Avatar of Celaira
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Celaira
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 765 (0.19 / day)
  • VMs: 19
  • Username history
    1. Celaira 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.


how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.

- by Grim

Most Recent Posts

For those who want to be in Aeris' class: Dispelling the Veil: A Comprehensive Study of the Western Realm I'll get a post for Aeris to start us off in a little while.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz, I actually have a VPS on which I run Etherpad. It's really straightforward, and the people who use it in the RP I'm in seem to enjoy it.
I've been debating this for sometime now and I'm joining..that is, if you guys'll have me. ^^;
Alt! <3
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News
@Celaira: For security and performance reasons, I'd advise against it...
Could someone break something fundemental with what I was thinking, Shien?
Yes. Allowing HTML/CSS also allows for Javascript, Flash and Java to be embedded. These three are common attack vectors for malware/spyware/etc. That's not to say that all Javascript, Flash or Java is evil, but you're basically allowing anyone who can make an account (and if you recall, we got a fair few number of spammers last year on the Guild 2.0, so the machines can easily adapt) to inject these technologies into a post. That's a huge security hole, and as much as I'm sure Mahz would like to trust the Guild not to do that, all it takes is one person doing so intentionally or by accident to do a lot of damage.
Welp. Nevermind, then. I do not want people to break the guild.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News
@Celaira: For security and performance reasons, I'd advise against it...
Could someone break something fundemental with what I was thinking, Shien?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News
@Mahz I don't know if this has been asked, but I was wondering if there was a way for BBcode to parse HTML&CSS? So, like, if you wanted to get really advanced on how you wanted to style a post or something, you could? Example: creating a table with its own background color, hover elements, and links. Definitely not a necessity, but a curiosity.
@Fallenreaper I think that would be a good idea, but how would we keep the voting fair, as in, how would we keep people from voting for themselves?
@Fallenreaper: Collab is up! :3
Awkward Awakenings
Location: Loom -- Master Melody's Dormitories Time of Day: Morning
Contributors: @yoshua171, @Fallenreaper, and @Celaira
Morning came just like any other day as the light tried to creep in. Its golden fingers stretched from the courtyard and against Master Melody’s Academy for Fine Arts walls, pushing and seeking flaws to allow them into the rooms behind them. It failed. It failed like every morning since the school was built, its walls firm and solid, protecting those who slumbered deep within. Of course not all stayed that way. Olivia’s face was pushed against soft, purple fur from Lisara’s warm body. Her red hair was a wreck as it flattened and slid to one side of her head, giving her a slight cow lick from the bangs down. The braid it had once been in was frayed and pulled apart in her tossing during the night. It seemed Lisara had realized her discomfort because she was currently resting on a mess of pillows. The very pillows taken from the foot of Aeris’s bed foot. The girl let out a tender moan while she pulled up, the cover slipping off her shoulder in the process, making her eyes glide down. She spotted the cotton white of the knitted sweater and knew everything last had happened. It wasn’t a nightmare. The realization slammed into her middle with heavy force causing her to pull her arm about it, squeezing herself to reassure her it was all over. Her eyes lifted then wandering over toward Aeris, stopping to rest on the vampire still snoozing away it seemed and sprawled out on the mattress. She let her attention sit there for a few moments while her limbs began to ached from the floor. Slowly, muffled noises from the students gathering drew Olivia’s attention. Leaning farther on the hellhound, she slide her stomach higher then leaned her ear into the door. She thought she heard the sounds of bags ruffling, feet scuffling, and more as people started to rise for their morning classes though all the noise was muffled enough that it was impossible to tell clearly because of the door. Lisara was still sound asleep like her master. The hellhound barely registered Olivia’s slight weight or shift in position, enabling the girl to easily shift back and sat on her knees. The blanket had fallen completely off into a messy pile curled around her hips. A numbness had started to stray in her knees causing Olivia to rise up, her hands gloved and protected, until she was standing upright. Giving a slight groan she felt her spine crack lightly followed by her joints making her body tense in reaction. Her eyes noted the clock and blinked. At first she couldn’t believe the time, not wanting to consider she slept that late as she heard a knock at the door. Tried and partly alert, she made her way to Aeris. Her middle started to wake