Locations: Long Island Sound, & various other locations
Time Frame: June 3rd, 2020
RP Tags: Modern, Slice-Of-Life, High Casual, Advanced, Large Group, Fantasy, Superpowers, Survival, Mystery, Romance,
Goal of RP: The goal is to find out, what exactly is going on around the world and finding others, and banding together against a common enemy and save the world against those who would want to destroy Western Civilization.
Character Age Requirements: 9-19.
It has been eleven years since the Second Titan War, and ten years since the Second Demigod Civil War the peace has held up since then. Thanks to Percy Jackson, and his friends, Camp Half-Blood has tripled in size since the Second Titan War, all of the gods now claim their children at the age of Thirteen. And are all sent to Camp Half-Blood for training, to become the next great generation of Heroes. The demigods train very hard every day, whether you are a year round camper or only a summer camper you spend your days at the camp. Two days ago Camp Half-Blood's newest Oracle mentioned the next Great Prophecy.
"Upon the day a woman clad in green shall bring forth,
a world of darkness and bring all of the gods to their knees,
an act shall bring the rise of four empires and a new age of prosperity."
There are rumors among the gods that there is another war is brewing on the horizon, though they do not know what exactly will happen or who their enemy is. Some of them think that it is the Titans stirring again, while some of the gods have gone to check on their status and their whereabouts since after the Second Titan War. There has also been a surge of monsters out in the world as well, some of which have rarely been seen by others. But the summer has just started of course, and new quests and adventures to go on with some of your best friends.
Camp Grounds

- Divine Cabins
- The Big House
- Dining Pavilion
- Amphitheater
- Camp Store
- Grove of Dodona
- Cave of the Oracle
- Camp Borders
- Thalia's Pine Tree and The Golden Fleece
- The Athena Parthenos
- Training Grounds
- Armory
- Climbing Wall
- Sword Fighting Arena
- Archery Field
- Volleyball Court
- Camp Forge
- Arts & Crafts Center
- Bunker 9
- Grove of the Council of Cloven Elders
- Pegasus Stables
- Myrmeke's Lair
- Geysers
- Strawberry Fields
- The Forest
- Canoe Lake
- Half-Blood Hill
- Maenad Party Area
- Zeus' Fist
- Euros Creek
- Zephyros Creek
- The Beach
Greek Gods, Goddesses, Demigods, Cabins, NPCs & Armory List
- Population: 207 campers
- Zeus (Cabin One) Occupants: 1 (Genders: 1 boy 0 girls)
- Hera (Cabin Two) Occupants: 0 (Honorary)
- Poseidon (Cabin Three) Occupants: 1 (Genders: 0 boys, 1 girl)
- Demeter (Cabin Four) Occupants: 10 (Genders: 5 boys, 5 girls)
- Ares (Cabin Five) Occupants: 14 (Genders: 7 boys, 7 girls)
- Athena (Cabin Six) Occupants: 13 (Genders: 7 boys, 6 girls)
- Apollo (Cabin Seven) Occupants: 15 (Genders: 7 boys, 8 girls)
- Artemis (Cabin Eight) Occupants: 0 (10 Hunters of Artemis none in camp currently) (All women)
