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Yep. I've just been busy for the last few days.

Nale listened to River's explanation with interest.

"That's quite fascinating, actually" He admitted, rubbing his chin, "I mean, that's nothing new for me, but for winged people to exist in your state during this time and era. I would understand if this was the Age of the Overlords, but... On the other hand, sometimes magic varies regionally. Let's ponder this when there is more time. I have a feeling it's going to take a day or two to solve this."


Nale, not really noticing the foreman's disapproval of his behavior, sighed in disappointment, "I suppose we have to get to the Fleshworks then. Better notify the - Gyaa-oh!"

Nale jumped away from the cart and let out a horrified exclamation as he looked at the foreman and the other newts. He hadn't even realized the workers weren't humans, so focused he was on finding his daggers. Now he realized it and was terrified. In his world a race of reptiles metalworking underground fit only one description: Kobolds.

Kobolds belonged to the faerie species, more specifically to a subtype called the Small Folk, craftsmen of incredible skill shorter than humans. Small folk were usually helpful, but merciless if anyone insulted them. Nale was terrified for his life. He had barged in and started going through the kobolds' stuff without asking permission or showing any other kind of politeness.

"I-I-I'm so terribly sorry," Nale stuttered, dreading the fate the kobolds would plan against him. "I didn't mean to barge in like that. I... If there is a way to pay for my transgression just tell me your price."

He then rushed to the other companions. "Listen! Don't take anything unless they give permission! Be polite and follow their rules! This is their place and... their... realm?"

It was at that moment when he remembered his conversation with Pox before going to the warehouse.


Nale groaned after Pox had described his realm's... Laws of Essence it must have been what he said. They were from different realms after all, and not only that, things Nale took for granted didn't apply everywhere.

"If what your are saying is true, Po... Sir Pox" Nale quickly corrected himself. Perhaps a certain level of formality was good now, "Then we are screwed. If you can gain power without getting a weakness as payment, then that would mean that you can become invincible. And if that is true, Kazzok might be invincible as well"

[Everyone in the storeroom]

Nale slapped his face.

"I'm an idiot." He sighed before turning back to everyone. "I apologize for that show earlier. This whole imprisonment in a foreign realm and all is driving me crazy." He sighed deeply, "Anyway, we should all join the others and move on. Also, those of you who didn't hear, our actual stuff is in the Fleshworks, so we'll probably have to go through there, if that's okay with Anchiel, which I'll ask once we get back with the rest."
@Aerandir I'll keep that in mind. Let's say that at the moment Annabelle is simply on the run from the law.

Well, if she was a Merchant, she probably lived in Yeruse, though as a freeholder I was thinking that she lived in a town north of Yeruse (from where she ran into the woods to be an outlaw)

Of course, if a particular area is known as Tricaelia's breadbasket, Annabelle might be from there

The hero sighed in relief after hearing Primalia's and Uriel's answers. "It seems that we are still in the same world. I have seen countless magic systems during my years as a hero, and a lot of different constructs, but one rule remains constant. No strength without weakness." Nale turned to Uriel "Since we are most likely still on the same world, I think that long ago some of my people travelled beyond the sea and colonized your home continent. Or wise versa, my ancestors arrived from your continent and settled mine. It doesn't really matter who travelled where, it's just a question of chickens and eggs, but the point is, since the same universal rule applies, we simply live in lands not yet discovered by others. This dungeon might be in another similarly distant land, perhaps even Kazzok's homeland."

Nale looked as the Stranger, no, Anchiel wrote his name down. He slapped himself on the head.

"Of course," He groaned, "Why didn't I think of asking if he can read and write?" Nale lokked at Anchiel apologetically. "I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner, you wouldn't have had to... do that to write. We will procure proper writing equipment to you as soon as we can."

It was then that Uriel told to collect the two in the storeroom. "I can do that." Nale volunteered, "Wait just a minute, I'll be right back" he told and left for the storeroom. But as he entered, he heard the foreman tell how one of the object was the undead's anchor, or at least, that's what he thought the foreman said. Quickly Nale dived into the crate with blades, looking for his daggers. "So, are these weapons confiscated from the prisoners?" He asked while checking.
That actually offers some interesting worldbuilding opportunities. Perhaps Tricaelians follow a goddess. Maybe there are several popes, along with one high pope. And holy symbol, well, it could be just about anything.

And not just religion. Since Tricaelia is a world with magic, medicine is definitely move effective than during the actual middle ages.

In fact, there was a custom born from a belief that King's touch, born of divine authority could heal diseases. In fact one disease, scrofula, was associated with the believed healing power of the Royal Touch to the point that it became also known as King's Evil.

