Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Brioko Jobe

Brioko Jobe

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mathew Frakes

Location: Danger Room

Interactions & Mentions: Open

Matt had only his carry-on bag and a backpack pack as he exited the airport. The school wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow but he had caught an earlier flight. His father said it was to avoid press back home. All the press knew in Waco was that his imaginary condition had gotten worse and he was being sent to a private hospital. He hated the lie but if he was to have any chance at a normal life this school was it. He wore driving gloves and a dust mask mainly to expose as little skin as possible. This was a new beginning a chance to make friends where he didn’t have to hide on the farm anymore.

Matt approached the taxi stand and waved the driver off explaining he would get his own bags. Then pulled out an envelope and handed it to the driver as he got in. Inside the envelope was $50 cash and an address.

“Could you take me to this address the rest is your tip.” he said eagerly wanting this trip to be over.

“Sure, thing kid, fancy school you a student there?” The taxi driver tried to start up a conversation.

“Just finally got accepted. I don’t mean to be rude sir but it has been a long trip.” He tried to sound tired but couldn’t get the nervous excitement out of his voice.

“No Problem kid, music it is.”

The drive took close to an hour in the 9am traffic. Matt stared out the window and watched as Los Angeles passed by amazed at how large the city was. Eventually the bustle of the city gave way to a more manicured area with every tree planted just right on large acreages of land. He arrived outside the school grounds just after 10am. He exited the taxi and approached the gate.

“Well, best get an idea of what I’m in for.” He thought out loud and quickly removed a glove. Bending down he picked up a small rock just outside the gate.

To anyone watching he seemed to just stand there for a few minutes staring at the rock. From working with his dad, he had figured out how to not project with objects but it was hard on him and made even more stressful as he quickly glanced the images in his head to make sure it had been there at least a week. He had only been standing there for 5 minutes but sweat formed on his forehead and he was suddenly tired. Stuffing the rock in his pocket and putting the glove back on he went over and buzzed the intercom. Hopefully someone was paying attention. He retrieved his acceptance letter in case they needed proof.

A voice responded "You are early. Please put your things in the assigned dorm and proceed to the training room."

"Training room?" Matt asked.

"It will be on your grounds map in your room. just follow the signs to the mens dorm room 8." With that gates opened and Matt proceeded up the road.

The dorms were easy to locate and there was a grounds map with Training room handwritten over Danger room. It didn't seem far. Matt was getting hungry maybe he could grab an apple or something in the snack area on the way.
As he approached the Danger Room he could hear someone shouting something about invisible butts. He made his way in and tried to blend into a corner still unsure about this place.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaylee Everose & Coleman St John

“I’m not a mutant.” Cole answered. His expression was unchanging, looking straight at her. “But you already knew that.” He relaxed back a bit, shaking his head: “It’s something else entirely.” Things would have been a lot easier to explain if she had seen Heidi. He considered his words again, but still decided to just go with whatever came naturally. “A while back I had an accident on my last bike, way before I came here,” He said. “I still can’t remember certain parts of my life before that, but that was when things changed.”

Kaylee started as Cole said he wasn't a mutant. She tilted her head slightly and nodded as he made a valiant attempt to explain. It was overwhelmingly apparent that he was unsure where exactly to start. Kaylee sensed the difficulty in Cole's hesitation, not as willful but slightly overwhelmed. She looked him in the eyes; she waited a heart beat with their eyes locked, she moved toward satisfying part of her curiosity surrounding this man. "Alright. This seems like it would be easier for you if I just asked questions until my curiosity is satisfied. If that's the case how did you get this power?"

Cole drummed his fingers again for a moment. His lips were pursed. There was a wave of relief that crashed headlong through his mind into another that screamed STOP, but the cat was out of the bag, or very nearly. He breathed in and rested his head on the back of the chair, exhaling through his nose and looking at the ceiling for a moment. “Power isn’t the right word.” He said, bringing his gaze back down to her. “It’s more like a calling.” He crossed his arms and thought some more. For so long he had wanted, badly, to tell someone; for someone to be able to at least listen. There would likely never be a more receptive setting than the Institute, but even with Kaylee, past reservations still flooded his thoughts and whether or not the information he was going to give her would put her in danger. With some hesitancy, he continued: “It wasn’t long after my wreck that it first happened, like I just knew what to do.” He said. “Out on 40, it couldn’t have been too far east of Barstow, middle of night, like 3am or some, ungodly hour. It was a guy in a McLaren sportscar on his way back from Vegas.” Cole shook his head as he recounted the vision. He feigned difficulty in the memory, but it was actually easy to recall. His expression became a grim determination and he looked ahead at the desk no longer focused on Kaylee, but on the scene that replayed vividly through his mind. “He was some Arab prince, cousin of a cousin, or some bullshit like that, he trafficked children.” He finally looked back up at her directly in the eye. “I’m not talking about... like our students here, I mean kids, little babies even. Don’t ask me how I knew,” He said. “I just knew.” His hands had become slowly clenched into fists on the desk. “I ran him off the road, the car flipped a buncha times after the nose dug into the sand.”

Kaylee was unfamiliar with this part of his background and listened intently. "And they call us monsters. What happened in the first wreck?" She sensed that was the important part of the conversation. As much as she'd love to hear about how he brought the scum to justice she felt that whatever happened in the wreck was far and beyond important.

Frequently it was traumatic events that caused a latent mutant gene to activate and Kaylee was determining if that was the case with Cole. He'd been through a lot. More than he should and be this well put together. As she waited for him to answer her eyes took in his expression, his presence and what he revealed as he spoke.

