"Haven't you heard the story of the Torkoal and the Scorbunny?"
=-NAME-=Noel Jameson
=-APPEARANCE-=Black Hair
Blue Eyes
Thin, but decent physique.
=-PERSONALITY-=Light-hearted and chill, Noel takes life one step at a time. Being the patient sort, he's quite helpful and an excellent teacher that doesn't irritate easily: Instead brushing aside failure and mistakes, seeing them as something to learn from instead of linger around and regret about. He often pulls quotes from books he's read, or references stories when he's making a point: Always trying to provide examples for why he's got a grasp on a situation.
This might make you see Noel as mature; And for his age, he probably is. But just as much as he has a tendency to quote books and look after others, he also likes to joke around and tease others on occasion to amuse himself. He doesn't mean any harm by it, though sometimes it can be misunderstood as such. Or just somewhat irritating, though those that know Noel well enough might understand that said irritating is part of numerous mindgames that make up his battling technique.
Noel isn't exactly what you'd call an active battler: He's very reactive, and where he slacks in physicality he makes up for in his mind, a strategist beyond dodging and attacking. His constant napping and rest is a form of meditation. A way to clear his mind and relax despite the lack of peace around him. Understanding the potential of sleep itself has lead him down a unique trainer path that might reveal a staggering amount of potential.
While he does gain benefits from resting, he only adapted this habit over a fight with constant stress due to his habit of taking responsibility. It's highly possible if he was to set out on his own and venture out of his usual life that he'd become more active; That's a theory that hasn't been tested by Noel himself just yet, however.
=-HISTORY-=Noel has spent most of his life in Phenac City. His mother, a nurse at the local Pokemon Center. His father, a teacher at the Pre-Gym Academy. Both doing their duties for the city, it inspired him to grow into a support role for those around him: While he wasn't a doctor, he learned basic first-aid. While he wasn't a teacher, he did absorb the knowledge from his classes to teach to the youth around him. Known as a 'hero among the little folk' or a 'big brother' for the kids of Phenac, he spends his days napping in-between attempts at being productive.
While not a heavy battler, Noel did occasionally find himself facing off against another trainer in a conflict. It wasn't always for fun; It was sometimes someone his age trying to bully the younger children, or an out-of-town adult trying to cause trouble in his city. In times like these the competence of the young man and his Pokemon partner sky-rocketed; He didn't usually show much eagerness to battle, but with something at stake, it proved to be a very good motivator.
All of his efforts satisfy him and he does feel accomplished with his actions daily, but his constant insistence on continuing has driven him to be quite stressed and fatigued. At the rate he was going, he'd feel like an old man by the time he was a legitimate adult. And that wasn't healthy. Despite that being apparent, he pushed himself anyways, only occasionally eyeing a potential way to get away for awhile: He's needed a reason. Something to dedicate himself towards if he were to take a journey outside the city. And little did he kniw that such a reason was more urgent and close than he could have thought...
=-REASON FOR TRAVELING TO ORRE-=Character is already a resident of the Orre region.Noel has been contemplating a method for leaving Phenac for a few years, but never found himself a true purpose for leaving. As of the moment, his reasoning isn't too far beyond 'Vacation from home'. But he's vulnerable to being presented with a much more serious goal for his travels, if he encounters a reason to partake in such a thing. He serves as not much more than a traveling history book and on the road cooking/nursing aid currently for those he encounters.
=-OTHER-=Battle! Vs Trainer Noel