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Annabelle Tyler

Collab with: @Aerandir

When Fenros was brought back to his cell, he was thrown into it. He grunted He grunted in pain as he hit the cold stone floor. The door shutting behind him as the guards began to talk about something else as they walked away. He rested there for a minute or two, taking in some deep breaths. After pushing himself to his knees, he shuffled over on all ‘threes’ while holding his broken hand close to his chest. He made it to the corner he was aiming to get to and pulled off a chunk of rock that was loose. It dropped to the ground with a clatter, but he didn’t care.

This was the point when he heard a female voice saying his name. He didn’t look over to who ever was talking but he reached into the hole in the wall and pulled out a silver necklace with a ring on it. He had hid it there earlier before he was taken away. Managing to hide it from the guards who searched him. He let out a relieved sigh and held it in his left hand as he turned and sat right where he was kneeling. His back to the wall, he closed his eyes and held the jewelry close to his lip. With his eyes closed.

After a moment he opened them to see a woman in the cell opposite of him, She mentioned something about fate and meeting him. He asked very gruffly, “And you are?” He looked around his cell. He would take this moment to rest, but he needed to get out of here, if Eva’s threats were real. El...he had just put her in danger. A cold hand seemed to gripped around his heart at that thought. His anger, and lack of thinking put her in harm's way and he couldn’t be there to stop it.

Annabelle looked at the prisoner, Fenros, in front of her. He was certainly in bad shape, at least in body. Mind didn’t seem exactly broken, more like worried. ”Daisy,” She spoke, looking around before continuing. ”That is the name I gave to the inquisitor. My real name is Annabelle. Although, I’m not really sure if what my name is really matters. The rest of Akarath probably simply calls me Assassin”

The Outlaw chuckled. ”You probably think me mad revealing this to you, and perhaps I am mad. But it doesn’t really matter if I tell you who I am or not. The inquisitor only hears what she wants to hear, and sometimes she’s too dim to realize even that. Learned that the hard way, and apparently so did you. In a way, seeing you here is a relief. It means that the city is in chaos, and the Royals eating each other, hopefully at least.”

Fenros sat silently...when she said assassin he was suppressed. She was the one who started all of this? He stayed silent as she continued talking. He didn’t understand her at first, but when it did his eyes opened wide. Him being there was a relief? And everything was in chaos? She...She did this! He pushed himself up quickly and moved to the bars. “You….YOU did this?” He said angrily. His mind finally clicked at the ‘source’. “YOU SAID I WAS APART OF THE ATTEMPT!?” He slammed his left fist against the cold Iron bars. “WHY?” His voice loud enough to vibrate the other metal in the room.

Annabelle realised her mistake. She had been too noisy, too revealing, and if the guards heard the racket, they would come and check. She let out a tirade of screams while dropping on her knees. I AM SORRY, MASTER! I TRIED TO WITHSTAND THE PAIN, BUT I COULDN’T! I WASN’T STRONG ENOUGH!” For a moment she stayed there, checking if the guards had reacted. As the silence continued, Annabelle started speaking again, this time in a normal voice. ”Like I said, they would have never believed me if I told them I worked alone. As for why I tried to kill the King, well, there was the opportunity. I would have wanted to one day storm the palace with an army, capture the King and his family and execute them in the most humiliating way I can imagine. But starting with the King was good for now. Aaron and Eleanor would have fought for the crown anyway, I merely tried to hasten the process. As I stood here, waiting for the torture, I realized that you were close to the Princess. Granted, I didn’t expect you to end up here. More like taking the Princess with you, along with the Vanguard members loyal to you, form an army and spend the next year or so fighting the King and Prince Aaron for the throne. I didn’t expect to escape or anything, but even if I died here, or on the gallows, the commoners would have remembered me. A woman who had the courage to face the King.”

”Are….You fucking insane?” He said angrily. ”Eleanor is not like her brother or father. She wouldn’t have fought Aaron for the throne if the king died. Also who do you think Eva reports to? The princess? No the king, so of course i will be thrown into this cell. And now, the princess is in danger! You fucking-!” He raised his arms raised his hands wanting to grip her throat. ”If anything happens to her I will hunt you down and make you suffer what we suffered.” He said noticing the lack of wounds on the woman.