with a low grumbling and gnaw for nourishment, refusing to be ignored. Olivia’s gloved hand touched Aeris’s rather still form while the younger girl bent down to whisper a plead. “Ris...Ris! Are you awake? Ris…” She increased her pushes on the arm when there wasn’t a reply, hoping to wake her ‘sister’ up for breakfast. Arriving back after dealing with that damned angel and following a brief hunt for Renegades, Mairyell arrived back at the Academy. He made no attempt to hide his presence or the nature of his being as he brazenly walked into the school and past a score of students in the hallways. Classes had begun, but Aeris' wasn't due for a good while, she had time. Hopefully she was awake though, otherwise he'd have to disturb her rest after what he knew had been a very stressful night. Arriving in her wing of the massive campus the vampire knocked on the door and waited. When there was no response he smirked lightly, then with a sigh he attempted to open the door, but to no avail. Closing his eyes he sniffed the air, noting the scent of Olivia and Lisara directly on the other side of the door. Grumbling he knocked again, waiting for a response. Olivia's head jerked, her hand rested on Aeris' arm, to hear another sharp sound at the door. Shit! She knew it was unlikely that anyone other than Aeris and her brother knew she was there. A fact that made her worried how the rest of this place might react to an unknown guest, even worse, their actions against Aeris. Last thing Olivia wanted was for Aeris to get into serious trouble. She turned back to the task of getting Ris up. Her hands both came onto the arm, pushing a little harder, as she increased her shaking. Her head paused long enough to lean down to her adopted sister's ear with a voice a few too octaves too high. "Aeris, wake up! NOW!" The moment she had almost screamed in Aeris' ear, Olivia felt herself jerked backwards. Teeth sank into her sweater dress and gave a rough tug, jerking her from harm's way just as Aeris reacted. Her balanced tilted too far and in a moment, her ass felt the hard sting of falling with a soft thump on the floor. Raising an eyebrow as he heard a light thump and then a rustling in the room, Mairyell waited. At hearing the scream in her ear, Aeris' body jerked, "Holy shit!" the older girl slurred tiredly. Instinctively her arm slammed backward to where the sound was, however when she didn't hit anything, she fell out of bed. Grumbling to herself, it was almost as if she had forgotten Olivia was even there. The vampire was tired. Her body rose from the floor with a somber growl as another knock sounded on the door. "Who the fuck?" Today was starting off to be a relatively annoying day. Languidly she moved to the door, and fiddled with the locks for a moment or two before finally managing to open it. Her tired eyes didn't register her brother, and as if she was still dreaming, she reached toward him. It almost looked as if she were giving him a hug, but if her arms made it around his neck, her mouth would make a movement and teeth would sink into his flesh. When the door finally opened it revealed his sister, still dressed in the clothes she'd been wearing the previous day. She had a tired, no an exhausted, look on her face and her eyes seemed to look through him. Still hazy and half-awake, then came her arms around him and he stepped in, resisting the urge to move away, for a hug. However, he got far more, specifically a brief pain in his neck as her fangs sunk into him. What followed was an odd tingling sensation that spread through him, accompanied by a strange blue glow. His eye twitched, because the memory he hadn't thought about for over 200 years. Back when he'd run away because of a pesky guardian angel...and she'd followed.--except, now the tables were turned. First the pleasant sensation, then a kind of euphoria, followed by confusion and panic, followed immediately by annoyance and then his claws were out. It took him a moment to force them back in for his first reaction to being bitten was usually to tear the assailant's spine out, and he was pretty sure Aeris didn't possess his regeneration...not that even he could easily come back from such a wound. So he waited, as uncomfortable as it was, he waited for her to realize what she was doing, no matter how awkward, confused, and uncomfortable it made him feel. "So, you're Mairyell..." A dry feminine voice echoed through Mairyell's mind softly. "I've heard much, but you seem a bit more relaxed than the stories I was told." As the voice spoke, the demon dog whom had protected Olivia from being thrown across the room only a moment prior padded to sit at Aeris' side. The beast's ears flicked slightly as she pawed Aeris gently. Flashes of Aeris' past would surface through her brother's mind if he didn't break the connection, minor though the memories were. After a few minutes, Aeris' body shivered and she let go of Mai, her tongue lightly tracing across the bite mark, healing it. Fully awake and fully confused with the taste of blood on her tongue, Little Kasio licked her lips. It was a few seconds before she finally noticed who was standing in front of her. When it hit her, she took a step back, and blinked. "Uhhh..." The doll stammered looking