@VeradanaNale listened to River's explanation with interest.
"That's quite fascinating, actually" He admitted, rubbing his chin, "I mean, that's nothing new for me, but for winged people to exist in your state during this time and era. I would understand if this was the Age of the Overlords, but... On the other hand, sometimes magic varies regionally. Let's ponder this when there is more time. I have a feeling it's going to take a day or two to solve this."
@LumiereNale, not really noticing the foreman's disapproval of his behavior, sighed in disappointment, "I suppose we have to get to the Fleshworks then. Better notify the - Gyaa-oh!"
Nale jumped away from the cart and let out a horrified exclamation as he looked at the foreman and the other newts. He hadn't even realized the workers weren't humans, so focused he was on finding his daggers. Now he realized it and was terrified. In his world a race of reptiles metalworking underground fit only one description: Kobolds.
Kobolds belonged to the faerie species, more specifically to a subtype called the Small Folk, craftsmen of incredible skill shorter than humans. Small folk were usually helpful, but merciless if anyone insulted them. Nale was terrified for his life. He had barged in and started going through the kobolds' stuff without asking permission or showing any other kind of politeness.
"I-I-I'm so terribly sorry," Nale stuttered, dreading the fate the kobolds would plan against him. "I didn't mean to barge in like that. I... If there is a way to pay for my transgression just tell me your price."
He then rushed to the other companions. "Listen! Don't take anything unless they give permission! Be polite and follow their rules! This is their place and... their... realm?"
It was at that moment when he remembered his conversation with Pox before going to the warehouse.
@ShwiggityShwahNale groaned after Pox had described his realm's... Laws of Essence it must have been what he said. They were from different realms after all, and not only that, things Nale took for granted didn't apply everywhere.
"If what your are saying is true, Po... Sir Pox" Nale quickly corrected himself. Perhaps a certain level of formality was good now, "Then we are screwed. If you can gain power without getting a weakness as payment, then that would mean that you can become invincible. And if that is true, Kazzok might be invincible as well"
[Everyone in the storeroom]
Nale slapped his face.
"I'm an idiot." He sighed before turning back to everyone. "I apologize for that show earlier. This whole imprisonment in a foreign realm and all is driving me crazy." He sighed deeply, "Anyway, we should all join the others and move on. Also, those of you who didn't hear, our actual stuff is in the Fleshworks, so we'll probably have to go through there, if that's okay with Anchiel, which I'll ask once we get back with the rest."