”Yes, I seem to have overestimated you skills.” Annabelle sighed. I knew exactly who the Inquisitor reported to, but I had assumed that whatever men the King sent after you would have been no match to you. And don’t try to give me that ‘Princess is not a monster’ crap. You’ve been with her for years. You have probably participated yourself in those torture sessions she enjoys. Tell me, how many servants have you hurt under Princess’ orders? Was it fun? And how many have you hurt on your own? Taken to your bedchamber because they have no choice!”

”NONE! Clearly you don’t know the princess. If you just talked to the people, every single one that met her loved her. It is well known she is different from her father and brother, she is generous, kind and thoughtful. But your head was too far stuck up your ass you couldn’t tell the difference. You seem to have one track mind and no one can change your opinion. Just like Eva. he said through his teeth. ”Clearly you don’t even understand me, or my family. But you lump me in with the other nobles. You are not a hero. You are just as bad. Destroying my life, the princess’s life, where she could have made a difference, and possibly my families, Because you think you know better.. “

Liar! Liar! Liar!” Annabelle screamed, tears in her eyes, ”I haven’t ruined Nobles’ lives. They ruined mine! They ruined my family!” Her hands shook the bars of her cell. ”Outside the capital, serfs starve, tenants are reduced to begging and robbing, and not even a freeholder can make a decent living anymore! We used to own a mill! We used to own a creamery! And then you nobles took them, just because you wanted! And not even that was enough! All I did was say that taking our means of living wasn’t fair, that we as freeholders weren’t bound to nobility, but the Sheriff would have none of it! He grabbed Isobel. He said he was going to teach us commoners our place, but I knew exactly what he planned. ISOBEL WAS BUT A CHILD! IF I HADN’T KILLED THAT SHERIFF, HE WOULD HAVE DONE WORSE TO HER. I HAD TO ABANDON THE TYLER ESTATE, MY HOME, AND LIVE IN THE FORESTS AS AN OUTLAW JUST TO PROTECT MY FAMILY FROM RETRIBUTION!”

It was then that a horrifying revelation hit Annabelle. She had screamed too loud. She had revealed that she had a family, among them a sister named Isobel, and her family name was Tyler. The guards had no doubt heard it all, and would report to Eva.

No... Was all Annabelle could say, as she retreated to the shadows of her cell, terrified of her mistake ”No! No! No! No! No...”
Surprising Revelations

It had been a whole day since Annabelle had been taken for torturing and started the chain reaction that had brought Fenros into the prison accused of treason. Not that she knew it yet. Most of her time had went pondering what her words had caused. Did Fenros actually take those loyal to him and the princess and escaped? Or had Annabelle bitten more than she could chew. The words of the Woodsman... Woodswoman? No matter, the woman's words still haunted her.

“You’ve got a skewed view of some of the people in the kingdom.

Was she really assuming too much? She had thought that the court was a powder keg ready to blow. But she had also assumed that the King was so hated that no one would have lifted a finger to help him. That the vanguard were a bunch of opportunists seeking to have their puppet on the throne.

No, there was good, and there was evil, and that evil was aristocracy. Let them execute her. No matter how evil they'd paint her, the commoners knew the truth. She'd become a martyr, a memory to which rally behind, a reminder that someone has the courage to kill a king.

The noise of someone forcefully dragged drew her attention. Annabelle had known there was someone in the cell opposite to her, but hadn't bothered to look more closely, her thoughts being more focused on escape and accepting death. Now however her curiosity had won over, and there wasn't much to do in her cell anyway. After she thought the guards were far enough, she walked out of the cell's shadows. Still, Annabelle wasn't ready for who he saw on the other side.

"I don't believe it." She thought aloud. "Fenros Allaway himself. Fate really seems to have it in for me."
Mr Gimmick

Oh, how much Jake wanted to take care of this here and now. A little excitement for a boring start of the day. But rushing into a situation was not a good decision. It might have just been some scoundrel looking for treasure among trash. But it could also be a member of the mob or one of the crews. Or worse, it could be a cop or a hero coming to arrest him. Jake wasn't a murderer or anything, but his criminal record was impressive nonetheless.

