Avatar of Carlyle


Recent Statuses

3 hrs ago
Current Methinks an Off-Topic thread would be better suited for this discussion rather than flooding the status bar.
3 days ago
Saw that there was a bunch of SB Curry mix on clearance on the way out of work. Pretty certain the customer in that aisle thought I was crazy when I walked away with all of them.
11 days ago
Tornado at work. Everyone at work + customers are sheltering in the back.
20 days ago
Bonus week at work. Would've got more, but taxes ate nearly a thousand of what I'm getting.
1 mo ago
I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] A B O U T M E
Hi. If you've wound up here, you're probably wondering who I am.

You can call me Carlyle, though I have gone by several other names prior in the 11-ish years I have spent on this forum that some of you might better remember me as. I'm a middle-twenties retail manager that is still trying to relive the glory days of their roleplay career while balancing a full-time job with an unsatiable need for overtime.

I tend to be open to most things when it comes to roleplay itself, be it whatever genre, system, etc. That being said, I often gravitate to anything that falls in the following categories: anime, fantasy, slice of life, and survival horror. If you think you have something that I might be interested in, feel free to shoot me a link; I'll try to get back to you as soon as I possibly can.

I also have a discord server laying around. If we're cool, then I might be willing to a toss an invite your way.

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

I ruin everything.
Hey, everyone.

I'm going to go ahead and close this roleplay down for good. With the issues that have been mentioned in regards to activity, pacing, story content, etc. I feel like it is better to call it rather than continue to drag you all down in a dead roleplay. Some of you probably expected this since there has been little-to-no communication here or in the Discord, but I wanted to make it a formal announcement so people know what is happening.

Apologies if I kept anyone hanging.
In Echo Point 10 days ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay



"Think I would rather deal with a grizzly bear call than this."

The newbie from Chicago, Alexis "Lex" Karczewski is the latest addition to Echo Point's Emergency Services. Her wanderlust of what might lie beyond the Windy City led to a college degree and ultimately Echo Point, wherein she had filled in the town's then-empty Animal Control position.

She wants to put forth her all for the people of Echo Point, hoping to help the townsfolk wherever she possibly can. However, outside the big boots she has to fill, not everyone takes kind to the idea of a stranger policing them. Will she be able to make it, or will Echo Point be the break? Only time will tell if Alexis can succeed in getting the people of Echo Point to trust her.
In Echo Point 10 days ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
A roleplay situated in the fictional town of Echo Point, Montana. Mysterious shit goes on. Mutant zombie-like creatures appear. The EP emergency services try to survive.

@mickilennial I had no idea what to call the RP so Echo Point is a placeholder name until we can come up with something proper, I guess.
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