Cole thought about it for a moment, relaxing a bit. It wasn’t the line of questioning he expected and he was a little relieved her rational side was catching up to the conversation. She was analyzing the information. Even though he said he was not a mutant, to her it didn’t necessarily prove anything, which brought back the question of what role he was actually playing in the grand scheme. He knew he was right, but he also didn’t know what that meant. He shook his head. “I don’t remember much,” He said. “I was on the Coastal, but I woke up lying in the ditch, just for a minute because I can remember seeing the stars, the next thing I remember I was in the hospital.”

Kaylee’s brow puckered. “Nothing else? That is odd. Usually a manifestation is a bit more jolting than that. Then again it could be explained by the fact that you have a very controlled demeanor. I actually get to see your aura very often. I thought it was due to your control. So you knew about the trafficking small children, and that was the first instance of your power. Was that all? Just a knowing? Your aura has more than one color that normally indicates to me multiple facets of power.”

Kaylee enjoyed talking about the subtle differences in powers. She had years to figure out what was what color in a person’s aura. She had been stunned with the complexities in Cole’s aura. It was such a wondrous combination of colors that she had broken through her normal reservations.

“I dont know.” Cole replied. “If I try to think back on it, it’s like I was just, there, like put there, like the memory just sits in my mind on its own.” He said. “I can remember certain things before it happened, like how to ride or where things are in the grocery store, but people and some of my family memories, I had to…” He paused in some consideration. “I kinda had to relearn them, almost like they were new to me. It’s weird.” He gave a small smirk as she talked about his color aura. It was interesting, but something he had no concept other than her words. The way she and some of the students could see the world was completely opposite to the way he could. “I guess it was about a month after that, and no, I don’t just know all at once. It’s a feeling that builds up, like I said, it’s not a power. When the time comes, I can’t deny it. That’s the way it was when I left you at Avalon.”

“That sounds more like it controls you. As if it possesses you when it has to. Interesting. Almost like what happens to Una when she is unconscious. Do you lose complete autonomy? Is it like a runaway horse that you can’t control? As if you were the rider at it’s every whim?” Kaylee was fascinated and she leaned into the conversation.

“No, it’s not that at all.” He said. A part of him felt a twinge of warning in his subconscious to be careful what he said next, but the words continued on. “When it happens,” He shook his head again, unable to hide a look of almost satisfaction. “I’m almost glad,” He said. “It’s not something that just happens, it’s something I get to do.”

Kaylee tilted her head. “That’s good. So what does this have to do with you setting fire to Nocturne?” She was following but more in an esoteric way. His answers weren’t straight out evasions and he skirted the line of the answer not actually being an answer. She had nothing to call him on and he was letting her get away with a lot more questions than she was answering.

“Fire is just what happens when I get there,” Cole said looking back at her. “It’s not a reason, whether it’s Nocturne or a scumbag out in the desert or wherever.”

Her look turned intense.“Alright so what exactly happens?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Saturday, October | Danger Room

Ronnie’s eyes pinned Heidi in place, like a butterfly in a display case. She gritted her teeth enough that her jawline tightened and her weight shifted to one side. Her arms continued to cross over her chest while she absorbed the student’s words. They obviously didn’t realize their bullshit now included her against her will. This was not acceptable nor would she let it stand.

With a deep breath, she inhaled then exhaled through her nose. She opened her lips to utter her next words only to have Crazy Cleo follow her outburst with a swift and sudden departure. Her figure slipped past the redhead who recently stood at the door, ready to bar anyone from leaving. Ronnie glared at the retreating blonde making her way into the hallway then moving to vanish.

At this point, students were coming or going. Leaving Ronnie rather frustrated when it came to learning answers and getting a clear picture of the situation. If it hadn’t been for the Headmaster’s words, she would’ve left it alone. It should’ve been their problem, but now it was hers. One she intended on getting a handle on.

After the older biker wannabe left and two students came back, Ronnie couldn’t wait any longer. Pushing the odd antics from her head, she let out a small huff. She continued shortly with her train of thought.

“Unfortunately, it appears it concerns me as well. Even if I didn’t arrive until now. I want more details than the watered-down version you gave me because I want to figure out how this might affect me.”

She looked closely at each of the remaining students.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nikolai "Demo" Markov

Ashford Institute for the Gifted

Interactions: @Chev @Almalthia

Mentions: Open

Nik's heart stopped as he heard the noise from behind him. Even when clearing her throat, Nik could recognize her presence. He stopped for a brief moment that felt like an eternity, his mind racing. He knew he would have to face her eventually... but after the things that had happened the night before, he wasn't sure what to think or feel. He had always known, to some extent, that she was dangerous. It's just that before this she was dangerous in the fun kind of way. It had taken him quite some time to clean off the shards of glass from the cuts on his shoulder.

But at the end of the day, it was Una. And that look in her eyes was heartbreaking. For the first time since the night before, a new thought had crossed his mind. How the Hell do you think she feels about all this?

So Nik gave a small smile to his partner in crime and sauntered over, holding out his hand to take hers. And he really hoped that she hadn't heard all that Breakfast Club stuff. Or at the very least that she disagreed with his character assessments.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Brioko Jobe

Brioko Jobe

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mathew Frakes

Location: Danger Room

Interactions & Mentions: Open

Matt was tired, it had been a long morning of travel and fast forwarding the memories in the rock he had picked up hadn’t helped. He settled back in a corner and waited for whatever assembly was supposed to happen. Curious, Matt started watching everyone trying to get some sense of what to expect. They all seemed anxious and on edge.

So this isn’t going to be a shiny happy place after all. He thought to himself. Best to keep to myself until I know more. Do they all have abilities? Are they always this self interested? The red head seems like she is trying but they all look at her funny. Still she is kinda cute.