up to meet her brother's eyes and then down, forcing herself to look at Lisara. What did I do? Her mind questioned the Fire Dancer warily. Her only response was a soft chuckle. "You awake now? Good. Get dressed, you have class within an hour or two," his tone was sharp, but not angry. He made no effort to respond to the hellhound till he turned away and began walking off down the hallway. Stay out of my head,demonor you'll find my temperament the smallest thing that's changed, he said, a warning clear in his tone as he glanced over his shoulder then turned the corner. Logically he knew what had just happened had been reflex, but sadly he was not ruled purely by logic. He decided he'd wait right there, around the corner, where he laid his back against the wall and tried not to think. Maybe he needed to start sleeping again...just so he had time when nothing was on his mind. Aeris' body swiveled slightly, her eyes catching Olivia still on the ground. Her face flushed and she quickly walked past the girl and turned on the shower. The vampire stripped off her clothes and slid into the heat of the water, her mind coming to rest on her brother and his reaction to her. Had she fed on him? Was she really so tired that she didn't even recognize him for a few minutes...? As she washed, her face rested in her hands and she inhaled deeply. God dammit... It's gonna be hell to face him now... Olivia sat there, her elbows propped her upright and stared as Aeris sank her teeth into her brother’s neck. She could see the discomfort, the hands flicker just slightly in tension, and slowly relax allowing his sister to continue. This wasn’t new to her. Olivia had seen vampires, usually guests of Darius, feed yet often enough she was ushered away before she could see the full effects. Darius was against exposing her too much to their demonic nature. Not fitting for her to judge them solely on that was how he put it and it wasn’t until now, did she see what he truly meant. She felt her heart continue hammering deep within her chest and her throat seized up, stopping her words from reaching the air. Not that anything she could say would've done her any good. Olivia had caught herself staring, noting the look spared over Mairyell’s shoulder, and jerked her eyes down in slight shame. It seemed she wasn’t alone when she felt Aeris’ eyes brush over her. This was enough to cause her to risk looking up and caught her guardian’s gaze. She gave a small, understanding yet very weak smile. As if say she understood even if it frightened her. It didn’t seem to help when Olivia noted the blush in skin color, followed by Aeris walking past and the sounds of running water behind the closed door. Olivia’s sight couldn’t help watching where her caregiver was heading before she finally gave a guilty sigh. Her Uncle would’ve been so disappointed in her right now and it only wrenched her heart to realize it. Sighing to himself he continued his likely futile attempts to convince himself that all that had been was a simple accidental bite brought on by exhaustion and his sister's half-awake state. He was probably right too, that's very much all it had been...right? He growled and a student who'd been walking by gave him a weird look and held their books to them tighter than before, their pace increasing. This made him smirk, for it seemed that even after this long people still had a certain fear for demons. It was kind of funny actually. Then again, if one really thought about it the rules that had been set in place only did so much. It wasn't like he couldn't go out and just kill someone if he wanted. Granted, he'd very likely get found out. Whether or not they could catch him once they knew was another story entirely though. Putting that aside, even though it was a welcomed distraction, Mairyell took in several deep breaths in an effort to clear his head. Nothing. He tried again. Nothing. Grumbling he crossed his arms over his chest and began counting cracks or minor dents or the like on nearby surfaces. It was at this point that he realized he was not only confused, but bored as well. He really hoped this day wasn't going to be as troublesome as the previous one.... After about 15 minutes in the shower, Aeris finally came out with a towel wrapped tightly around her body. Before she blew her hair dry, she combed it. After the drying was done, she combed it once more, and ventured out into the main portion of her room. carefully she pulled out a female's spring uniform for the school along with undergarments. After putting the clothes on, she turned to look at Olivia, the uniform hugging her body tightly in the chest area, and exploiting her curves where it could. The vampire fidgetted slightly as she sat down on the bed and put on a pair of calf-high white boots. "What do you think, 'Liv?" She questioned softly. While she waited for Olivia's answer, she blinked. "We need to let someone know you're here... Maybe Hazumi, definitely the principal..." She thought aloud as she looked at her "sister's" clothes. She would probably need to go shopping later on today after school as well. “Wow, I actually be scared something might fall out in that outfit.” Olivia blurted out as she turned her body half way to Aeris. She had moved