Although Mr Gimmick wasn't one to ignore a banter, this was the perfect time for him to escape. La Buitre and Dr Science both had great potential. They were something this world rarely saw anymore, a proper hero and a classic villain.
But before leaving, Mr Gimmick went behind the counter, took two pieces of paper and wrote on them.
The first piece of paper he stuck on one of Dr Science's drones
I Like you, Doc. So few villains respect the old customs.
If you want to meet, go where my mask died hard, look for Knight Rider's vehicle's vehicle, and knock Shave and a haircut.
Next he sneaked to his suitcase, took it and noticed one of the skeletal hands moving about. Silently he dropped the other note in it's bony palm.
"Give this to her" He whispered.
Don't be sad for failing, La Buitre. Heroes rarely thwart stage one.
If you want to catch me, discover my theme. Look my mask and go to movies. It's a good start.
Then he tried to sneak though the front door and into the car, hoping to speed away before the two stopped their hamming.
I finally managed to finish my character I never succeeded in doing in the previous OOC. I hope you like it.
Name: Annabelle Tyler
Race: Human
Faction: Whoever has the power to erase monarchy from the face of the earth. If there isn't one, she'll make one.
Age: 23
Description: Annabelle is a tall woman with a muscular frame, a product of years of hard labor. She keeps her blonde hair in a ponytail to keep it out of the way when he works. Her freckled face and body has gained many scars over the years. Annabelle prefers practical clothing. Anything fancy is an anathema to her ideals.
Personality: Annabelle is a brave, reliable, mature and industrious individual, who likes being independent and doing things her way. Sometimes her stubborness can be detrimental to her, though she can give in. Annabelle is an honest woman and greatly values the reliability it brings to her. She used to have great empathy for others and often put others' feelings before her own, but over the years her empathy has lessened, and at certain ties she can get outright vicious. This hasn't been made any better by her increasingly vindictive streak.
"Class": Outlaw, wannabe revolutionary.
Motivation: Annabelle wants to erase anything royal and aristocratic from Tricaelia and turn it into a republic.
History: Annabelle is a freeholder, a peasant who owns her own land and is not bound to nobles through rent (tenants) or serfdom (serfs). Tylers are well respected in their home town of Yeruse, and generations of Tylers have been members of the Town Militia. In fact the current Captain of the Militia is Annabelle's older brother Sebastian, while Annabelle used to work as his Sergeant.
But times are hard in Tricaelia to be a peasant, as the nobles become greedier and more debauched. More and more tenants are evicted from their households for being unable to pay their ever increasing rents, and serfs are forced to endure worsening humiliations at the hands of the nobles who are supposed to protect them. Freeholders aren't untouched either, as the royal court increases their taxes and declares other laws. Last year Tylers were forced to demolish their mill, when it was declared that only nobles were allowed to own mills.
It all came to a head when the local Sheriff came to confiscate Yeruse's creamery for himself. As the creamery belonged to the Tylers, it made Annabelle angry and she went to tell her mind. The Sheriff got furious and said that he would teach Annabelle and other commoners their place. He ordered his subordinates to take Annabelle's little sister, Isolde. It was then that Annabelle had enough and attacked the Sheriff. Sebastian took his sisters' side and with the militia dealt with Sheriff's soldiers. The Sheriff, realizing his peril, begged for mercy and reminded that he is still a noble. Although he may have hoped to be ransomed alive, Annabelle instead found him guilty of being a noble and sentenced him to death.
Realizing the implications of what would happen to the town once the King heard that the militia had killed the Sheriff, so Annabelle instead chose to take the blame for herself. She took the tax revenue the Sheriff's men had collected, along with her equipment and ran away to the woods. Meanwhile the story was told that Annabelle had been caught poaching before murdering Sheriff for his money, and was now declared an outlaw. Sebastian still sends militia to find Annabelle, though all attempts amount to nothing. In reality the militiamen bring information to Annabelle, where she plans her next big move: Revolution.
Strengths: Annabelle is a skilled fighter, a product of militia training. She is literate and knowledgeable of economics and politics. Annabelle is, despite her roughness, an empathetic individual and will help those in need.