Making sure no one was looking he slipped his glove off and pulled out the rock from the gate trying to view the previous day. Little more than a bunch of tires going in and out of the gate. He put the rock back and replaced the glove. Still that took a lot out of him. Sitting in the corner; head leaning against the wall; he took it all in, only half expecting everyone to break out in “Hard Knock Life” until Ms. Hannigan came in.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

GM Post

There was a small, two story farm cottage on the Institute property left over from Malcolm Ashford’s acquisition of the land. Tucked away in an alcove of shade trees, it was almost unnoticeable behind the main dorms and administration building. Rather than having the old structure demolished with the new construction, Ashford had instead renovated and modernized, turning the house partly into his personal residence, office, and with the various bedrooms, a resting place for important guests or even potential students. The rooms were small, left in the style of early 1900s architecture while the decor was finely furnished in a similar manner with traditional dark hardwood themes and exquisitely crafted furniture that matched the time period. Steps inside the residence seemed to move and reverberate as the building welcomed people with bright white paint and soft lighting that showed warmly over paintings and novelties from around the world.

Ashford’s office was by far the largest room. Converted from what once appeared to have been a parlor, the dark oak furnishings carried over to his large desk and leather chair. It was much dimmer than the rest of the house, but with a touch of modernity in flush ceiling lights around a textured skylight just above the desk. The walls were lined with books placed in recessed shelves that had a studious archway flourish that ran along the ceiling save for the fireplace and the windows just behind his desk while the furnishings were much more personal and the workplace slightly disheveled from regular use. The smell was something like old parchment, aged leather and the cleanliness of atmosphere that came through central air.

A dark haired woman sat in the window seat behind the desk glancing out through the blind; unimpressed with the Dean’s office. She had seen it many times before. Her sharp complexion and superbly tailored clothing presented nothing short but an air of the highest echelons of Los Angeles society. She turned her gaze to the man sitting across the desk from her on a deep red Victorian sofa.

“So this is an… ‘office’?” He asked in a deep baritone.

“Yes,” She answered. “This is how they conduct their business, usually in these settings.”

He nodded slowly, his face showing the pitiful novelty he found in the setting. Like her, his clothing was also expertly fitted, though he mostly preferred black. He sat with one leg propped broad on the other and an arm stretched out over the top of the sofa. Even sitting, it was evident he was tall, well over six feet and built firmly like a workman.

“You look nice.” She said with a tiny smirk.

The man grinned back at the comment and ran a hand along the side of his head, feeling the converging scars of an ancient marking that continued around the back of his neck. He continued to look around the room before the door opened, bringing his eyes back to her briefly as two men entered.

Pierce and Ashford entered the room. The woman in the window seat watched them carefully, studying their expressions and mannerisms with only the faintest hint of a smirk. The man on the sofa did not turn his head, only letting them come into his view as they stood between the pair at the desk, neither taking a seat.

“Well, I have to give you credit already Dr. Ashford,” The man said. “You’ve accomplished what very few have ever done, made me wait.”

“You’re Finvarra.” Pierce said. The statement was neither accusatory or defensive, but carried a tiny sliver of apprehension that even Pierce had not intended.

“I am,” The man replied with a small nod, looking back steadily at the young professor. “And you are…?”

“A pet,” The woman chimed in.


Pierce glared back at the woman who no longer made any attempt to hide a grin. Ashford motioned calmly with one hand to clear the air. “This is Professor Adam Pierce, he serves as my Director of Training here at the Institute and my closest confidant.”

Finvarra looked back slightly quizzically at the woman. “I thought you said his second in command was a woman?”

“She is, but she’s only in charge in as much as she knows about.” The woman replied. “Dr. Ashford doesn’t trust her with the truth. He keeps mister Pierce around because he’s loyal, like a dog.

“Why don’t we get down to business,” Ashford said, placing the same calming hand on Pierce who crossed his arms and leaned against the bookshelf behind him. “And leave the critical review of my staff members to me.”

“Where is Una?” Finvarra interjected nearly as soon as Ashford had finished speaking. His dark eyes trained heavily on the Dean.

“Here in our training center, just across the courtyard,” Ashford said. “I’m sure you will be taking her back today?”

“No, I will not, I have things to attend to in Avalon that could put her in danger, so unfortunately my stay here will be brief this time, but I will see her before I go.”

“Of course,” Ashford replied with some hesitancy.

“Don’t worry doctor,” Finvarra gestured dismissively. “I won’t upset the balance of what you have contrived here, just yet. Sena tells me you have several potential candidates to continue your work?”

Ashford raised one hand to his chin in contemplation and crossed the other over his chest. “Yes, several of them have displayed a very high level of potential, but even from that small group, we have some stand out candidates, particularly from the events last night.”

Finvarra nodded slowly, but gave a distant glance before his eyes drifted briefly back towards Sena, looking over her figure and again to Ashford. His fingertips drummed slowly on the top of the sofa. “I also understand the medicines we have provided are becoming less effective?”

Ashford gave a slight sigh, “Yes, it seems I am slowly building an immunity to its effects. It’s a problem that I have not been able to fully understand given the circumstances, but I am confident our work will be completed well before I am unable to continue in this arrangement.”

Finvarra smirked and shook his head. Watching him, Sena smiled slyly from the window seat seeing the familiar look of distaste across the man’s face. “There’s also the issue of the other one you’ve invited on your staff. He is not from this realm. How is that possible?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t be coy with me, doctor.”

“What is he talking about?” Pierce piped in.

“He’s talking about your new security officer.” Sena said darkly. “He’s not from this reality and he’s not from ours either. So how did he get here when you control the only gateway?”