Luckily, Jake hadn't made it this far in super-villainy by being poor with technology beyond what he made. On his smartphone was an app that allowed him to control drones. In fact Jake had one special drone just for these kinds of occasions. Under normal circumstances it looked like a broken dragonfly toy, but it was only a facade. In reality this 'Bug-Bomb' worked perfectly, and it was good for scouting.

Jake opened the drone control app and activated the Bug-Bomb, sending it out to look for the intruder.

"Let's see, what we have" He though as he looked at the smartphone's screen.
Nale the Fate-Seeker

Nale worked in the shadows, as was his way. The young one was certainly an impressive mage, tunneling and everything, but they wouldn't get far with that Commander on the field.

Sneaking upon the commander wasn't going to be easy. Nale needed concealment for his skill to work fully. Luckily though the furniture was thrown everywhere, along with some bodies of the guards. They offered a good cover for this sneaking mission. Getting rid of the commander would be no easy task. It required planning and speed.

The commander was distracted, taking out prisoners and giving orders to his underlings. Now if anytime was the opportunity to strike. Nale took a chain in his hands. His plan was to leap behind the commander and use the chain as a garrote. Hopefully the commander was flesh and blood and as such needed to breathe. On the other hand, if he was just another armor, perhaps he could use the chain-garrote to pull the helmet out. Of course, first Nale needed to get the chain around commander's neck.

Nale took one more step towards the commander, and with a swift move leapt behind him, trying to get the chain over commander's neck.

The previous day…

Collab with @Raylah

Eva sat on the carriage and watched Garret carefully maneuver through the growing crowd. The news about the assassination spread fast, and although no one seemed to know what exactly happened, everyone was eager to tell a story that was even more exciting to hear than the previous one. Before they reached the keep, she had heard about the king’s death (in one version the blood that poured from his slit throat was black and hissed as the sun touched it), about the deaths of the prince and princess, one crazy old man even yelled about groups of rebels taking control over the city. Eva shook her head, such thing was nearly impossible, but then again, such direct attack on the king’s life was also considered impossible just hours ago. And if two organizations with nearly unlimited resources couldn’t prevent such attack, who is to say that they haven’t missed something bigger?

It was a fear amongst the kingdom’s leadership, not just for the king, but for other people on high position, that an underground resistance exists. A group of rebels, dedicated to end the current dynasty and start a revolution. Moving unseen in the shadows, gathering strength and preparing for a final strike. There was never any hard evidence discovered actually proving the existence of such group, but the thought of it was never dismissed. Could this assassin be a part that group? Or just an individual who had somehow gotten so close to killing the king?
So many questions. But at least some of them will be answered soon. As the cart entered the castle gates, she noticed much more soldiers than usual, running around as a flock of scared chicken. There was only one that seemed calm as he headed across the yard towards her. She recognized him as a member of king’s personal guard.

“Good day to you as well, sir. I appreciate your offer, but I know my way around here and I am sure that you have more important duties right now, concerning the protection of the royal family.” She nodded in his direction. That was a man she could respect. Simple, strong, following his orders without questions and loyal to the king. She waited until he left and then let Garret help her down from the carriage. Her climbing days were long over.

The prisoner had already been brought to the interrogation room, sitting in a wooden chair, firm leather straps holding her wrists, ankles and chest in place. Eva didn’t let any emotion show as she observed the woman, noticing some older scars on her skin, no doubt products of fights, and a new bandage over her shoulder. One corner of Eva’s mouth turned up in a small smile. This woman will not be as easy to break as the commoners she had dealt with before. Garret has started the usual show, taking out all the instruments and lining them up on a large table beside the wall, well within the prisoner’s eyesight. A small fire was lit in a metallic bowl on the other side of the room, heating the air and providing dim lighting. Tips of the metallic tools inside were burning red, ready to be used. Eva hadn’t decided whether she was going to use them yet, she actually had something else in mind, but it couldn’t hurt to have them at hand.

Eva watched woman’s face carefully, trying to determine what is it she is most afraid of. For most people it was the fire – as soon as it had been lit, they couldn’t take their eyes off the instruments inside. Some people were more afraid of the knife and scalpel collection, others of the drills or pliers. At this point, Eva usually had the prisoner gagged, but felt in this case it wasn’t necessary. This woman is not going to beg for her life. ‘At least not at start,’ she thought with a smirk.