Weakness: Annabelle loves her family dearly, and she dreads what will happen if the King and his Vanguard ever discovered that they are accomplishes of her. She couldn't stand the idea of losing them. Despite her hatred of royalty and nobility, Annabelle won't harm children. The memory of what almost happened to Isolde haunts her still.
What is your character's greatest flaw? Annabelle has a very black and white View of the world. Everything for her is either/or, and there is no middle ground.
Oh, and here's a song I came up with some time ago. It's actually for another project, but I think it fits this game rather well.
It is a protest song and a call for revolution, one that is not sung openly. King Willum will probably execute (or do something equally terrible) anyone caught singing it, and I don't think Prince Aaron would be a fan of this song either, for obvious reasons.
"Citizens, do hear my call, for what I sing concerns you all. Turn your eyes to that dark fort, within there lies the Blood King’s Court
In Blood King’s court there is no joy, for everyone is Blood King’s toy. As playground acts the dungeon dark, it’s full of toys for cruel monarch.
In Blood King’s court no woman smiles, they victims are of Blood King’s viles. His bloody touch feel maids and queen, from bed chamber come horrid screams.
In Blood King’s court there is no peace, for King’s bloodlust will never cease. Neighbouring country’s lands will burn, and then it is the next one’s turn.
To Blood King’s Court there is no end, for Blood King’s son will throne ascend. Such father drives the prince insane, and next king will be just the same.
Do you have what takes to be, the heroes that this country needs? To raise the banners, hoist the swords, and bring an end to Blood King’s Court?"
I don't own any kind of music maker, so I can't really present how the melody went inside my head, but the lyrics are the main point anyway.
I think I'll re-submit Nale as well, if there is still room
Former Title: Nale the Fate-seeker Name: Nataniel Molinero Age: 24 Pronouns: Male Race: Hero, formerly human Personality: Though not as easily excited as in his youth, the mysteries of the world continue to fascinate Nale. He’s curious and inquisite, wanting to know more of that which he doesn’t. During the mission he takes a serious attitude and will save any ally and innocent he can. He prefers studying a situation over jumping into danger, but can throw caution into the wind, if an opportunity to be the hero of the hour presents itself. Appearance: Short and scrawny Nale ain't that impressive in appearance, but appearances can fool you. He has a tanned skin, short black hair and brown eyes. Nale's body has over the years been filled with scars from confrontations with monsters. Nale wears a Heroes’ Guild uniform of brown leather trousers, jacket, boots. gloves and a capotain hat. Nale also has a necklace with a golden circle, a symbol of he Guild’s membership. Abilities/Powers: Strenght + Arete of Hiding: Nale can hide himself so well that he literally can’t be discovered. As long as he is in a spot that can conceal himself completely (in a corner, behind a rock etc.), it will be almost like he wasn’t there at all. Nale can’t hide, if there are no hiding spots, and disguises work only as well as they would on a normal person. He is also visible when he attacks from his hiding spot, though he knows how to take down a target quickly before hiding again. Objects and people he holds cannot be spotted either, provided the hiding place can conceal them, but they can be spotted if Nale leaves them. Weakness - Hamartia of a Gloryhound: Ironically for someone who is good at hiding, Nale graves attention. Being praised as a hero is like a narcotic to him, and if a chance to gain fame presents itself, Nales takes it. Other Abilities Besides Arete, Hero trained by the Guild needs to be a jack-of-all-trades. Nale is a skilled knifefighter, though no duelist. He is observant and good at listening, which is useful for spying. He knows how to climb mountains and buildings, as well as jump far and ride a horse. Nale possesses great knowledge of the supernatural, necessary for a hero. He knows how to cook and speaks five languages (Metamundian tongues, though).
