hundred pounds of force behind it, pin down somthing or someone up to four hundred pounds. She can not manipulate objects with this power meaning she can't pick a lock, do the combination to a pad lock, flip book pages, spin a rubix cube, or tie a knot.
Mental Blast - She can use her telekinesis to form a blast of mental energy. This blast acts as a damaging attack as it can have up to four hundred pounds of force behind it. It can push or slide people/objects as well.

Weakness: She has no way too defend aginst magic, Psionic or psychic powers like mind control or Sensory effects like blinding flashes, sound deafening effects or things like vertigo. If hit with one of these types of powers or attacks she is at great risk of falling out of her insubstantial form.

Physical Description: Rain is a half Caucasian half japanese twenty five year old. She stands 5'6 and is skinny and fit. She has long straight black hair that falls to the center of her back. She has green eyes and is told that she is quite attractive. The picture of her costume shows some of her face.


Chemical Girl also wears a basic black eye mask kind of like Robin, the character from batman.

Items/Weapons: Cell phone when in regular clothing.

Personality: Rain is a smart young woman with an outgoing personally. She is very quick witted with an up beat energy about her. She is accepting of almost any thing and very open minded.

Origin: Rain was one of the babies that was abducted by the Mad Merman twenty five years ago. She along with sevral other babies where taken from the hospital after birth. The Merman needed test subjects for his super syrums and babies had the right body chemistry to accept the syrum. It was less of a chance that the syrum would be rejected. The Merman, with the babies lined up individually in glass pods starts to inject each one with a diffrent varient of the syrum. The first babie glows as bright as a light bulb and then dissapates into thin air. The second babie melts right there on the table. The third babie grows a pair of gills but seems fine otherwise. The Merman starts jotting down notes on a tablet after each result. The fourth babie was Rain, after her injection she becomes insubstantial but survives the dosage.
Before the evil and twisted Mad Merman can finish his experiment, the original Omegas bust the door down stoping his vile plans and saving the surviving babies. Rain is reunited with her parents and grows up as any normal kid would. It Wasent until she hit puberty that her powers start to re surface. She learns how to use her powers slowly over time and eventually decides to become a lone superhero.

Background history: Rain grew up like any normal kid would in the year 2065. She was raised in Japan where her father works and loved her life and the Japanese culture, her mothers culture. She learned how to speak japanese from her mother and grandparents and made many friends. She went through grade school and middle school equivalent in Japan. She started manifesting her powers around age twelve, she dident understand them at first and often cried alone as she was to afraid to tell anyone about it. When she was fifteen years old her father, who was gaining power in the Japanese technology industry was assassinated by a dangerous and powerful Yakuza guild. Her devastated mother whisks her away to America where she will be safe from the demons of her family past.
She started high school in Omega city the following school year and was quick to fit in with the rest of the kids due to her ability to speak English as well as japanese, thanks to her father.
After high school Rain took a year off from school and devoted her self to mastering her powers. Over time she becomes confident with her abilities and tests them out on petty crooks. After great success in doing so she knows she is ready to confront her fathers killers. She buys a plane ticket back to Japan and hunts down the Yakuza gang that destroyed her family. She sneeks into the huge yacht that serves as the gangs hideout and finds her way to the bosses room. Once inside she attempts to crush him with her mental blast, the energy slams into the crime lords sleeping body sending the woman in bed with him flying to the ground screaming. The crime lord struggling to grab the pistol next to his desk flaps and flails as he is being crushed. His yakuza henchmen hear the commotion and run into the room to save there boss. One of the men sets off a deafening charge that is very painful to the ears, like a shrieking dog whistle for humans. Rain throws her hands over her ears in pain shifting back into her regular form. The henchmen whom all have special ear plugs are unaffected and one of them manages to shoot Rain in the left side with his pistol. In an act of sheer unconscious survivability she phases through the yacht floor into the water below and Flys to the shore where she lays for an hour before she is found by a pedestrian and brought to the emergency room. Her plan had failed and she paid the price, being a hero is not somthing that is fun or exciting. It is dangerous and you might die. She found that out the hard way.
Rain recovers and is sent back to Omega city in America where her mother is relieved to see her daughter alive. Rain makes up a story about hanging out with the wrong crowd and being at the wrong place at the wrong time to tell her mother.
She resumes her life in America going to school for criminal investigation and becoming some what of an amateur detective. A few years later she witnesses a group of villains who was led by the Mad Merman strike a bank killing innocent people in the process. She couldn't stand seeing criminals do as they please and decides to become a hero for good. She researches the Mad Merman and discovers that she was one of the babies taken all thos years ago and injected with the chemical syrum. This revelation proves that she is actually not a mutant, but gives her the perfect name for herself. Chemical Girl.
I'll join this. I'll work on a character.
I'm interested in this.
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