Pierce looked on dumbfounded as confusion overcame his obvious disdain for the person in question.

Ashford shook his head. “I… I don’t know,” He said finally, clearly disappointed in still be perplexed by the question in spite of the time that had passed.

“That’s the wrong answer.” Sena chirped.

Ashford turned his eyes hard at the woman who merely responded by tilting her head and glaring back nearly as a challenge. “I could sense the rift that brought him here when it happened and it was as if he was simply drawn towards us steadily, whether it was somehow by me or perhaps one of the students. I thought we could gain more knowledge by fostering a relationship and bringing him close enough to study.”

“You have someone in this work right now?” Finvarra asked.

“He does, but she just doesn’t know it yet.” Sena replied, keeping a slight smile, turning her gaze back through the window blind.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Uná O’Brian


Location: Institute; Danger Room

Interaction: Nik, Ronnie, Cleo & Drake

Mentions: Aya, Jasper & Heidi

Uná smiled warmly at Nik as she took his hand. "Molly Ringwald? Really?" Uná shook her head in mock disappointment. "Alley Sheedy. She gets Estevez in the end."

Turning toward a new face Uná raised her eyebrow. "You can get a better run down of the events last night. Since you’re new I'll let your attitude slide but if you talk to be or my friends like that again expect retaliation."

Una looked around. She didn't want to relive a lot of last night but if the brat wanted to know where she fit in fine. "We went out to a club. We drank. We partied. We got drunk. They, being Nik, Aya, Chloe, Jasper and Drake, got into a fight with a weird ass creature. I got kidnapped. The rest of the group found me after I was taken to another place. Something like a guy with a flaming scull waltzed into the place and well I don't know what happened until I woke up and Heidi was with me walking out the front doors. Then things got worse. I was trapped in an illusion I couldn't stop. Finally it ended… I don't remember how and the place I was being held burned to the ground."

Uná held on to Nik's hand like a lifeline. She was terrified of what happened and remembered more than that but didn't want to get in depth too much. "Look we're all here for different reasons like Dean Ashford said. We should be helping each other." She switched hands with Nik extending her right hand. "I'm Uná O’Brian and I can create realistic illusions. The other two will be here shortly. Trust me." She smiled and held her hand out to Ronnie waiting for her to take it. She was using the last of the compound to reach the other two who'd walked off.

… … … … … … … … … … …

Uná turned the corner in front of Cleo and blocked her path. "I know you heard me. We all need to talk get back to the Danger Room. Don't make me drag you back." She looked a little miffed. "We need to talk. And you and Drake are setting a bad example for the other kids. We don’t leave teammates behind."

… … … … … … … … … … …

Grabbing the back of Drake's jacket Uná used his momentum to spin him around. She snatched the cigarette out of his mouth and broke it in half then snatched his pack and crushed it. "Nasty habit that. March your ass back there we need to understand what is going on with you. So you've got some explanations to give. Plus you need to set an example for the new kids that we don't leave teammates hanging. Now move it Drake." Uná was defiant and looked angry.

@webboysurf@Brioko Jobe@Fallenreaper@RedVII@Damo021@Chev@Silver Carrot@c3p-0h
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
Avatar of ViolentViolet

ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ashford's Institute - Danger Room

Una, Nik

Basically everyone

Jasper walked the remainder of the way with Nik to the Danger Room in relative silence, the back of her mind replaying over some small details she didn't want to miss. Her offer of a taser had been rejected, though she wondered as she walked if she could manage to do what she'd done the previous night. She'd been hopped up on adrenaline and dopamine from the excitement and her electrical output had been far more than she was used to producing on a day-to-day basis. Perhaps there was more to that little ability than she had originally thought, and she planned to practice it more once she managed to slip away from the group of teens they walked in on.

Expecting punishment, the Headmaster and another of the Professors instead congratulated them on their combined efforts. This came with a warning and caution, though the young technopath was suspicious most about the cryptic meaning behind the old mans words. He was hiding something. Her eyes narrowed, brows furrowed a moment before she turned her attention back to the crowd. There were more here than the other night, though none she wouldn't know soon enough. Whatever records she could get her hands on later tonight in bed she would spend the night skimming through.

Hands shoved into her jacket pockets, Jasper leaned back on her heels and watched the madness unfold. Nik was talking to another girl, Daniela is she'd heard correctly, beside her. She hadn't actually gone far and the group was still largely clustered by the time he referenced one of her favourite movies. "John Bender was the best." Jasper commented, a smirk on her lips as she looked around the room. She didn't quite look at either of the two, or any of the others in particular. She was far more occupied listening than watching, pretending she didn't care enough to really pay attention to anything.

Jasper didn't focus on any of them until the fiery ginger practically snapped the story at their newest electrical companion. It was an accurate, if boring, rendition of what she'd seen on the camera and in person the night before. She was still buzzing with the power she'd swiped from Avalon, the electrical charge sparking from her fingers into the worn leather of her jacket while she listened. She still had footage of it stored away where she could rewatch the spectacle whenever she desired. Her smirk vanished when Una grouped her in with the rest of the drunken teens, and she nearly glared at her. Rather than malice, her eyes betrayed a lack of emotion and a sharp cold that Jasper had spent years perfecting. "Excuse me, I wasn't drinking. In fact, I didn't know you guys were out until that not-so-friendly monster decided to rip apart the club. By the time I got there, you were long gone, sweets."