Annabelle’s mind was spinning. She was not unfamiliar to pain, having experienced it from time to time during practice fights and hunting trips. Boars were very dangerous opponents. But this was something else entirely. Annabelle’s brother, Sebastian, had told her things about torture, how its supposed purpose was to look for information, but in the end was very unreliable. A man could break completely, become unresponsive and useless. Or, more likely, he would tell the torturer what they wanted to hear. In fact, what torture was good for was getting confessions, false or not, to stop the pain.

That was Annabelle’s lifeline. She needed to reveal something that the inquisitor wanted. Although Annabelle despised lying, it was the only way for her not to lose her mind or life.

The inquisitor was looking at Annabelle, observing. She was no doubt looking for her fears. Annabelle thanked her luck that this woman hadn’t gotten what would have truly terrified her. Had she brought in Sebastian, Isobel, or any other member of the Tyler family to torture in Annabelle’s stead, she was sure that she would break. But now that she alone was in danger, she could think, at least somewhat. The outlaw let her eyes wander around the room, through the torture implements. So many ways to cause pain, to cripple. But she needed something else.

It was then that Annabelle’s eyes turned to the brazer burning in the coals. Worth a try. The outlaw collected her thoughts, staring at the brazer, while trying to imagine her siblings in the torture chamber. The thought certainly caused her body to tremble.

Eva stared at the prisoner, trying to guess her thoughts. Woman’s eyes swept the room, trying to find an exit, something to hold onto, or maybe a slightly friendlier face. Not finding anything, eventually her sight turned to the tools and instruments laid on the table. Eva could almost feel the woman’s heart, suddenly pounding faster and harder. No one was immune to fear. As Eva had guessed before, the prisoner couldn’t take her eyes of the fire pit, hypnotizing the glowing red tips of the metallic instruments inside, shivering a little.

The inquisitor had to suppress a victorious smirk. The situation was almost perfect. Almost, expect for the fact that Eva didn’t know anything about this woman. There was power in information, there was always something you could use against the person, something from their history you could pull out and exploit. Sometimes, when there was no other choice, even a loved one you could threaten. But this woman had seemingly materialized out of nowhere and without at least knowing her name, the inquisition had no way of getting any information about her.

Eva leaned forward a bit, letting her hair fall to her face to cover a painful frown as a cramp locked her thigh in place, sharp needles of pain pinching all the way up towards her spine. Looks like the good part of her day was coming to an end. After a few seconds she was finally able to stand up, leaning heavily against her cane.
“Some would say,” she said, “that an injury makes you weaker. In my line of work, however, it gives me certain advantages.” She slowly walked towards the fire, warming her hands above the flames. “You see, I understand pain better than anyone. You would be amazed by how much pain the body can take before the mind shuts down. I can tell the exact spot right before that happens and I can keep a person there for hours.”

She grabbed the handle of one of the branding irons, this one had an X shape at the end, and pulled it out of the fire. Even without being in the fire, the tip was still burning bright red. She knew the woman will expect her to ask questions first, that she would only start hurting her when those questions wouldn’t be answered fast enough. Many people seemed to believe they could get out of this situation completely unharmed. It felt good to prove them wrong. “So,” she turned to the prisoner and moved a bit closer. Garret moved behind the tied woman, ready to assist Eva in case she needed it. “I don’t believe we have been properly introduced. My name is Eva Gallard and I am a part of the Royal Inquisition.” Without giving the woman any moment to respond, she pointed the branding iron at her healthy shoulder and pressed the hot tip against her skin.