to the bed not long after her shock from the floor and sat there for a good while. All the time, her mind kept drifting between what she would say and how, namely to keep the scene comfortable. “I know the boys will like it that’s for sure.” Aeris laughed and blushed slightly, "Haha. I wanna play a little trick on my students, think it'll work?" After about 10 minutes, Aeris rose from the bed and picked up an empty messenger bag. Carefully she put a binder, laptop, and three books within it. Once she had done that, she looked at Lisara. Would you go get Mai, please? At the request, Lisara, who had been sitting in the same place as before, padded out of the room and down the hall to Mairyell's side. Olivia smiled at Aeris' comment and shook her head in a light hearted way. She edged from the bed when Aeris had finished putting on her boots, the girl’s lithe body pulled upright and carefully edged nearby to see the woman packing up. Her body stopped in its tracks just long enough to see Lisara start to rise and walk out, shutting the door behind her. She didn’t see the slight huff of dislike in the hellhound’s wake making her wonder what Lisara was up to. Staring a little long, she came beside Aeris and suddenly realize what Aeris might’ve been implying. “It’s only for a little bit right, less than a week? I rather not miss too much of my classes and my friends will wonder what happened to me…” She let her sentence cut off. Her mind went back to Mr. Findly and his unfortunate death due to her stupidity, a fact she will never forgive herself for. Her arms had fallen at her side and edged to tighten about the edges of her- rather shorter than she would’ve liked- sweater dress. She pushed the thoughts away before trying to pretend everything was alright. It wasn’t really. She had never been that close to death and it had shaken her up beyond words, her mind ignoring the fact she would crumble from the experience if she kept it up. The dog huffed slightly and sat, waiting for the vampire to look at her. He smelled the hound before he saw her so as Lisara turned the corner he glanced down at her, his eyes saying he wanted her nowhere near him. "What," he said, his expression unamused. The beast flicked her flaming tail and walked around him, nudging him toward Aeris' room with her head. Sighing he pushed off and moved towards Aeris' room, not willing to let the hound continue pestering him. Then again, at least she hadn't invaded his mind again. He might punt it if it did that again, then again Aeris wouldn't be too happy with him and it was a hellhound so it wasn't like it couldn't retaliate. While he wasn't afraid of the thing in the least he'd rather not be bitten. As he turned the corner his sharp ears picked up the conversation going on in Aeris' room, which he preceded to ignore for the most part for the sake of their privacy. He knew how people disliked that and while he didn't care about most he did care about Aeris, so he had the decency to respect her privacy, at the very least by saying nothing and acting as if he'd never heard any of it. Meanwhile, in the room, Aeris watched Olivia calmly, and then wrapped her in her arms. "I don't know how long it'll be, sweetie, but I won't keep you from your friends. You'll be able to go visit them, and Darius every day after school if you like. However, the reason I'm going to be registering you is to keep you safe. I know you love your school, and I know your school loves you, but it's just too unsecure, and I don't want anything like what happened yesterday to happen again." There was a soft pleading tone in Aeris' voice as she spoke to Olivia. She couldn't go through losing her. Olivia went slightly wide eyed, surprised at the comfort and warmth from Aeris. It made her smile genuine as she wrapped her arms about the vampire, holding her close. She fought to keep the burning of tears at bay and her voice calm, though it cracked slightly. “Why is this… this Sir doing this? What’s the point? Why was Hank even there? Emmet was suppose to be picking me up, not Hank, and he is never late Ris. I’m scared. Scared something might’ve happened to my brother and I’m stuck here.” She held on tighter, not wanting to let go, as she kept herself from shaking. “I’m glad Noele was there. If he wasn’t… I would’ve been in Sir’s hands before anyone knew it. I don’t know what would’ve happened then. II guess yesterday was a terrifying experience for me.” She didn’t want to tell Ris about her seizures or the fact she had magic. Those secrets might’ve created too much trouble as well as made Ris worry unneededly. Listening to Olivia's questions, Aeris' head shook from side to side slightly, "I don't know... I really wish I did. I'm sure Emmet is fine, though, you know him better than anyone. He's strong." Aeris held the girl to her chest gently, stroking her hair ever so slightly as she spoke about Noel. "Yeah, I'm glad he was able to keep you safe when I wasn't there. I'll have to thank him properly if we see him again." In response to Olivia saying that yesterday was terrifying, the doll kissed the top of her head, "Well, I won't let anything like that happen to you again. I refuse to lose you." Olivia wanted to shake her head, shout or scream as she tried