When Una spoke up and started yelling at a couple of the others - who Jasper had still never actually talked to - she chuckled. There was amusement in every little thing, regardless of what was happening. She might be a pessimist but that didn't mean she could have a sense of humor. The redhead practically dragged a taller boy back over to the group, and Jasper's nose twitched at the stench that clung to him. "I'm all for random and reckless destruction of life, but those are definitely not the way to do it."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Kaylee Everose & Coleman St John

Cole looked back at her from across the desk for a moment. He still wasn’t sure how exactly to put into words what it was like to erase someone from existence in a blaze of screaming rage. He thought about it and leaned forward putting his elbows back on the desk and folding his hands together. “Imagine if you could… look through time, like the time of someone’s life and see it all... someone bad, or no... someone evil and you could erase that.” He said. His expression was stern; though a flood memories were cascading through his mind. “You couldn’t fix all the hurt they had caused, but you take them away from reality, forever.” He looked her in the eyes squarely, “When I pulled that guy outta the car in the desert, that’s what I did. When I got my hands on him, I erased him from existence. I didn’t just kill him, he was gone forever. No heaven. No hell. Just gone… And that’s what I did to that mutant who took Una last night.”

Kaylee blinked and sighed heavily. "Oh well that's ultimate justice. Like the Angel of Death, or retribution from Hell. Justice verses Vengeance." She raised an eyebrow at Cole. "You apparently had reasons. And the situation was out of hand. I also assume that you haven't done it very often. So it can be a bit disconcerting, or at least it sounds that way."

Tilting her head Kaylee studied Cole. "Is there more or…?" She had a feeling there was more to it.

“I don’t know what it is,” Cole said, relaxing back into his chair. He rubbed the stubble on his chin and glanced towards the courtyard through his window. “I’m a little surprised at you though,” He said before shifting his focus back towards her. “Heaven and Hell, all that stuff, I figured you were pretty much a firm rationalist, not much of a believer.” The next question carried a lot more than which he thought he could keep sitting and he was still saving the one question he wanted answered. “There is more, but let’s get outta here and take a walk.”

Kaylee smiled. "Well you don't have to rationalize everything. I'm not a Vulcan and just because I'm religious doesn't mean I'm not rational. Belief doesn't mean suspension of reason." Rising from the chair Kaylee shook out her dress and titled her head toward the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Interaction/Mentions: @Almalthia@Damo021@webboysurf@c3p-0h | Location: Ashford Institute > Danger Room

"Those aren't..." Drake's eyes looked upon the ruined pack of cigarettes with mild horror. 'Free' was the last word in his mind, but he decided to leave it unsaid. Like a child being told to clean its room before it can go play, Drake reluctantly trudged back toward the danger room. Once inside, he found a wall and posted up.

"We didn't start the fire," he whispered with a bit of a mumble as he looked at his own open hand, his head leaned against the same wall as his shoulder. "It was always burning, since the world's been turning." Slowly, a flame fit for a small candle danced into existence in the middle of his palm. "We duh duh duh duh fire. No we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it..." His eyes were beginning to glaze over again as he watched the miniature fire continue to sway, spin and twist.

The crew had been through a lot in such a short amount of time. A social outing turned into a nightmare of hellish proportions rather quickly and now they were back in school, business as usual to be expected, with new fresh faces to boot who were undoubtedly being trained up to face the world's ugliness, too. Hopefully the new folks would get some time to learn to paddle before they're dunked into the deep end, but that's seldom how it works. He caught of glimpse of the more familiar faces, too. Cleo was no stranger, but it had been a while since he had really talked to Aya. And, of course, he was always content with seeing his roommate.

"So," he finally said in a volume loud enough to address the room, without really adjusting from his current melancholy lean, his hand still a platform for his fiery summon. "You all ready to get back out there and fight some more monsters, or are we doing something different today?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Damo021
Avatar of Damo021


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cleo D'Nile

Location: Ashford Institute - Danger Room.

It didn't take long after Cleo had left the room to hear the sound of Uná's voice blast down the corridor. The blonde teen screeched to a halt, the other girl's voice enough to paralyse on the spot. Cleo with eyes clenched shut was praying the redhead wouldn't come and retrieve her. By time Cleo had cleared her thoughts, calmed her breathing and opened her eyes.

She let out a little yelp as she were surprised to see the girl standing before her blocking her path. "You stay away from me." Cleo had a hint of fear in her voice as the girl was stepping back from Uná but heading back towards the danger room. Cleo was a little shocked. "Bad example!" she started as she backed up into the danger room to where the others were and could hear the comotion. "Like you have room to talk! At least I didn't try to kill Ms. Everose last night!" There was a moment of pause after what the blond had come out with, letting what she said sink in.

"As for leaving team mates behind. I was there fighting alongside Nik, Drake and Nathan against that monster thing". She took a quick breath before ranting on. "Hell I got bloody shot! then like I tried saving what I thought was you and Heidi from that guy that kidnapped you. I mean sure I kinda failed but I tried" Cleo pretty much made it clear she was afriad of the redhead by this point and was doing her part to keep distance. "So please, Leave me the hell alone Uná."

Oriana Taplin

Location: Ashford Institute - Danger Room.

Oriana had only taken a few steps towards the door before it became blocked by the redhead girl. This did not impress her one bit, how dare some stranger block her path to leave without permission. Instead of pressing the issue for now, Oriana sighed before crossing her arms once more. seeing how this one plays out. One or two students managed to slip out past the red head while others remained. The redhead teen seemed determined to keep the group within the danger room. It wasn't until another girl spoke and and made a good point. Like her, Oriana has got brought into someone else's problems.

"She" pointing at Ronnie with her thumb from her crossed arms. "Has a point, A half assed explaination wont cut it." Like the other girl the events of last night had got her caught in the middle of their crap despite not being there. Oriana was not one for standing up or backing another up, she couldn't care less. It seemed this Uná took offense or felt the girl with the fro was giving attitude, her question though held merit. "Mhmm, then expect it back, Who even put you in charge freckles?" Oriana said under her breath.

