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@Miss Reiya

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Shelter III

"I have traveled far from... home too. My appearance shows the suffering I have seen along my journey... reflects the taint that this world has become brutally rife with. I wish you well, miss Dunn. The cruel come for the children first." She said, her voice directed at the woman which held a weapon, and nothing more than a barely audible whisper to Annie. Anath Homura seemed content, regardless whether she was complimented or rudely insulted.

She held out a hand to Martha, the appendage slightly shrouded by the beautiful sleeve she wore, and she spoke softly so:

"Where would you go? Do you wish to flee forever, or have you a home somewhere? I am a spirit, so I cannot touch humans. Yet you can see me... you can hear me. Where have you been, wanderer? Have you Honor in your heart?"
@Miss Reiya

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Shelter II

"It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." Anath Homura said as she seated herself aside the pair. She smiled, showing sincerity and serenity.

With a graceful gesture, she summoned a set of small toys to play with afore Annie. They glittered and sparkled, shifting and animated - a collection of animals and magical creatures that meandered across the counter.

"You two have traveled far then?" Anath Homura asked, glancing at the signs of the long path that stuck to the pair. She stared at Martha with a single ruby-red eye, the second replaced with a white-rose that smelled wonderful, wafting over the other odors of the tavern. She was strange. Weird. Yet welcoming as well.
@Miss Reiya

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"Am I welcome to join you?" Sharp and soft-spoken. Serene and savage. A virtuous voice. Vicious too. A second simulacrum speaking...

Anath Homura had approached the two that come in and seated themselves at the bar; a woman and a child - with their contrasting caution and cheer.

"I am Anath Homura..." She said, bowing respectfully to the two travelers, as she introduced herself.
@Aeon Ingenuity

You're post wasn't weak. I laughed, became amused, and wanted to write with you after reading it.
@Duckie@Aeon Ingenuity@Czelsc@Miss Reiya

Those that have no qualms, would you like to write with me?
So many posts!

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House on Fire

"Am I welcome to join you?" Sharp and soft-spoken. Serene and savage. A virtuous voice. Vicious too.

Anath Homura had approached the comely dwarf currently drinking and seated in solitude. Such a sacred aura surrounding the faithful.

"I am Anath Homura..." She said, bowing respectfully to the servant of Breanne, as she introduced herself.

A new picture required.

A Night to Remember IV

"A White rose." Anath Homura held up a hand and touched the pale plant that replaced her second eye.

"A warm and well-lit tavern." She said, gracefully gesturing to her surroundings with another hand.

"A familiar face." The disdainful deity remarked, looking at the man that looked like Lucis, the one lost long ago.

"Ah, someone else, and a night to remember..." Her reclusive ruby-red eye reflected a sea of blood spilled upon slender hands.
Not sure if that's good or not, but I finally finished lol

Aye, a good character sheet!


Drums sounded outside. They grew closer, growing louder with intensity before they passed the smithy in an exhilarating chorus of harmony. Crowds poured out onto the street to watch them go by at the head of a grand army. There were cheers and shouts from the citizens. Praises and blessings to the silver and red clad troops.

The soldiers stood proud as they marched in their rows, carrying arms built for bloodshed. Pikes and spears. Swords and shields. Bows and arrows. Footmen, archers, knights upon their fine steads. Special units of martial artists donning cloaks and their animalistic tendencies. Magicians and healers and all other sorts.

Yet the crowds hushed as the greatest spectacle marched by, singing loudly in some exotic tongue. Centaurs, men and women alike, donned in full plate armor, carrying mighty weapons. Centaurs, proud and arrogant as always. She hated them the most of all as she watched them go by from the shadow of the smithy. Following them were conscript upon concript. Normal folk who had to fight when they had no reason to do so. Maybe some sought glory and fame. To be seen by some knight in a moment of valor but most were just farmers.

And at last following them were more soldiers, no doubt keeping watch for deserters and at last, the lords and their banners. Why they didn't ride at the front of their grand army was anyone's guess but that's how it usually went in the end. Dressed up for pomp and circumstance. Valuing their own lives over any other. With them gone and caravans of supplies and equipment going by, the crowds dispersed and life continued on.

She kept hammering as the master wanted. An old fellow by the name of Darin. He was of some elvish descent but too hairy to be anything like an elf. He had an aura of luck around him and only came into ownership of Ema by winning a gamble. He treated her like a tool however and was generally indifferent as long as she did what she was told. His other hands were mostly apprentices and another slave that stored equipment in the back, his name was Manna and they did not speak to one another.

There came the sound of hoofprints and a moment later an elf entered the shop, wearing common garb with slicked back hair.

"Darin you old fool, how have you been!" He said cheerfully.

Darin laughed and ran to give the man a fierce hug. "Brylin, if it isn't the dracken himself come to visit! How long has it been? A decade? What have you gotten yourself into nowadays?" It was the most animated she had seen the man. Why was that? Why did this Brylin evoke such emotion? When she looked at the elf, she found that he was glancing back at her.

But he smiled and looked back at Darin. "Oh you know. This and that. Now of late I've been having to follow these armies around and lend them smith's who know a thing or two. When I'd heard you set up shop here I was positively delighted. Speaking of lending, say, I do have a business proposition for you."

"Oh is that so? Well let's talk some more and catch up, it's been too long." And with that the two men wandered off and out. Ema was perplexed to say the least but focused back on her task.

It was a few hours later that they came back and Darin did not look so happy anymore. Indeed, he walked over to Ema and mumbled, taking the shackles around her wrists and placing a key within them. There was a clink and they fell to the floor. Ema froze, what was happening now?

"Well ironheart," Darin called her, "I'm no longer your master. You've been bought and I must say, for a very considerable sum from dear Master Brylin. You've been a good slave I shall say." Another clink and the shackles around her ankles fell as well. The man grumbled as he stood and undid the chain that was latched to the forge. The one that connected her neck shackle. He gave it a yank and it came free but the shackle remained. He coiled the chain up and then handed it to Brylin. Her new master looked smug and his eyes were fixated on her. With an almost lustful glee.

"Banged and bruised, a little rusted too. Far too many cuts and scrapes and dents. Poor thing. Well not to worry. You'll be in good hands now." The elf smiled and Ema did not feel at ease. In fact, she was terrified and she didn't know why.

She stood staring at the sight of civilization from afar, watching while the massive arrangement of warriors with a wide variety of weaponry and armor all abandoned the town, the city, the community? Kyoko was uncertain what the sizable settlement was called, and wondered whether she should approach, seeking answers to where she was and what happened to the world.

She was also afraid, and avoiding such a vast assembly of people, as she discerned danger, something awry with the way they arranged themselves and talked. She came from the fields of battle far away, and had buried many corpses, collected many macabre memories, and wanted little to do with war, so… she stayed her distance. A somber silence was shared amongst her and her companions who were certainly victims of violence, considering their phantasmal presence. They told her that they had died due to the whims of the divine.

“Should I seek answers from someone here?” Kyoko simply asked.

“We must travel farther to find your memories, although you should find sustenance as well. Another friend from among the living would show you the way to survive.” The Rat of Remembrance replied, scurrying amidst the shimmering hooves of the Solar Steed.

“Eh? I’m doing fine.” she said, yet started striding towards the source of her stress and felt the falsity of what she said. The small sage was wise, so she wanted to be a diligent disciple. Her hunger had also potentially propelled her.

Night began to approach as the road spun and twisted, flowing amidst the hills and slopes of the outlining the mysterious settlement. It seemed the soldiers had left southwards on another road and the one she walked was silent besides the pitter patter of her own soft feet. But then before long a new noise came- voices.

Around the bend in front of her there came into view a large cut out beneath a sheer cliff. Large enough for an encampment to settle under and that's what she saw. A few fires had been lit, large wagons lay dormant next to the roadside and people talked in loud voices. There was something on the air as well, a savory scent of something cooking.

Her spectral companions chose not to accompany her as she approached the encampment, the smell enticing her. Proper etiquette eluded Kyoko, enamored with the prospect of a warm meal, she simply walked wherever the waft of wondrous food was coming from, almost ignoring everything else. She was the huntress and she sought her prey with a hungry ardor.

Not all prey was so easily caught however. As she approached someone gave a cry and almost within a blink of an eye, she was being surrounded by menfolk. Most of them had pointy ears and lithe faces with sharp eyes but a few wore beards upon their chins and stood shorter then their compatriots. All wore a sigil of a creature upon that flew and blew flames upon their leather tunics. The fabric was dyed red on a black background. In their hands they held sharp swords and they murmured under their breaths.