to explain. Emmet never forgot. The only time he had ever missed a pick was when he was injured or Darius wanted him for a task, a rarity. Still she knew getting upset over it wasn’t going to solve this riddle. “I just want to know he’s alright, Ris. I know you and him want me safe, even if he’s not here. So where do we start?” He waited a moment before knocking on the door and, donning a smirk, saying "Everyone dressed and fully awake now?" He had decided to make a joke of the thing, otherwise it'd be too awkward for him to deal with and that didn't sit well with him. Just after the conversation had concluded, and the girls were pulling away from each other, Mairyell's voice permeated Aeris' ears. She couldn't help but smile sheepishly as he tried to joke about what had happened. She still felt really shitty. "Brother, I need to take Olivia to see Lilian, and get her registered for classes could you do me a favor?" As she asked, she motioned to the desk that was around the corner from where she was standing. There were stacks of books atop it. "I need a cart to wheel these to class, but since I'm going to be busy with Olivia, I was wondering if you could get these to my classroom for me." Olivia ignored her growling middle, now taking note of it since the conversation, as she watched the conversation between Aeris and her brother. She fought a giggle pulling her gloved hands to stifle the sound. Her eyes flickered to cart and didn’t envy Mariyell’s task at all, her body stepping close to Aeris as to restate her reason for leaving it to him. It was slightly awkward how she suddenly realized how messy her hair was. Not to mention still stick in the same clothes she hadn’t been able to change out of or even washed up, the buzzing need nagging at her growing while in the older boy’s presence. Emmet would’ve mocked her for it with a sly comment then told her she had five minutes before he decided to leave her, an empty threat, but one that worked well. “Aeris… mind if I borrow your hair brush?” She really didn’t want to draw attention to her sideways cowlick or her braid nearly completely undone, the barretts fixed haphazardly on her hair. “I can fix my hair on the way… I hope the principle will understand. I know Ms. Harper would’ve had a fit if she saw me like this in her school.” Glancing at the cart he nodded, closing his eyes to remember where the room was, before he opened them and walked over to the cart, not giving Olivia so much as a glance till he'd nearly got the cart out of the door. He glanced back, giving the girl a somewhat reassuring smile, "Don't worry too much, Lily Quarin ain't too bad." He then nodded his head to Aeris and left the room, heading for her class. He deflated somewhat when he was out of site, glad his joke had difussed some of the awkwardness. Still, he wondered what those flashes had been. He could have sworn he'd felt Szayeis...and heard Aeris...heard her screaming. Man, what a way to start a morning, he thought to himself. Olivia returned a weaker form of the same reassuring smile. It was too obvious she hadn’t had the same confidence within the situation as he seemed to have, though his words did put her at ease some and not because they might’ve sounded like something EZ would’ve said. In moments, he left with the cart wheels fading in his wake leaving the two girls alone. Olivia turned to her older sister to catch the answer to her request and likely lead the way, after all, she had little idea where to go. The doll smiled at her brother meakly as he departed from the room, and then turned her attention to Olivia to respond to her previous question. "Ah, yes, you can! It's in the bathroom." WIth that, she sat back down on the bed, and waited for Olivia to finish getting ready. Olivia nodded then rushed into the bathroom. In a fast motion, her hand snatched the brush sitting where Aeris left it and pulled back out into the bedroom. Spending the time to brush and get herself descent, despite the lack of clothes change, she was scared. If she waited too long, then likely she would’ve lost her nerve and couldn’t spur up the courage to go through with it. That wasn’t something she liked to think about as the more she had, the worse her worries became. This wasn’t a good way to start things. “Well, let’s go before I lose my nerve?” Olivia asked, her hand still clasped about her hairbrush and bouncing slightly with unsettled energy.
So, Yosh and I were talking, and he said he wanted a way to reward players for posting without some notion of favoritism on the GM's part. On a lot of Persistent world RP's there are things like "Thread of the Month" "Character of the Month" "Female character of the Month" and so on. What this means is that every month on that forum characters are nominated by other players *Not GM's* based on a certain set of criteria, and then the player-base outside of those who were nominated votes for the top character/thread/etc for each category. I think that would be fun to do here. Though, obviously, our categories would be different. Something akin to "Student of the Month" or something. We could pick different categories if everyone likes the idea. So, what do you guys think?
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