In a short peroid of time it appeared Uná had managed to get the others back in, and boy what a commotion from one. In fact Oriana found it informative if ammusing. but it definitely added some oil to the fire so to speak. Last night now sounded more fun and only wished she could've seen it. 'Well this got more interesting.' she thought to herself. Oriana could only look over at Drake with a raised eyebrow. "Depends, Your not going to scream at them I hope." And for the first time since arriving, a sly grin appeared on her features.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Saturday, October | Danger Room

Ronnie continued to wait for a better answer from Heidi. Aggression and impatience oozed from her posture as her aura seemed to demand more.

When Oriana pointed out that her demands for more hadn’t been unreasonable, her right arm shot out and gestured at the student.

“Veronica and see?” She huffed, still waiting for better answers.

However, the redhead butted in. Immediately, Ronnie’s eyes snapped to Uná and shot the rude bitch a dark warning look. If it wasn’t for the fact their bullshit dragged her into things, Ronnie doubted she would ever talk to this rag-tag bunch of misfits.

The fact Uná decided to shrug off her justified concern and threatened her, irked Ronnie. Her fingers tightened on the meat of her arms while she continued her heated glare, her ears listened to the summary. A quick note of the names were pinned to the back of her mind.

When Uná finished, Ronnie didn’t take her hand. She didn’t appear even subdued by the answers or the friendliness Uná shifted to. Instead, she kept her arms close to her chest and opened her mouth. Before the words slipped out, another girl spoke to correct the information. This caused Ronnie to frown.

The moment for any discussion over Uná left Ronnie’s mind when she heard a masculine voice speak about monsters. Once more, her vision switch targets to zero on the man that screamed before. By this time a stressed and upset Cleo’s voice could be heard from the hallway ranting to Uná, who was still in the room. Shrugging off Crazy Cleo’s oddness, Ronnie took a step toward both Oriana and Drake.

“No, fuck that. I’m not about to play Russian Roulette with my life. Especially fighting something I don’t understand. You all want to do that, that’s your choice.” Ronnie managed not to shout it as she continued.

“I just came here to learn to control whatever is wrong with me and go back to my normal life. That’s it. Not get pulled into something I didn’t sign up for. Also, monsters? Are you sure? It sounds like fairytale has gone wrong.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Heidi Williams

Location: Danger Room
Mentions: @Fallenreaper

Heidi either didn't see her classmates argue, or didn't have enough context for what she did see. That said, she saw Uná keep Draka and Cleo in here, and Cleo, with her back to Heidi, was arguing back. She took her eyes off them and watched Drake. He was against the wall and muttering. But when Ronnie started talking, Heidi focused on her.

"If you don't want to get pulled into something crazy, just accept what we've told you. That was basically what happened and I'm not sure I want to share any more. If I delve deeper, then you really will be involved. You might think you are now, but trust me, there are some things that happened that night that even I don't know. There are some things I know that nobody else does. And those are our problems. You can still walk away, metaphorically. If you don't want monsters or adventure, you probably should. Just drop last night and focus on the classes, honing your powers and mastering them. Because that's the only way you'll be able to control them and pass for as normal as you're going to get.

Because the past is gone. You're never going to get that back. You're a mutant now. All you can shape from here is your future."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Daniela Steele
Mentions: Anyone in the Danger Room

Daniela was trying to make sense of what she was hearing but for the life of her nothing was making sense. Una had apparently tried to kill one of the professors last night and from what she was hearing someone had tried to kidnap her. Apparently Daniela had missed quite a bit from what she was hearing. She was doing her best to keep the amount of stress she was under from showing.

"um. excuse me..." She tried to speak over the louder of her new classmates.

No one noticed and truth be told she was getting somewhat frustrated.

"Excuse me, but Una did help m-." she tried to speak as Cleo spoke over her seemingly without realizing it and before she had a chance to respond another student spoke up. It was at this moment that all that Daniela had been through since New York broke through, all the running, all the stress, all the fear and all the suppressed anger that she had been bottling up broke out.


Two streams of electricity shot up from her hands in a display beyond her control and slammed into the top of the danger room and made a loud crackling sound. Daniela's eyes flashed yellow for a full minute as she stared at the assembled students. She knew she sounded and looked crazy at the moment and truth be told, she didn't care. She wanted to know what had happened. She wanted to know why it seemed some of the people here had an issue with Una and she wanted to know now.

"Listen. I'm new here. Una brought me here. As far as I can tell she seems like a nice person. I want to know what the hell people seem to have against her. I want to know what the hell happened that has some of you freaked out."

Daniela's eyes flickered down to her hands and she saw that they were still radiating with electrical energy and she quickly shoved them into her pockets in an attempt to get rid of the electrical glow. "S-Sorry." She said quietly. "Still working on the control part of that. But I want to know exactly what happened and why people seem to have an issue with Una."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Brioko Jobe

Brioko Jobe

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mathew Frakes

Location: Danger Room

Interactions & Mentions: Open

This is going nowhere fast. Matt thought to himself as he stood up and stepped towards the others.

“Hi I am Matt and I am probably as confused as the rest of you. I have know idea what’s happened but if you get me something from last night I can probably show you. From the little bit that I have heard since getting here some really bad stuff happened and despite no one that was there being able to fully control their powers they somehow managed to survive and are now blaming each other for anything they thought went wrong. Hell Sparkles here just made that quite apparent. Sorry, don’t know anyone’s name yet. Nice light show by the way. Demanding to know everything isn’t going to get us anywhere. So if you have something from that night AND I get a nap and something to eat I would like to see for myself. It seems no one that was there wants to remember and those of us who weren’t there want to know what we have to look forward to.”

