Avatar of Candlelitsoul


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Uber app: "Be sure to check your ride every time". Me: "Yeah. Because I'm really gonna get in the car with some stranger...". Also me: *instantly realizes I AM getting in the car with a stranger* O_o
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10 days ago
Started writing chapter 11. So excited!
29 days ago
UnlikeHumanKind It's never a waste of it brings you joy. That's something I learned the hard way.
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30 days ago
Forgot to update this, but I am almost through chapter 10 of writing my novel. I'm so proud of myself!
1 mo ago
When your tummy is upset after the party, but you won three games and it was worth it.


I'm a multi-paragraph, advanced writer, seeking those with similar interests and capabilities. I do have a large list of ideas that I make over, add to, and change as the ideas come.

My rules may seem harsh, but I started role playing in the Yahoo! chat rooms when I was 14, and we had a similar list. Especially when the site had groups you could form.

-I don't mind sexual content, but the main focus is the story. If the character's have a connection, then I accept it, but I do NOT write it for the sake of appeasing someone's need for entertainment.

-I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

-Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every week. I can understand having a busy life. Between my home and work chaos, it can be hard to sit down and post regularly. If you can't, message me and I will happily wait. Though I do ask this; if you're dropping out, don't ghost. Tell me upfront. I always understand.

-I'm looking for someone to play male characters. No story is exactly set, as I have met people who can bring new perspectives to a base idea. I can play background males, but the mains I am looking for.

-My base genres are fantasy (meaning they have powers. Not dragons, orcs, etc), romance, modern, medieval, post-apocalyptic, and historical.

If you can make it past these, I look forward to writing with you.

Most Recent Posts

Still Open
Still open.
Dropping the logs next to the fire, Astrid knelt on the woven blanket and piled the logs into the flames. The guests would be due any moment, and she wanted to have a warm fire to greet them. From what she understood, their journey had been long and arduous. The circumstances surrounding she hadn’t yet been made aware, but come what may, they would face it head on.

Her father always told her, “Never trust a man because of his looks or the past he gives you. Even in light there can be darkness, but shielded from view. Always assume the worst until proven otherwise, but never let your game be shown”. He had been a wise man, a strong figure in her life and the nearest town, but even he had been bested by figures unknown. On the day of her parents funeral she made a vow; be smarter and stronger than the rest. More than once this ideal had cost her friends and acquaintances, but at the end of the day it was better to be alone than make a enemy through a hard decision. The less people involved, the more secrets you were able to keep, thereby protecting yourself and those around you. She’d give these people time to show their true selves. After all, the honeymoon phase never lasted, did it?

Turning to the low table, she set about cutting the onions, and lettuce for the burgers, then finally the potatoes. These she cut into strips for homemade French fries. With the fire nearly roaring, it wouldn’t take long to heat the oil and get the fries to the perfect consistency. The meat was already formed into the perfect shape, and the stone cooking tablet smothered with grease placed on a small patch of wood to heat. The patties were mixed with mint, lemon pepper, and a little salt to give it a hint of flavor. If the visitors didn’t like the taste, they could starve or cook something later at their own cabin. This was more customary than necessary, but her mother taught her to always give when needed. With the road they’d traveled, food, tea, and rest would be the order of the day.

Once the hot stone was ready, she placed the fare onto cook and took to the cauldron to draw out the heated water for tea. Lemon balm would be the order of the day; enough to relax, but also give strength, and help aid in digestion. With the day nearing its end, they’d need the sustenance to unwind and find their bearings. There would be work to do tomorrow if they couldn’t afford to pay. This wasn’t a charity, and she wouldn’t let them skate by. The others found out quickly enough, but their prices had been higher than most. After all, it was their lives that had been saved and she’d come through on every promise she’d made. Here’s hoping they paid it forward.

The sound of tires on the snow covered road made her freeze, her hand straying to the hatchet she carried at her side. It was true that there were people who would love to find her and pay her in kind for helping their victims escape, but they’d find their share of blood on the ground by the time she finished, and the local wolves would enjoy the leftover feast. Crouching behind the bramble, she’d wait for confirmation of the occupant before making her presence known. If a foe, she’d have the upper hand. If not, well, at least she wouldn’t scare them by the sight. Either way, the evening promised to be eventful, and it had been awhile since she’d had a good fight to speak of.

Bring it on.


Hello everyone. Hope this finds you well.

I’m hoping to find a partner (maybe partners depending on how you want this go to) for a story that really isn’t yet in the making. I have a character, her bio, and a setting, but I’m wanting to collaborate with people who can keep a story going. Be mindful that this will not be fantasy; no magical powers or supernatural beings. This is based on real life, so the events will need to follow suit.

Your character could be on the run from life, someone who wants to hurt them, or maybe they’re wanting to hurt her. They could also be just enjoying the time away, and they find a new life they like while staying there. The possibilities are endless!

There are, however, a few rules.

1) 18+ only. I don’t mind writing with anyone, but this role play will contain elements of gruesome battles, tortures, hunting animals for survival, as well as possible murders. I will spare no details when I write, so be aware.

2) Willing and able to play a male character. I, sadly, have never been able to portray one accurately, so I look to others for guidance and inspiration. To go with this, no anime photos. I have nothing against it, but as this is a real world role play, I need real world photos.