- Hephaestus (Cabin Nine) Occupants: 15 (Genders: 8 boys, 7 girls)
- Aphrodite (Cabin Ten) Occupants: 17 (Genders: 7 boys, 10 girls)
- Hermes (Cabin Eleven) Occupants: 20 (Genders: 10 boys, 10 girls)
- Dionysus (Cabin Twelve) Occupants: 5 (Genders: 2 boys, 3 girls)
- Hades (Cabin Thirteen) Occupants: 2 (Genders: 1 boy, 1 girl)
- Iris (Cabin Fourteen) Occupants: 10 (Genders: 5 boys, 5 girls)
- Hypnos (Cabin Fifteen) Occupants: 13 (Genders: 7 boys, 6 girls)
- Nemesis (Cabin Sixteen) Occupants: 14 (Genders: 7 boys, 7 girls)
- Nike (Cabin Seventeen) Occupants: 10 (Genders: 5 boys, 5 girls)
- Hebe (Cabin Eighteen) Occupants: 12 (Genders: 6 boys, 6 girls)
- Tyche (Cabin Nineteen) Occupants: 15 (Genders: 7 boys, 8 girls)
- Hecate (Cabin Twenty) Occupants: 10 (Genders: 5 boys, 5 girls)
Accepted Demigods:
- Kiera Donovan, Daughter of Poseidon, Head Counselor of Cabin Three @Nallore
- Marco DePaulo, Son of Aphrodite, Head Counselor of Cabin Ten @kittyluna45
- Ryland “Ry” Astrapí, Son of Zeus, Head Counselor of Cabin One @Jasonhero
- Aella Perez, Daughter of Nemesis @CaptainMarvel
- Rebecca Eventide, Daughter of Hecate, Head Counselor of Cabin Twenty @Morose
- Bronwyn Knowles, Daughter of Athena @Tonks
- Athanasia Theroux, Daughter of Hades @LadyRunic
- Arthur Stanford, Son of Hades, Head Counselor of Cabin Thirteen @Natsu
- Erika Yumia, Daughter of Athena @Saltwater Thief
- Zoey Kepler, Daughter of Athena @Bee
- Amalia Reyes, Daughter of Nemesis @BlueSky44
- Emily, Daughter of Dionysus, Head Counselor of Cabin Twelve @Kirah
- Ezekiel Kel, Son of Apollo @KazAlkemi
- Alana Colt, Daughter of Nemesis @rivaan
NPCs Of Camp Half-Blood:
- Mr. D aka Dionysus Director of Camp Half-Blood, Greek God of the Vine, Grape Harvest, Winemaking, Wine, Madness, Religious Ecstasy, and Theatre.
- Chiron Camp Activities Director, Trainer of Heroes, Son of Kronos, Member of the Council of Cloven Elders.
- Argus Camp Half-Blood Security Chief
- Grover Underwood Lord of the Wild, Chosen One of Pan, Leader of the Council of Cloven Elders
- Peleus Guardian of Thalia's Tree & The Golden Fleece.
- Rose "Rosie" Ellis Oracle of Delphi
- Eva Vaughn Head Counselor of Cabin Demeter
- Jace Wright Head Counselor of Cabin Ares
- Alannah Benton Head Counselor of Cabin Athena
- Bryan Phelps Head Counselor of Cabin Apollo
- Lauryn Klein Head Counselor of Cabin Hephaestus
- Juan Mcclain Head Counselor of Cabin Hermes
- Tammy Weeks Head Counselor of Cabin Iris
- Issac White Head Counselor of Cabin Hypnos
- Scarlett-Rose Coffey Head Counselor of Cabin Nemesis
- Kevin Villegas Head Counselor of Cabin Nike
- Dana East Head Counselor of Cabin Hebe
- Clifford Tyler Head Counselor of Cabin Tyche
The Armory:
All campers have access to the armory, if they are going in to grab a weapon or a set of armor. They will have to sign in on what they took, and how long they will be keeping it there always is a ledger inside of the armory and what is in stock currently. It is usually maintained by members of the Athena cabin.
