I usually prefer playing uncommon races, monstrous or otherwise, but I can play normal ones as long as background is interesting.
Speaking of which, is it possible to have a background that allows a positive relationship or vision to monsters, like say, being raised by them or even having been rescued by one?
Okay, it took a while but I got it. Hope it didn't come too late.
Real Name: Zira/Huruma Cursed Name: Bianca Kovulan Age:62 Appearance: Despite her age, Bianca possesses a powerful build, giving her somewhat intimidating appearance. She wears a variety of outfits, whatever fits the situation. Her hair is equally variable, sometimes in dreadlocks, sometimes spiked out like a lion’s mane. Pre-Curse Occupation: Queen, later Warlord Post-Curse Occupation: Spa Hotel Proprietor World Originated From: Outlands, Africa Family Members: Nuka (Son) Vitani (Daughter) Kovu (Son) Magic User?(in worlds with magic): Yes Personality: Bianca has had many personalities over the years. When she was Huruma, she was shy, yet empathetic, particularly those who were similarly outcast as her. She loved her husband and her children, and was ready to do anything for them. Her empathy also extended to other tribes.
When she was Zira, she was opportunistic, cynical and vindictive. She let her emotions, especially her hatred, control her. She became abusive to her children, and violent to anyone who questioned her. The only one who she truly loved was the late Scar, who's memory she cherished.
Bianca is a control freak. Whoever or whatever she can own, she keeps with all her might. She is greedy, caring more for money than people. However, she is quite affectionate for whatever family members she has left. She can also show gratitude of a work well done, especially when that work has been profitable. But may God have mercy on those who try to take something that belongs to Bianca.
Backstory: Huruma was taught by a mysterious sorcerer with white hair the magic of True Names, how they can influence a person's identity and how one can gain control over them. Huruma told of this power to his husband, Scar, who was fascinated by the possibilities. They first gave a magical name to their daughter Vitani, which means "Demon of War", to become the general of the pride's armies. But Scar wanted more. The only real heir for Scar was Scar himself, and so he demanded a son who would be his copy. For such powerful magic Scar's own blood would do. But Scar didn't care, whether or not his copy had his blood, as long as he was his copy. And so the Sorcerer slept with her apprentice, and months later Huruma gave birth to a son. And that son was named Kovu, which means "scar".
But magic always comes with a price. Kovu would grow up to be like Scar, gaining many of his positive, and negative, traits, but he wasn't Scar reincarnated. Scar wasn't always Scar. He was once Taka, and there was no power of True Names involved in that change of names. Thus Kovu would become his own man. And Vitani would become a brilliant strategist who revelled in warfare. But politics and warfare don't mix, which many politicians have through generations failed to realize. And so Vitani would choose the militarily best options, even when they didn't match political agendas.
Zira learned it the hard way, when Kovu actually fell in love with Kiara, abandoning his mission. Zira however wasn't so easily betrayed. She set up an ambush in the hopes of killing Simba herself, but Simba was no weakling. He managed to escape, leaving the long neglected Nuka fatally wounded. The death of her oldest son awakened something lost behind the True Names long ago in Zira, and for the first time in years she felt love. But soon that love was replaced by hate again. She struck Kovu, scarring his face, and blamed him for Nuka’s death. Kovu abandoned Zira and the Outlanders.
Frustrated, Zira decided to kill Simba and Kiara herself. But as she ordered the outlanders to prepare for a full charge, Vitani stepped forth to suggest a series or hit-and-run raids instead. She reminded the outlanders that the Pride Lands army still outnumbered them three to one, and with Kiara’s younger brother, Kion, leading the pridelanders, a straight battle would be a suicide. Zira, filled with rage and impatience, accused Vitani of treachery and attacked her. But Zira, raging and erratic, was no match to the calm and tactical Vitani, who easily bested her. On the spot Vitani disowned Zira and left with the Outlanders to do things right.
Abandoned and alone, Zira wandered aimlessly, until she came across other unfortunate souls like her, and together they hatched a plan. It was Zira’s knowledge of the True Names that allowed the Poor Unfortunate Souls to create new identities for themselves and their slaves.
In the new world, Zira abandoned her hatred bringing name, and took a new one, Bianca Kovulan. While her allies took political spots in their personal paradise, Bianca founded the Circle of Life Resort. In the Spa Hotel Bianca keeps records of the True Names. She also has a secondary mission of keeping outsiders from getting too curious. Sometimes it suffices that they merely enjoy the good life in the spa before they have to return home, but if they are stubborn, Bianca takes their names and identities, turning them into new workers for the spa.
I used the surname Kovulan in this version, because I went with the assumption that Bianca is still Torvon's Mother in Storybrooke.
I’d offered but wasn’t sure if @Chiro had wanted it for their char
I’m cool with Alex taking it though - sounds intriguing haha
It was more of a suggestion from @Captain Swan of Zira's role, though who actually is the Dark One is still up in the air. Let's hear what @alexfangtalon had in mind first.
Speaking of which, I should probably start making my char(s) as well.