Annabelle Tyler
Collab with: @Aerandir
When Fenros was brought back to his cell, he was thrown into it. He grunted He grunted in pain as he hit the cold stone floor. The door shutting behind him as the guards began to talk about something else as they walked away. He rested there for a minute or two, taking in some deep breaths. After pushing himself to his knees, he shuffled over on all ‘threes’ while holding his broken hand close to his chest. He made it to the corner he was aiming to get to and pulled off a chunk of rock that was loose. It dropped to the ground with a clatter, but he didn’t care.
This was the point when he heard a female voice saying his name. He didn’t look over to who ever was talking but he reached into the hole in the wall and pulled out a silver necklace with a ring on it. He had hid it there earlier before he was taken away. Managing to hide it from the guards who searched him. He let out a relieved sigh and held it in his left hand as he turned and sat right where he was kneeling. His back to the wall, he closed his eyes and held the jewelry close to his lip. With his eyes closed.
After a moment he opened them to see a woman in the cell opposite of him, She mentioned something about fate and meeting him. He asked very gruffly, “And you are?” He looked around his cell. He would take this moment to rest, but he needed to get out of here, if Eva’s threats were real. El...he had just put her in danger. A cold hand seemed to gripped around his heart at that thought. His anger, and lack of thinking put her in harm's way and he couldn’t be there to stop it.
Annabelle looked at the prisoner, Fenros, in front of her. He was certainly in bad shape, at least in body. Mind didn’t seem exactly broken, more like worried. ”Daisy,” She spoke, looking around before continuing. ”That is the name I gave to the inquisitor. My real name is Annabelle. Although, I’m not really sure if what my name is really matters. The rest of Akarath probably simply calls me Assassin”
The Outlaw chuckled. ”You probably think me mad revealing this to you, and perhaps I am mad. But it doesn’t really matter if I tell you who I am or not. The inquisitor only hears what she wants to hear, and sometimes she’s too dim to realize even that. Learned that the hard way, and apparently so did you. In a way, seeing you here is a relief. It means that the city is in chaos, and the Royals eating each other, hopefully at least.”
Fenros sat silently...when she said assassin he was suppressed. She was the one who started all of this? He stayed silent as she continued talking. He didn’t understand her at first, but when it did his eyes opened wide. Him being there was a relief? And everything was in chaos? She...She did this! He pushed himself up quickly and moved to the bars. “You….YOU did this?” He said angrily. His mind finally clicked at the ‘source’. “YOU SAID I WAS APART OF THE ATTEMPT!?” He slammed his left fist against the cold Iron bars. “WHY?” His voice loud enough to vibrate the other metal in the room.
Annabelle realised her mistake. She had been too noisy, too revealing, and if the guards heard the racket, they would come and check. She let out a tirade of screams while dropping on her knees. I AM SORRY, MASTER! I TRIED TO WITHSTAND THE PAIN, BUT I COULDN’T! I WASN’T STRONG ENOUGH!” For a moment she stayed there, checking if the guards had reacted. As the silence continued, Annabelle started speaking again, this time in a normal voice. ”Like I said, they would have never believed me if I told them I worked alone. As for why I tried to kill the King, well, there was the opportunity. I would have wanted to one day storm the palace with an army, capture the King and his family and execute them in the most humiliating way I can imagine. But starting with the King was good for now. Aaron and Eleanor would have fought for the crown anyway, I merely tried to hasten the process. As I stood here, waiting for the torture, I realized that you were close to the Princess. Granted, I didn’t expect you to end up here. More like taking the Princess with you, along with the Vanguard members loyal to you, form an army and spend the next year or so fighting the King and Prince Aaron for the throne. I didn’t expect to escape or anything, but even if I died here, or on the gallows, the commoners would have remembered me. A woman who had the courage to face the King.”
”Are….You fucking insane?” He said angrily. ”Eleanor is not like her brother or father. She wouldn’t have fought Aaron for the throne if the king died. Also who do you think Eva reports to? The princess? No the king, so of course i will be thrown into this cell. And now, the princess is in danger! You fucking-!” He raised his arms raised his hands wanting to grip her throat. ”If anything happens to her I will hunt you down and make you suffer what we suffered.” He said noticing the lack of wounds on the woman.
”Yes, I seem to have overestimated you skills.” Annabelle sighed. I knew exactly who the Inquisitor reported to, but I had assumed that whatever men the King sent after you would have been no match to you. And don’t try to give me that ‘Princess is not a monster’ crap. You’ve been with her for years. You have probably participated yourself in those torture sessions she enjoys. Tell me, how many servants have you hurt under Princess’ orders? Was it fun? And how many have you hurt on your own? Taken to your bedchamber because they have no choice!”
”NONE! Clearly you don’t know the princess. If you just talked to the people, every single one that met her loved her. It is well known she is different from her father and brother, she is generous, kind and thoughtful. But your head was too far stuck up your ass you couldn’t tell the difference. You seem to have one track mind and no one can change your opinion. Just like Eva. he said through his teeth. ”Clearly you don’t even understand me, or my family. But you lump me in with the other nobles. You are not a hero. You are just as bad. Destroying my life, the princess’s life, where she could have made a difference, and possibly my families, Because you think you know better.. “
Liar! Liar! Liar!” Annabelle screamed, tears in her eyes, ”I haven’t ruined Nobles’ lives. They ruined mine! They ruined my family!” Her hands shook the bars of her cell. ”Outside the capital, serfs starve, tenants are reduced to begging and robbing, and not even a freeholder can make a decent living anymore! We used to own a mill! We used to own a creamery! And then you nobles took them, just because you wanted! And not even that was enough! All I did was say that taking our means of living wasn’t fair, that we as freeholders weren’t bound to nobility, but the Sheriff would have none of it! He grabbed Isobel. He said he was going to teach us commoners our place, but I knew exactly what he planned. ISOBEL WAS BUT A CHILD! IF I HADN’T KILLED THAT SHERIFF, HE WOULD HAVE DONE WORSE TO HER. I HAD TO ABANDON THE TYLER ESTATE, MY HOME, AND LIVE IN THE FORESTS AS AN OUTLAW JUST TO PROTECT MY FAMILY FROM RETRIBUTION!”
It was then that a horrifying revelation hit Annabelle. She had screamed too loud. She had revealed that she had a family, among them a sister named Isobel, and her family name was Tyler. The guards had no doubt heard it all, and would report to Eva.
No... Was all Annabelle could say, as she retreated to the shadows of her cell, terrified of her mistake ”No! No! No! No! No...”