“People should get what they deserve. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Name: Aella Perez
Aliases: Ella, A, “Petty Bitch”
Age: 15
Birthday: August 4th, 2005
Ethnicity: Latina
Birth Place: Brooklyn, New York
Godly Parent: Nemesis
Cabin Number: #16, Year-rounder
How Many Years At Camp: 2
Gender: Female
Occupation At Camp: She enjoys teaching swordplay to younger campers. She also helps tend to the stables on occasion.
Languages: English, Spanish, Ancient Greek
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Muscular, athletic
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Olive
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Aella has her earlobes pierced. She also has a few small scars on her back from an attack by a lycanthrope.
Personal Style: Aella’s trademark style is practicality. Most of her clothes are either black or red. She prefers to wear a tanktop with her hair up in a ponytail, though she does wear it down on some occasions. On hotter days, she’ll throw on a pair of denim shorts and combat boots. When it gets colder, though, Aella will often have a leather jacket on with a pair of jeans. She prefers not to wear too much makeup, but she does enjoy some mascara and eyeliner.
* Honest * Vengeful * Caring * Petty * Resilient * Judgmental * Confident * Competitive * Loyal * Temperamental *
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single, and admittedly a bit lonely.
Personality: Aella is the kind of person you go to when you need an objective opinion. She’s honest to a fault, but some can appreciate that. She might not be good at showing it, but she cares deeply for her fellow campers and often finds herself feeling protective of them. At the same time, however, she is extremely judgmental; she is quick to pick people apart and sometimes focuses on people’s flaws a bit too much. Despite this, she understands that she’s also far from perfect. Aella has a deep respect for authority, and obeys orders without question. She is quick to lash out at people, even for more trivial problems or insults. However, she actively enjoys the company of others, and does her best to be a social presence in the camp. Most of the time, she can be found giving swordplay lessons to others, particularly younger campers. Aella enjoys staying in shape, and can be seen jogging around camp early in the morning.
Fatal Flaw: Aella’s fatal flaw is her strong desire for vengeance.
Habits: Biting her lip while in thought, scratching her arms when anxious, and rolling her eyes when annoyed.
Hobbies: Swimming, rock climbing, boxing.
•Emotional vulnerability/intimacy
•Video games
•Overbearing/intrusive people
•Loud noises
Demigod Abilities:•
Vengeful Strength - Aella becomes a stronger fighter when her goal is revenge.
Tychokinesis - Aella can control luck to a certain extent. When she or her allies are disadvantaged, she can “even the odds” to give them a better chance at victory.
General Skills:•Learning new languages
•Animal care
•Basic first aid
Combat Skills:•Whips
•Some archery
Magic Item:•
Adrestia - Meaning “she who cannot be escaped,” Adrestia is a magical celestial bronze whip that Aella uses as her primary weapon. To those who cannot see through the Mist, it appears as a golden bracelet on Aella’s wrist. Adrestia can generate a dangerous electric charge that can even burn through armor. The whip itself can retract into the handle at Aella’s will, making it easy to transport inconspicuously.
What Do They Carry On Them:•Clothing - Red leather jacket, Camp Half-Blood T-Shirt, denim shorts, and combat boots.
•Purse/Wallet - 40 U.S. dollars, 50 golden drachmas, and a couple of fortunes from fortune cookies
•Her whip
•An emergency cellphone
•A ballpoint pen
•A bottle of water
•An iPod Touch
•Her Camp Necklace with two beads on it
Possessions In Cabin:•A PS4 console
•Video games
•A small stash of junk food
•Extra clothes, including a swimsuit
•Boxing gloves and hand wraps
•A picture of the Brooklyn skyline
•Some books, mostly fantasy novels and Greek plays
•Notebooks with a few pencils
•A journal
•A potted
Narcissus that blooms for six months, from spring to the end of summer.

BiographyAella Perez-named after one of Hippolyte’s Amazons-was born in Brooklyn to a wealthy businessman named Octavio Perez. By all accounts, Aella had a relatively happy life growing up; she went to a nice private school (specifically to help her cope with her dyslexia), she lived in an expensive house, and her father bought her whatever she liked. But one thing was always conspicuously absent: her mother. Anytime she would ask her father where her mother was, Octavio would get uncomfortable and dodge the question. When Aella was old enough to understand relationships a bit better, she assumed her mother had left them. At first, this disturbed her, but her life was just fine without a maternal figure; eventually, she got over it.
