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    1. candlelitcraft 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Stress is my first, middle, and last name


call me aven

they/them pronouns only please

18 years old but like. dont be a freak about it

anthropology major, currently working on my ba

might get busy but ill try my very best to stay active

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@sassy1085 sounds good so far!
@xandrya they both sounds great :)
@neo is delight yeah, mine is a very simplified version
@angelofoctober That's really good! the nationality is just what nation they hail from. I figured this was a good way for nonbenders to establish their origin, and also this way you can tell us if your character was born in Republic City as well
@collectorofmyst @december Yeah, we have to remember that at most Jinora and her siblings have grandchildren at this point in the timeline. Assuming each of Tenzen’s children had five children that are all airbenders, and those children had five who are also all airbenders (which I feel is a fair assumption, as I figure they’d all want to have a good numbers of kids so that airbenders can repopulate quickly), there are only around 100 airbenders in all (I think, though my math may be off), so I’d assume they’d either retire the tradition of separating genders or just not enforce it yet since there’s so few

Edit: I checked my math and got 124 airbenders assuming my previous situation applied
@pandapolio no problem
Well our story begins in the Si-Wong desert and the plot is very travel based, but I imagine the world looking more like a modern world, since the technology we're using is a cleaner version of what they had in the 70s-80s, though it might be underdeveloped in some areas, such as the desert and the Southern and Northern water tribe (and the swamp lands).

@allhollowseve The Earth Kingdom is now the Earth Federation and all the other nations are still the way they were (fire nation, water tribes, air nomads) (plus Republic City), though I imagine the Southern and Northern water tribes are more connected now.
@angelofoctober that sounds good to me, I think it's really creative
@collectorofmyst I wouldn't expect to see them since they're probably all buried down in the library
Sorry for the delay, everyone. I was in, you guessed it, class. That's what I get for taking 8 classes this semester.

Anyways, here's the CS. feel free to change text colors and stuff.

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