Equipment: None at the moment. Before their cofiscation, Nale mostly used seven daggers, each made or coated in one of the seven alchemical metals (lead, tin, iron, gold, copper, mercury and silver) as weapons against creatures. He also has an eight, steel dagger, to use against normal enemies. Inventory: None at the moment. Before capture Nale had a wide variety of survival equipment. Rope, lint, eating utensils, a small pot, bedroll, a small tent and some travel rations. He also had a compass and a book of different kinds of creatures of Metamundus. Origin:
Metamundus is a world full of magic and creatures, where only one rule is constant: No Strenght without Weakness. In other words, whatever powers you gain makes you vulnerable to something else. Metamundus is not a unified world, but is instead splintered into several countries with distinct languages and cultures. Whatever magic and/or creatures dominate varies according to time period. The current period is known as the Age of Order. There is not much magic at the moment and creatures tend to stay in hiding. But from time to time a monster appears to cause trouble, and that is when they need heroes. Heroes can work independently, or join an organization of some kind. The most prestigious hero organization on Metamundus is the Heroes’ Guild of the Malana Kingdom. Technological marvels of the Age of Order include full-rigged ships, cast iron and cannon. Feudal kingdoms are giving way to nation-states and absolute monarchies, printing press makes literacy widespread, and celestial navigation brings explorers to new lands beyond the sea.
Backstory: Nale wanted to be a hero as long as he can remember. The opportunity came when an Oracle visited his home village. However, Nale was shocked to discover that his destiny was not to be a hero. In fact it appeared he had no destiny at all. The Oracle, fascinated by the theoretical impossibility that Nale was, requested that the boy joins her on the Journey to Malana's capital, not to become a student at the Hero Academy he had wished, But to the Grand Temple of Order for studies. Later one night, unwilling to spend the rest of his life being researched by the oracles, Nale attempted to do something none had done before, sneak into the Hero Academy and study being a hero in secret. He managed to get in, but eventually was intercepted by the guards. The Grandmaster of the Heroes' Guild was impressed by the fact that Nale could get even to the walls of the academy, and let him join the other apprentices. It was then that Nale learnt his Arete of hiding, and gained the Hero's Name, Fate-Seeker, after the fact that his destiny has not been seen.
Over the following years Nale learnt how to be a hero. He has been an Apprentice at the school, Sidekick to professional adventurers, and now, having graduated from the academy, a Journeyman. He has fought vampires, faeries, witches, spirits and creatures stranger still, and travelled all across the lands of Metamundus. But the reason why Nale seemingly has no destiny has remained a mystery.
But then a new enemy appeared. seven alchemists, who called themselves the "Body of Kazzok", declared their intention to take over the land in the name of "King Kazzok"
Nale joined other Heroes and Creatures in saving the land from this strange alliance and their servants. Nale, master of hiding, infiltrated the base to spy on the Body’s plans and capabilities. It was then that he discovered Kazzok’s plan. As a spirit without body he needed a vessel to enter a realm, which would make him invincible. The Body intended to sacrifice themselves to give Kazzok an actual body. Using this knowledge Nale sneaked into the portal room just as Kazzok was about to appear. Before the Body could finish the ritual, Nale took out his mercury dagger and plunged it into Kazzok’s spiritual essence, vaporizing him. The Body, bound to Kazzok, died with their master. Nale walked out of the base into the crowd of celebrating people…
…And woke up to find himself in a pillory inside a dungeon of some kind, Kazzok’s Brain looking at him mockingly. The Brain revealed that the whole opportunity to kill Kazzok was only in Nale’s head, an illusion designed to take advantage of his Hamartia. Kazzok’s Brain thanked Nale for allowing them to finish their real job and left the broken hero to wallow in his misery.
Nale looked at the silent room, when everyone was waiting who would put their hand up first. But Nale knew his answer before Praxis had finished speaking. He stepped forward and took his hat off, pressing it against his chest.
"I've been a Hero since I was a boy. Although I have gone through dozens, maybe hundreds of quests over the years, I've never discovered my true destiny. But Everyone has a place, and Everyone is needed. And it seems my place is here, and the multiverse needs me."
Nale lifted his free hand.
"I, Nale the Fate-Seeker of Malana, accept this quest."
It was something he had gotten used to over the years. One day he was running towards danger and the next running away from danger. This time it was the latter. And not only that, but he had two children with him. The older one, the girl, could run by herself, but the younger one, the boy, was too exchausted, so Nale had to carry him.
They didn't run in a straight line. From time to time Nale took the two children behind a stone or a tree so they could rest and hide from their pursuer. It was hard to navigate through the woods, especially on this night when the thick clouds covered all the stars. But a Hero never leaves unprepared. Nale took out of his pocket a small stone and kept it on an open palm. The stone began moving away from Nale's hand.