3) I’m seeking multi-paragraph writers. I allow a paragraph during conversation, but the rest of the time, I want content to be able to work with.

4) Can post once a day or every couple of days. I understand real life happens. Trust me; I have school, helping my mother around the house, night time cleaning and cooking, as well as an off sleep schedule. If you can’t post, just tell me! I’m willing to work with you, but if a week goes by and I don’t hear from you, I will have to call it off. No matter what, communicate.

5) This rule goes with the last, but deserves its own number; if you fall out of interest, please just tell me! Don’t go silent. I’ll understand.

If you’re interested, please comment below, or send me a PM with the heading "The Haven".

I hope to hear from you soon!

(Character biography and photos will be sent through PM)
Looking for role-players who meet the following criteria:

1) 18+ due to content

2) Multi-paragraph writers

3) Willing, able, and comfortable playing a male character.

4) Can post once daily

Normally I would post the ideas I have, but with over 20 at hand, I thought it better to see if the post garnered any actual attention.

If you have an interest in pursuing a thread, comment below or send me a private message.
Hello everyone. I'm looking for a literate role player for two story lines that I am currently working on.

First, the rules.

- 18 years old, or older. No exceptions. Graphic content will be portrayed (Self harm, suicide, mention of a past rape, physical abuse), and I don't want parents suing me because I damaged their child.

- Must be willing, able, and comfortable playing a male character.

- No text talk or speech.

- Multi-paragraph structure. I don't mind a paragraph during conversation, but the rest has to have substance.

- No anime character pictures for the stories. I like anime, but as my ideas take place in the real world, it's a preference.

- I know that people have lives. Myself, I have health and family issues. I ask for a minimum of one post a day.

Last, the story ideas.

1) An actor finds the unconscious body of a young woman in his yard. He will come to find that she has a condition called "Broca's Aphasia"; she's unable to speak, though she can understand speech. The story will follow the journey through her recovery, and trying to find her family. Romance to come later down the line.

2) A woman is part of a "terrorist" group that transports classified documents across state lines to reach intended parties. Posing as a backpacker, she and a companion travel the backroads to stay under the radar. As frustration grows within the government, a team is put together to stop the leak of government secrets.

If interested, comment below.
Wondering if anyone here has seen "The X-Files", excluding the current season. Have a story idea that fits into the original fandom, while adding a little something to it.

I always fear people stealing ideas, so I will speak more of the plot in a private message. you can bring an original character, but I am looking for someone to play Fox Mulder. The story has some romance, but not between the two main characters; my original, and Fox Mulder. It focuses more on the science fiction, Syndicate, aliens, and a deeper web involving super soldiers, and alien/human hybrids.

For "X-Men", this will be romance and slice of life. I am looking for someone to play Logan. This will take place between the first and second movie.

As with the X-Files, I have a plot for this one that will involve romance, slice of life, action, murder, and violence. It will also be discussed in private message.

Hoping this finds many interested parties!

Send me a private message with the heading of the fandom you're interested in.
This is still available.
Michael thought he had the perfect job; bodyguard/head of security for an up and coming young singer. He'd have a room in the home, food and gas paid for, as well as some extra on the side. His job description; make sure she stays on task with work, daily activities, and report any suspicious or wrongful behavior. Babysitting a spoiled, rich kid? No problem.

In the beginning, it seemed easy enough; wake up at 7am, her ready by 8:30, and in the studio/rehearsal stage by 9. From there he'd hang around until she was finished, then take her back home. She had a set list of activities that were to be done by the time her parents returned home at 9pm. Dinner was provided by an in home cook.

A week passed before the behavior turned rebellious. Every night, he gave her parents an update, and he was dismissed so she could be punished. Simple enough, right?

It was only a few weeks later when he came to wake her that he realized the truth of what was happening behind the scenes, and why the other members of the house refused to speak.

Something had to be done, but he needed her to trust him. After everything he'd done, would she ever trust him again, if she'd ever trusted him at all? There was no turning back.

Hello everyone.

In this story, I'm looking for someone to play the character of her bodyguard, as well as that of her father. This story is marked as 18+ because it delves into content such as physical abuse (not sexual in any way), and self harm.

I ask for multi-paragraphs, but also that, if you get bored with the story, you message me. Please don't leave me hanging.

Comment of send me a private message with the word, "Protector".

Hope to see you!
I've only posted to this site once before when I role played with a previous partner. Sadly, they've been gone from the site for about six months. I'm hoping to find someone as dedicated as they've been.

I have a plot involving two teens, both 18 years of age, and a discovered pregnancy after a one night stand. The role play will start two months after when she comes to him with the news. It will be a slice of life situation, heavy in character development, and romance down the line.

The male character (one of your creation) lives at home with both parents and a sibling, and I shall send my character specs through private message. I don't mind if you're a female playing a male. SOme of the best ones I've role played with have been females.

Further plot lines can be discussed. I hope to have this continue for some time, and not have a rush to the end.

I do multi-paragraph sentence structures. I don't mind doing a paragraph if there is only conversation happening, but the rest I want to have substance.

If you become disinterested, just tell me, and I will happily bump this post in hopes of finding another player. No hard feelings!

Hope to hear from you soon!
I put a post under Advanced, instead of Advanced Interest Checks, and I have no idea how to delete it. I re-posted it under the right category, but I don't know how to delete the other.
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