A blood curdling scream left Annabelle’s mouth as the burning iron scalded her skin. Though she had expected pain, the actual experience was beyond expectations. Sebastian had told not to think of pain, because it would only make it worse. But in circumstances like this, it was difficult not to think of pain. Annabelle slumped on her chair, trembling. She took deep breaths, trying to speak
”I… am Daisy… serf from Khunrith She finally told. As she breathed in and out, she tried to think whether to tell it all now. The pain was incredible, but she needed to keep up the facade, at least a little longer.”And that is all you will ever know”

Eva waved the iron in the air, frowning at the pieces of burned skin attached to the tip. She put it back into the fire, pulling out another one. “Hmm, so Daisy. A beautiful flower.” No doubt a made-up name. Khunrith? That was possible, she definitely didn’t have the typical capital accent. Although that could be just an act as well. “I imagine such beauty like you must be very popular amongst the men. I wonder if it still will be true if we make some slight… adjustments to this lovely face.” She waved the tip of the branding iron in front of woman’s face. Garret tightly gripped her hair, preventing her from moving.
“I could use this,” the bright red iron was now only inches away from prisoner’s eye, “to take your eyesight away. But you couldn’t see what’s coming next, which would be such shame. So instead,” she leaned forward, whispering right into Daisy’s ear, “after we will end our fun today, I will have you locked up in a tiny cell deep underground. And for the rest of your life, the only light you will ever see will be this. She waved the iron, smiling at the red it was seemingly leaving in the air. A short nod to Garret and he tore the front of woman’s shirt. “That is unless you start TELLING ME THE TRUTH,” Eva yelled and pressed the hot iron on the white skin right under woman’s collarbone.

Annabelle breathed faster. She wasn’t sure herself if she was actually panicking, or it was part of her own performance, it was all getting mixed around. Screw facade. Annabelle started speaking.
”Fine, it’s too late anyway” The outlaw put her head down, like she was ashamed, ”The cart was sabotaged. The king was out in the open, and I would have killed him if if wasn’t for that loyalist.” She gave a painful chuckle ”Who would have thought there are still people ready to die for the King. But it doesn’t matter. I’m just one death in the Undaunted’s arsenal. And now that Akarath is in chaos, the Blood King is as good as death, along with the Unworthy prince. It’s too late.”

Eva took a step back, trying to put the information together. She didn’t think the woman was lying. Not telling the whole truth yet, but that fanaticism with which she spoke was genuine. For now, she had to set aside with the ‘Undaunted’, as the woman called her group, it was an important information, but there was something more pressing. She said ‘it’s too late anyway’. Shivers ran down Eva’s spine, her mind racing, attempting to decipher the threat hidden underneath those words. The carriage was sabotaged, that could only have been caused by someone from the king’s court, most likely from the Vanguard, as they have been guarding the king on his travels. Since this crazy woman had been arrested, the security measures will not be as strict as they would have been if the assassin had gotten away.

But who, who would be in such position to sabotage the cart, and even harm the king in case the main plan failed? And prince Aaron for that matter? Eva knew that he had just returned to the city, he will probably be with his father now. Both targets at one spot, unsuspecting of a traitor moving nearby. She had to force this woman to say the name. Maybe something more aggressive will erase that smile off her face.

Eva set the iron aside, letting it heat in the fire again, and reached for a small knife. It was a slightly bent skinning knife, razor-sharp.
“You see, this way the hot iron can only get to upper layers of the skin. As that burns, it creates a thick layer that protects the muscles beneath. So, if I want to go deeper…,” she drove the blade expertly under the fried skin, cutting a piece off, revealing the bare flesh. The wound quickly filled with blood, pouring down onto the remains of woman’s shirt. Eva stepped aside and reached for a new iron, this one was pointy, designed to go deep inside the body. “I want the name,” she whispered and moved the hot tip so close to the wound that the blood began to sizzle.

Another scream from Annabelle. The pain that combined cutting and cauterizing was incredible.
”FENROS!” She screamed like a madwoman ”FENROS!” The outlaw trembled from the pain, ”Fenros the Undaunted. Bodyguard of the Queen. He who whispers to her ear.“ There was a new smell as Annabelle tried to catch her breath. She wasn’t sure what was the cause of the smell, nor if she wanted to know. Everything was spinning.

Eva froze, gasping for air. Thousands of thoughts were whirling around in her head, but the most important was that the king was in terrible danger. Bodyguard to the queen? As far as she knew, Fenros was a bodyguard assigned solely to protect princess Eleanor, not the queen. Maybe the woman was just confused, or her information wasn’t entirely correct. But how else would she know Fenros’ name? It made perfect sense, he had access to the entire royal family and he most certainly had time and opportunity to sabotage the carriage. And he was moving freely around the palace even now. Eva threw the iron back into the fire, causing a geyser of sparks.

