"I liked it more when the dead were something to be studied, and less 'rip-my-face-off'."
Name: Alexis Karczewski
Aliases: Lex
Age: 24
Birthday: March 1st, 2000
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birth Place: Chicago, Illinois
Gender: Female
Pre Outbreak Occupation: Security Guard
Languages: English (primary), Polish (secondary)
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 128
Body Type: Athletic, but not particularly muscular
Eye Color: Mossy green
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Dirty
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Nose ring
Personal Style: Lex sticks to the bare minimum. Her appearance is kept just within work regulations, including her messy curly hair. When not in her drab gray/black work apparel, she tends to keep to the basics. T-shirts, jeans, tennis shoes, etc. Fashion was never her strong suit, and Lex believes there isn't anything wrong with not standing out from everyone else.
Honest * Investigative * Knowledgeable * Restless * Passionate * Well-Meaning
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Lex believes she is the helpful type. She is often friendly and upbeat, especially for someone in her position. Often direct with others, Lex tends to be an honest individual and sticks up for what she believes is the right thing. She has a knack for wanting to learn about new things, driven by her once wanderlust that originally brought her to New York.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Habits: Lex tends to people-watch in moments of downtime/when nothing in particular is happening.
Hobbies: Journaling, literature, board/card games
Fears: - Climacophobia (in regards to ladders, specifically)
- Bee stings (allergic)
- Heists, or robberies (Gardner heist, for example)
Likes: - Black Coffee
- Doodling
- History
- Journaling
- Pączki
- Uno
Dislikes: - Clutter
- Hot weather
- Light beer
- Onion syrup
- Tobacco smoke
- Video games
Pre Outbreak Skills:- Athletics
- Communication
- First Aid
- History
- Perception
Post Outbreak Skills:What Do They Carry On Them: Museum work jacket, grayish black guard uniform, work tool belt (a walkie, a flashlight, and work keys), IDs (work and driver's), debit & credit cards, wallet with $18.72 in cash, a g-shock watch, car and house keys, cell phone, backpack (holding a water bottle, notebook and pen, a fresh change of clothes + tennis shoes, a few vending machine snacks + water flavoring packets, a small bag of travel toiletries, spare epi-pens and a phone cord with attached charger block)
Life Before The Outbreak: Lex had been born to a long line of Polish immigrants that had settled in the United States as part of the Displaced Persons Act that came into being in 1948. As such, her heritage played a large role in the formation of her childhood as she grew up among the Polish communities of Chicago. Lex frequently ate Polish food, went to a Polish-American school, and so on and so forth.
All and all, life had been fair to Lex as she grew up. Still, she couldn't help but to develop a sense of wanderlust, wondering what might be out there for her outside her little Polish community. It took her until her high school graduation to find her ticket out of Chicago, being lucky enough to secure a spot at the coveted New York University in the Big Apple.
Of course, when you move hundred miles away from your hometown, however, things don't always go as planned. The cost of living change hit her savings hard, and Lex soon found herself working the odd job or two to keep herself afloat. She has had nearly every job under her belt that you could think of, from a cashier position to a waitress to even a delivery driver. Thankfully, her latest opportunity, a security gig at the Natural History Museum, has managed to keep her cash-strapped self afloat. It's an okay job, and Lex is starting to prefer working at the museum rather than seeing it as another job to pay the bills.
Who knows, perhaps it'd be worth talking to the bosses about putting her degree to use when graduation comes. Just as long as there isn't any "life-altering" events in the foreseeable future, you know, like a zombie apocalypse. That would never happen, right? Flesh-hungry, brain-eating zombies aren't actually real, after all.
Survivor's Personal Journal: TBD
Theme Song: Elevator Operator - Courtney BarnettExtra Information: I agree to follow the rules for this RP and understand that if I do not follow the rules, the GM or Co-GM may kick me out of this roleplay.