- Celestial Bronze Swords: 100
- Celestial Bronze Axes: 100
- Celestial Bronze Spears: 50
- Celestial Bronze Shields: 50
- Celestial Bronze Daggers: 50
- Celestial Bronze Whips: 5
- Celestial Bronze Knives: 50
- Celestial Bronze Arrows: 600
- Celestial Bronze Crossbow Bolts: 300
- Crossbows: 50
- Bows: 100
- Handguns: 10
- Shotguns: 5
- Celestial Bronze Bullets: (5 boxes)
- Celestial Bronze Shotgun Shells: (3 boxes)
- Box of Rubber Rounds: (10 boxes)
- Paintball Guns: 20
- Paintball Rounds: (10 boxes)
- Celestial Bronze Paintball Rounds: (5 boxes)
- Magical Weapons: 10 (Various types)
- Stygian Iron Sword: 1
- Stygian Iron Dagger: 1
- Heavy Armor: 100 (sets)
- Light Armor: 150 (sets)
Heroes of Olympus Playlist:

1. HoO RP Theme - Odyssey (Greek version) - Assassin's Creed Odyssey (OST) - The Flight
2. Kiera's Theme - House On Fire - Rise Against
3. Marco's Theme - All You Need is Love- The Beatles
4. Ryland's Theme - Warriors - Imagine Dragons
5. Aella's Theme - Here Comes Revenge - Metallica
6. Rebecca's Theme -SILVASTONE feat. BELLSAINT - Full Moon Tonight
7. Bronwyn's Theme - Castle - Halsey (Whitney Woerz Cover)
8. Athanasia's Theme - The Far Side - Aviators
9. Arthur's Theme - Megalovania - Undertale
10. Erika's Theme - Senbonzakura - Lindsey Stirling (Cover)
11. Zoey's Theme - God's Plan - Drake
12. Amalia's Theme - These Boots Are Made for Walkin - Nancy Sinatra
13. Emily's Theme - The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
14. Ezekiel's Theme - Man On A Mission - Oh The Larceny
15. Alana's Theme - Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno
Character Sheet
Relationship Sheet
- Gm Is Goddess
- Gm has final say on all matters
- Gm does check on posting and log in habits
- If you are holding up the RP and joining other Rp's you will be called on it
- CS Sheet Provided Must Be Used
- Use code provided below
- Do not submit WIP's - Final CS's only
- Post CS for approval in OOC
- Only GM approved CS's allowed in CS Tab
- Change color code to one not in use
- If you have problems with changing out the color code or any of the coding, just pm it to me and I will take care of it for you.
- May not use default CS color, any colors currently in use by active characters or that are close to another characters color
- This is a slice of life rp
- Real Life cause and effect will be in place
- Realistic Character Sheets Only
- Things like jobs and skills must fit with characters back story
- Don't go overboard - seriously, enjoy not knowing things and learning as you go.
- Language - No Filters
- Gore - No Filters - This will get gross
- Taboo subjects will be crossed but will be maintained to fade to black if needed
- Romance is allowed but this is NOT a Romance RP - Pg-13, then fade to black
- Follow All Forum Rules
- Communication is Key
- The world is controlled by the GM - All NPC's, weather, what you see, what you find, what happens, everything. So if it isn't in my post, it didn't happens
- If you wish your character to have "connections" please run it by the GM first to ensure it is acceptable and isn't already being done by another.
- Randomization and LLA are used in this RP - Please refer to Lady Amalthea's tutorial for a description if you are new to this concept
- Posting Habits
- Minimal of 2 well developed paragraphs per post
- Must IC post once every 7 days (It is your job to keep up with when you need to post. Your last post hits Day 8 and I remove you from the RP.)
- I do not accept no inspiration as a reason not to post
- Keep up with all IC and OOC posts
- No word in IC or OOC after 7 days is grounds for removal from the RP.
- If you need additional time to post you must notify the Gm by day 5 of your counter. Extensions will not be granted after that.
- No spamming OOC
- Minimal 2 posts between your last
- There is no additional time granted due to forum glitches unless the forum is fully down. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two
- Collabs may not be started after your day 5 counter
- If you are collabing and your partner vanishes or does not reply, you must finish the collab and post it before the timer runs out
- If your collab partner vanishes you are granted temporary minimal bunnying privileges to complete the collab
- If your collab partner vanishes, you need to make the Gm aware so it does not count against you
- Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join
- If you cannot post, you must contact the GM and make me aware, you will be granted extra time to post (do not take advantage of this) - I realize real life comes first but you know your schedule better than anyone, if you join it is your responsibility to keep up and not hold up the rest of the Rpers. I will work with you, just let me know what's going on
- Spots are not first come first serve
- Gm will review completed CS first
- Gm will review previous Rp's and posting habits
- Gm will then notify you if you are approved
- Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
- I am looking for long term highly dedicated Rpers.
- Once Cs's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
- Rules and Cs sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
- Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined. Also list your favorite Pantheon as well as your favorite god and or goddess from that Pantheon put this in the Anything Else Section of your CS.
- Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead