Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago


It was February the 27th 2019 and the sun had just started to peek over the horizon, the soft orange light signaling the start of a new day. So far the month had been rather quiet, only a few super powered skirmishes and an attempted bank robbery. It was about time that kids and parents would be waking up for school and work. Normally I'd have put some big prompt here starting of the plot or something like that, but nah. I'm letting you guys kick this off with your morning routine. Mainly so I can just louse it up with some evildoers or drama. Who knows, maybe you'll just have a normal morning?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


The alarm clock blared next to Eve's head as she laid in her cozy bed, various parts of the bed having old scorched wood and wear-and-tear on it. She groggily woke up and slung her wing over her shoulder to smack the device's snooze button, silencing it and causing the girl to sit up in her bed.

She wasn't looking forward to today. She had recently applied for a few more higher-paying jobs than her stay-at-home trash job. Well, higher paying was a stretch. Stable was more correct. She had a job, a coder for somebody's merch website, but sometimes the revenue wasn't enough. She was waiting to hear back from all of them. No doubt she would have a few letters in their P.O. Box. Wouldn't be too hard to fly over to the post office and grab those letters.

She stood up from her bed and ruffled her feathers, sending one of them onto the ground before throwing on a baggy shirt that draped over her thighs before groaning and fixing her hair. She looked at the clock and grabbed the blasted thing, turning it off before falling backwards onto her bed and looking at the ceiling.

"... alright. Gotta be a functioning member of society today... but breakfast comes first." Eve stood back up and lumbered out of her room, heading towards the kitchen of her residence. Maybe dad was already awake...?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FluffyKnife


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tap, tap, tap. Alongside a few footsteps from the proctors, that's all Nat can hear in this packed lecture hall slash exam room. Filling in a C on her card, she clears her calculator for the umpteenth time and moves to the next question. Why a midterm had to take place at nine in the morning is beyond her, though at least she's faring better than Yasmine just a few seats away. The quiet is making it really hard to focus, Nat having to snap herself back into focus twice this hour.

And with a ring of a buzzer, the midterm's over. She lets out a long sigh as she makes her way down to the front desk, hands her test and card to a proctor, and packs her materials in her bag at the front of the room. Heading out past talk of resonance structures and filled carbons, she promptly leaves. A nap is called for, like, now.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Charles yawned loudly as he sat up in his bed, in his pajamas of various video game characters. He'd look at the time to only simply sigh knowing there was still a couple of days until the weekend. He'd slowly get up and start his morning routine, taking a quick shower and getting dressed in a casual outfit with a black t-shirt with mickey mouse on it, and a pair of black jeans. After entering the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast he'd sigh at how quiet the house was. His parents was barely home half the time, some may think they are just working to hard or are irresponsible. Charles simply though that they was trying to distance themselves from him, especially with how he had been acting the last few years.

After eating breakfast he'd grab the allowance money that is sitting in the table for the week putting it away in his wallet. He was going to have to go shopping after school before he needed to go to his current part time job. Thanks to being in school Charles couldn't work more then a couple days a week, this has caused him to jump between part time jobs constantly for he usually would get fired after a while in favor of someone who could work more when they needed them. His current job was a convenience store clerk, such a light weight job compared to others he had. Still hard work in the end.

After Making sure he had everything including a few strange strips of paper in his pocket. he headed off to the local high-school.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ali opened her eyes slowly. She'd been laying here for hours after having nightmares of her parents divorce. She didn't know what the nightmares were exactly, but the feelings leftover as she entered into consciousness, as well as the tear streaks on her face, were enough for her to figure it out.

She supposed part of all of this was her fault. She'd been the one to catch her father cheating. She just didn't understand why he'd done those things. Were they not good enough? Was she not good enough? Did they do something wrong?

She'd the last several hours pondering those questions. She didn't regret choosing her mother in the least. She loved her mother and her mother loved her. Sure they were in an apartment now, but it was a nice one. Not all cramped like some of the ones closer to the heart of the city.

Her mind returned to the look on her father's face when they'd left the day before. It scared her a little bit of a lot, if she was being honest with herself. He didn't know where they'd been going, mother had made Ali promise not to tell, but she felt like that didn't matter to him.

He'd kinda looked at them like they were the ones doing the bad things.


She shut her alarm off suddenly, forcefully, as her heart pounded in her chest. She must've dozed off at some point. She glared daggers at the alarm clock, how dare it scare her so violently back into reality, before she pulled herself out bed.

Getting dressed was a chore. Starting a new school, she wanted to look at least halfway decent. First impressions mattered, no matter what people tried to say about not judging a book by its cover. That was crap. Everyone always judged by first impressions, and it could take forever to get people to look past their first impressions.

As she picked her outfit (See CS picture), she could smell breakfast from down below. Hurrying down, she started her day.

Some time later, Ali was on her way to school. It wasn't a far walk, only about fifteen minutes, but she felt worried on so many levels. A new school, new home, new life. What was the worst that could happen?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Maceroy Falthon

Being a widowed father had its upsides and downsides. Upside: You learned various basic skills very quickly, ranging from housekeeping to paying bills, or you would fail to integrate into society. Downside: Not much personal time, not between work and child rearing and housekeeping, even if Evelyn had helped out in that regard for most of it. And it wasn't like he didn't love Evelyn very very much, of course he did, she was the light of his life... it was just that twenty years ago, he'd anticipated that she'd be in her own home by now. Of course, twenty years ago, he had anticipated a life far different to this one, where his wife still lived, and he wasn't sequestered away in a city as part of an economic system that to this day made a small number of people extremely rich, to the detriment of both the planet and the larger masses.

Damn their backward hides.

He'd also largely anticipated that Evelyn might wear slightly less revealing clothes around the house as an adult. Once again, though, he was caught out as she entered the kitchen, when the door opening had him look over to see her with nothing but that blinking oversized shirt on, and consequently leading him to retract his gaze back to the meal he was cooking with an unsettled grunt and the sound of ruffling feathers beneath his own shirt. Unlike Evelyn, of course, he had the benefit of slight personal modifications that let him hide his wings beneath relatively normal clothing. He'd meant to ask if she wanted the same for a while, but somehow, the idea of altering his daughter was far more disturbing than simply changing himself.

'Morning, Eve,' he greeted, waving to her as he started finishing up the meal. Basic bacon and eggs, portioned for two, plus some fruit on the side for health reasons, promptly placed down on the plates set up in advance. He'd had twenty years to get over any potential weirdness there. 'I hope you slept well, dear. Any more work today?' He knew she'd been looking for something more steady than the coding she'd been doing for somebody's website, and he wanted to make sure her day would be properly occupied - not to mention that she'd be able to support herself sooner or later. He'd gotten lucky by getting into that teaching job, to some extent; for most of last decade, the economy was doing decently, and yet now it seemed even low-level jobs were utterly saturated with those who needed them. Low-level jobs specifically, perhaps. Either way, it had not been particularly kind to Evelyn.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


"I slept like a boulder... crap, hang on..." Eve excused herself quickly as she ran back into her room, grabbing a pair of shorts from the pile of clean clothes she kept on her bed, running back into the kitchen while sliding them over her legs. She knew her dad didn't like her wearing not much around the house, so she figured she'd make an effort at least once to try to make him a little more comfortable around the house. "Sorry, forgot you weren't a fan of me not wearing pants around here."

She sat down at the table and picked up a small piece of bacon, talking before she ate. "No interviews today. I need to do a little coding for the website though after I'm done at the Post Office. I should be hearing back from my job prospects, so hopefully there are some letters in my box." She took a bite, chewed, and let out a small sigh. "Though, a self-igniting harpy isn't something most people would necessarily want in a business. Though, when they need a hero, they definitely want me to be there." Eve looked out the window before shrugging. "Eh, it's okay. As long as I'm accepted somehow." Her tone considerably shifted there as she looked back at her father.

"What about you?" she started. "What do you have going on today?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 22 days ago

Mr Gimmick

Jake woke up to the ringing of his old alarm clock.

"Stop that." He said and the clock stopped ringing. Giving a yawn and a stretch, Jake rose from his bed, put on morning slippers and bathrobe. The combination of blue and white striped pajamas, along with brown slippers and bathrobe was probably the most cliched morning ensemble there was, but Jake had always liked classics.

"Coffee maker on. Black with three cubes" He said as he went to the kitchen. The coffee maker started making Jake's cup, while the man himself took some toast from a bag and put them on the toaster. "Toaster on. Two minutes, double toasting." And the bread went in on their own. Jake himself cooked his eggs and bacon, and took the jam for his toast to spread, along with a tray and plates. "Coffee maker off. Toaster off". He ordered as the coffee and toast were done. He spread some jam on the toasts, took the coffee cup and put the eggs and bacon to the remaining plate. Remembering that he had forgotten knife and fork, Jake took a pair of them and put them on the tray.

Having finished making his breakfast, Jake went to the living room and sat on the couch. "Television on. Channel hopping." As the television changed the channel every five seconds, Jake began eating his eggs while looking if there was something interesting to watch.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 29 min ago

Ava woke up to the sound of her phones alarm blaring in her ears. Groggily she hit the snooze button, rolling over on to her side and squeezing her eyes shut, hoping to get in just a few more minutes of sleep, before finally, several minutes of unsuccessful rest later, giving up on the idea and getting out of bed.

Running down stairs Ava greeted her parents, not waiting to hear their response before dashing off to get ready. After chucking her stuff in her bag Ava briefly paused to concider making herself something to eat, but deciding in the end that she wasn't really hungry enough and couldn't afford to be late for school anyway.

In spite of how tired she felt Ava held a grin on her face as she hurried off to school, long gone by the time her mother shouted at her to eat something before school and only stopping to search her bags at the realisation that she couldn't recall grabbing her homework from her desk before leaving.

"Damn it!"

After a brief internal conflict, the zombie like girl decided she didn't have time to head back now and would just have to make an excuse if any of her teachers questioned it and resumed hurrying to school.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 mo ago



Charlie looked down at the blender, and then hit it one more time for good luck.


Alright, that was longer than she had meant to do it. Removing the lid, she would pour the entire thing out into a pint glass, then collapsed down onto her sofa. She looked down at the slightly white-coloured gloop in her hands, then placed the glass down and sighed. She was exhausted. Physically, mentally, whatever you wanted to call it. She needed to go to her lessons, but at the same time would a day off be that bad? She considered it as she took the first sip of her smoothie, idly reflecting that it was pretty thick considering how much she had buzzed it.

Bleh. Whatever, she would drink it anyhow. After that she would return to her blender, sticking the blender-y thing (yes, she had a very good grasp on the English language,) underneath the sink, letting it fill up and overspill as she made herself instant coffee. Drinking it black and with no sugar, she felt her entire body cringe, now feeling thoroughly awake.

Time to go to class. She had taken to wearing her 'superhero' clothes underneath her own (if lingerie could really be call superhero clothes,) since it allowed her to put her overclothes into her bag and go invisible if she really needed to, before slipping into her normal clothes and finally finishing with the washing up. Sighing at her empty room, she turned and walked out, shoulders already aching as she trod the same roads she trod everyday.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam

Ali's walk was uneventful for the first couple of minutes, which was probably good considering that that she was a little anxious about going to a new school. Suddenly a car horn started going off as a collision happened right in the center of the street, it wasn't a serious crash or anything only a simple bump, but that didn't stop the drivers from being furious with one another. The two men got out of their cars and started arguing and shouting, the yelling being loud enough to mask the sound of running that coming towards her side.



Ava run to school would be nice an peaceful the sidewalk being fairly underpopulated today allowing Ava to really pick up the pace. Ava would hear a slight commotion up ahead, some dudes yelling at one another about incompetent driving. As Ava rounded a corner she'd catch a glimpse of the scene before she bowled into something.



Jake would have a solid forty seconds to enjoy his eggs before his alarm sounded off again, though this time it was alert. Someone had broken into his scrapyard. At the moment it was unclear who it was that had the Audacity to steal from the great Mr Gimmick, but it seemed that today was going to be a bit exciting. He could call the authorities and tell them what's going on, or he could deal with this intruder himself. Decisions decisions.


As Nat left the exam hall she'd catch a pair of boys and a girl looking out a window at something, whatever it was they were extremely unimpressed. "Oh great... It fucking Blorb again..." She'd hear the girl them mutter. One of the boys would open up the window and yell out "Fuck off Blorb! You're not even a good super villain! Just leave us alone!" Which was quickly followed by the girl yelling "Yeah! Some of us just got off midterms! We don't have time for your shit!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Maceroy Falthon

'Thank you, Eve. And I'm glad you slept well,' Maceroy said, taking a few mouthfuls of food as Eve explained her woes and worries. Poor girl. Her current job was no good for her, and her interview options would probably only be marginally better. Really, what she needed was something that gave her the freedom to do plenty of exercise, as most harpies tended to benefit from- hell, most humans, too- but those were universally either low-paying physical labour, low-paying part-time, or high-end management jobs that didn't need the person in the position to attend to them constantly in order to get as much money as needed. And, well, Eve was 22, so she'd get that sort of job by starting her own business and potentially seeing it succeed. Even Maceroy's position, whilst rather good all-round, was no jaunt when it came to keeping in shape, and he was likely past his own mid-point... damn it, he wanted the best for her, and she was hardly getting the scraps of life.

'I've said it before, I'll say it again: I wish you the best of luck for those letters back,' he responded. 'You deserve better than you've got, and I reckon those companies would be blessed to have you. As for myself, teaching as usual - I have two different biology lectures in a row this morning,' he elaborated, 'and they're both an hour and a half long. At least the afternoon's just one hour of theo-physics.' Theoretical physics, honestly, was his forte, not biology. He did know biology, of course, after many hours spent studying it, long enough to acquire it as a minor, but his true interest had been the hypotheticals and abstracts of existence since he'd first learned about them.

Ironically, the extra information in his head hindered both of those more than it helped, offering explanations and solutions whose processes wouldn't make sense by modern standards even if the entire backlog of human science was injected into his skull. At least, regular human science - he was sure others existed who might have a more developed "missing link" or fifty between the layperson's knowledge and his ability. It was just a matter of finding them. Easy, when one was a bird person forced into hiding from their fellow bird people. Aheheh... bleh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Charles made it to school without anything of note happening. It seemed to be a fairly quiet, peaceful day.

Arriving at school, however, it seemed that the entire peacefulness was the calm before the storm. As he walked towards the doors, a large senior stepped in his way, flanked by two more boys that formed a very loose half circle around him.

"Hey, nerd. You make me sick, looking so pathetic. So I'm gonna give you a choice. Give me all the money you got on you, and I'll only give your face a little reworking," he said as he cracked his knuckles.

@Lady Selune
As Charlie headed out could hear a muffled scream, followed by the resounding smack of a fist hitting flesh, hard. What followed sounded like a small scuffle, followed by the sound of a tin trash can being knocked over.

It sounded like someone was in trouble. Would she intervene?

Ali had just been walking to school calmly when she suddenly nearly jumped out of her skin as a car horn sounded promptly before the sounds of a car crashing into another car. The damage seemed minimal as she looked, but the two men started screaming as if they hated each other and this was the worst thing ever.

She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the scene. It seemed so... Insignificant? Her entire life had been turned upside down and here they are freaking out over something really small?

A giggle escaped her lips unbidden, and before she could do more than clap a hand over her mouth something hard slammed into her, knocking her to the sidewalk. She reached out, instinctively, her hand grabbing hold of clothing and pulling whoever had ran into her down with her.

She squeaked, landing hard on her side and right arm as a body fell over her and caused her to squeak more.

Struggling to untangle herself, she scooted herself backwards and looked at the girl who had ran into her.

She couldn't help it, but her eyes widened at the girls appearance. Her hair and skin stood out against the bright colors of her clothes. Pulling herself to her feet quickly, Ali held out a hand to help the girl up.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She said, a little out of breath.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam

Charles would sigh as he heard the voice, facing the bullies he'd walk up towards the one speaking, suddenly probably looking down towards the one who spoke as the senior would get a good look at Charles close up, being taller than most of even the teachers and fairly fit form. "you know.. it's people like you..." Charles would say before kicking the senior in the crotch hard as he can without hesitation "That give our school a bad reputation... not to mention" he'd say before attempting to follow up with a strike to the back up to the neck of the senior. "really make me mad" Charles would state with anger in his voice. as he would then turn towards the other two, with almost like fire in his eyes. Charles really wanted to use his papers but knew he needed to keep what he could really do secret so he figured getting into a fight might take his mind off things.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago


"Why do they make you teach biology so much when you have a high degree in theoretical physics?" Eve asked before snickering. "Heh, maybe it has something to do with how I can fly so fast when I shouldn't be able to!" Eve chomped a bit of her bacon before looking up at the clock and smiling hard.

9:15. The post office is opening in 15 minutes.

"Shoot, I gotta get going if I'm gonna beat the line!" Eve said as she began shoveling food into her mouth, finishing it... alarmingly fast. Hell, she even ate all of the eggs! She never did that unless she was excited! After quickly placing her plate in the sink, Eve ran back into her room to get properly ready for the day. She threw on her hero outfit, fastening everything tightly on her, before grabbing her fireproof bag with her everyday clothes in it. She ran back into the kitchen after, grabbing her mask out of the third drawer on the left of the cabinet (right next to the junk drawer), before running back over to her dad and hugging him tightly.

"I'll call ya and let you know what's the deal after I get my mail. Have fun teaching those classes." She took a few steps towards the window, opened it, and lit her back on fire, fastening her mask to her face all the while.

"Love ya, pops!"

And with that, she threw herself out the window, and immediately began to soar into the open sky, completely cloaked in flames.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FluffyKnife


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Blorb again? Nat can't decide whether to applaud his tenacity of always coming back around or to bemoan him not learning his lesson last time. But in a weird way, she's grateful such a bad guy exists; she likes blowing steam now and then, and this punching bag's the perfect opportunity to do so. Hey, maybe she can earn brownie points if she captures him this time.

And she's off, taking to the low paths and skulking away into her hidden den (really just a rarely-visited section on campus), emerging as the Wet Towel! The freezing February winds won't stop this soaked superhero from meting justice!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The noises made her heart sink, but she wasn't a woman that could confront an attacker head on. Nervously, she dialled 911 and explained the situation, before pressing herself against a wall and nervously shuffling herself towards the origin of the noise. Without really realising it parts of herself had turned invisible- her hands now a barely-perceptible milky stain in the air, the young woman intentionally turning her head invisible as she finally got to the mouth of the alleyway.

Swallowing, she would peek her almost entirely concealed head out- the only sign that there was indeed a person looking being a mysteriously floating set of glasses in the air. What exactly she would see she wasn't sure, but she doubted it would be a good scene...

@Old Amsterdam
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

Maceroy Falthon

'I wish,' Maceroy commented, grinning slyly. 'You've always been a speedy girl. Just not quite that fast.' Honestly, he appreciated Evelyn's jokes; they lightened up his day in a way that made things brilliant when they were good, and bearable when they were awful. And speaking of fast, she decided to wolf down breakfast incredibly quickly, didn't she?

'You'll beat it easily, dear,' he said, even as Eve headed off to change her clothes again, leaving Maceroy to his thoughts, and a somewhat more languid meal, though he managed to get most of it finished off by the time Eve returned - in her hero outfit. Oh, he'd said before about going out in civilian clothes, one might argue nagged depending on one's viewpoint, but she never paid attention.

But, she was his baby, in the end. He hugged her back tightly, replying 'Have fun with your day too, Eve,' and watched as- oh come on, the window again? 'We have doors, you know,' he half-joked, but she was already bidding him farewell. All he could do was call out 'Love you too, sweetie!' as she made her escape. Dang it, leaving the building in a hero outfit, leaving via the window, that was how people got caught out. He did try to warn her, he really did. But alas, it was a matter of youthful impetuousness until it happened for real. Until then, he was left alone, to deal with the dishes and prepare for his own day. Three hours of biology in the morning, God... well, "the morning". Officially, lunch started at 1 o'clock, and everything before that was a morning session. Either way, he had about forty five minutes to get to the college for the first of those classes - heck, he should have fifteen minutes or so of time to spare beforehand if he left very soon.

And, soon enough, he did.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 22 days ago

Mr Gimmick

Oh, how much Jake wanted to take care of this here and now. A little excitement for a boring start of the day. But rushing into a situation was not a good decision. It might have just been some scoundrel looking for treasure among trash. But it could also be a member of the mob or one of the crews. Or worse, it could be a cop or a hero coming to arrest him. Jake wasn't a murderer or anything, but his criminal record was impressive nonetheless.

Luckily, Jake hadn't made it this far in super-villainy by being poor with technology beyond what he made. On his smartphone was an app that allowed him to control drones. In fact Jake had one special drone just for these kinds of occasions. Under normal circumstances it looked like a broken dragonfly toy, but it was only a facade. In reality this 'Bug-Bomb' worked perfectly, and it was good for scouting.

Jake opened the drone control app and activated the Bug-Bomb, sending it out to look for the intruder.

"Let's see, what we have" He though as he looked at the smartphone's screen.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 29 min ago

Ava was running to school, thinking up increasingly elaborate excuses for not having her homework, when she'd overheard some kind of argument, seemingly over some kind of accident. Despite doubting her ability to do anything about the dispute and having no current intention to attempt to do so, curiosity still managed to get the better of Ava. Not thinking to slow down as she rounded the corner, her momentary lapse in attention was enough to prevent her from noticing the girl until the moment before she collided with them.

Ava somehow managed to maintain her balance only to be pulled down into a comically tangled mess a moment later by the girl as they attempted to right themselves by grabbing onto Ava’s brightly coloured outfit.

By the times she’d recovered from the crash the girl Ava had collided with had already managed to untangle herself. Ava couldn’t help but notice the girls stare which stung a little, but given that she seemed to be offering Ava a hand up and for some reason apologising in spite of the collision not being her fault Ava guessed that she probably didn’t mean any harm by her staring.

“I’m fine thanks… I’m also sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to run into you!”

That didn’t quite sound right did it? Ava grabbed the girls hand, pulling herself up as she silently reprimanded herself.
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