Homing Stones were interesting artifacts. They were a pair of stones linked to each other through magic. When the stones were separated from each other, they would start moving towards each other. By leaving one stone at home, preferably somewhere safe, and taking the other with you, you would find your way home by going to the same direction the stone rolls.
Nale, deciding it was safe to move again, put the stone back into the pocket and ran with the two children. Finally they reached the village. On every door there was a horseshoe with ends pointing upwards, and above it four triangles forming a square, the holy symbol of the Sacred Order. Nale and the children ran to the third house to the left and knocked the door three times. Before the door opened, Nale turned to the girl.
"When you get inside, don't say a word. Just stay quiet until it's morning. Here..." He gave the girl his stone, "Take good care of it. I will return to take it back."
The girl nodded nervously. Then the door opened and a woman, the mother of the siblings, took them in. Nale stayed outside as the door was locked. Then he heard a sound. He didn't know what that sound exactly was, but he knew who was the owner of it.
"You are too late, Erlkönig" Nale said, turning around, "The children are safe now."
In front of him stood a somewhat humanlike being, tall as a tree and just as thin. It war covered in black armor except for the head, which had no face, only hair that reached further than its body and moved about like branches of a tree in storm.
Erlkönig, King of the Bugbears.
"You can't hide from me, Fate-Seeker," The fey said in a voice too low for any human to make, "Or rather, you won't."
Erlkönig was right. Despite all of his terror, Nale had stayed on the door, instead of taking to a new hiding place, just so he could face the boogeyman for the honor and glory of doing him in. But Nale had learned long ago of his fatal flaw, and prepared for battle. On one hand he took his iron dagger, and on the other he held the Book of Structures, Sacred Order's holy scripture.
"Let us see, if you are stronger than the Weaver." The Hero said, approaching Erlkönig. The fey unleashed some of his hair strands, but their movements were erratic and Nale cut them off with his dagger. But the King of the Bugbears wasn't easily cowed. He released the rest of his hair to Nale.
"Everyone has a place, and everyone is needed." Nale spoke the holy words.
"Everyone has a place, and everyone is needed. Everyone has a place, and everyone is needed! EVERYONE HAS A PLACE-"
"AND EVERYONE... is... needed?"
Nale looked around the room in confusion. Around him was a hogde-podge of people, though some looked more like homunculi, including this... Praxis. Realizing that he was still holding his dagger, he put it back.
"Sorry about that" He chuckled "I was in the middle of the battle when I came here. And the villagers probably think Erkönig took me with him. Long story, I'll explain later."
Nale then turned to Praxis.
"One very important question I think we all need to know the answer to is, how different are magic and achemy in each universe? Let's just say that I might not be able to use my skills in a world without Heroes. Then again, maybe I can think more clearly elsewhere."
"What the!?" Mr Gimmick exclaimed as the bank exploded. It was certainly the best way to describe what had happened. The old villain fell to the ground, though luckily he managed to get out of the rubble's way.
"Is everybody all right?" He asked from the civilians and other people in the bank. Granted, it wasn't expected for a villain to care for the hostages, but Mr Gimmick didn't like endangering people in the first place. It was then that he remembered the sleeping guards and quickly crawled to them. He sighed in relief that they weren't harmed by the rubble.
Gimmick looked closer at the new villain, Dr Science. He certainly acted like a thrill villain, even taping his actions. He was serious, and devoted, but reckless.
Under normal circumstances Mr Gimmick would have taken the opportunity and ran, but a part of him wanted to observe. There were so few real, good old thrill villains these days, and such talent should be developed. Perhaps he could become his successor.
But all in good time.
"Nice entrance" He said, clapping his hands. "I especially like the booming voice. But you really need to be more careful with your collateral damage. Robbery, especially grandiose robbery, is all part of the villainy, but the Super-Police is not going to like manslaughter, even if it's involuntary. Nor do I think your fans are going to like it if you needlessly endanger people. Not only that, but there is already a hero here, a young hero, and if she dies-"
It was then that Mr Gimmick realized that La Buitre was probably still somewhere in the building.
"La Buitre!" He started calling, "La Buitre! Can you hear me? Are you all right? La Buitre!"