"What's your business here?" One asked, the fading sky turning his features dark.

Stopped - Kyoko scowled at those that prevented her from plucking her prey from the fire. She could see the precious poultry, so close, she could hear the soul calling to her. She pointed at the chicken they cooked, with a degree of difficulty considering they barred her path.

“I seek the burning bird, hmm, my belly does. I’m also looking for a living guide to get me more food for my journey.” She said solemnly, seeking a swift resolution and acquisition of supper. She hoped that they would suggest she find the latter section of her request elsewhere as she was less than fond of their odor too. Away from this paradoxical place where food smelled pleasant and people were stinky.

They gave each other strange looks. Half of bewilderment and the other bemusement. The man who spoke looked back at the fire then to her. He then sheathed his sword. "A hungry lady it seems. Who are we to deny such a request when we have much to share." He looked at the other men. "Won't you come and fill your belly by the warmth? I promise we won't bite." He said with a toothy smile.

The other men grumbled but sheathed their swords.

“I can’t complain about such a generous gift.” She answered, and stared at all of the weapons, worried and wondering why they would be wary around her. She did not brandish a blade whenever she was approached by another being after all, but she conceded that the only others she has encountered have been ethereal spirits. Was she strange?

“Also - my guide has to accept ghosts too. Is that alright?” She asked, and sought a seat for herself - willing to stay long enough to satiate her hunger, should she have to seek someone somewhere else in the end. She bowed respectfully to the men before she reclined somewhere she assumed to be the right place, and relaxed as she eagerly awaited roasted chicken.

They followed her and some sat around the fire whilst others stood. The man who had spoken to her sat down beside her, leaning forward to grab a leg. "We all have our own ghosts that follow us. As for a guide we'll, how's this for starters." He said, passing the chicken leg to her. "It's quite hot, I'd be careful of reckless eating. There's wisdom in patience. Blow on it to cool it down." He said in a half whisper.

One of the men chuckled. "Darwyn finally find himself something to gawk at, is that it?" He said, his tone hardened.

"Well who wouldn't with such a lady?" Another man chimed in.

"Be something fishy about this, Darwyn. You know your brother won't like us feeding strangers." A filthy man, one of the shorter ones spoke as he leaned back, resting his hands behind his head. "These being war times and all that. Can't be too careful and what's she mean by all this strange talk? You ain't one of them spirit folks are ye?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Darwyn rose and clenched his fists. "Now you lot listen here and listen good. I wasn't raised up to let anyone needing aid be passed by if I couldn't help them. So that's what we are going to do. Spirit or not. Leave my brother to me, he'll be back anytime now." He sat back down and the rest of the men rolled their eyes and began to eat as well.

So many voices speaking, so much more overwhelming compared to the silence of spirits and corpses. Kyoko chose to be careful with eating the chicken leg, though the suggestion certainly confused her. Her hands were hotter than fire when she wanted to warm herself while the weather was cold and cruel after all.

She didn’t desire being a bother, thus she blew upon the chicken leg as per instructed, and smiled upon completing the comical ritual. She began to eat her reward with euphoric rigor, easily tearing apart both bone and meat with her teeth. She quickly consumed the piece of poultry.

When the others were eating, she spoke. “My friends are spirits, and we’re looking for my lost memories. The Rat of Remembrance suggested I find a friend that is also alive, heh.” The taste of chicken upon her tongue felt like a wave of curing water, washing away any weariness. She shivered with delight.

“More please.” She added, slightly abashed, as she held out her hand.

There was some soft laughter at her words across from her as one man jabbed another. Darwyn reached for more but as he did so, the older man let out a strange noise. Like a half laugh and sigh. "Hear me now Darwyn," he said, "The lady is not well in that mind of hers. I see nothing but trouble from giving her help. You know what the old stories say and I dare not repeat em."

"Cob, if I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it old man." Darwyn frowned.

But his speech seemed to rouse the others. The man with the hoarse voice, who hadn't stopped staring at her, suddenly spoke. "The old man is right. Your brother will have our heads if he finds out we've helped a loon. We don't even know her name or where she's from. I suggest me and a few lads take her to the city and let someone sort her out."