“Take her back to a cell. We will finish this conversation later,” she growled at Garret. He raised an eyebrow – normally she would continue the interrogation to make sure the prisoner wasn’t lying. But the situation was too dangerous, the king needed to be warned as soon as possible. “And you,” she leaned towards the woman, “if you are lying to me, I guarantee you that I will be listening to your beautiful screams for hours and hours,” she whispered. The prisoner seemed like she was about to pass out, but Eva knew she could hear her. The inquisitor headed out of the room as fast as her leg allowed her.

Annabelle, still delirious, felt the rough hands take her from the chair and carrying her to the cell, before roughly throwing her inside. As she heard the lock clicking behind her, Annabelle somehow found strength to crawl to her so called bed, before losing herself to blissful unconsciousness.

Is this a universe where Captain Hindsight lives?

Funny that you should mention Captain Hindsight. I've played a character based on him on some other RPGs, though without the flight. Wanted to see how the ability to know how a situation could have been prevented can be put into good use.

Anyway, @Force and Fury , I'm certainly interested. Although this time I'll probably leave Captain Hindight equivalent to another. Maybe something like healing punch or sewer teleportation.
Mr Gimmick

Jake woke up to the ringing of his old alarm clock.

"Stop that." He said and the clock stopped ringing. Giving a yawn and a stretch, Jake rose from his bed, put on morning slippers and bathrobe. The combination of blue and white striped pajamas, along with brown slippers and bathrobe was probably the most cliched morning ensemble there was, but Jake had always liked classics.

"Coffee maker on. Black with three cubes" He said as he went to the kitchen. The coffee maker started making Jake's cup, while the man himself took some toast from a bag and put them on the toaster. "Toaster on. Two minutes, double toasting." And the bread went in on their own. Jake himself cooked his eggs and bacon, and took the jam for his toast to spread, along with a tray and plates. "Coffee maker off. Toaster off". He ordered as the coffee and toast were done. He spread some jam on the toasts, took the coffee cup and put the eggs and bacon to the remaining plate. Remembering that he had forgotten knife and fork, Jake took a pair of them and put them on the tray.

Having finished making his breakfast, Jake went to the living room and sat on the couch. "Television on. Channel hopping." As the television changed the channel every five seconds, Jake began eating his eggs while looking if there was something interesting to watch.
It was dark in the castle's dungeon, with little sounds besides the occasional drip echoing in the distance. The prisoners there didn't dare to speak much, for reasons very clear. One prisoner did release a groan from time to time, not because she was being tortured, though. At least not yet.

Annabelle Tyler, the outlaw who tried to assassinate the king, was still in pain from the wound in her arm she had gained after the Woodsman who arrested her shot an arrow through it. She had to admit that the medicinal practices she had gone through were good. But Annabelle knew exactly why she had been treated so well. They wanted her to be as healthy as possible until the interrogation would take place. A dead prisoner would tell nothing. Though Annabelle had the feeling that whoever would interrogate her was going to use the wound as a way to torture her, along with whatever other methods they had planned.

The outlaw held no illusions that she would live. It wasn't like she wasn't afraid of dying, because she was. But there were still things in this world dying for. And maybe she could do something before she was executed.

Perhaps the King doesn't need to be dead for his family to turn against one another.

@Chiro so YOU are the one who convinced people Slytherins aren't evil. Do you have any idea how rabid the girls got when we were considered 'Troubled and Misunderstood' instead of complete arseholes? Freak'n do gooders and their crusades...

I just don't like people stereotyping others. Ravenclaws don't like being called nerds (nor do I like being considered dumb just because I like sports), and I doubt Gryffindors want to think of themselves as fearless fools, or Hufflepuffs as mundane nobodies. I could go on, but I'd probably risk going political. Muggle political.

And besides, wouldn't you have been surrounded by rapid girls anyway? "Girls like bad boys" and all that.

Or, wait, is this one of your trollings again? Because it's not funny.

Thank God there is no internet in the Magical World... yet.
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