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    1. Chicken 7 yrs ago


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Those words echoed for a moment. Show yourself! Silence filled their work. Then, the whistle of an arrow flew through the air, stabbing itself in a tree just to the Estalian's right. The arrow quivered in place.

"Less demands," warned an older warrior's voice, "or your throat's next."

Hidden behind the rubble of a well and a couple fortunately placed trees, Dirk nocked another arrow onto his bow. He held three arrows in that hand, the better to fire a little faster; he reckoned he'd need that speed in a moment. The huntsman couldn't see the details of the crew ahead, but they outnumbered him. That much he could tell.

Of course, they didn't know that.

"Got a good half dozen archers, we do," growled the poacher in a cold tone. "You might clear the open, but half of you will die first. Be smart. Let's talk."

It was, of course, a blatant lie. Sweat dripped along the archer's dirty blond scalp and down his forehead. He wasn't sure who the strangers were, but they looked like foreigners, and they were clearly on edge. Given the look of them, they were the type that would cut Dirk in half if he walked into the open. Foreign folk were fools like that. That's why they needed threatening.

Dirk kept his stare aimed forward. He'd seen that halfling and that barbarian earlier, but when he took his position he'd lost track of them both. He only hoped he could force peace talks out of the large band ahead before something stupid happened.
So here's my idea:

The Poacher, the Knightbarian, and Bango Baggins are working together and have been contracted by a desperate group of merchants concerned about strange happenings in the woods of late: disappearances, raids, etc. beyond the usual attacks on caravans by bandits. So, they wanted us to go find out what was what from the Witch, and then to act accordingly. This meets the "we don't know exactly what information we're getting" tally and leaves a lot of details just nebulous enough for the GM to work with.

I'll make a post for now, but it won't reference this information for now. I'll only use this information if you guys like it, @BangoSkank@ClocktowerEchos.
Will post after work. I would like my poacher to know the other mercenaries already, yeah!
One more reminder: Friday = last day for open recruitment. All interested parties, please have your sheet completed by midnight of Friday.
So many non-Imperial sorts. Dirk ain't gonna have a good time, is he?

--Adaeze, probably while being on fire
Priest of Taal, Ulric, or Ranald - any allowed?

Araby adventurer?

Poacher turned mercenary to avoid noose?

Also, where does this take place? Posting frequency?
@Enzayne Still eagerly waiting an update on Era from you. Like I said in my critique, she uses a lot of tropes I like.

To everyone else: Friday June 6 is the day applications are closed. Please submit your sheets by then.
Name: Elric Ironheart

Alias: Elric the Gorslayer

Age: 73

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Rank: Sergeant

Affiliation: Mercenaries

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Grimnir, Ancestors

Languages: Khazalid, Reikspeil (Imperial)

Roles: Scout, Warrior (Dwarf Pathfinder)

Spells: None

--Proficiency with Daggers, maces, hammers, battleaxes, swords, crossbows, heavy armor, light armor, shields, helmets
Explorer - Dwarf Pathfinders are experts at foraging and living off whatever they find in the wild. A warband with a Dwarf Pathfinder may roll one more dice than normal in the Exploration Phase, and discard one dice of the player's choice.

Mutations: None

Specific weaknesses:
--Stubborn - For better and for worse, Elric is a stubborn dwarf that doesn't know how to admit when he's wrong.
--Loner - As a ranger, Elric occasionally wanders off on his own to do his fighting. He enjoys the company of Umgi in times of peace, but when it's fighting time he likes to operate quietly.


WS(weapon skill): 4

BS (Ballistic Skill:) 3

(S) Strength: 3

(T) Toughness: 3

(W) Wounds: 1

(I) Initiative: 2

(A) Attacks: 1

(LD) Leadership: 9
A rugged-looking dwarf with a long brown beard, Elric is a far cry from the severe, brightly-clad warriors of proper dwarven holds. The ranger's dark brown eyes shine with intellect. His nose is hooked and his face full and hearty. Laugh lines tugging at his mouth and eyes. He dresses in a simple black cloak over a light shirt of dwarven mail, and his garb is all rather rustic and plain when compared to that of most dwarves. His equipment is all very practical, and he usually wears a smile out of combat. In combat, his expression becomes very serious and focused.

Elric has a lovingly carved lute he keeps with the company's extra gear. The ranger doesn't dare bring it to the battlefield. He also has a warhorn made from the silvered horn of a large Gor that he uses as a signaling device.

Sword - Close Combat; Strength = User's; Parry (Roll a d6 vs. enemy To Hit rolls, deflect is greater than all of them; cannot Parry enemies with 2x own strength)
Axe - Close Combat; Strength = User's; Cutting Edge (extra save modifier of -1)
Crossbow - Range 30; Strength = 4; Move or Fire
Light Armor - Basic Save of 6

Personality: Elric can best be described as a gregarious dwarf. He treats umgi (humans) with remarkable respect, and is eager to swap tales with whomsoever shares a table with him. Everything he does is described with 'a lot': he eats a lot, drinks a lot, plays his lute a lot, and puts up with quite a lot. It takes considerable effort to make him angry, but you'd best pray that Grimnir is feeling merciful if you do make him mad.

Elric's mirth is a mask of sorts. When left to his own devices, he becomes quiet and morose, focused on his work or on some book or another he's gotten his hands on. He remembers the name of every warrior that's died under his watch.

In battle, Elric becomes stony-faced and serious, quiet as can be. It's a rather remarkable transformation: one moment he can be roaring a dwarven marching song, then the next his hand is in the air in a 'stop' motion and his dark eyes are scanning the treeline without a single word.

History: Elric was not born in one of the dwarven holds. His clan is an outcast clan, banished from Karak Norn in the Gray Mountains three centuries ago for a dishonor that cannot be repeated in words. Some of them became Imperial Dwarves, but others traveled from town to town, dwarfhold to dwarfhold, trying to build up their legend and reputation so they may one day be reinvited into dwarven society proper. It is from those rangers that Elric claims heritage.

When Elric was a young warrior of forty five years, he decided he wanted to strike out on his own in pursuit of wealth. He became a mercenary, fighting for whoever would pay him well enough and wasn't a dishonorable bastard. The ranger fell into the company of a band of human mercenaries, and by the end of their adventurers buried most of them. Then he made another group of friends, and he buried most of them, too.

Eventually, Elric signed on as a mercenary pathfinder for the Empire in a war against the Beastmen. In the battles that followed he become a friend of Strausse Von Jager, the man that would later be known as Captain Strausse. When Strausse quit the military to become a mercenary, Elric went with him, offering his expertise as a guide and a fighter.

Likes and Dislikes:
+Friendly rivalry
+Good company
+A good bet
+Food and drink
+Umgi (Humans)

-Thaggoraki (Skaven)
-Grobi (Goblins)
-Elgi (Elves)
-Liars and cheats
-Gunpowder weapons
-Burying his friends

--Elric dreams of the day when his clan will join a dwarf hold once again. He hopes his valor will help bring about that day.
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