King Willum is confirmed to possess magic, so he may also possess a Royal Touch. One sign of his callousness towards his people could be that he refuses to perform the ritual.

EDIT: Oops, didn't notice @Kitty answering. But nevermind about the religion.

Anyway, my character doesn't like nobles, whoever they are. To her noble blood is like a poison. But we will see. This might prove interesting.
It may take a while for me to finish this, so I'll put it here unfinished and edit is as I go (better that way than having to start all over every time).

Depending on the circumstances, I might also make a guild
I'm also interested.

Now, I have a character, who I'm not sure where she would fit.

The character I had in mind plans to destroy nobility and royalty and turn Tricaelia into a land ruled by the commoners for the commoners. There is a certain hypocrisy involved in my character, however, because she isn't exactly lower class. She is either a merchant or a relatively wealthy freeholder (a peasant who owns their own land), granting her access to education among other things. She also hates everything noble and seeks to erase every trace of it (She plans to kill the King, but has no intention of sparing the Queen, nor their children).

Would this character fit this game?
I for one always liked those cartoons (although I'm even bigger fan of the reboots).

Did you have anything particular in mind?
Nale wasn't really sure what to do with the creature, so he just greeted it as it passed by. Sighing in relief he followed the rest.

He listened for a while for Uriel's rant, before he went into thought as well. "Now that you mention it" He finally said, "What I've looked at everyone, things don't seem to be consistent with what I've grown used to. I mean, I have seen constructs, undead and the like, but there are small details that are wrong. That plus none of you seem to know the lands of each other, and yet most of us possess the same skin tone. I know there's at least one unknown continent, but you folks look like your came from the central lands like me. And this world is too... normal to be an Otherworld. Granted, this place looks a little like the Hellrealm, but if it was, where are the demons?"

He then listened to Primalia. "I have seen winged folk a few times, but these were vampires who pretended being fae. Of course, real fae look like whatever stories are told of them. Some angels have wings too, but they seem too mortal to be angels. Some beastfolk can resemble birds, but they can change between human form and winged form. River's form, on the other hand, appears to be permanent." Nale looked at River "That is you natural form, isn't it?"

It was then that it hit Nale. Uriel said that he hadn't seen magic like the locks. He needed to check. "How does the magic you know of work?" He asked, pointing at Uriel "What I know of it, there is no strength without weakness. Whatever abilities you gain makes you vulnerable to something, one way or another. Does the magic you know work like that? Do you need to bond with the world or outside forces to use magic on a high level? Can that magic turn against you? Damage your senses, turn you mad, even kill you if you cast something too powerful or disruptive. Does it get weaker on lands where that magic isn't commonly practiced?"

Nale then pointed at Primalia, "When you were built, did your creator warn you to avoid certain things, fire or water or anything? Do you get rebellious, violent, or even just angry when people treat you like an object? Does you body require constant maintenance?"

Nale took a few deep breaths, "Sorry about that," He apologized, "It's just that... I think I might have an idea what's going on, and I needed to know."
Finally the group moved on. Nale gave one final look at the construct before joining the others. The hero moved from one hiding spot to the next, staying in a corner before rushing forward, beware of every step he made. This was not the first prison he had been in, but this dungeon was somehow... wrong. And he didn't mean in the way of its guards. The construct was strangely made. Usually alchemists preferred to keep some kind of human or similar natural form in their creations, but that armor was more like a mockery. Perhaps there was some kind of fear factor involved.

Nale stopped hiding when the group reached some other cells. The prisoners, unmoving in their shadows, unnerved him.

"Are these prisoners like this in their natural state?" He thought aloud. He had seen many strange species throughout his hero career, and this group wasn't exactly average, so they could be another race he hadn't seen before.

"Or are they what we would have become, had we stayed here?" This dungeon was obviously wrong, all these... monsters inside. And the prisoners seemed, well, empty. Perhaps the dark magic, which the Strange kept at bay, would turn those inside into these shadows.

Nale wanted to touch one of the prisoners, but managed to resist himself. It was best not to risk anything right now.

It was then that his attention was turned to two new arrivals. The men had apparently followed them from the cells.

"Hello" Nale greeted, "And I suppose you can join us, if that is okay with everyone else. It is a better fate than turning into one of these shadow prisoners, assuming of course they are what we could have become had the Stranger..." He pointed at the masked little one, "not released us. But we need to hurry. I don't know if you saw it, but there was a construct of some kind, made of armor and flesh, that might still be moving. And it is not alone."
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