Name: Victor Lehrez
Nickname/Aliases: Big Guy
X-Men Code Name: Onyx
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Physical Description: Victor weighs around 230 pounds, most of it is muscle. He has blue eyes and is around 6'3 in height. Has no hair simply because he prefers to shave it off when it grows. Normally wears a black T-shirt with a blue and red Yin yang symbol in the center with blue jeans and white shoes.
Mutations: Geokinesis((Earth Control))
Limited ability to shoot spikes of earth at a target
Limited ability to create walls of earth as a shield
Limited ability to move the ground around him.
Personality: The best word to describe Victor is Friendly. The guy is always friendly right off the bat no matter what your first impression of him is. He'll always be nice to you if your nice to him. If you are rude to him for an extended period of time after meeting him it's a bit of a different story. He'll tolerate you but won't go out of his way to do nice things for you. If you decide you want to change your attitude about him and start being nice, he'll smile and say it's all under the bridge but he'll be careful around for you a while to make sure he isn't being screwed over. If he decides he likes you and you end up being nice to him, you've pretty much got a guy that will give you the shirt off his back if he thinks it will help you. The guy is just an overall nice human being due to the way he was raised and the way his brother treated him after his mutation started showing.
Background: Victor was born to a family that had no prior history of mutations and his didn't show until a few days after he graduated from High School. He had a relatively normal childhood and grew up with a loving family and an older brother who was a year old than him who taught him the benefits of working out at a relatively young age and did his best to keep his younger brother away from some of the more shady characters while he was in school. That was hardly necessary though. Victor was a good student who did his best to simply be friendly towards other students and teachers. Despite being a smart student he found himself more interested in sports then academics. He did do his best to keep them both a high priority though. He managed to graduate on the B honor roll but what he truly excelled at was sports. He was responsible for catching with winning touchdown in three football games in his freshman year and continued to improve over the years. He also dabbled slightly in track and tried wrestling once but didn't really care for it. He was responsible for helping bring his team to the state championship two years in a row and was noted as the guy that people could come to when they were having any kind of problem. His teammates loved him, the coaches loved him and one or two of the cheerleaders had a slight crush on him.
Around three days after graduating, Victor and his brother were out at a restaurant enjoying a late lunch after Victor's brother had finished work. As the two were leaving when they witnessed a homeless gentleman being harassed by a drunk individual. Victor and his brother, never ones to let someone bully someone else decided to step in and politely told the drunk individual he should leave. The drunk, taking offense to that statement pulled out a large knife from his jacket and attempted to stab Victor's brother. It was at this moment that Victor's powers seemed to awaken as a large chunk of earth shot up from the ground and hit the drunk in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Both the drunk and the homeless gentleman took off, frightened by the display of power. Victor and his brother could only look at each other in shock. At first they weren't sure which one of them had done it.
After both of them spent a few moments concentrating, Victor found that he had been the one who had done it after he ended up moving a chunk of the ground once again. Victor's brother took charge of the situation and immediately drove Victor home and explained what had happened to their parents. Victor, who was still in shock fully expected to be thrown out of the house or shipped off to a government facility or something. After all, he was a mutant wasn't he? That's what happened to mutants.
Although Victor wasn't exactly expecting them to welcome him with open arms after the incident he was still somewhat surprised by the reaction. His normally welcoming and loving parents had become very cold and distant towards him. They weren't furious with him or going out of their way and threatening him or ordering him to leave the house and never return. They simply had become very cold and distant towards him. Victor's brother, always one to defend his younger brother immediately confronted them on their behavior. Unfortunately, the confrontation between Victor's brother and his parents began to escalate until eventually the screaming and yelling began to get to him. Victor was at his breaking point when his father grabbed Victor's brother by the front of the shirt and began to shake him.
This proved to be a mistake as Victor's abilities activated once again and Victor's father was pinned against the kitchen wall as a mass of earth emerged from the ground and slammed him into the wall. It was at this point that Victor's mother began to scream at the two of them to get out of the house and that she was calling the authorities. While she did her best to try and break Victor's father out of the mass of earth, Victor and his brother grabbed what little they could and bolted out the door and took off in Victor's brother's car as quick as they could.
After five hours of simply driving away from the family home and not saying much, Victor's brother started talking. He didn't start off by talking about Victor's mutation. He asked if Victor's drivers license was still up to date, he asked if Victor wanted him to take care of anything and how much money Victor had on him at the moment. Victor, still in a state of shock over what had happened answered as best he could. The two of them stopped off on the side of an empty stretch of highway and Victor closed his eyes and prepared for his brother to turn on him as his parents did.
Instead, Victor's brother handed him around $400 in twenties and asked him if he knew anything about a place called "The Ashford Institute for the Gifted." Victor, obviously did not and Victor's brother explained that a few minutes after they had confirmed that Victor had been the one with the powers, his brother had already began looking for places of refuge for people with mutant abilities. He had suspected their parents would react the way they had and had found references to a place known as the Ashford Institute. As the two began to talk about what the immediate plan for the future was, Victor began to ask more about the Institute. He didn't know much about it but at this point it seemed like his only place of refuge. The two talked for a good two hours before they began driving again. It took nearly half a day of driving before they arrived outside a large, three story manor with a large courtyard. The two sat outside the manor for twenty minutes as Victor and his brother said their good-byes to each other. Victor's brother told him that he would do his best to keep in touch and would be doing his best to try and get a life set up away from his parents.
Victor eventually grabbed what few possessions he had managed to take from the house and stood outside the gates and hesitantly knocked on the gates.