At the age of 12, Aella started to notice some strange events happening around her. For one, strangers would occasionally stare at her, almost as if they knew her. While it was unnerving-especially for a young girl-nothing ever truly happened. As such, she shook it off and figured it was just her imagination. However, things began to escalate when she turned 13, as people began to follow her around. She was never caught alone, thanks to her father, who insisted on bringing her to and from school. All of this caused Aella to become extremely paranoid and anxious, which was only worsened by her father’s increasingly secretive behavior.
Not long after her 13th birthday, Aella found herself home one night without her father, who was forced to attend a business conference overseas. In his refusal to leave Aella alone, he hired a bodyguard to stay with her during this time. As Aella sat in her room doing homework and eating dinner, a loud banging sound on her door startled her. As she opened the door, the bodyguard her father hired jumped her. Revealing himself to be a lycanthrope, he attempted to kill Aela on the spot. However, Aella managed to survive by stabbing him in the eye with a fork (she would later realize this fork was made of silver). After explaining what happened to the police, Aella was deemed to have been in shock; upon her father’s return, however, she found out the truth.
The truth was that Aella’s mother was Nemesis, the Greek goddess of balance, justice, retribution, and vengeance. Nemesis appeared to Octavio one day as a beautiful intern at his company, who he began to have a relationship with. But shortly after Aella was born, Nemesis revealed her true intentions to Octavio: retribution. Octavio confessed to his daughter that he was a deadbeat father; she had a half-sibling somewhere in the world that he abandoned, as he felt too cowardly to raise a child at only 20. So, he left his child and then-girlfriend to their own devices, vanishing one day and never returning. Nemesis’ duty was to balance his wrongdoing; so, after revealing her identity, she simply vanished, leaving Octavio a single father.
For a long time, Aella felt betrayed by her father. He hid the truth from her for 13 years, before finally telling her that she was only born as “divine retribution.” In her mind, his lying nearly got her killed. Their relationship seemed to be irreparably damaged; so when a goat-man (who Aella later found out was a satyr) showed up offering to take Aella somewhere safe, she jumped at the chance. Octavio didn’t protest, seeing as she would be safe, but allowing her to leave broke his heart. The two write letters to each other once a month or so, but otherwise rarely speak.
Now, Aella stays year-round at Camp Half-Blood, and is more than content with that.
How Long Have They Been At Camp Half-Blood:Aella has been at Camp Half-Blood for two years, this current year being her third. Not two days after she arrived, Nemesis claimed her, though otherwise did not communicate with her. While the train ride wasn’t much fun, she found an immediate sense of belonging at Camp Half-Blood. Being around kids her age who had largely gone through the same thing she did helped her feel more at home. Like other children of Nemesis, she picked up swordplay fairly easily, though her true expertise would be found later.
One night, a woman with curly black hair and a red jacket appeared to Aella in a dream. She revealed herself to be her mother, Nemesis. At first, Aella tried to punch her, but of course it was just a dream; her fist simply passed right through Nemesis’ face. Nemesis did not react, but stated that she understood Aella’s anger. She admitted that what Octavio told her was true, and that Aella was merely a mechanism of divine retribution for his actions. However, Nemesis stated that this did not mean Aella had no value or meaning to her. As one of Nemesis’ few living children, Aella in fact meant a great deal to her; in addition, being borne of Nemesis’ vengeance granted her a particular ability: when fighting with the goal of revenge in mind, she would be given extra strength.
Of course, all this did little to pacify Aella’s anger. She was abandoned by one parent and lied to by another; in her mind, she might as well have had no parents at all. So, as a sort of peace offering, Nemesis gave Aella a gift: a special whip, wholly unique to her. When she awoke the next morning, this whip was in her arms. She has since used it as her primary weapon in combat, though she still keeps up with her swordplay a fair amount.
Theme Song: Here Comes Revenge - MetallicaExtra Information:RP PostFavorite Pantheon: Greek
Favorite God/Goddess: Hades
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