He paused briefly looking around the room. “Now someone said they got shot? None of you looked wounded so you must heal fast and it looks like everyone survived; probably because you were all there. None of us are going to have what we would call a normal life, so go ahead and cry that out of your system and start figuring out how to make the most of it. I have been hiding on a farm for two years so I wouldn’t have to touch anyone and I came here for what I think is the same reason ya’ll did. To learn control and figure things out. I have already had a long day and I am tired and hungry and I still need to unpack so unless ya’ll want to start fighting it out between yourselves can we please just get this assembly over with so ya’ll can cool off?”

He stood there trying to hide his uncertainty of the situation. That’s how they stop these things in the movies.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Red7VII
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Red7VII Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Drake “D” Edwards

Interaction/Mentions: @Brioko Jobe | Location: Ashford Institute > Danger Room

"Names," Drake repeated, parroting the Matt's word. The elder student realized he had offered up what he could do, but not what he was called. Were these to be the soldiers in the next fight? The new crop of people who he would be forced to rely upon for survival against spontaneous and unexpected conflicts? Or were previous events a fluke and it was time to simmer down? He supposed it didn't matter. Might as well give a flash card summary of who he was.

"Drake," he said in nearly a shout, his volume unintentional. "When I came in, I had a biological resistance to the effects of extreme temperatures. I couldn't and cannot burn. Now that has evolved into a control of and ability to generate fire. I know my way around a wrench, I am no stranger to throwing hands and I enjoy the occasional sin or three." His thoughts went to his ruined cigarettes for a moment. He looked around the room before letting his gaze drift upward toward the ceiling. "I'm not really sure what's going on anymore. If we all end up joining hands around a fire by the end of our training then... great. I'll even light the thing. But I'm with Matt," he said calmly, giving the younger a small nod. "I'm a walking corpse right now... figuratively speaking. Exhausted. So let's hit the gas on this little pow wow. Some of you I know, some I don't. Who are you and why are you here?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaylee Everose & Coleman St John

Walking along, Cole hadn’t said much since they left his office. The conversation seemed to take a break to some idle chit chat about the weather and other normal topics, however he was going to get his question in and at least, to some extent, felt a little better about sensitive ears that might have been eavesdropping on their talk back in the office. Sunlight filtered through the trees as they walked the perimeter of the Institute as the branches rocked slowly in a steady breeze. “At some point, I want to have a meeting with Professor Finn,” He said looking ahead at the small pathway in front of them. “I know he can look into the past, I want him to see my memories and maybe I can put some of the pieces back together. I think it would answer a lot of questions.”

The breeze pulled at Kaylee's dress gently and pulled her hair across her face. "If you have something from your past that's easy enough. If it makes you feel more at ease."

Kaylee blushed lightly, her own questions she wanted answers to revolving around Cole were much more personal in nature and dialed into the present. Pulling her hair off her face and tucking it behind her ears she attempted to clear her throat. It was a soft sound as if she didn’t really want to intrude on a moment.

“I don’t know,” He shrugged. The thought of feeling more at ease wasn’t the appeal. It was more about filling in spaces in his mind. Like a puzzle that had been assembled, but the pieces had been broken up and some lost. They walked on in silence for a moment. He could tell she was waiting for him to finally ask something and decided it was time. Not far ahead the path would curve around towards Ashford’s cottage and it seemed a fitting subject. “What exactly is Ashford’s mutant ability?” He said not turning his glance towards her, but still looking ahead as if he were considering the answer as he spoke.

Kaylee blinked. "I didn't expect that. Ashford's power is..." She blinked again. Kaylee ran her hands through her hair. "It's… It's quiet like Heidi's power. His brain processes things faster than most everyone. Why did it take me so long to remember that?"

Her odd hesitation caused Cole to regard her with a slight raised eyebrow. For a moment she looked genuinely baffled, which was a look he had never observed in her before. He started to speak, but again considered his words knowing she would end up being her own worst skeptic. His eyes instead focused on a small section of visitor parking spaces towards the middle of the courtyard. The walking path diverged towards the sparse lot. Being a Saturday, there were few cars, but one stuck out in particular: a black Targa Porsche. His quizzical expression remained as they walked closer. “That’s his doctor’s car,” He said tilting his head slightly. Knowing the statement in itself meant little to Kaylee, he continued, “Her pass only works during the weekdays.” He looked at the tag, the unmistakable California cursive font and the stamped lettering INDIGO. “Somebody let her in,” He said. “And they didn’t bother to tell me.”

Kaylee looked over at the car. "Yes. I wasn't aware that she had an appointment. Surely it isn't an emergency do you think? I would think that if it were we both would know."

Looking concerned Kaylee turned to look at Cole. She raised an eyebrow at Cole. "I wasn't told anything." She checked her phone. "I don't have anything listed in my schedule. Well besides spending time with both the girls. I need to get back there soon."

Cole crossed his arms and looked over towards the small cottage. “No, we would have both got a notice by now.” He shook his head and motioned towards a shadetree where his Explorer was parked. “Only a few people have unlimited gate access and other than you and me, there’s only two others here today that have it.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Uná O’Brian


Location: Institute; Danger Room

Interaction: Everyone

Mentions: A lot of people

Uná blinked at Jasper's sudden mood swing. "Oh my apologies Jasper. Though I can see it would have been more fun if you'd been there from the get go." Smiling at Jasper.

Following Jasper Drake and one of the Uná doubles walked in. Meeting the double's eyes Uná let it go. It faded out and Uná let out a soft sigh.