Darwyn froze for a second before breaking off a piece of chicken and handing it to Kyoko. He then looked at the hoarse man. "That's mighty charitable of you, Ryke." He said with an accusatory tone.

Rykr looked offended and raised his arms, trying his best to look innocent. "Now now master Darwyn. On my life I'd never been more genuine. I once had a daughter you know. The thought of harm coming to any young lady scorches my heart it does." He said in a softer voice.

"That may be so. But no one leaves from here until my brother gets back. That was his orders if you are forgetting them." He glanced at the man as he took a bite of his own piece of food.

"So be it." The other man said, leaning back.

"She'll stay here until our Lord returns and he can do as he wants." Darwyn said with food in his mouth before swallowing. "Now how about you two go and check the cargo."

Old Cob frowned again but didn't say anything as he got up and left, followed by Ryke.

“My name is Kyoko.” Her voice was soft spoken, and she still held the chicken with a hesitant hand. Her appetite suddenly absent. Lost like who she was and where she came from.

"Kyoko." Darwyn smiled. "Please, pay them no mind. Eat and be content. I won't let anything happen to you."

“Why were they bothered by me? Will your brother be angered as well?” She asked, attempting to alleviate her anxiety by forcing herself to intake more food. Her hunger had become a bigger hollow within her, burdened by an enigmatic emptying entity. She shook her head and sighed. “I don’t want to eat only one apple a day again…”

He looked into the fire. "I doubt my brother will be but these are strange times. Feels like a war is always going on in some part of this land. Rebellions and feuds, people dying by the score. Many only want to look out for themselves, hence why those two took alarm. Old Cob means well despite how gnarled his ways are. Ryke, not so much. I've no doubt if I let you go with him, you'd have never made it to the city. Does that frighten you?" He asked. "Men are beasts and shouldn't be trusted, after all."

“Hmm… I did not want to go to the city. There were too many people there. I came from far away where there were no people.” Kyoko turned her attention to the skies above, where the stars faintly shone, so far away. Those celestials gave some comfort to her too.

“Shouldn’t I trust men? I mean, you’ve been so kind even if you smell like soaked salt and angry metal.” She said with sincerity, smiling since she found that she had soon become somehow fond of what was once foul. A contradictory campfire could lead to much lucidity and illumination, she mused to herself.

He looked at her and laughed, a pure note ringing in his voice. "I am not a man though, but of elfkind." He said outlining his sharp ears. "So you are quite safe, even if I do smell. It's been a bit since I've been able to wash, for that I apologize." He blushed in the firelight and turned slightly away from her. "You should eat more before it's gone. Are you thirsty?"

“Of elfkind? Hmm… yes, do you have drinks?” Kyoko murmured, memories of elves eluding her mind yet the word held meaning to her. She was starving to know more about these strangers and herself, as well as simply hungry and thirsty.

He nodded and swiftly retrieved a flask on a nearby stool. Before handing it to her he uncorked the flask and produced a small vial of a clear substance and poured it in. "Apologies once again, the stream we got our water from was quite stale with all these marching armies about. Little family secret, crushed lavender, helps with the taste. Hope you don't mind." He said with a smile as he stared at her.

“I haven’t had lavender before, but I’ll be happy with whatever you have.” She said, sipping the contents slowly with curiosity, before chugging the contents swiftly. The taste was wonderful, and she attempted a small smile afterwards. She still struggled shifting her somber demeanor, but she wished to show her delight.

Darwyn's eyes gleamed in the fire light. A wide smile crossed his lips and he sat back down next to her. Closer. "Yes it's quite a refreshing smell and it does wonders for those needing sleep." He put an arm around her shoulder with sudden haste, his grip firm. "Don't worry, Kyoko. No one else will touch you, I promise you that. My brother and I dislike used goods after all."

Her mind slowed, stumbling in mental mud, as motions melded together with meanings and mysteries. She sensed herself swaying, and she wondered why her body was being so bellicose with her. She recalled the warm feeling when she rode the Solar Steed, and barely registered the stark difference between the touch of the spirit, and the touch of Darwyn. She thought there was danger in him, though that was the last thought before she was lulled into the domain of dreams, slumbering peacefully.

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