If you're a fan of WHFB and that picture doesn't grab you, well, then I don't know what will!
For those that need a little move convincing, allow me to ask this; do you like Gotrek & Felix? Do you like adventures to 'exotic' locales - scorching Khemri, the oppressive but lush jungles of Lustria, or the frigid frozen northlands of Norsca perhaps? - is the idea of RPing a member of a small-to-medium sized band of adventurers, vagabonds and sellswords through the fantadtical horros of the (now exploded) world of Warhammer Fantasy to your liking?
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then I shall assume your interest and ask you to read on.
So, displeased with the inactivity of Games Workshop IP role-plays on this site, and frankly itching to start one in their now defunct but fertile setting, I decided to go ahead and do just that.
As I have said, the player (you) will be taking the part of a character who is a 'signed-up' member of The Guild of Esteemed Sellswords! You may or may not know one another, possibly never even met, but at this point in your life you find yourself somewhat short of coin, maybe a little bored with life, and have decided to make your way to one of the Guilds regular meeting and recruiting spots - a cosy little place, an inn to be exact, near Rottfurt in the Reikwald forest.
I'll be allowing members of any race that won't get lynched or otherwise murdered in an Imperial city and putting a definite limit on magic users, as they often seem to complicate things.
Numbers will also be limited, but I will be looking for quality over first-come-first-served in the case of this RP; I intend to to make it a homage to the World That Was Lost, a world I grew quite fond of, as well as a fun and hopefully continuous experience for those that intend to join.
Thank you.
Character Creation/Profiles
Here is the character profile/registration format, which needs to followed exactly. When created, please Private Message the profile to the moderator (me) for approval.
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Career (if any) and Skills:[/b]
[b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b]
[b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b]
Players & Their Character Profiles
W.I.P - W.I.P - @Jbcool