The second Uná double followed a screeching Cleo in. Both the double and Uná looked heartbroken as Cleo’s words echoed back at everyone. Uná shuddered as Cleo delivered the blow that Uná didn't want to face. I can't get away from it… I'll always hurt people. My parents, Cleo, Ms. Everose… I shouldn't be here. What if it's Nikki next time? I can't deal with that. What if I kill someone? What if it's Nikki?...

Snapping her head toward the new blonde who called her freckles Uná's expression cleared. "Being the voice of reason isn't being in charge."

Uná's eyes glided over to Veronica as she made the statement that she wanted to get on with her normal life and laughed without humor. "I hate to stuff you in a barrel kook but your life isn't ever going to be 'normal'. Better wise up to that soon."

Uná sighed heavily and let the last illusion go as Heidi started talking. She was basically restating what Uná said and found obvious. Which means she hadn't seen Uná address it earlier. Great I left Heidi out of the conversation. It's so easy to forget that she's deaf. I'll try to do better next time.

The sparks of lightning that followed the "Enough" that was yelled got Uná's attention quite readily. Uná backed up into Nik, which wasn’t hard since she wasn't that far from him anyway.

As the words poured out of Daniela's mouth Uná smiled brightly. Well there's two people who are willing to be there for me. Nikki and Daniela. I just have to keep them safe. And that power is pretty cool. Uná mouthed Thank you to Daniela as she caught her eye.

Uná blinked as a curly haired boy named Matt introduced himself. She puzzled over why he wanted something from last night and she opened her mouth to ask just that just as Drake decided to join the living. She winced slightly at the near shout of his name. "Thank you Drake, Matt and Daniela. As I said before to Veronica my name is Uná O’Brian. Uná like the fairy in Legend. With Tim Curry. About the unicorns...with Tom Cruz before he was persona non grata…" She trailed off looking around at the others.

Clearing her throat Uná went on. "I can make illusions reality. I was taking some medication that allowed me to access my powers without being unconsciousness but those seem to have backfired. I just used the last of the compound to get Cleo and Drake back in here. I'll try to keep everything sunshine and rainbows so that I don't let a nightmare lose." She made sure she faced Heidi so that she included Heidi as well.

Looking around at everyone else Uná raised an eyebrow in question. "Who's next?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

ᴠᴇʀᴏɴɪᴄᴀ "ʀᴏɴɴɪᴇ" ᴍᴀʟᴄᴏʟᴍ

Saturday, October | Danger Room

Ronnie’s attention twisted to Heidi then Uná. Anger and bitterness burned underneath her eyes. Her teeth gritted underneath her lips until a numbness etched across the muscles. The time to walk away had already left, but that little fact seemed to escape the two. In any other situation, she wouldn’t have bothered with any of them. They were social cripples in her eyes.

She went to open her mouth and reply when several things happened at once. Cleo had come bursting in through the door, ranting and raving about Uná staying away from her. Followed by a doppelganger. Ronnie barely had time to do a double-take before another student’s powers went off. Daniela shouted then twin streams rose to the roof. They struck and fizzled out into a harmless rain of sparks.

Ronnie’s arms instinctively shielded her face. She ducked her body down, worried the building had a short in it. When the student spoke again, her arms lowered and she shot a look at Daniela. This whole fucking school…

The more she spent time here, the worst things got. She doubted that would change.

Before another word could escape her lips, another student stepped in. She had seen him lurking against the wall like a few of the others, but paid him little mind.

After the two boys spoke, Ronnie decided she had it with this fucked up circus show. Any information, little as it had been, was all she would get from them. The realization just increased her frustration at the situation.

“I do know pieces of this fucked up puzzle are missing and these people,” Ronnie pointed to those who Uná revealed to be involved. “Dragged all those here who didn’t go, into their bullshit. And at least one is trying to claim we can walk away but… I doubt that. I wasn’t even here until today and I still got pulled in it without knowing anything.”

She tugged up her purse strap and pushed past the collection, making her way to the door.

“Also one last thing. Just because some of you didn’t think your lives are worth going back to, doesn’t mine wasn’t.” Ronnie snapped then left.

She washed her hands of this group. They weren’t going to help her find answers or even care about their actions affecting others. In the end, Ronnie started to believe her mother was right. The only one you can trust is yourself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Brioko Jobe

Brioko Jobe

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mathew Frakes

Location: Danger Room

Interactions & Mentions: Open, @Almalthia

Matts stomach rumbled as he watched the loud one storm off.I hope she realises she can't escape herself. Looking around the room he noticed everyone was still on edge.
He clapped his gloved hands together with a muffle thud; put on his best smile, and address everyone that remained with all the false bravado he could muster.

"Okay, well it doesn't look like any staff are here so I think it's safe to say I have missed the assembly and this little chat is getting us nowhere. So since I have been up since last night hopping plane to plane I plan to catch a bite to eat then do some unpacking and catch some sleep. Looking forward to meeting everyone in a better mood if any of you care to join me for lunch I would appreciate the company. Just a couple quick questions though. First off is there a fast way to the lunch room? Secondly, is this a regular thing I haven't had a chance to look over any pamphlets or books yet? We do have those right?"
He started toward the door not expecting any answers careful not to touch anyone, his words seemingly getting faster had a nervous twinge.
"I suppose it doesn't matter until Monday, but are there any hobby stores nearby? I had to leave my paints back home. Oh and don't worry about first impressions from me I'm not counting this one. What would I know anyway? I've only had my parents to talk to for the past two years."

It was a testament to how tired he was, he normally didn't babble on like this. He stopped just before the door and Una just in case someone had decided to join him. Looking at Una, "If it's alright by you..."he said as he let his growling stomach finish the sentence.
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